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Pricing Config

Version: Updated: 2023-11-29 16:56:05


Documentation for the Pricing Config Page

Pricing Config Schema

custom_dataobjectNoCustom data associated with the resource
namestringNoName of the resource
descriptionstringNoDescription of the resource
strict_flagbooleanNoForces the quantity to be equal to a quantity on a Price Breakpoint.
cap_flagbooleanNoOnly allows quantity to be fulfilled up the highest quantity on the Price Breakpoints
current_breakpointsarrayNoCurrent Price Breakpoints.
pre_sale_breakpointsarrayNoPrevious Price Breakpoints.
sandbox_idstringNoID of the Sandbox
last_modified_account_idstringNoAccount ID of the user who last modified the resource
last_modified_timestampstringNoTimestamp of when the resource was last modified
created_timestampstringNoTimestamp of when the resource was created
price_point_idstringNoThe Price Point ID.