Members | Descriptions |
struct FRHAPI_MatchRequest |
struct FRHAPI_MatchRequest
Members | Descriptions |
public FString Type_Optional | |
public bool Type_IsSet | true if Type_Optional has been set to a value |
public ERHAPI_MatchState State_Optional | |
public bool State_IsSet | true if State_Optional has been set to a value |
public FDateTime StartTimestamp_Optional | Datetime that enforces that a timezone is given. Unix timestamps are allowed and forced into the UTC time zone. |
public bool StartTimestamp_IsSet | true if StartTimestamp_Optional has been set to a value |
public FDateTime EndTimestamp_Optional | Datetime that enforces that a timezone is given. Unix timestamps are allowed and forced into the UTC time zone. |
public bool EndTimestamp_IsSet | true if EndTimestamp_Optional has been set to a value |
public int32 DurationSeconds_Optional | |
public bool DurationSeconds_IsSet | true if DurationSeconds_Optional has been set to a value |
public TMap< FString, FString > CustomData_Optional | |
public bool CustomData_IsSet | true if CustomData_Optional has been set to a value |
public FString CorrelationId_Optional | |
public bool CorrelationId_IsSet | true if CorrelationId_Optional has been set to a value |
public TArray< FRHAPI_MatchSession > Sessions_Optional | List of session IDs for the match. |
public bool Sessions_IsSet | true if Sessions_Optional has been set to a value |
public TArray< FRHAPI_MatchInstance > Instances_Optional | List of MatchInstances for the match. |
public bool Instances_IsSet | true if Instances_Optional has been set to a value |
public TArray< FRHAPI_MatchAllocation > Allocations_Optional | List of allocation IDs for the match. |
public bool Allocations_IsSet | true if Allocations_Optional has been set to a value |
public TArray< FRHAPI_MatchPlayerRequest > Players_Optional | List of players in the match. |
public bool Players_IsSet | true if Players_Optional has been set to a value |
public TArray< FRHAPI_MatchSegmentRequest > Segments_Optional | List of segments for the match. |
public bool Segments_IsSet | true if Segments_Optional has been set to a value |
public virtual bool FromJson (const TSharedPtr< FJsonValue > & JsonValue) | Fills this object with data from the passed in JSON. |
public virtual void WriteJson (TSharedRef< TJsonWriter<>> & Writer) const | Writes the data from this object into the specified JSON Writer stream. |
public inline FString & GetType () | Gets the value of Type_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const FString & GetType () const | Gets the value of Type_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const FString & GetType (const FString & DefaultValue) const | Gets the value of Type_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue. |
public inline bool GetType (FString & OutValue) const | Fills OutValue with the value of Type_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false. |
public inline FString * GetTypeOrNull () | Returns a pointer to Type_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline const FString * GetTypeOrNull () const | Returns a pointer to Type_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline void SetType (FString NewValue) | Sets the value of Type_Optional and also sets Type_IsSet to true. |
public inline void ClearType () | Clears the value of Type_Optional and sets Type_IsSet to false. |
public inline ERHAPI_MatchState & GetState () | Gets the value of State_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const ERHAPI_MatchState & GetState () const | Gets the value of State_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const ERHAPI_MatchState & GetState (const ERHAPI_MatchState & DefaultValue) const | Gets the value of State_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue. |
public inline bool GetState (ERHAPI_MatchState & OutValue) const | Fills OutValue with the value of State_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false. |
public inline ERHAPI_MatchState * GetStateOrNull () | Returns a pointer to State_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline const ERHAPI_MatchState * GetStateOrNull () const | Returns a pointer to State_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline void SetState (ERHAPI_MatchState NewValue) | Sets the value of State_Optional and also sets State_IsSet to true. |
public inline void ClearState () | Clears the value of State_Optional and sets State_IsSet to false. |
public inline FDateTime & GetStartTimestamp () | Gets the value of StartTimestamp_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const FDateTime & GetStartTimestamp () const | Gets the value of StartTimestamp_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const FDateTime & GetStartTimestamp (const FDateTime & DefaultValue) const | Gets the value of StartTimestamp_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue. |
public inline bool GetStartTimestamp (FDateTime & OutValue) const | Fills OutValue with the value of StartTimestamp_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false. |
public inline FDateTime * GetStartTimestampOrNull () | Returns a pointer to StartTimestamp_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline const FDateTime * GetStartTimestampOrNull () const | Returns a pointer to StartTimestamp_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline void SetStartTimestamp (FDateTime NewValue) | Sets the value of StartTimestamp_Optional and also sets StartTimestamp_IsSet to true. |
public inline void ClearStartTimestamp () | Clears the value of StartTimestamp_Optional and sets StartTimestamp_IsSet to false. |
public inline FDateTime & GetEndTimestamp () | Gets the value of EndTimestamp_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const FDateTime & GetEndTimestamp () const | Gets the value of EndTimestamp_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const FDateTime & GetEndTimestamp (const FDateTime & DefaultValue) const | Gets the value of EndTimestamp_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue. |
public inline bool GetEndTimestamp (FDateTime & OutValue) const | Fills OutValue with the value of EndTimestamp_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false. |
public inline FDateTime * GetEndTimestampOrNull () | Returns a pointer to EndTimestamp_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline const FDateTime * GetEndTimestampOrNull () const | Returns a pointer to EndTimestamp_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline void SetEndTimestamp (FDateTime NewValue) | Sets the value of EndTimestamp_Optional and also sets EndTimestamp_IsSet to true. |
public inline void ClearEndTimestamp () | Clears the value of EndTimestamp_Optional and sets EndTimestamp_IsSet to false. |
public inline int32 & GetDurationSeconds () | Gets the value of DurationSeconds_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const int32 & GetDurationSeconds () const | Gets the value of DurationSeconds_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const int32 & GetDurationSeconds (const int32 & DefaultValue) const | Gets the value of DurationSeconds_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue. |
public inline bool GetDurationSeconds (int32 & OutValue) const | Fills OutValue with the value of DurationSeconds_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false. |
public inline int32 * GetDurationSecondsOrNull () | Returns a pointer to DurationSeconds_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline const int32 * GetDurationSecondsOrNull () const | Returns a pointer to DurationSeconds_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline void SetDurationSeconds (int32 NewValue) | Sets the value of DurationSeconds_Optional and also sets DurationSeconds_IsSet to true. |
public inline void ClearDurationSeconds () | Clears the value of DurationSeconds_Optional and sets DurationSeconds_IsSet to false. |
public inline bool IsDurationSecondsDefaultValue () const | Returns true if DurationSeconds_Optional is set and matches the default value. |
public inline void SetDurationSecondsToDefault () | Sets the value of DurationSeconds_Optional to its default and also sets DurationSeconds_IsSet to true. |
public inline TMap< FString, FString > & GetCustomData () | Gets the value of CustomData_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const TMap< FString, FString > & GetCustomData () const | Gets the value of CustomData_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const TMap< FString, FString > & GetCustomData (const TMap< FString, FString > & DefaultValue) const | Gets the value of CustomData_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue. |
public inline bool GetCustomData (TMap< FString, FString > & OutValue) const | Fills OutValue with the value of CustomData_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false. |
public inline TMap< FString, FString > * GetCustomDataOrNull () | Returns a pointer to CustomData_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline const TMap< FString, FString > * GetCustomDataOrNull () const | Returns a pointer to CustomData_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline void SetCustomData (TMap< FString, FString > NewValue) | Sets the value of CustomData_Optional and also sets CustomData_IsSet to true. |
public inline void ClearCustomData () | Clears the value of CustomData_Optional and sets CustomData_IsSet to false. |
public inline FString & GetCorrelationId () | Gets the value of CorrelationId_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const FString & GetCorrelationId () const | Gets the value of CorrelationId_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const FString & GetCorrelationId (const FString & DefaultValue) const | Gets the value of CorrelationId_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue. |
public inline bool GetCorrelationId (FString & OutValue) const | Fills OutValue with the value of CorrelationId_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false. |
public inline FString * GetCorrelationIdOrNull () | Returns a pointer to CorrelationId_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline const FString * GetCorrelationIdOrNull () const | Returns a pointer to CorrelationId_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline void SetCorrelationId (FString NewValue) | Sets the value of CorrelationId_Optional and also sets CorrelationId_IsSet to true. |
public inline void ClearCorrelationId () | Clears the value of CorrelationId_Optional and sets CorrelationId_IsSet to false. |
public inline TArray< FRHAPI_MatchSession > & GetSessions () | Gets the value of Sessions_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const TArray< FRHAPI_MatchSession > & GetSessions () const | Gets the value of Sessions_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const TArray< FRHAPI_MatchSession > & GetSessions (const TArray< FRHAPI_MatchSession > & DefaultValue) const | Gets the value of Sessions_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue. |
public inline bool GetSessions (TArray< FRHAPI_MatchSession > & OutValue) const | Fills OutValue with the value of Sessions_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false. |
public inline TArray< FRHAPI_MatchSession > * GetSessionsOrNull () | Returns a pointer to Sessions_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline const TArray< FRHAPI_MatchSession > * GetSessionsOrNull () const | Returns a pointer to Sessions_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline void SetSessions (TArray< FRHAPI_MatchSession > NewValue) | Sets the value of Sessions_Optional and also sets Sessions_IsSet to true. |
public inline void ClearSessions () | Clears the value of Sessions_Optional and sets Sessions_IsSet to false. |
public inline TArray< FRHAPI_MatchInstance > & GetInstances () | Gets the value of Instances_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const TArray< FRHAPI_MatchInstance > & GetInstances () const | Gets the value of Instances_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const TArray< FRHAPI_MatchInstance > & GetInstances (const TArray< FRHAPI_MatchInstance > & DefaultValue) const | Gets the value of Instances_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue. |
public inline bool GetInstances (TArray< FRHAPI_MatchInstance > & OutValue) const | Fills OutValue with the value of Instances_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false. |
public inline TArray< FRHAPI_MatchInstance > * GetInstancesOrNull () | Returns a pointer to Instances_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline const TArray< FRHAPI_MatchInstance > * GetInstancesOrNull () const | Returns a pointer to Instances_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline void SetInstances (TArray< FRHAPI_MatchInstance > NewValue) | Sets the value of Instances_Optional and also sets Instances_IsSet to true. |
public inline void ClearInstances () | Clears the value of Instances_Optional and sets Instances_IsSet to false. |
public inline TArray< FRHAPI_MatchAllocation > & GetAllocations () | Gets the value of Allocations_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const TArray< FRHAPI_MatchAllocation > & GetAllocations () const | Gets the value of Allocations_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const TArray< FRHAPI_MatchAllocation > & GetAllocations (const TArray< FRHAPI_MatchAllocation > & DefaultValue) const | Gets the value of Allocations_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue. |
public inline bool GetAllocations (TArray< FRHAPI_MatchAllocation > & OutValue) const | Fills OutValue with the value of Allocations_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false. |
public inline TArray< FRHAPI_MatchAllocation > * GetAllocationsOrNull () | Returns a pointer to Allocations_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline const TArray< FRHAPI_MatchAllocation > * GetAllocationsOrNull () const | Returns a pointer to Allocations_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline void SetAllocations (TArray< FRHAPI_MatchAllocation > NewValue) | Sets the value of Allocations_Optional and also sets Allocations_IsSet to true. |
public inline void ClearAllocations () | Clears the value of Allocations_Optional and sets Allocations_IsSet to false. |
public inline TArray< FRHAPI_MatchPlayerRequest > & GetPlayers () | Gets the value of Players_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const TArray< FRHAPI_MatchPlayerRequest > & GetPlayers () const | Gets the value of Players_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const TArray< FRHAPI_MatchPlayerRequest > & GetPlayers (const TArray< FRHAPI_MatchPlayerRequest > & DefaultValue) const | Gets the value of Players_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue. |
public inline bool GetPlayers (TArray< FRHAPI_MatchPlayerRequest > & OutValue) const | Fills OutValue with the value of Players_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false. |
public inline TArray< FRHAPI_MatchPlayerRequest > * GetPlayersOrNull () | Returns a pointer to Players_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline const TArray< FRHAPI_MatchPlayerRequest > * GetPlayersOrNull () const | Returns a pointer to Players_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline void SetPlayers (TArray< FRHAPI_MatchPlayerRequest > NewValue) | Sets the value of Players_Optional and also sets Players_IsSet to true. |
public inline void ClearPlayers () | Clears the value of Players_Optional and sets Players_IsSet to false. |
public inline TArray< FRHAPI_MatchSegmentRequest > & GetSegments () | Gets the value of Segments_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const TArray< FRHAPI_MatchSegmentRequest > & GetSegments () const | Gets the value of Segments_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const TArray< FRHAPI_MatchSegmentRequest > & GetSegments (const TArray< FRHAPI_MatchSegmentRequest > & DefaultValue) const | Gets the value of Segments_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue. |
public inline bool GetSegments (TArray< FRHAPI_MatchSegmentRequest > & OutValue) const | Fills OutValue with the value of Segments_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false. |
public inline TArray< FRHAPI_MatchSegmentRequest > * GetSegmentsOrNull () | Returns a pointer to Segments_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline const TArray< FRHAPI_MatchSegmentRequest > * GetSegmentsOrNull () const | Returns a pointer to Segments_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline void SetSegments (TArray< FRHAPI_MatchSegmentRequest > NewValue) | Sets the value of Segments_Optional and also sets Segments_IsSet to true. |
public inline void ClearSegments () | Clears the value of Segments_Optional and sets Segments_IsSet to false. |
public FString
#### `public bool `[`Type_IsSet`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1abe5d4f87abc45267ff46095e574ac1de)
true if Type_Optional has been set to a value
#### `public ERHAPI_MatchState `[`State_Optional`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a079c10a2192458369fe50df6ed301801)
#### `public bool `[`State_IsSet`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1ab27939d169cf0275976a1c881096e05e)
true if State_Optional has been set to a value
#### `public FDateTime `[`StartTimestamp_Optional`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a2d24a6a6734be57fb7fe4af5f0ddc658)
Datetime that enforces that a timezone is given. Unix timestamps are allowed and forced into the UTC time zone.
#### `public bool `[`StartTimestamp_IsSet`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a937088d54918ba6a58d8e46ba0492dac)
true if StartTimestamp_Optional has been set to a value
#### `public FDateTime `[`EndTimestamp_Optional`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1aecd9bf7e987b51862ced5c8d2a7f0b9d)
Datetime that enforces that a timezone is given. Unix timestamps are allowed and forced into the UTC time zone.
#### `public bool `[`EndTimestamp_IsSet`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1aec3e6dc2e0e7bc5a469a351aef465142)
true if EndTimestamp_Optional has been set to a value
#### `public int32 `[`DurationSeconds_Optional`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1ab5622d8346dbbec062896e30c0b29503)
#### `public bool `[`DurationSeconds_IsSet`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a2e18fe31cac09b08075979ac98a498d3)
true if DurationSeconds_Optional has been set to a value
#### `public TMap< FString, FString > `[`CustomData_Optional`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a971fab495719d05d3e2b561db84c5e96)
#### `public bool `[`CustomData_IsSet`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a26a37a1864d703d013953dc553e91946)
true if CustomData_Optional has been set to a value
#### `public FString `[`CorrelationId_Optional`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a7694e1d2d7f1bbdbd5bd63bd6d567088)
#### `public bool `[`CorrelationId_IsSet`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a49330730e6494a36d3e8763770938e65)
true if CorrelationId_Optional has been set to a value
#### `public TArray< `[`FRHAPI_MatchSession`](RHAPI_MatchSession.md#structFRHAPI__MatchSession)` > `[`Sessions_Optional`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1ad9a2c0cf7acc5bd02df2e041c674acb3)
List of session IDs for the match.
#### `public bool `[`Sessions_IsSet`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a77d5e6f5347b25d8860e90bd6949e1be)
true if Sessions_Optional has been set to a value
#### `public TArray< `[`FRHAPI_MatchInstance`](RHAPI_MatchInstance.md#structFRHAPI__MatchInstance)` > `[`Instances_Optional`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a743d81929ccb16b1e331b1340b442dd8)
List of MatchInstances for the match.
#### `public bool `[`Instances_IsSet`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1aa46141072f5e845418ce4da0cd1403f2)
true if Instances_Optional has been set to a value
#### `public TArray< `[`FRHAPI_MatchAllocation`](RHAPI_MatchAllocation.md#structFRHAPI__MatchAllocation)` > `[`Allocations_Optional`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1adc3909cdd7378f7951371fae64d3ff6a)
List of allocation IDs for the match.
#### `public bool `[`Allocations_IsSet`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1acd546371928307adf3beddcfbb2efb61)
true if Allocations_Optional has been set to a value
#### `public TArray< `[`FRHAPI_MatchPlayerRequest`](RHAPI_MatchPlayerRequest.md#structFRHAPI__MatchPlayerRequest)` > `[`Players_Optional`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a99281a383a8f16fd36c00efcb701613f)
List of players in the match.
#### `public bool `[`Players_IsSet`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1adc05ddd9cc82a1d8176d4e49af661f21)
true if Players_Optional has been set to a value
#### `public TArray< `[`FRHAPI_MatchSegmentRequest`](RHAPI_MatchSegmentRequest.md#structFRHAPI__MatchSegmentRequest)` > `[`Segments_Optional`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a753f5cdfee938552acc26905798d3a4f)
List of segments for the match.
#### `public bool `[`Segments_IsSet`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a8e1f8809e17f337de345f9866bed6ec1)
true if Segments_Optional has been set to a value
#### `public virtual bool `[`FromJson`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a46bdd718400a9c337523bc21cb78f3b6)`(const TSharedPtr< FJsonValue > & JsonValue)`
Fills this object with data from the passed in JSON.
Data from the API call.
true if parsing of the JSON data was successful.
#### `public virtual void `[`WriteJson`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a36f7b88074e392ae19bf3c4cfa9d3da8)`(TSharedRef< TJsonWriter<>> & Writer) const`
Writes the data from this object into the specified JSON Writer stream.
JSON Writer stream to push .
#### `public inline FString & `[`GetType`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1aa3f6615a8bae5a0559cbf3ef05660990)`()`
Gets the value of Type_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const FString & `[`GetType`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1ade63d60f792858ce8d6d3638792e62dc)`() const`
Gets the value of Type_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const FString & `[`GetType`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1ac42c9f8c72f72bdd5e6dee071c7477cc)`(const FString & DefaultValue) const`
Gets the value of Type_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue.
#### `public inline bool `[`GetType`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1aaed2735d9e72e11e16b64fe43558a7a0)`(FString & OutValue) const`
Fills OutValue with the value of Type_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false.
#### `public inline FString * `[`GetTypeOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a6fa3a77b4299704a274e617c444c6e3d)`()`
Returns a pointer to Type_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline const FString * `[`GetTypeOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a88fbbd2a13f8fa000f2e29da408c8745)`() const`
Returns a pointer to Type_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline void `[`SetType`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a3455e618054b8730001964c376db146e)`(FString NewValue)`
Sets the value of Type_Optional and also sets Type_IsSet to true.
#### `public inline void `[`ClearType`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1af9c61838ea0b0186c0f1bd1754604ab4)`()`
Clears the value of Type_Optional and sets Type_IsSet to false.
#### `public inline ERHAPI_MatchState & `[`GetState`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a8011b989a45cf9eddec7ce493d45dc81)`()`
Gets the value of State_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const ERHAPI_MatchState & `[`GetState`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a2120050bfaa71478d5508858c3ef7fa7)`() const`
Gets the value of State_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const ERHAPI_MatchState & `[`GetState`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a59e3937b9320bae1f37d1d9215d1a1c2)`(const ERHAPI_MatchState & DefaultValue) const`
Gets the value of State_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue.
#### `public inline bool `[`GetState`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a221ed2aff5ce8bcc7a772b9b440abc3f)`(ERHAPI_MatchState & OutValue) const`
Fills OutValue with the value of State_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false.
#### `public inline ERHAPI_MatchState * `[`GetStateOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a687d59e629b82e8a44982d4316b68c82)`()`
Returns a pointer to State_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline const ERHAPI_MatchState * `[`GetStateOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a72ce9b8a4e366b0249f73a24a45e8338)`() const`
Returns a pointer to State_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline void `[`SetState`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1ae80f28de1700991af8dd948eef00e076)`(ERHAPI_MatchState NewValue)`
Sets the value of State_Optional and also sets State_IsSet to true.
#### `public inline void `[`ClearState`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a9da60b903356716a501e0925f1d4685b)`()`
Clears the value of State_Optional and sets State_IsSet to false.
#### `public inline FDateTime & `[`GetStartTimestamp`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a0c76e238d3962e15277707a0999f1815)`()`
Gets the value of StartTimestamp_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const FDateTime & `[`GetStartTimestamp`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1abc9e6eac1eb519e6d79c55e4994a559e)`() const`
Gets the value of StartTimestamp_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const FDateTime & `[`GetStartTimestamp`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1ada25145623eaec8af3333d9fc38f3583)`(const FDateTime & DefaultValue) const`
Gets the value of StartTimestamp_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue.
#### `public inline bool `[`GetStartTimestamp`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a5f372229c0ee7321badd2a62ad8e7985)`(FDateTime & OutValue) const`
Fills OutValue with the value of StartTimestamp_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false.
#### `public inline FDateTime * `[`GetStartTimestampOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1ae752b430c50ea155f30de22e220ff13b)`()`
Returns a pointer to StartTimestamp_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline const FDateTime * `[`GetStartTimestampOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1aa9193b78507d612c367879fda0d9b513)`() const`
Returns a pointer to StartTimestamp_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline void `[`SetStartTimestamp`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a9177386f66184e51733dfbbb11db4175)`(FDateTime NewValue)`
Sets the value of StartTimestamp_Optional and also sets StartTimestamp_IsSet to true.
#### `public inline void `[`ClearStartTimestamp`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1aa739e4d9ed24db135bf6b2e7d6a430a9)`()`
Clears the value of StartTimestamp_Optional and sets StartTimestamp_IsSet to false.
#### `public inline FDateTime & `[`GetEndTimestamp`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a63add88593cd4a1b0a1789815f9e5954)`()`
Gets the value of EndTimestamp_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const FDateTime & `[`GetEndTimestamp`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a1c3aae9a8a773cf0d155008e7468d941)`() const`
Gets the value of EndTimestamp_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const FDateTime & `[`GetEndTimestamp`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a459206a62d2e8127c8f1bea7984b5a4f)`(const FDateTime & DefaultValue) const`
Gets the value of EndTimestamp_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue.
#### `public inline bool `[`GetEndTimestamp`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a87031e36946cd13e5c2530a96711c91f)`(FDateTime & OutValue) const`
Fills OutValue with the value of EndTimestamp_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false.
#### `public inline FDateTime * `[`GetEndTimestampOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1ab9010d8dd458c45488e917c57fca6fd2)`()`
Returns a pointer to EndTimestamp_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline const FDateTime * `[`GetEndTimestampOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a0ea4af7a93198fe89a4a16dd10125820)`() const`
Returns a pointer to EndTimestamp_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline void `[`SetEndTimestamp`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a47e065ba22aa093dadb94af60f51c88c)`(FDateTime NewValue)`
Sets the value of EndTimestamp_Optional and also sets EndTimestamp_IsSet to true.
#### `public inline void `[`ClearEndTimestamp`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a8e7d61358ad58a7ad43f73e4c25d0d21)`()`
Clears the value of EndTimestamp_Optional and sets EndTimestamp_IsSet to false.
#### `public inline int32 & `[`GetDurationSeconds`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a655db6a967efdfab412faef0dc9bc454)`()`
Gets the value of DurationSeconds_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const int32 & `[`GetDurationSeconds`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1aeecc4d7cccf5bca88a6383daf36cc7e9)`() const`
Gets the value of DurationSeconds_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const int32 & `[`GetDurationSeconds`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a3b3f5fc8a0fcb1b85188c54e6e4083d7)`(const int32 & DefaultValue) const`
Gets the value of DurationSeconds_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue.
#### `public inline bool `[`GetDurationSeconds`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1af956d3d5e116849cbe724e763cefec61)`(int32 & OutValue) const`
Fills OutValue with the value of DurationSeconds_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false.
#### `public inline int32 * `[`GetDurationSecondsOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a18597f7ee09d61677b236b7b7ca0174f)`()`
Returns a pointer to DurationSeconds_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline const int32 * `[`GetDurationSecondsOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a1dba2ddd130afd4ffe36ba4ad3acbc3d)`() const`
Returns a pointer to DurationSeconds_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline void `[`SetDurationSeconds`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a6f624a5a5134deb7887b42c2c26d8fc4)`(int32 NewValue)`
Sets the value of DurationSeconds_Optional and also sets DurationSeconds_IsSet to true.
#### `public inline void `[`ClearDurationSeconds`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a4531d9f94c88c0d046cc0666758574ef)`()`
Clears the value of DurationSeconds_Optional and sets DurationSeconds_IsSet to false.
#### `public inline bool `[`IsDurationSecondsDefaultValue`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a2d84c0ebc3266f7add3e93392685b2e6)`() const`
Returns true if DurationSeconds_Optional is set and matches the default value.
#### `public inline void `[`SetDurationSecondsToDefault`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a89f17c266ad68ec3092c523ff0fae25f)`()`
Sets the value of DurationSeconds_Optional to its default and also sets DurationSeconds_IsSet to true.
#### `public inline TMap< FString, FString > & `[`GetCustomData`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1ac7e25cb029da7353b7bca6992da5fbee)`()`
Gets the value of CustomData_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const TMap< FString, FString > & `[`GetCustomData`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1adfd685a2957e9485d3b722b403d2b74e)`() const`
Gets the value of CustomData_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const TMap< FString, FString > & `[`GetCustomData`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a2d70a762675a34dfba60caa6127e7742)`(const TMap< FString, FString > & DefaultValue) const`
Gets the value of CustomData_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue.
#### `public inline bool `[`GetCustomData`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a487ab54593c98dd69ccfc13b6751781f)`(TMap< FString, FString > & OutValue) const`
Fills OutValue with the value of CustomData_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false.
#### `public inline TMap< FString, FString > * `[`GetCustomDataOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1ac89beec511a5465bfce3f99a4c4bb19d)`()`
Returns a pointer to CustomData_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline const TMap< FString, FString > * `[`GetCustomDataOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a63a76a1f6bca990d48e8381ba840a2d6)`() const`
Returns a pointer to CustomData_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline void `[`SetCustomData`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a142ff666f2b28de4382da817136dc250)`(TMap< FString, FString > NewValue)`
Sets the value of CustomData_Optional and also sets CustomData_IsSet to true.
#### `public inline void `[`ClearCustomData`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1ae7113f8974c51027f09948d67cdcffba)`()`
Clears the value of CustomData_Optional and sets CustomData_IsSet to false.
#### `public inline FString & `[`GetCorrelationId`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a3b9cfc1a53833c295900b6435c94018b)`()`
Gets the value of CorrelationId_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const FString & `[`GetCorrelationId`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1abc48bea5b08285067c6d463e9baf6e08)`() const`
Gets the value of CorrelationId_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const FString & `[`GetCorrelationId`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1adb38411404c67713718d92be9cecdb40)`(const FString & DefaultValue) const`
Gets the value of CorrelationId_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue.
#### `public inline bool `[`GetCorrelationId`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1af17e3de39a4e4527a49884eca0ce99cf)`(FString & OutValue) const`
Fills OutValue with the value of CorrelationId_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false.
#### `public inline FString * `[`GetCorrelationIdOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a27ad0a6feacdf8ff9ffe215341a7be65)`()`
Returns a pointer to CorrelationId_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline const FString * `[`GetCorrelationIdOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a9f4a884e58671bc8b6c0644f8354ab4d)`() const`
Returns a pointer to CorrelationId_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline void `[`SetCorrelationId`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a0dc8a0132b66cc66df1f08de171d61fd)`(FString NewValue)`
Sets the value of CorrelationId_Optional and also sets CorrelationId_IsSet to true.
#### `public inline void `[`ClearCorrelationId`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a48222b428b83d6591288b93689013771)`()`
Clears the value of CorrelationId_Optional and sets CorrelationId_IsSet to false.
#### `public inline TArray< `[`FRHAPI_MatchSession`](RHAPI_MatchSession.md#structFRHAPI__MatchSession)` > & `[`GetSessions`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a0be3ec955c5e5dfc8cfb48cc2fffc178)`()`
Gets the value of Sessions_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const TArray< `[`FRHAPI_MatchSession`](RHAPI_MatchSession.md#structFRHAPI__MatchSession)` > & `[`GetSessions`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1aa781fd45aa5ac21369ea9bb6432cdcf4)`() const`
Gets the value of Sessions_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const TArray< `[`FRHAPI_MatchSession`](RHAPI_MatchSession.md#structFRHAPI__MatchSession)` > & `[`GetSessions`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a6c295b3919ccf88b75e19d70f32dfdec)`(const TArray< `[`FRHAPI_MatchSession`](RHAPI_MatchSession.md#structFRHAPI__MatchSession)` > & DefaultValue) const`
Gets the value of Sessions_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue.
#### `public inline bool `[`GetSessions`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a0be6fb15cd2f4d583ea9a98b451f40ce)`(TArray< `[`FRHAPI_MatchSession`](RHAPI_MatchSession.md#structFRHAPI__MatchSession)` > & OutValue) const`
Fills OutValue with the value of Sessions_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false.
#### `public inline TArray< `[`FRHAPI_MatchSession`](RHAPI_MatchSession.md#structFRHAPI__MatchSession)` > * `[`GetSessionsOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a8fb985bd1ddc36867c4b66f245db0bea)`()`
Returns a pointer to Sessions_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline const TArray< `[`FRHAPI_MatchSession`](RHAPI_MatchSession.md#structFRHAPI__MatchSession)` > * `[`GetSessionsOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a5a50afd88b8041ce3e5c89fe6326430a)`() const`
Returns a pointer to Sessions_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline void `[`SetSessions`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1afae428db4a67bcb237d9f1611d2544e5)`(TArray< `[`FRHAPI_MatchSession`](RHAPI_MatchSession.md#structFRHAPI__MatchSession)` > NewValue)`
Sets the value of Sessions_Optional and also sets Sessions_IsSet to true.
#### `public inline void `[`ClearSessions`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a2d5c977d4b55a58006f774fd8ab10b90)`()`
Clears the value of Sessions_Optional and sets Sessions_IsSet to false.
#### `public inline TArray< `[`FRHAPI_MatchInstance`](RHAPI_MatchInstance.md#structFRHAPI__MatchInstance)` > & `[`GetInstances`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a6b0ff8ea67af3bbd3209aae75b5272ce)`()`
Gets the value of Instances_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const TArray< `[`FRHAPI_MatchInstance`](RHAPI_MatchInstance.md#structFRHAPI__MatchInstance)` > & `[`GetInstances`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a7b2e5922179b2299fdc6d2923b6900cc)`() const`
Gets the value of Instances_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const TArray< `[`FRHAPI_MatchInstance`](RHAPI_MatchInstance.md#structFRHAPI__MatchInstance)` > & `[`GetInstances`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1aac9a8b40cc8851fb3fde1f98d3598791)`(const TArray< `[`FRHAPI_MatchInstance`](RHAPI_MatchInstance.md#structFRHAPI__MatchInstance)` > & DefaultValue) const`
Gets the value of Instances_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue.
#### `public inline bool `[`GetInstances`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1aa61fc22d7bbea363aca034faf9990c49)`(TArray< `[`FRHAPI_MatchInstance`](RHAPI_MatchInstance.md#structFRHAPI__MatchInstance)` > & OutValue) const`
Fills OutValue with the value of Instances_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false.
#### `public inline TArray< `[`FRHAPI_MatchInstance`](RHAPI_MatchInstance.md#structFRHAPI__MatchInstance)` > * `[`GetInstancesOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1aab90cca286a67fabfae79c5d308e65a8)`()`
Returns a pointer to Instances_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline const TArray< `[`FRHAPI_MatchInstance`](RHAPI_MatchInstance.md#structFRHAPI__MatchInstance)` > * `[`GetInstancesOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a760132e01d9b596c73665fad3c4a3391)`() const`
Returns a pointer to Instances_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline void `[`SetInstances`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a4d6cc12d9b43cb52dfa01fedf1920e9c)`(TArray< `[`FRHAPI_MatchInstance`](RHAPI_MatchInstance.md#structFRHAPI__MatchInstance)` > NewValue)`
Sets the value of Instances_Optional and also sets Instances_IsSet to true.
#### `public inline void `[`ClearInstances`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a0019195267b0da04fbe8bf9e97d47de9)`()`
Clears the value of Instances_Optional and sets Instances_IsSet to false.
#### `public inline TArray< `[`FRHAPI_MatchAllocation`](RHAPI_MatchAllocation.md#structFRHAPI__MatchAllocation)` > & `[`GetAllocations`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a264121c4d15a1b1ed88d183f711c92d2)`()`
Gets the value of Allocations_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const TArray< `[`FRHAPI_MatchAllocation`](RHAPI_MatchAllocation.md#structFRHAPI__MatchAllocation)` > & `[`GetAllocations`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a9463d589959d58c7b1a9d65e5ff3f6e5)`() const`
Gets the value of Allocations_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const TArray< `[`FRHAPI_MatchAllocation`](RHAPI_MatchAllocation.md#structFRHAPI__MatchAllocation)` > & `[`GetAllocations`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1ae22649b3d62596476be30813034a383b)`(const TArray< `[`FRHAPI_MatchAllocation`](RHAPI_MatchAllocation.md#structFRHAPI__MatchAllocation)` > & DefaultValue) const`
Gets the value of Allocations_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue.
#### `public inline bool `[`GetAllocations`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a71f174dadcfba5868683f2f3362da100)`(TArray< `[`FRHAPI_MatchAllocation`](RHAPI_MatchAllocation.md#structFRHAPI__MatchAllocation)` > & OutValue) const`
Fills OutValue with the value of Allocations_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false.
#### `public inline TArray< `[`FRHAPI_MatchAllocation`](RHAPI_MatchAllocation.md#structFRHAPI__MatchAllocation)` > * `[`GetAllocationsOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1ac2696b79d4b0eb37b0fac73c4ea5c53f)`()`
Returns a pointer to Allocations_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline const TArray< `[`FRHAPI_MatchAllocation`](RHAPI_MatchAllocation.md#structFRHAPI__MatchAllocation)` > * `[`GetAllocationsOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a9e6e0b4e6f9552936900ed16e04551d2)`() const`
Returns a pointer to Allocations_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline void `[`SetAllocations`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a0b3f1da7555013cc1b436c6ea57291e8)`(TArray< `[`FRHAPI_MatchAllocation`](RHAPI_MatchAllocation.md#structFRHAPI__MatchAllocation)` > NewValue)`
Sets the value of Allocations_Optional and also sets Allocations_IsSet to true.
#### `public inline void `[`ClearAllocations`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a689d90c17bde84c3da9d5a528d3ad571)`()`
Clears the value of Allocations_Optional and sets Allocations_IsSet to false.
#### `public inline TArray< `[`FRHAPI_MatchPlayerRequest`](RHAPI_MatchPlayerRequest.md#structFRHAPI__MatchPlayerRequest)` > & `[`GetPlayers`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a628aeeabf5a4d5260232bc20ceecde6b)`()`
Gets the value of Players_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const TArray< `[`FRHAPI_MatchPlayerRequest`](RHAPI_MatchPlayerRequest.md#structFRHAPI__MatchPlayerRequest)` > & `[`GetPlayers`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1abf6928fed8e474f308f3f3b1f61f729b)`() const`
Gets the value of Players_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const TArray< `[`FRHAPI_MatchPlayerRequest`](RHAPI_MatchPlayerRequest.md#structFRHAPI__MatchPlayerRequest)` > & `[`GetPlayers`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a80d78acfb62a107ddc8fb233cca8649f)`(const TArray< `[`FRHAPI_MatchPlayerRequest`](RHAPI_MatchPlayerRequest.md#structFRHAPI__MatchPlayerRequest)` > & DefaultValue) const`
Gets the value of Players_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue.
#### `public inline bool `[`GetPlayers`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1af2587a886d114f308074061c342b2132)`(TArray< `[`FRHAPI_MatchPlayerRequest`](RHAPI_MatchPlayerRequest.md#structFRHAPI__MatchPlayerRequest)` > & OutValue) const`
Fills OutValue with the value of Players_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false.
#### `public inline TArray< `[`FRHAPI_MatchPlayerRequest`](RHAPI_MatchPlayerRequest.md#structFRHAPI__MatchPlayerRequest)` > * `[`GetPlayersOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1ad73f47f00a1a01d289c45bc84db305bc)`()`
Returns a pointer to Players_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline const TArray< `[`FRHAPI_MatchPlayerRequest`](RHAPI_MatchPlayerRequest.md#structFRHAPI__MatchPlayerRequest)` > * `[`GetPlayersOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1abfd86c6bd7423bdb0f00791f4c36a050)`() const`
Returns a pointer to Players_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline void `[`SetPlayers`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1aa81e535876f378baa0a4d0d2fbef70d7)`(TArray< `[`FRHAPI_MatchPlayerRequest`](RHAPI_MatchPlayerRequest.md#structFRHAPI__MatchPlayerRequest)` > NewValue)`
Sets the value of Players_Optional and also sets Players_IsSet to true.
#### `public inline void `[`ClearPlayers`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a474a625b191c13b7cd9a95430f5a36d0)`()`
Clears the value of Players_Optional and sets Players_IsSet to false.
#### `public inline TArray< `[`FRHAPI_MatchSegmentRequest`](RHAPI_MatchSegmentRequest.md#structFRHAPI__MatchSegmentRequest)` > & `[`GetSegments`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a114ee40fb141b4e1157baaf0e249006c)`()`
Gets the value of Segments_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const TArray< `[`FRHAPI_MatchSegmentRequest`](RHAPI_MatchSegmentRequest.md#structFRHAPI__MatchSegmentRequest)` > & `[`GetSegments`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a7e8ee7a82eb9d02b43123eb9b152b02c)`() const`
Gets the value of Segments_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const TArray< `[`FRHAPI_MatchSegmentRequest`](RHAPI_MatchSegmentRequest.md#structFRHAPI__MatchSegmentRequest)` > & `[`GetSegments`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a62638c904f873b426ec2a6c982d16203)`(const TArray< `[`FRHAPI_MatchSegmentRequest`](RHAPI_MatchSegmentRequest.md#structFRHAPI__MatchSegmentRequest)` > & DefaultValue) const`
Gets the value of Segments_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue.
#### `public inline bool `[`GetSegments`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a125da882e890fe3a5a1553811ddc203e)`(TArray< `[`FRHAPI_MatchSegmentRequest`](RHAPI_MatchSegmentRequest.md#structFRHAPI__MatchSegmentRequest)` > & OutValue) const`
Fills OutValue with the value of Segments_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false.
#### `public inline TArray< `[`FRHAPI_MatchSegmentRequest`](RHAPI_MatchSegmentRequest.md#structFRHAPI__MatchSegmentRequest)` > * `[`GetSegmentsOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a4f67abaf4f5665437c728899aab58d66)`()`
Returns a pointer to Segments_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline const TArray< `[`FRHAPI_MatchSegmentRequest`](RHAPI_MatchSegmentRequest.md#structFRHAPI__MatchSegmentRequest)` > * `[`GetSegmentsOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a1eeaabe1d6cdb788f368afb44f66e02d)`() const`
Returns a pointer to Segments_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline void `[`SetSegments`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a38672c6283d953069dd471c550bc81e4)`(TArray< `[`FRHAPI_MatchSegmentRequest`](RHAPI_MatchSegmentRequest.md#structFRHAPI__MatchSegmentRequest)` > NewValue)`
Sets the value of Segments_Optional and also sets Segments_IsSet to true.
#### `public inline void `[`ClearSegments`](#structFRHAPI__MatchRequest_1a052cf015350c63d2e2d2c3f2df2633df)`()`
Clears the value of Segments_Optional and sets Segments_IsSet to false.