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class URH_RemoteFileSubsystemFile Subsystem used for file API calls.

class URH_RemoteFileSubsystem

class URH_RemoteFileSubsystem
: public URH_GameInstanceSubsystemPlugin

File Subsystem used for file API calls.


public virtual void Initialize()Initialize the subsystem.
public virtual void Deinitialize()Safely tears down the subsystem.
public virtual void UploadFile(const FRH_RemoteFileApiDirectory & Directory,const FString & RemoteFileName,const FString & LocalFilePath,const FRH_GenericSuccessWithErrorBlock Delegate)Upload a local file to the remote file storage.
public inline void BLUEPRINT_UploadFile(const FRH_RemoteFileApiDirectory & Directory,const FString & RemoteFileName,const FString & LocalFilePath,const FRH_GenericSuccessWithErrorDynamicDelegate & Delegate)Upload a local file to the remote file storage.
public virtual void DeleteFile(const FRH_RemoteFileApiDirectory & Directory,const FString & RemoteFileName,const FRH_GenericSuccessWithErrorBlock Delegate)Delete a file from remote file storage.
public inline void BLUEPRINT_DeleteFile(const FRH_RemoteFileApiDirectory & Directory,const FString & RemoteFileName,const FRH_GenericSuccessWithErrorDynamicDelegate & Delegate)Upload a local file to the remote file storage.
public virtual void DownloadFile(const FRH_RemoteFileApiDirectory & Directory,const FString & RemoteFileName,const FString & LocalFilePath,const FRH_GenericSuccessWithErrorBlock Delegate)Download a remote file to local file storage.
public virtual void DownloadFile(const FRH_RemoteFileApiDirectory & Directory,const FString & RemoteFileName,const FRH_FileDownloadDelegate Delegate)Download a remote file to memory.
public inline void BLUEPRINT_DownloadFile(const FRH_RemoteFileApiDirectory & Directory,const FString & RemoteFileName,const FString & LocalFilePath,const FRH_GenericSuccessWithErrorDynamicDelegate & Delegate)Download a remote file to local file storage.
public virtual void DownloadAllFiles(const FRH_RemoteFileApiDirectory & Directory,const FString & LocalDirectory,bool bUseCachedList,const FRH_FileDirectoryDownloadDelegateBlock Delegate)Downloads all discoverable files in a remote directory to a local file directory.
public inline void BLUEPRINT_DownloadAllFiles(const FRH_RemoteFileApiDirectory & Directory,const FString & LocalDirectory,bool bUseCachedList,const FRH_FileDirectoryDownloadDynamicDelegate & Delegate)Downloads all discoverable files in a remote directory to a local file directory.
public virtual void LookupFileList(const FRH_RemoteFileApiDirectory & Directory,const FRH_GenericSuccessWithErrorBlock Delegate)List the available remote files for an entity from the API and store results in cache.
public inline void BLUEPRINT_LookupFileList(const FRH_RemoteFileApiDirectory & Directory,const FRH_GenericSuccessWithErrorDynamicDelegate & Delegate)List the available remote files for an entity from the API and store results in cache.
public inline const TMap< FRH_RemoteFileApiDirectory](, [FRHAPI_FileListResponse> &GetFileListCache() constGet the entire file list cache.
public inline virtual bool ListFiles(const FRH_RemoteFileApiDirectory & Directory,FRHAPI_FileListResponse & OutFileList)List the available remote files for an entity from the cache.
protected TMap< FRH_RemoteFileApiDirectory](, [FRHAPI_FileListResponse>FileListCache
protected virtual void DownloadFileList(const FRH_RemoteFileApiDirectory & Directory,const TArray< FString > & RemoteFileNames,const FString & LocalDirectory,const FRH_FileDirectoryDownloadDelegateBlock Delegate)Downloads all discoverable files in a remote directory to a local file directory.


public virtual void Initialize()

Initialize the subsystem.

#### `public virtual void `[`Deinitialize`](#classURH__RemoteFileSubsystem_1ab67cd31ba8af91bf5e23f9644770f495)`()`

Safely tears down the subsystem.

#### `public virtual void `[`UploadFile`](#classURH__RemoteFileSubsystem_1a03467c88fad90070730fd59fd1e423b7)`(const `[`FRH_RemoteFileApiDirectory`](` & Directory,const FString & RemoteFileName,const FString & LocalFilePath,const FRH_GenericSuccessWithErrorBlock Delegate)`

Upload a local file to the remote file storage.


  • Directory The directory of the file on the remote storage.

  • RemoteFileName The name of the file on the remote storage.

  • LocalFilePath The path of the file on the local storage to upload.

  • Delegate The delegate to call when the operation completes.

#### `public inline void `[`BLUEPRINT_UploadFile`](#classURH__RemoteFileSubsystem_1a1b0ce6d7fa455db7b234f52c3ef360b2)`(const `[`FRH_RemoteFileApiDirectory`](` & Directory,const FString & RemoteFileName,const FString & LocalFilePath,const FRH_GenericSuccessWithErrorDynamicDelegate & Delegate)`

Upload a local file to the remote file storage.


  • Directory The directory of the file on the remote storage.

  • RemoteFileName The name of the file on the remote storage.

  • LocalFilePath The path of the file on the local storage to upload.

  • Delegate The delegate to call when the operation completes.

#### `public virtual void `[`DeleteFile`](#classURH__RemoteFileSubsystem_1a2f1ee08e22476c88dff1cdedcd7cf2ef)`(const `[`FRH_RemoteFileApiDirectory`](` & Directory,const FString & RemoteFileName,const FRH_GenericSuccessWithErrorBlock Delegate)`

Delete a file from remote file storage.


  • Directory The directory of the file on the remote storage.

  • RemoteFileName The name of the file on the remote storage.

  • Delegate The delegate to call when the operation completes.

#### `public inline void `[`BLUEPRINT_DeleteFile`](#classURH__RemoteFileSubsystem_1a13eb10c56b835fe594e88f118c681174)`(const `[`FRH_RemoteFileApiDirectory`](` & Directory,const FString & RemoteFileName,const FRH_GenericSuccessWithErrorDynamicDelegate & Delegate)`

Upload a local file to the remote file storage.


  • Directory The directory of the file on the remote storage.

  • RemoteFileName The name of the file on the remote storage.

  • Delegate The delegate to call when the operation completes.

#### `public virtual void `[`DownloadFile`](#classURH__RemoteFileSubsystem_1a700698d9f3f0cfa5c59312c67f7ae567)`(const `[`FRH_RemoteFileApiDirectory`](` & Directory,const FString & RemoteFileName,const FString & LocalFilePath,const FRH_GenericSuccessWithErrorBlock Delegate)`

Download a remote file to local file storage.


  • Directory The directory of the file on the remote storage.

  • RemoteFileName The name of the file on the remote storage to download.

  • LocalFilePath The path of the file on the local storage to save to.

  • Delegate The delegate to call when the operation completes.

#### `public virtual void `[`DownloadFile`](#classURH__RemoteFileSubsystem_1a2c9407936abcef6097184a3634dbee46)`(const `[`FRH_RemoteFileApiDirectory`](` & Directory,const FString & RemoteFileName,const FRH_FileDownloadDelegate Delegate)`

Download a remote file to memory.


  • Directory The directory of the file on the remote storage.

  • RemoteFileName The name of the file on the remote storage to download.

  • Delegate The delegate to call when the operation completes.

#### `public inline void `[`BLUEPRINT_DownloadFile`](#classURH__RemoteFileSubsystem_1a74b373397937c272b586d6785cc5e6b1)`(const `[`FRH_RemoteFileApiDirectory`](` & Directory,const FString & RemoteFileName,const FString & LocalFilePath,const FRH_GenericSuccessWithErrorDynamicDelegate & Delegate)`

Download a remote file to local file storage.


  • Directory The directory of the file on the remote storage.

  • RemoteFileName The name of the file on the remote storage to download.

  • LocalFilePath The path of the file on the local storage to save to.

  • Delegate The delegate to call when the operation completes.

#### `public virtual void `[`DownloadAllFiles`](#classURH__RemoteFileSubsystem_1aae6267a8ad1d709fd57b9b6007fd0a68)`(const `[`FRH_RemoteFileApiDirectory`](` & Directory,const FString & LocalDirectory,bool bUseCachedList,const FRH_FileDirectoryDownloadDelegateBlock Delegate)`

Downloads all discoverable files in a remote directory to a local file directory.


  • Directory The directory of the file on the remote storage.

  • LocalDirectory The path of the directory on the local storage to save to.

  • bUseCachedList If true, use the cached file list instead of fetching a new one.

  • Delegate The delegate to call when the operation completes.

#### `public inline void `[`BLUEPRINT_DownloadAllFiles`](#classURH__RemoteFileSubsystem_1a585db9eca7d95d6b68dd83a53527049d)`(const `[`FRH_RemoteFileApiDirectory`](` & Directory,const FString & LocalDirectory,bool bUseCachedList,const FRH_FileDirectoryDownloadDynamicDelegate & Delegate)`

Downloads all discoverable files in a remote directory to a local file directory.


  • Directory The directory of the file on the remote storage.

  • LocalDirectory The path of the directory on the local storage to save to.

  • bUseCachedList If true, use the cached file list instead of fetching a new one.

  • Delegate The delegate to call when the operation completes.

#### `public virtual void `[`LookupFileList`](#classURH__RemoteFileSubsystem_1a36fea83617549e77ed8ae584a72510c7)`(const `[`FRH_RemoteFileApiDirectory`](` & Directory,const FRH_GenericSuccessWithErrorBlock Delegate)`

List the available remote files for an entity from the API and store results in cache.


  • Directory The directory of the file on the remote storage.

  • Delegate The delegate to call when the operation completes.

#### `public inline void `[`BLUEPRINT_LookupFileList`](#classURH__RemoteFileSubsystem_1a6fe5fd4de179985acf299724bad96d07)`(const `[`FRH_RemoteFileApiDirectory`](` & Directory,const FRH_GenericSuccessWithErrorDynamicDelegate & Delegate)`

List the available remote files for an entity from the API and store results in cache.


  • Directory The directory of the file on the remote storage.

  • Delegate The delegate to call when the operation completes.

#### `public inline const TMap< `[`FRH_RemoteFileApiDirectory](, [FRHAPI_FileListResponse`](models/` > & `[`GetFileListCache`](#classURH__RemoteFileSubsystem_1a10bf521503a066a0983a554b0011b412)`() const`

Get the entire file list cache.

#### `public inline virtual bool `[`ListFiles`](#classURH__RemoteFileSubsystem_1a3d9dbd4f20220f82b8047db827c37777)`(const `[`FRH_RemoteFileApiDirectory`](` & Directory,`[`FRHAPI_FileListResponse`](models/` & OutFileList)`

List the available remote files for an entity from the cache.


  • Directory The directory of the file on the remote storage.

#### `protected TMap< `[`FRH_RemoteFileApiDirectory](, [FRHAPI_FileListResponse`](models/` > `[`FileListCache`](#classURH__RemoteFileSubsystem_1ad6229657ea8ef6c417c9ced173eebe85)
#### `protected virtual void `[`DownloadFileList`](#classURH__RemoteFileSubsystem_1ac8ee5bc68fb208fb9c329c897b93eab9)`(const `[`FRH_RemoteFileApiDirectory`](` & Directory,const TArray< FString > & RemoteFileNames,const FString & LocalDirectory,const FRH_FileDirectoryDownloadDelegateBlock Delegate)`

Downloads all discoverable files in a remote directory to a local file directory.


  • Directory The directory of the file on the remote storage.

  • LocalDirectory The path of the directory on the local storage to save to.

  • bUseCachedList If true, use the cached file list instead of fetching a new one.

  • Delegate The delegate to call when the operation completes.