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define DECLARE_RH_DELEGATE_BLOCKHelper for declaring FRH_DelegateBlock types.
enum ERHAPI_PlatformTypes_DEPRECATEDGeneric blueprint and native delegate used to report success or failure.
public DECLARE_DYNAMIC_DELEGATE_OneParam(FRH_GenericSuccessDynamicDelegate,bool,bSuccess)Generic blueprint friendly delegate used to report success or failure.
public DECLARE_DELEGATE_OneParam(FRH_GenericSuccessDelegate,bool)Generic native-only delegate used to report success or failure.
public DECLARE_DYNAMIC_DELEGATE_TwoParams(FRH_GenericSuccessWithErrorDynamicDelegate,bool,bSuccess,const FRH_ErrorInfo &,ErrorInfo)Generic blueprint friendly delegate used to report success or failure with error info.
public DECLARE_DELEGATE_TwoParams(FRH_GenericSuccessWithErrorDelegate,bool,const FRH_ErrorInfo &)Generic native-only delegate used to report success or failure.
public FORCEINLINE FRH_GenericSuccessWithErrorBlock RH_ConvertGenericSucessDelegateBlock(const FRH_GenericSuccessBlock & InDelegate)Generic blueprint and native delegate used to report success or failure.
public DECLARE_DYNAMIC_DELEGATE_OneParam(FRH_CustomEndpointDynamicDelegate,const FRH_CustomEndpointResponseWrapper &,CustomResponseWrapper)Dynamic delegate used for custom endpoint calls.
public DECLARE_DELEGATE_OneParam(FRH_CustomEndpointDelegate,const FRH_CustomEndpointResponseWrapper &)Native delegate used for custom endpoint calls.
public FORCEINLINE uint32 GetTypeHash(const FRH_PlayerPlatformId & PlatformId)Helper function to convert an FRH_PlayerPlatformId into a hash value.
public static bool RH_BreakApartURL(const FString & URL,const FString & BaseURL,FString & APIName,TArray< FString > & APIParams)Helper function to break a fully qualified URL into a base URL, API name, and an array of API parameters.
public FORCEINLINE uint32 GetTypeHash(const FRH_RemoteFileApiDirectory & Directory)Helper function to convert an FRH_RemoteFileApiDirectory into a hash value.
class FRH_AsyncTaskHelperBase helper class for asynchronous RallyHere tasks.
class FRH_SimpleQueryHelperTemplated helper class for asynchronously executing basic RallyHere API queries.
struct FRH_DelegateBlockTemplated helper class defining a native and blueprint friendly delegate as a single object.
struct FRH_ErrorInfoGeneric blueprint and native delegate used to report success or failure.
struct FRH_CustomEndpointRequestWrapperWrapper calls for custom endpoint requests.
struct FRH_CustomEndpointResponseWrapperWrapper calls for custom endpoint responses.
struct FRH_PlayerPlatformIdCommon structure for identifying players on any known platform.
struct FRH_RemoteFileApiDirectoryA tuple specifying the directory of a file in the remote file storage.



Helper for declaring FRH_DelegateBlock types.

enum ERHAPI_PlatformTypes_DEPRECATED

PT_UNKNOWNPlatform not specified
PT_UNUSED_1Unused platform [DEPRECATED]
PT_ANONRallyHere “anonymous” account platform
PT_UNUSED_3Unused platform [DEPRECATED]
PT_AMAZONAmazon Prime
PT_UNUSED_6Unused platform [DEPRECATED]
PT_UNUSED_7Unused platform [DEPRECATED]
PT_UNUSED_8Unused platform [DEPRECATED]
PT_PSNSony PlayStation
PT_XBOX_LIVEMicrosoft Xbox
PT_BASICUsername and Password login
PT_GOOGLEGoogle (not Google Play)
PT_UNUSED_14Unused platform [DEPRECATED]
PT_UNUSED_15Unused platform [DEPRECATED]
PT_UNUSED_17Unused platform [DEPRECATED]
PT_UNUSED_18Unused platform [DEPRECATED]
PT_UNUSED_19Unused platform [DEPRECATED]
PT_UNUSED_20Unused platform [DEPRECATED]
PT_UNUSED_21Unused platform [DEPRECATED]
PT_NINTENDO_SWITCHNintendo Service Account ID (NSAID)
PT_UNUSED_23Unused platform [DEPRECATED]
PT_NINTENDONintendo Legacy Account ID (NAID)
PT_UNUSED_27Unused platform [DEPRECATED]
PT_EPICEpic Online Services
PT_UNUSED_29Unused platform [DEPRECATED]
PT_SIMULMEDIASimulmedia Ad System
PT_UNUSED_31Unused platform [DEPRECATED]
PT_NINTENDO_PPIDNintendo Pairwise Pseudonymous ID (PPID)
PT_MAX_COUNTTotal number of support platforms

Generic blueprint and native delegate used to report success or failure.

All known platforms (some no longer supported), deprecated

public DECLARE_DYNAMIC_DELEGATE_OneParam(FRH_GenericSuccessDynamicDelegate,bool,bSuccess)

Generic blueprint friendly delegate used to report success or failure.

public DECLARE_DELEGATE_OneParam(FRH_GenericSuccessDelegate,bool)

Generic native-only delegate used to report success or failure.

public DECLARE_DYNAMIC_DELEGATE_TwoParams(FRH_GenericSuccessWithErrorDynamicDelegate,bool,bSuccess,const FRH_ErrorInfo &,ErrorInfo)

Generic blueprint friendly delegate used to report success or failure with error info.

public DECLARE_DELEGATE_TwoParams(FRH_GenericSuccessWithErrorDelegate,bool,const FRH_ErrorInfo &)

Generic native-only delegate used to report success or failure.

public FORCEINLINE FRH_GenericSuccessWithErrorBlock RH_ConvertGenericSucessDelegateBlock(const FRH_GenericSuccessBlock & InDelegate)

Generic blueprint and native delegate used to report success or failure.

public DECLARE_DYNAMIC_DELEGATE_OneParam(FRH_CustomEndpointDynamicDelegate,const FRH_CustomEndpointResponseWrapper &,CustomResponseWrapper)

Dynamic delegate used for custom endpoint calls.

public DECLARE_DELEGATE_OneParam(FRH_CustomEndpointDelegate,const FRH_CustomEndpointResponseWrapper &)

Native delegate used for custom endpoint calls.

public FORCEINLINE uint32 GetTypeHash(const FRH_PlayerPlatformId & PlatformId)

Helper function to convert an FRH_PlayerPlatformId into a hash value.


  • PlatformId The platform id to generate a hash for


Semi-unique hash value for the given platform id

public static bool RH_BreakApartURL(const FString & URL,const FString & BaseURL,FString & APIName,TArray< FString > & APIParams)

Helper function to break a fully qualified URL into a base URL, API name, and an array of API parameters.


  • URL The fully qualified URL that we want to break apart

  • BaseURL The base URL of the specified fully qualified URL

  • APIName The name of the API the URL is hitting

  • APIParams The array of API parameters from the URL


Semi-unique hash value for the given platform id

public FORCEINLINE uint32 GetTypeHash(const FRH_RemoteFileApiDirectory & Directory)

Helper function to convert an FRH_RemoteFileApiDirectory into a hash value.


  • Directory The directory to generate a hash for


Semi-unique hash value for the given directory

class FRH_AsyncTaskHelper

class FRH_AsyncTaskHelper
: public TSharedFromThis< FRH_AsyncTaskHelper >

Base helper class for asynchronous RallyHere tasks.


public inline FORCEINLINE bool IsRunning() constReturns whether or not the task is currently executing.
public FString GetName() constAbstract function for fetching the name of the asynchronous task.
public inline FORCEINLINE int32 GetTaskPriority() constGets the TaskPriority.
public inline FORCEINLINE FTimespan GetDuration() constGets the Duration the task has been running for.
protected int32 TaskPriority
protected FDateTime StartedTime
protected FDateTime EndedTime
protected inline FRH_AsyncTaskHelper()Default constructor.
protected inline FRH_AsyncTaskHelper(int32 InPriority)Constructor with a priority for the task helper.
protected virtual ~FRH_AsyncTaskHelper() = defaultDefault destructor.
protected void ExecuteCallback(bool bSuccess) constAbstract function called when the asynchronous tasks completes regardless of success or failure.
protected inline virtual void Cleanup()Function called to do cleanup when the asynchronous tasks is about to be deleted.
protected inline void Started()Function called when the asynchronous task has started.
protected inline void Failed(const FString & FailureReason)Function called in the event that the asynchronous task has failed.
protected inline virtual void Cancel(const FString & CancelReason)Cancels the asynchronous task by failing it out.
protected inline void Completed(bool bSuccess)Called when the asynchronous task has completed.


public inline FORCEINLINE bool IsRunning() const

Returns whether or not the task is currently executing.

#### `public FString `[`GetName`](#classFRH__AsyncTaskHelper_1a80428a85b9e421342c26cfc89d9999af)`() const`

Abstract function for fetching the name of the asynchronous task.

#### `public inline FORCEINLINE int32 `[`GetTaskPriority`](#classFRH__AsyncTaskHelper_1a8ba7451dcebfaafd9baa86269e5731b4)`() const`

Gets the TaskPriority.

#### `public inline FORCEINLINE FTimespan `[`GetDuration`](#classFRH__AsyncTaskHelper_1a5254f3c8ff8b85769fb7e236fd0911e7)`() const`

Gets the Duration the task has been running for.

#### `protected int32 `[`TaskPriority`](#classFRH__AsyncTaskHelper_1a3cd0f6d0bc966c1d11babe6c0e55c3a2)
#### `protected FDateTime `[`StartedTime`](#classFRH__AsyncTaskHelper_1a03029966e286906faf052d41f377dfde)
#### `protected FDateTime `[`EndedTime`](#classFRH__AsyncTaskHelper_1adbb5e6fbcb188eaa3b73a810fe2ad024)
#### `protected inline `[`FRH_AsyncTaskHelper`](#classFRH__AsyncTaskHelper_1ac536499bcb1447a61c1532d52f79712b)`()`

Default constructor.

#### `protected inline `[`FRH_AsyncTaskHelper`](#classFRH__AsyncTaskHelper_1a5301b60fab1a7a9c0cb2753390a4bd34)`(int32 InPriority)`

Constructor with a priority for the task helper.

#### `protected virtual `[`~FRH_AsyncTaskHelper`](#classFRH__AsyncTaskHelper_1af13727ce18a5652f71d9bc7aaf1c8345)`() = default`

Default destructor.

#### `protected void `[`ExecuteCallback`](#classFRH__AsyncTaskHelper_1ad697e43c14f4bb6d7a490e790cb9c1a6)`(bool bSuccess) const`

Abstract function called when the asynchronous tasks completes regardless of success or failure.

#### `protected inline virtual void `[`Cleanup`](#classFRH__AsyncTaskHelper_1a4b440306f400ffe304aa77d48fb9d57c)`()`

Function called to do cleanup when the asynchronous tasks is about to be deleted.

#### `protected inline void `[`Started`](#classFRH__AsyncTaskHelper_1a08f17e94ab3f155d4834ce5f6f2e18aa)`()`

Function called when the asynchronous task has started.

#### `protected inline void `[`Failed`](#classFRH__AsyncTaskHelper_1a0715db32b4969b9ade04459ae80df8a7)`(const FString & FailureReason)`

Function called in the event that the asynchronous task has failed.

#### `protected inline virtual void `[`Cancel`](#classFRH__AsyncTaskHelper_1aaf29b289af9c82871e3814205d566e0b)`(const FString & CancelReason)`

Cancels the asynchronous task by failing it out.


  • CancelReason Tracking string pushed to log for debugging purposes.

This is intended to be called from external code, not from within the task itself. It will just immediately fail, but this is virtual in case any locking etc needs to be done for safety.

#### `protected inline void `[`Completed`](#classFRH__AsyncTaskHelper_1a6abf59b65bbdf0dbeaa526e96dac5784)`(bool bSuccess)`

Called when the asynchronous task has completed.


  • bSuccess Whether or not the task completed successfully.

## class `FRH_SimpleQueryHelper`
class FRH_SimpleQueryHelper
: public FRH_AsyncTaskHelper

Templated helper class for asynchronously executing basic RallyHere API queries.


public inline FRH_SimpleQueryHelper(const typename BaseType::Delegate & InUpdateDelegate,const FRH_GenericSuccessWithErrorBlock & InCompleteDelegate,int32 InPriority)Constructor allowing for the specification of callback delegates.
public inline FRH_SimpleQueryHelper(const typename BaseType::Delegate & InUpdateDelegate,const FRH_GenericSuccessBlock & InCompleteDelegate,int32 InPriority)Constructor allowing for the specification of callback delegates.
public inline virtual void Start(TSharedRef< typename BaseType::API > API,const typename BaseType::Request & Request)Begins the task of asynchronously querying the API.
public inline void OnQueryComplete(const typename BaseType::Response & Resp)Called once the asynchronous query has returned a response.
public inline virtual FString GetName() constGets the templated name for this object.
public inline virtual void ExecuteCallback(bool bSuccess) constExecutes the generic delegate associated with this asynchronous task forwarding bSuccess.
protected BaseType::Delegate UpdateDelegateTemplated delegate to call with the API’s response if query successfully completes.
protected FRH_GenericSuccessWithErrorBlock DelegateGeneric completion delegate called regardless of success or failure.
protected FHttpRequestPtr HttpRequestThe HTTP request object used to query the API.
protected FRH_ErrorInfo ErrorInfoError Information


public inline FRH_SimpleQueryHelper(const typename BaseType::Delegate & InUpdateDelegate,const FRH_GenericSuccessWithErrorBlock & InCompleteDelegate,int32 InPriority)

Constructor allowing for the specification of callback delegates.


  • InUpdateDelegate Templated delegate to call with the API’s response if query successfully completes

  • InCompleteDelegate Generic completion delegate called regardless of success or failure

#### `public inline `[`FRH_SimpleQueryHelper`](#classFRH__SimpleQueryHelper_1af6c2dbc3abf92fc2972831a9b8edcd7f)`(const typename BaseType::Delegate & InUpdateDelegate,const FRH_GenericSuccessBlock & InCompleteDelegate,int32 InPriority)`

Constructor allowing for the specification of callback delegates.


  • InUpdateDelegate Templated delegate to call with the API’s response if query successfully completes

  • InCompleteDelegate Generic completion delegate called regardless of success or failure

#### `public inline virtual void `[`Start`](#classFRH__SimpleQueryHelper_1a503dfcc4b3226e4e8d2d7dc7b34b8eb8)`(TSharedRef< typename BaseType::API > API,const typename BaseType::Request & Request)`

Begins the task of asynchronously querying the API.


  • API API target for the query (i.e. User, Session, Inventory, etc.)

  • Request Templated request data for the query

  • Priority The Priority of the call, lower is higher priority

#### `public inline void `[`OnQueryComplete`](#classFRH__SimpleQueryHelper_1aa31bbdb22654a1396b93497dcd2ae1e8)`(const typename BaseType::Response & Resp)`

Called once the asynchronous query has returned a response.


  • Resp Templated response data for the query

#### `public inline virtual FString `[`GetName`](#classFRH__SimpleQueryHelper_1a6084b0d198a8ebd51d3ca5d8699fb7ec)`() const`

Gets the templated name for this object.

#### `public inline virtual void `[`ExecuteCallback`](#classFRH__SimpleQueryHelper_1abd7b0c6ff2ee89e535370844cbd30331)`(bool bSuccess) const`

Executes the generic delegate associated with this asynchronous task forwarding bSuccess.

#### `protected BaseType::Delegate `[`UpdateDelegate`](#classFRH__SimpleQueryHelper_1a8a472b78bd02d5b7f009fd03d66985be)

Templated delegate to call with the API’s response if query successfully completes.

#### `protected FRH_GenericSuccessWithErrorBlock `[`Delegate`](#classFRH__SimpleQueryHelper_1abcfae661faa10bc182cc4882a8446b54)

Generic completion delegate called regardless of success or failure.

#### `protected FHttpRequestPtr `[`HttpRequest`](#classFRH__SimpleQueryHelper_1a9dec6a0aee9304e3f6e0a310afe97494)

The HTTP request object used to query the API.

#### `protected `[`FRH_ErrorInfo`](` `[`ErrorInfo`](#classFRH__SimpleQueryHelper_1a33843e0102515af8f9576f1115d6911f)

Error Information

## struct `FRH_DelegateBlock`

Templated helper class defining a native and blueprint friendly delegate as a single object.


public DelegateType DelegateNative-only version of the delegate.
public DynamicDelegateType DynDelegateBlueprint friendly version of the delegate.
public inline FRH_DelegateBlock()Default constructor leaving both delegates unbound.
public inline FRH_DelegateBlock(const DelegateType & InDelegate)Constructor for binding just the native-only version of the delegate.
public inline FRH_DelegateBlock(const DynamicDelegateType & InDynDelegate)Constructor for binding just the blueprint friendly version of the delegate.
public inline void ExecuteIfBound(ParamList... params) constExecutes both the native-only and blueprint friendly versions of the delegate, if they’re bound.
public inline bool IsBound() const
public inline bool IsBoundToObject(const void * Object) const


public DelegateType Delegate

Native-only version of the delegate.

#### `public DynamicDelegateType `[`DynDelegate`](#structFRH__DelegateBlock_1aff13841baef762eb21d87b0119a22ebc)

Blueprint friendly version of the delegate.

#### `public inline `[`FRH_DelegateBlock`](#structFRH__DelegateBlock_1a9cc53216276cfd3e6ec1aa0addae1638)`()`

Default constructor leaving both delegates unbound.

#### `public inline `[`FRH_DelegateBlock`](#structFRH__DelegateBlock_1aedf66ff360f54e9124a5852f76d1e6b9)`(const DelegateType & InDelegate)`

Constructor for binding just the native-only version of the delegate.

#### `public inline `[`FRH_DelegateBlock`](#structFRH__DelegateBlock_1a8ef1217b61837b2e89eafb57c477a7df)`(const DynamicDelegateType & InDynDelegate)`

Constructor for binding just the blueprint friendly version of the delegate.

#### `public inline void `[`ExecuteIfBound`](#structFRH__DelegateBlock_1aa9e2440fe1a84c83218ce48353ff6364)`(ParamList... params) const`

Executes both the native-only and blueprint friendly versions of the delegate, if they’re bound.

#### `public inline bool `[`IsBound`](#structFRH__DelegateBlock_1a648274dc80bd38cf4619abdcf90f0018)`() const`
#### `public inline bool `[`IsBoundToObject`](#structFRH__DelegateBlock_1a0a618d127583f1e21937af6196062c76)`(const void * Object) const`
## struct `FRH_ErrorInfo`

Generic blueprint and native delegate used to report success or failure.

Generic handler for HTTP request errors.


public FHttpResponsePtr HttpResponseThe raw http response.
public int32 ResponseCodeThe Error Code of the HTTP request.
public FString ResponseContentContent of the HTTP request response.
public bool bIsRHCommonErrorWhether the response is a RallyHere common error.
public FRHAPI_HzApiErrorModel RHCommonErrorThe response as a RallyHere common error.
public bool bIsRHValidationErrorWhether the response is a RallyHere validation error.
public FRHAPI_ValidationError RHValidationErrorThe response as a RallyHere validation error.
public inline FRH_ErrorInfo()Default constructor.
public inline FRH_ErrorInfo(const RallyHereAPI::FResponse * Response)Construct from Response Ptr.
public inline FRH_ErrorInfo(const RallyHereAPI::FResponse & Response)Construct from Response Ref.
public virtual ~FRH_ErrorInfo() = defaultDefault destructor.
public inline void ImportErrorInfo(const RallyHereAPI::FResponse & Response)Parses The HTTP response into the error info.


public FHttpResponsePtr HttpResponse

The raw http response.

#### `public int32 `[`ResponseCode`](#structFRH__ErrorInfo_1a390a2d3df6eb1eb30b8c45910beda439)

The Error Code of the HTTP request.

#### `public FString `[`ResponseContent`](#structFRH__ErrorInfo_1a1a9cfc1398f93647a4409ed1e9712330)

Content of the HTTP request response.

#### `public bool `[`bIsRHCommonError`](#structFRH__ErrorInfo_1a3dc04003818b7b61b32a1afcec580cf4)

Whether the response is a RallyHere common error.

#### `public `[`FRHAPI_HzApiErrorModel`](models/` `[`RHCommonError`](#structFRH__ErrorInfo_1ae3439276423c4db34a8178f0382c4f27)

The response as a RallyHere common error.

#### `public bool `[`bIsRHValidationError`](#structFRH__ErrorInfo_1a8c5a433b1d62e3562a010bda5376521a)

Whether the response is a RallyHere validation error.

#### `public `[`FRHAPI_ValidationError`](models/` `[`RHValidationError`](#structFRH__ErrorInfo_1a5d714aa9f92485faeca2e6985de7363d)

The response as a RallyHere validation error.

#### `public inline `[`FRH_ErrorInfo`](#structFRH__ErrorInfo_1a73f5665c8b3d1e58d64e035d6dc0d141)`()`

Default constructor.

#### `public inline `[`FRH_ErrorInfo`](#structFRH__ErrorInfo_1a3aa352c4f719437558b1ad1e9bb2ca12)`(const RallyHereAPI::FResponse * Response)`

Construct from Response Ptr.

#### `public inline `[`FRH_ErrorInfo`](#structFRH__ErrorInfo_1aeb95360beb4cd80cc13d261d67cec516)`(const RallyHereAPI::FResponse & Response)`

Construct from Response Ref.

#### `public virtual `[`~FRH_ErrorInfo`](#structFRH__ErrorInfo_1ac9f4ab0234c74be322dba389a32e32cf)`() = default`

Default destructor.

#### `public inline void `[`ImportErrorInfo`](#structFRH__ErrorInfo_1a26ac8bbbd57882588cc878b0ee7fa99d)`(const RallyHereAPI::FResponse & Response)`

Parses The HTTP response into the error info.


  • Response The response to parse.

## struct `FRH_CustomEndpointRequestWrapper`

Wrapper calls for custom endpoint requests.


public FString EndpointIdHttp Endpoint ID that is mapped to a URL
public int32 PriorityCall Priority
public FRHAPI_JsonValue BodyHttp Body as Json
public FString ContentTypeHttp Content Type
public inline FRH_CustomEndpointRequestWrapper()


public FString EndpointId

Http Endpoint ID that is mapped to a URL

#### `public int32 `[`Priority`](#structFRH__CustomEndpointRequestWrapper_1a6b6460e53c2672f18efe9fea5cd36b2b)

Call Priority

#### `public `[`FRHAPI_JsonValue`](` `[`Body`](#structFRH__CustomEndpointRequestWrapper_1ad733b4395528d978c61320f1d06d23db)

Http Body as Json

#### `public FString `[`ContentType`](#structFRH__CustomEndpointRequestWrapper_1a0c5a56270404d556c0d65ba873cdaef3)

Http Content Type

#### `public inline `[`FRH_CustomEndpointRequestWrapper`](#structFRH__CustomEndpointRequestWrapper_1a6334b30e571cdb5577794ea5ee1c9cb4)`()`
## struct `FRH_CustomEndpointResponseWrapper`

Wrapper calls for custom endpoint responses.


public int32 HttpResponseCodeHttp Response Code
public TArray< FString > HttpHeadersHttp Headers
public FRHAPI_JsonValue HttpBodyHttp Body as Json
public FRH_ErrorInfo RHErrorInfoParsed RallyHere error
public inline FRH_CustomEndpointResponseWrapper()
public inline FRH_CustomEndpointResponseWrapper(const RallyHereAPI::FResponse_CustomEndpointSend & Resp)


public int32 HttpResponseCode

Http Response Code

#### `public TArray< FString > `[`HttpHeaders`](#structFRH__CustomEndpointResponseWrapper_1a59c48808e9357fd64aa2de14d6369a7a)

Http Headers

#### `public `[`FRHAPI_JsonValue`](` `[`HttpBody`](#structFRH__CustomEndpointResponseWrapper_1a791bfd7b371c5a8c49745dc4736fd045)

Http Body as Json

#### `public `[`FRH_ErrorInfo`](` `[`RHErrorInfo`](#structFRH__CustomEndpointResponseWrapper_1a5bc7706d93244411d0652b495030b2fd)

Parsed RallyHere error

#### `public inline `[`FRH_CustomEndpointResponseWrapper`](#structFRH__CustomEndpointResponseWrapper_1aa44901d30ba89511ec625f6bfe297aa0)`()`
#### `public inline `[`FRH_CustomEndpointResponseWrapper`](#structFRH__CustomEndpointResponseWrapper_1ad3707751b28f8cd4eaafc8d9cd4f8556)`(const RallyHereAPI::FResponse_CustomEndpointSend & Resp)`
## struct `FRH_PlayerPlatformId`

Common structure for identifying players on any known platform.


public FString UserIdPlayer identifier for the given platform type.
public ERHAPI_Platform PlatformTypePlatform type of this identifier.
public inline FORCEINLINE bool IsValid() constReturns whether or not this player platform ID has been filled with sensible data.
public inline bool operator==(const FRH_PlayerPlatformId & Other) constReturns whether or not this player platform ID exactly matches the given player platform ID.
public inline FRH_PlayerPlatformId()Default constructor that leaves the user ID empty and sets the platform type to “unknown”.
public inline FRH_PlayerPlatformId(const FString & InUserId,ERHAPI_Platform InPlatformType)Constructor for specifying user ID and platform type.


public FString UserId

Player identifier for the given platform type.

#### `public ERHAPI_Platform `[`PlatformType`](#structFRH__PlayerPlatformId_1a16ea8acca5079ee72ef5633463f84cab)

Platform type of this identifier.

#### `public inline FORCEINLINE bool `[`IsValid`](#structFRH__PlayerPlatformId_1a093b1a390755ba0891d56117e281d51e)`() const`

Returns whether or not this player platform ID has been filled with sensible data.

#### `public inline bool `[`operator==`](#structFRH__PlayerPlatformId_1a1632682be2ed79e28b8b29c185377efa)`(const `[`FRH_PlayerPlatformId`](#structFRH__PlayerPlatformId)` & Other) const`

Returns whether or not this player platform ID exactly matches the given player platform ID.

#### `public inline `[`FRH_PlayerPlatformId`](#structFRH__PlayerPlatformId_1a3e5948f39ab1702a82a8804dc458cc41)`()`

Default constructor that leaves the user ID empty and sets the platform type to “unknown”.

#### `public inline `[`FRH_PlayerPlatformId`](#structFRH__PlayerPlatformId_1afa9903b50c919271e478b89f7a3c68dc)`(const FString & InUserId,ERHAPI_Platform InPlatformType)`

Constructor for specifying user ID and platform type.

## struct `FRH_RemoteFileApiDirectory`

A tuple specifying the directory of a file in the remote file storage.


public ERHAPI_FileType FileTypeThe type of file to upload/download
public ERHAPI_EntityType EntityTypeThe type of entity the file is associated with
public FString EntityIdThe id of the entity the file is associated with
public inline FRH_RemoteFileApiDirectory()
public inline FRH_RemoteFileApiDirectory(ERHAPI_FileType InFileType,ERHAPI_EntityType InEntityType,const FString & InEntityId)
public inline bool operator==(const FRH_RemoteFileApiDirectory & Other) constComparison operator.
public inline bool IsValid() const
public inline FString ToDescriptionString() constGet a string representation of the directory.


public ERHAPI_FileType FileType

The type of file to upload/download

#### `public ERHAPI_EntityType `[`EntityType`](#structFRH__RemoteFileApiDirectory_1ac1fbbf236dd5683c0189b58ace4c546b)

The type of entity the file is associated with

#### `public FString `[`EntityId`](#structFRH__RemoteFileApiDirectory_1a4065838f5ba174048afd65330a29409d)

The id of the entity the file is associated with

#### `public `[`GENERATED_USTRUCT_BODY`](#structFRH__RemoteFileApiDirectory_1acd97265b9b2a315fbe5eb2aa63c5e67d)`()`
#### `public inline `[`FRH_RemoteFileApiDirectory`](#structFRH__RemoteFileApiDirectory_1a56911df486ef89c7096aed2c11cbf837)`()`
#### `public inline `[`FRH_RemoteFileApiDirectory`](#structFRH__RemoteFileApiDirectory_1a2098f9e4b8b8b88060886f87d8e394d2)`(ERHAPI_FileType InFileType,ERHAPI_EntityType InEntityType,const FString & InEntityId)`
#### `public inline bool `[`operator==`](#structFRH__RemoteFileApiDirectory_1a96fe3372945cbf4ffef30c1519bd1432)`(const `[`FRH_RemoteFileApiDirectory`](#structFRH__RemoteFileApiDirectory)` & Other) const`

Comparison operator.

#### `public inline bool `[`IsValid`](#structFRH__RemoteFileApiDirectory_1aaae4e108ecd39fb74c4ce279e20304a3)`() const`
#### `public inline FString `[`ToDescriptionString`](#structFRH__RemoteFileApiDirectory_1a2b39ae30546135d8802a1663893948bc)`() const`

Get a string representation of the directory.


A string representation of the directory