Simplifying Late-Stage Implementation of Publishing Integrations with RallyHere

By Bart Koenigsberg, VP Sales and Partner Relations

Oct 2, 2023 —

For executives at video game studios building or operating live service games, the late stages of a project come with a unique set of challenges. One of the most taxing and time-consuming tasks is integrating third-party publishing accelerators like Twitch Drops and Discord integration. These technologies promise to enhance user engagement and marketing efforts, but they can also derail development timelines if not handled properly.

In this article, we’ll explore why implementing these third-party publishing integrations in the late stages of game development can be extremely challenging, and how RallyHere, our back-end game infrastructure, has stepped in to take the pain away.

The Scarcity of Engineering Resources

Imagine this scenario: Your game is in late stage production, and every engineering resource is dedicated to putting the finishing touches on the gameplay, squashing bugs, and optimizing performance. The pressure to meet release deadlines is palpable. However, the marketing and publishing teams are eager to leverage the latest technologies to boost user engagement and community building.

This is where the challenge arises. Integrating these technologies requires diverting engineering resources away from finalizing the game product. It’s not just a matter of plugging them in; it involves coding, testing, and ensuring a seamless user experience. In our world, this is a costly endeavor.

RallyHere’s Solution

But there’s good news. RallyHere, our forward-thinking SaaS company and team of veteran gamers, anticipate these challenges and offer a solution designed with the late stages of game development in mind. Here’s how we bring a game to market with less risk or “gotchas”:

Integrating third-party publishing accelerators late in a video game project can be a daunting task, especially when engineering resources are scarce and timelines are tight. RallyHere’s fully integrated and robust solution offers a lifeline to game studios, making the process smoother, more efficient, and risk-free. With RallyHere, video game studios, developers, and investors can minimize the chances of late-stage integration challenges and delays.

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Are you ready to simplify your late-stage integrations? Get in touch with us today to learn more about our back-end game infrastructure.