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class URH_EntitlementSubsystemSubsystem for handling requesting and processing entitlements from the online subsystem.

class URH_EntitlementSubsystem

class URH_EntitlementSubsystem
: public URH_LocalPlayerSubsystemPlugin

Subsystem for handling requesting and processing entitlements from the online subsystem.


public virtual void Initialize()Initialize the subsystem.
public virtual void Deinitialize()Safely tears down the subsystem.
public virtual void OnUserChanged(const FGuid & OldPlayerUuid,class URH_PlayerInfo * OldLocalPlayerInfo)Notification that the user changed for the owning local player subsystem.
public void HandleNotification(const FRHAPI_Notification & Notification,const FString & APIName,const TArray< FString > & APIParams)Handle a notification from the inventory API.
public void SubmitEntitlementsForLoggedInOSS(const FRH_ProcessEntitlementCompletedDelegate & EntitlementProcessorCompleteDelegate,const FRH_GetPlatformRegionDelegate & PlatformRegionDelegate)Start Async Task to Process Entitlements for the users connected OSS.
public void SubmitEntitlementsForPlatform(ERHAPI_Platform Platform,const FRH_ProcessEntitlementCompletedDelegate & EntitlementProcessorCompleteDelegate,const FRH_GetPlatformRegionDelegate & PlatformRegionDelegate)Start Async Task to Process Entitlements for a specific platform (non-OSS based)
public void QueryStoreOffersById(const TArray< FString > & OfferIds,const FRH_GenericSuccessBlock & Delegate)Queries the OSS to get the store offers for the given offer ids.
public void OnQueryStoreOffersById(bool bSuccess,const TArray< FUniqueOfferId > & Offers,const FString & Error,const FRH_GenericSuccessBlock Delegate)Response from OSS for Store Offer By Id Query.
public void GetCachedStoreOffers(TArray< FOnlineStoreOfferRef > & OutOffers)Helper function to get the cached store offers from the OSS.
public TMap< FString, FRHAPI_PlatformEntitlementProcessResult> *GetEntitlementResults()Gets the map of all processed entitlement results.
public void SetEntitlementOSSName(const FName & InEntitlementOSSName)Sets the entitlement OSS Name.
public FName GetEntitlementOSSName()Gets the set entitlement OSS Name.
public IOnlineStoreV2Ptr GetStoreSubsystem() constHelper to the store subsystem subsystem.
protected TMap< FString, FRHAPI_PlatformEntitlementProcessResult>EntitlementProcessResultMapMap of results from Entitlement Process calls.
protected FName EntitlementOSSNameOnline Subsystem to use for entitlements. If not provided, will use the default OSS.
protected FTimerManager & GetTimerManager()Helper to get the engines Timer Manager.
protected URH_LocalPlayerSubsystem*GetRH_LocalPlayerSubsystem() constHelper to the local player subsystem.
protected IOnlineSubsystem * GetOSS() constHelper to the online subsystem.
protected IOnlinePurchasePtr GetPurchaseSubsystem() constHelper to the online purchase subsystem.


public virtual void Initialize()

Initialize the subsystem.

#### `public virtual void `[`Deinitialize`](#classURH__EntitlementSubsystem_1af3e449d4538d7e01532ab1b55e5d937c)`()`

Safely tears down the subsystem.

#### `public virtual void `[`OnUserChanged`](#classURH__EntitlementSubsystem_1a5fd25cdb4e40bdf432b51bc96802b351)`(const FGuid & OldPlayerUuid,class `[`URH_PlayerInfo`](` * OldLocalPlayerInfo)`

Notification that the user changed for the owning local player subsystem.

#### `public void `[`HandleNotification`](#classURH__EntitlementSubsystem_1a79e18971cbc52e3206cc1a3c6e56ab05)`(const `[`FRHAPI_Notification`](models/` & Notification,const FString & APIName,const TArray< FString > & APIParams)`

Handle a notification from the inventory API.


  • Notification The notification to handle

  • APIName The name of the API that sent the notification

  • APIParams The parameters for the API that sent the notification

#### `public void `[`SubmitEntitlementsForLoggedInOSS`](#classURH__EntitlementSubsystem_1a9dc31d9240e19268dbb67f71b3ef81ef)`(const FRH_ProcessEntitlementCompletedDelegate & EntitlementProcessorCompleteDelegate,const FRH_GetPlatformRegionDelegate & PlatformRegionDelegate)`

Start Async Task to Process Entitlements for the users connected OSS.


  • EntitlementProcessorCompleteDelegate Delegate callback for when the entitlement process is complete.

  • PlatformRegionDelegate Delegate callback for getting the platform region.

#### `public void `[`SubmitEntitlementsForPlatform`](#classURH__EntitlementSubsystem_1a04aadee8f206b0ace23ddb55575d80bd)`(ERHAPI_Platform Platform,const FRH_ProcessEntitlementCompletedDelegate & EntitlementProcessorCompleteDelegate,const FRH_GetPlatformRegionDelegate & PlatformRegionDelegate)`

Start Async Task to Process Entitlements for a specific platform (non-OSS based)


  • Platform The platform to process entitlements for.

  • EntitlementProcessorCompleteDelegate Delegate callback for when the entitlement process is complete.

  • PlatformRegionDelegate Delegate callback for getting the platform region.

#### `public void `[`QueryStoreOffersById`](#classURH__EntitlementSubsystem_1a4a419cf977152a129ea1be9158ce07be)`(const TArray< FString > & OfferIds,const FRH_GenericSuccessBlock & Delegate)`

Queries the OSS to get the store offers for the given offer ids.


  • OfferIds List of SKUs to request offers for.

  • Delegate callback for getting offers.

#### `public void `[`OnQueryStoreOffersById`](#classURH__EntitlementSubsystem_1aba4dca826031b87f3f932436009622a6)`(bool bSuccess,const TArray< FUniqueOfferId > & Offers,const FString & Error,const FRH_GenericSuccessBlock Delegate)`

Response from OSS for Store Offer By Id Query.


  • bSuccess If the call to the OSS was successful.

  • Offers Offers returned by the OSS.

  • Error The error if the call was not successful.

  • Delegate callback for getting offers.

#### `public void `[`GetCachedStoreOffers`](#classURH__EntitlementSubsystem_1ac8d1546132a1bc76ef72d7b9f462a947)`(TArray< FOnlineStoreOfferRef > & OutOffers)`

Helper function to get the cached store offers from the OSS.


  • OutOffers The offers cached in the store OSS.

#### `public TMap< FString, `[`FRHAPI_PlatformEntitlementProcessResult`](models/` > * `[`GetEntitlementResults`](#classURH__EntitlementSubsystem_1ac478a330f287a564dd51e49a430e2809)`()`

Gets the map of all processed entitlement results.

#### `public void `[`SetEntitlementOSSName`](#classURH__EntitlementSubsystem_1afb94ef35894b136c1a51c6695e24c06c)`(const FName & InEntitlementOSSName)`

Sets the entitlement OSS Name.


  • InEntitlementOSSName The OSS name to use for entitlements.

#### `public FName `[`GetEntitlementOSSName`](#classURH__EntitlementSubsystem_1a8aa48ac9424aea1058540ca316d1e426)`()`

Gets the set entitlement OSS Name.

#### `public IOnlineStoreV2Ptr `[`GetStoreSubsystem`](#classURH__EntitlementSubsystem_1a35d47446e0d8e8ff9c03c66ac8a90002)`() const`

Helper to the store subsystem subsystem.

#### `protected TMap< FString, `[`FRHAPI_PlatformEntitlementProcessResult`](models/` > `[`EntitlementProcessResultMap`](#classURH__EntitlementSubsystem_1ae694a08037debcf46c6c8cbefd33b0b3)

Map of results from Entitlement Process calls.

#### `protected FName `[`EntitlementOSSName`](#classURH__EntitlementSubsystem_1a3a1c18058080e0dc894e3f986f9f4230)

Online Subsystem to use for entitlements. If not provided, will use the default OSS.

#### `protected FTimerManager & `[`GetTimerManager`](#classURH__EntitlementSubsystem_1a3ac920200686b3ec67e976322e2913db)`()`

Helper to get the engines Timer Manager.

#### `protected `[`URH_LocalPlayerSubsystem`](` * `[`GetRH_LocalPlayerSubsystem`](#classURH__EntitlementSubsystem_1ab1f1a051a4db3625191e529a6536a14a)`() const`

Helper to the local player subsystem.

#### `protected IOnlineSubsystem * `[`GetOSS`](#classURH__EntitlementSubsystem_1a9d4639fe82b8dad3e126519ac79f579b)`() const`

Helper to the online subsystem.

#### `protected IOnlinePurchasePtr `[`GetPurchaseSubsystem`](#classURH__EntitlementSubsystem_1a68e068e84180db974ab6b29444847399)`() const`

Helper to the online purchase subsystem.