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Player Progression

Dynamic multi-currency management for immersive experiences

Support for both hard and earned currencies for item redemption

Inventory Management

Rich capabilities, ranging from transient & persistent items to granting loot & managing external entitlements

Built-in platforms-exclusive features

Consistent management of in-game inventory across any first-party platform

Account Management & Linking
Effortless single sign-on across all platforms
Unified progression and inventory across platforms
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Custom Player Settings

Customizable in-game settings for character loadouts, key-bindings, etc.

Empower players with personalized gameplay configurations

Player Management

Unify. Monetize. Engage.
Account Management & Linking
Effortless single sign-on across all platforms
Unified progression and inventory across platforms
Player Progression
Dynamic multi-currency management for immersive experiences
Support for both hard and earned currencies for item redemption
Inventory Management
Rich capabilities, ranging from transient & persistent items to granting loot & managing external entitlements
Built-in platforms-exclusive features
Consistent management of in-game inventory across any first-party platform
Player Progression
Dynamic multi-currency management for immersive experiences
Support for both hard and earned currencies for item redemption

Dynamic multi-currency management for immersive experiences

Support for both hard and earned currencies for item redemption

Social System

Friend lists, messaging, guilds, and challenges

Cross-platform integration respecting platform-specific rules


Seamless achievement tracking and integration with 1st party platform systems

Enhanced reward system for player progression and engagement

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