Get All Hosts
GET /v1/armada/host
Get all hosts
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Successful Response
A representation of a host that can be used to deploy a product to. Can be physical, virtual, or a container.
The internal hostname of the host. Should only be addressable internally.
The public hostname of the host. Should be addressable from the internet.
The internal IPv4 address of the host. Should only be addressable internally.
The public IPv4 address of the host. Should be addressable from the internet.
The internal IPv6 address of the host. Should only be addressable internally.
The public IPv6 address of the host. Should be addressable from the internet.
The geographic location of the host
Where exactly is this in the physical world.
The datacenter provider of the host
Name of the provider of this sort. Could be things like Amazon, AWS EC2, Internap.
The datacenter location of the host
Which datacenter region this is in using the language of the provider. Could be things like us-east-1, us-west-2, etc.
The machine class of the host
The provider this machine class is associated with
Name of the provider of this sort. Could be things like Amazon, AWS EC2, Internap.
The name of the machine class used by the provider
The type of machine class used by the provider. General Purpose, CPU Optimized, etc.
Labels that can be applied to the machine class for organizational purposes
The monthly price of this machine class
The hourly price of this machine class
The number of CPUs
A description of the CPU including type, family, model, and stepping
The short description of the CPU type. e.g. Intel Xeon E5-2673 v4 @ 2.30GHz
The number of populated CPU sockets
The number of CPU cores
The number of CPU threads. Will be more than cores if hyperthreading is enabled.
The amount of memory in gigabytes
The type of memory. e.g. DDR4
The speed rating of the memory in MHz
The memory timings. e.g. 15-15-15-36
The type of disk. e.g. SSD
The size of the disk in gigabytes
The sequential read speed of the disk
The sequential write speed of the disk
The random read speed of the disk
The random write speed of the disk
The number of IOPS the disk can handle
The latency of the disk in milliseconds
The network speed in gigabits per second
The type of GPU. e.g. NVIDIA Tesla V100
The number of GPUs
The amount of GPU memory in gigabytes. Should be the lowest available memory if there are multiple GPUs.
A machine class bespoke to this host used for overriding any values of the machine class that are not true for this host. There may be a different pricing model, or the machine is simply known to be a crappier version of the CPU offered by the machineclass.
The provider this machine class is associated with
Name of the provider of this sort. Could be things like Amazon, AWS EC2, Internap.
The name of the machine class used by the provider
The type of machine class used by the provider. General Purpose, CPU Optimized, etc.
Labels that can be applied to the machine class for organizational purposes
The monthly price of this machine class
The hourly price of this machine class
The number of CPUs
A description of the CPU including type, family, model, and stepping
The short description of the CPU type. e.g. Intel Xeon E5-2673 v4 @ 2.30GHz
The number of populated CPU sockets
The number of CPU cores
The number of CPU threads. Will be more than cores if hyperthreading is enabled.
The amount of memory in gigabytes
The type of memory. e.g. DDR4
The speed rating of the memory in MHz
The memory timings. e.g. 15-15-15-36
The type of disk. e.g. SSD
The size of the disk in gigabytes
The sequential read speed of the disk
The sequential write speed of the disk
The random read speed of the disk
The random write speed of the disk
The number of IOPS the disk can handle
The latency of the disk in milliseconds
The network speed in gigabits per second
The type of GPU. e.g. NVIDIA Tesla V100
The number of GPUs
The amount of GPU memory in gigabytes. Should be the lowest available memory if there are multiple GPUs.
The machine image of the host
The name within the context of the provider. This could be a registry path or an AWS image name.
A long form description of the image that will only be used for documentation purposes
The monthly price of this host. If set, this value will supersede any monthly_price value set by the machine_class or contract
The hourly price of this host. If set, this value will supersede any hourly_price value set by the machine_class or contract
Notes about the host. Used for extra information that doesn’t fit in other fields.
Labels that can be applied to the host for organizational purposes
The contract this host is associated with
Datetime that enforces that a timezone is given. Unix timestamps are allowed and forced into the UTC time zone
Datetime that enforces that a timezone is given. Unix timestamps are allowed and forced into the UTC time zone
Datetime that enforces that a timezone is given. Unix timestamps are allowed and forced into the UTC time zone
The number of days in the contract period
The service extend period in days
The number of days notice required to cancel the contract
The purchase order number or description for the contract
The number of days after the invoice is sent that payment is due
The IDs of the hosts this contract is associated with
The ID of the host this host replaced
Boolean to declare if the host is a virtual machine
Assignments for this host
This is a minimal assignment type that represents how we currently handle assignments, but should be improved upon in the future.
The name of the product that will be used directly by the deployment system. e.g., paladins, roco
The number of instances of the product that will be used directly by the deployment system.
The ID of the host this assignment is associated with
Validation Error