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struct FRHAPI_PlatformUserResponseResponse for successfully creating a platform user.

struct FRHAPI_PlatformUserResponse

struct FRHAPI_PlatformUserResponse
: public FRHAPI_Model

Response for successfully creating a platform user.


public ERHAPI_Platform PlatformPlatform to search/create with.
public FString PlatformUserIdPlatform user ID to search/create with.
public FString DisplayName_OptionalPlatform Display name.
public bool DisplayName_IsSettrue if DisplayName_Optional has been set to a value
public int32 PlayerIdPlayer ID DEPRECATED use player_uuid instead.
public FGuid PlayerUuidPlayer UUID.
public FGuid PersonIdPerson ID.
public int32 ActivePlayerId_OptionalDEPRECATED use active_player_uuid instead. Active player ID, if the player has an active player.
public bool ActivePlayerId_IsSettrue if ActivePlayerId_Optional has been set to a value
public FGuid ActivePlayerUuid_OptionalActive player UUID, if the player has an active player.
public bool ActivePlayerUuid_IsSettrue if ActivePlayerUuid_Optional has been set to a value
public virtual bool FromJson(const TSharedPtr< FJsonValue > & JsonValue)Fills this object with data from the passed in JSON.
public virtual void WriteJson(TSharedRef< TJsonWriter<>> & Writer) constWrites the data from this object into the specified JSON Writer stream.
public inline ERHAPI_Platform & GetPlatform()Gets the value of Platform.
public inline const ERHAPI_Platform & GetPlatform() constGets the value of Platform.
public inline void SetPlatform(ERHAPI_Platform NewValue)Sets the value of Platform.
public inline FString & GetPlatformUserId()Gets the value of PlatformUserId.
public inline const FString & GetPlatformUserId() constGets the value of PlatformUserId.
public inline void SetPlatformUserId(FString NewValue)Sets the value of PlatformUserId.
public inline FString & GetDisplayName()Gets the value of DisplayName_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
public inline const FString & GetDisplayName() constGets the value of DisplayName_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
public inline const FString & GetDisplayName(const FString & DefaultValue) constGets the value of DisplayName_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue.
public inline bool GetDisplayName(FString & OutValue) constFills OutValue with the value of DisplayName_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false.
public inline FString * GetDisplayNameOrNull()Returns a pointer to DisplayName_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
public inline const FString * GetDisplayNameOrNull() constReturns a pointer to DisplayName_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
public inline void SetDisplayName(FString NewValue)Sets the value of DisplayName_Optional and also sets DisplayName_IsSet to true.
public inline void ClearDisplayName()Clears the value of DisplayName_Optional and sets DisplayName_IsSet to false.
public inline int32 & GetPlayerId()Gets the value of PlayerId.
public inline const int32 & GetPlayerId() constGets the value of PlayerId.
public inline void SetPlayerId(int32 NewValue)Sets the value of PlayerId.
public inline bool IsPlayerIdDefaultValue() constReturns true if PlayerId matches the default value.
public inline void SetPlayerIdToDefault()Sets the value of PlayerId to its default
public inline FGuid & GetPlayerUuid()Gets the value of PlayerUuid.
public inline const FGuid & GetPlayerUuid() constGets the value of PlayerUuid.
public inline void SetPlayerUuid(FGuid NewValue)Sets the value of PlayerUuid.
public inline FGuid & GetPersonId()Gets the value of PersonId.
public inline const FGuid & GetPersonId() constGets the value of PersonId.
public inline void SetPersonId(FGuid NewValue)Sets the value of PersonId.
public inline int32 & GetActivePlayerId()Gets the value of ActivePlayerId_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
public inline const int32 & GetActivePlayerId() constGets the value of ActivePlayerId_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
public inline const int32 & GetActivePlayerId(const int32 & DefaultValue) constGets the value of ActivePlayerId_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue.
public inline bool GetActivePlayerId(int32 & OutValue) constFills OutValue with the value of ActivePlayerId_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false.
public inline int32 * GetActivePlayerIdOrNull()Returns a pointer to ActivePlayerId_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
public inline const int32 * GetActivePlayerIdOrNull() constReturns a pointer to ActivePlayerId_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
public inline void SetActivePlayerId(int32 NewValue)Sets the value of ActivePlayerId_Optional and also sets ActivePlayerId_IsSet to true.
public inline void ClearActivePlayerId()Clears the value of ActivePlayerId_Optional and sets ActivePlayerId_IsSet to false.
public inline bool IsActivePlayerIdDefaultValue() constReturns true if ActivePlayerId_Optional is set and matches the default value.
public inline void SetActivePlayerIdToDefault()Sets the value of ActivePlayerId_Optional to its default and also sets ActivePlayerId_IsSet to true.
public inline FGuid & GetActivePlayerUuid()Gets the value of ActivePlayerUuid_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
public inline const FGuid & GetActivePlayerUuid() constGets the value of ActivePlayerUuid_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
public inline const FGuid & GetActivePlayerUuid(const FGuid & DefaultValue) constGets the value of ActivePlayerUuid_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue.
public inline bool GetActivePlayerUuid(FGuid & OutValue) constFills OutValue with the value of ActivePlayerUuid_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false.
public inline FGuid * GetActivePlayerUuidOrNull()Returns a pointer to ActivePlayerUuid_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
public inline const FGuid * GetActivePlayerUuidOrNull() constReturns a pointer to ActivePlayerUuid_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
public inline void SetActivePlayerUuid(FGuid NewValue)Sets the value of ActivePlayerUuid_Optional and also sets ActivePlayerUuid_IsSet to true.
public inline void ClearActivePlayerUuid()Clears the value of ActivePlayerUuid_Optional and sets ActivePlayerUuid_IsSet to false.


public ERHAPI_Platform Platform

Platform to search/create with.

#### `public FString `[`PlatformUserId`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1a55f1404bd69e29874fc645d89c6176f7)

Platform user ID to search/create with.

#### `public FString `[`DisplayName_Optional`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1a3f16e07fab354e8a5ba7dcd51c29a5f7)

Platform Display name.

#### `public bool `[`DisplayName_IsSet`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1a4868cecc8bcb5b886c8ff732d1cb2cb2)

true if DisplayName_Optional has been set to a value

#### `public int32 `[`PlayerId`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1aabf7a11cd8f9ed3ea446bba465afacfe)

Player ID DEPRECATED use player_uuid instead.

#### `public FGuid `[`PlayerUuid`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1af7980a903417502d4689d106ea3763d1)

Player UUID.

#### `public FGuid `[`PersonId`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1a2a03597a3a43e59ff7f32ace9d82aaa2)

Person ID.

#### `public int32 `[`ActivePlayerId_Optional`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1a884999cb95f6c5600b08ddd7bb10f9fd)

DEPRECATED use active_player_uuid instead. Active player ID, if the player has an active player.

#### `public bool `[`ActivePlayerId_IsSet`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1a9c034f207e9f821bab3bb304121dc759)

true if ActivePlayerId_Optional has been set to a value

#### `public FGuid `[`ActivePlayerUuid_Optional`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1a3c1b8038c0d17def6ed1b427052a5f59)

Active player UUID, if the player has an active player.

#### `public bool `[`ActivePlayerUuid_IsSet`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1a968d6667a7ba19495696a298e831abda)

true if ActivePlayerUuid_Optional has been set to a value

#### `public virtual bool `[`FromJson`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1a072ec067006e040f7236458dc680a296)`(const TSharedPtr< FJsonValue > & JsonValue)`

Fills this object with data from the passed in JSON.


  • JsonValue Data from the API call.


true if parsing of the JSON data was successful.

#### `public virtual void `[`WriteJson`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1aa60153a7d3b65c767195ba78782f192c)`(TSharedRef< TJsonWriter<>> & Writer) const`

Writes the data from this object into the specified JSON Writer stream.


  • Writer JSON Writer stream to push .

#### `public inline ERHAPI_Platform & `[`GetPlatform`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1a6054701d552a69f01655b651084810da)`()`

Gets the value of Platform.

#### `public inline const ERHAPI_Platform & `[`GetPlatform`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1a55a4b8ee113e898cfe7d377347d5965a)`() const`

Gets the value of Platform.

#### `public inline void `[`SetPlatform`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1ab3022f12a53102bf6f50983ae8fd52b1)`(ERHAPI_Platform NewValue)`

Sets the value of Platform.

#### `public inline FString & `[`GetPlatformUserId`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1aff27c387818dac595cb1a9d71b078063)`()`

Gets the value of PlatformUserId.

#### `public inline const FString & `[`GetPlatformUserId`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1a5df801664295316361acac2b79dc0652)`() const`

Gets the value of PlatformUserId.

#### `public inline void `[`SetPlatformUserId`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1a527f66d1d87849e3de62ea7f8bfbd4b0)`(FString NewValue)`

Sets the value of PlatformUserId.

#### `public inline FString & `[`GetDisplayName`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1a38a90ab710e758ccf6a18b3931351d64)`()`

Gets the value of DisplayName_Optional, regardless of it having been set.

#### `public inline const FString & `[`GetDisplayName`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1a49ac38717d2b6fb363e27af80208925c)`() const`

Gets the value of DisplayName_Optional, regardless of it having been set.

#### `public inline const FString & `[`GetDisplayName`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1a1cd59e049a8d0bbe66023397ad1faf2c)`(const FString & DefaultValue) const`

Gets the value of DisplayName_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue.

#### `public inline bool `[`GetDisplayName`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1ab219b827a34ff526c173b4d634dc0ad1)`(FString & OutValue) const`

Fills OutValue with the value of DisplayName_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false.

#### `public inline FString * `[`GetDisplayNameOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1a0c166e280d52ec61d1e98224a20e68a6)`()`

Returns a pointer to DisplayName_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.

#### `public inline const FString * `[`GetDisplayNameOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1a00752170afe85711e6adcfd0a48b45bc)`() const`

Returns a pointer to DisplayName_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.

#### `public inline void `[`SetDisplayName`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1a961cf8152974cdd5eb1329c6b6a5daf2)`(FString NewValue)`

Sets the value of DisplayName_Optional and also sets DisplayName_IsSet to true.

#### `public inline void `[`ClearDisplayName`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1a867c074fe63e383a69916ce2496f65ff)`()`

Clears the value of DisplayName_Optional and sets DisplayName_IsSet to false.

#### `public inline int32 & `[`GetPlayerId`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1a8ec2981c26d30ee9b369680b1d413d76)`()`

Gets the value of PlayerId.

#### `public inline const int32 & `[`GetPlayerId`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1a947bb37b608bd05320eee4265a8c5be4)`() const`

Gets the value of PlayerId.

#### `public inline void `[`SetPlayerId`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1ae54eeef43e118a8d6aed173906b3e71b)`(int32 NewValue)`

Sets the value of PlayerId.

#### `public inline bool `[`IsPlayerIdDefaultValue`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1a8f9c2131d18b305f4afe71b9c3857ca1)`() const`

Returns true if PlayerId matches the default value.

#### `public inline void `[`SetPlayerIdToDefault`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1a12c5723de977c41c19321ae97affe462)`()`

Sets the value of PlayerId to its default

#### `public inline FGuid & `[`GetPlayerUuid`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1ad7b012618e119e2047dde5616aed98ad)`()`

Gets the value of PlayerUuid.

#### `public inline const FGuid & `[`GetPlayerUuid`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1ad2733355b8148213f8c2b917f89d065c)`() const`

Gets the value of PlayerUuid.

#### `public inline void `[`SetPlayerUuid`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1a7e9d894f254a006cbef1b311282ec5d5)`(FGuid NewValue)`

Sets the value of PlayerUuid.

#### `public inline FGuid & `[`GetPersonId`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1a6a639dbaccf9b951bd56743de2d92081)`()`

Gets the value of PersonId.

#### `public inline const FGuid & `[`GetPersonId`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1ab799e70c414170b1e52e321de2b09691)`() const`

Gets the value of PersonId.

#### `public inline void `[`SetPersonId`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1ab5f01f96a138a4e3d41cce03ea1f5871)`(FGuid NewValue)`

Sets the value of PersonId.

#### `public inline int32 & `[`GetActivePlayerId`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1aaea183b953bb304d95d68ec45f285162)`()`

Gets the value of ActivePlayerId_Optional, regardless of it having been set.

#### `public inline const int32 & `[`GetActivePlayerId`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1a1787805881f51f5a3c8c11f54bc1f1e8)`() const`

Gets the value of ActivePlayerId_Optional, regardless of it having been set.

#### `public inline const int32 & `[`GetActivePlayerId`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1ad4e0f17bafaf29feebadc2a1e095ebde)`(const int32 & DefaultValue) const`

Gets the value of ActivePlayerId_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue.

#### `public inline bool `[`GetActivePlayerId`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1aab6b29ef919af2bc7f9ce25011e13c36)`(int32 & OutValue) const`

Fills OutValue with the value of ActivePlayerId_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false.

#### `public inline int32 * `[`GetActivePlayerIdOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1a43090e0a7a3bef6c4f82224b2ec87caa)`()`

Returns a pointer to ActivePlayerId_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.

#### `public inline const int32 * `[`GetActivePlayerIdOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1a3afe446b18ae123b0cc5f34d75ce195e)`() const`

Returns a pointer to ActivePlayerId_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.

#### `public inline void `[`SetActivePlayerId`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1ab1617e0766be9435abc42f9405ef0d30)`(int32 NewValue)`

Sets the value of ActivePlayerId_Optional and also sets ActivePlayerId_IsSet to true.

#### `public inline void `[`ClearActivePlayerId`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1afb84ba974117532705d640d3f9d8eaf5)`()`

Clears the value of ActivePlayerId_Optional and sets ActivePlayerId_IsSet to false.

#### `public inline bool `[`IsActivePlayerIdDefaultValue`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1a96a8b8dee4552a4c297159ebd623ea33)`() const`

Returns true if ActivePlayerId_Optional is set and matches the default value.

#### `public inline void `[`SetActivePlayerIdToDefault`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1aed7a5f7a1d8d9ebdb0b2eb1099a9d069)`()`

Sets the value of ActivePlayerId_Optional to its default and also sets ActivePlayerId_IsSet to true.

#### `public inline FGuid & `[`GetActivePlayerUuid`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1ae6b0c1cd02488434af4c3cf70e21efb4)`()`

Gets the value of ActivePlayerUuid_Optional, regardless of it having been set.

#### `public inline const FGuid & `[`GetActivePlayerUuid`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1a413aa342a85438eee06aa09daa28c94a)`() const`

Gets the value of ActivePlayerUuid_Optional, regardless of it having been set.

#### `public inline const FGuid & `[`GetActivePlayerUuid`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1afec8edf5f68e4c70cd517d3390cd2c85)`(const FGuid & DefaultValue) const`

Gets the value of ActivePlayerUuid_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue.

#### `public inline bool `[`GetActivePlayerUuid`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1a70555e4f90391a3f31d355e5a4d7b0b7)`(FGuid & OutValue) const`

Fills OutValue with the value of ActivePlayerUuid_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false.

#### `public inline FGuid * `[`GetActivePlayerUuidOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1ae2417d7b7226050c1946a7e03c56d3a2)`()`

Returns a pointer to ActivePlayerUuid_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.

#### `public inline const FGuid * `[`GetActivePlayerUuidOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1a08fca4f21a840a84f4a1b2ab925f4fa0)`() const`

Returns a pointer to ActivePlayerUuid_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.

#### `public inline void `[`SetActivePlayerUuid`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1a4d2e69c1d2dedb90e5f033b6d1671a75)`(FGuid NewValue)`

Sets the value of ActivePlayerUuid_Optional and also sets ActivePlayerUuid_IsSet to true.

#### `public inline void `[`ClearActivePlayerUuid`](#structFRHAPI__PlatformUserResponse_1ac732875511b55956fcd144638593c3f0)`()`

Clears the value of ActivePlayerUuid_Optional and sets ActivePlayerUuid_IsSet to false.