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class URH_PlatformSessionSyncerSynchronization object to sync state between a Rally Here Session and a Platform Session (such as a Steam session)
class URH_SessionBrowserCacheSimple container class to hold session view data, does not have its own auth context, relies upon getting it from elsewhere during calls, so that it can be used to cache across multiple players.
class URH_SessionViewBase class providing functionality for viewing session data and interacting with it from blueprint. Specifically does not have an “owner” meaning it cannot do “work” - it is read only. The subclasses have owners.
class URH_InvitedSessionInvited Sessions are sessions that the player has been invited to.
class URH_OfflineSessionOffline Sessions are sessions the session owner is actively a member of that are unsynchronized with the API. This is primarily intended as a utility class to allow for the session flow to be used globally, even when not running API based sessions (ex: tutorial / practice area before login).
class URH_OnlineSessionOnline Sessions are sessions that are synchronized from the API (and since it is a joined session, the Session Owner is a member)
class URH_SessionOwnerInterfaceSession Owner Interface class.
class IRH_SessionOwnerInterfaceSession Owner Interface.
struct FRH_SessionBrowserSearchParamsStruct containing the search paramaters for Session Browsers.
struct FRH_SessionMemberStatusStateUtility struct to wrapper a player state for a player state update change.
struct TRH_DataWithETagWrapperUtility struct to wrapper the tuple of a data typeand etag.
struct FRH_DeferredSessionPollPoll for deferred sessions.

class URH_PlatformSessionSyncer

class URH_PlatformSessionSyncer
: public UObject

Synchronization object to sync state between a Rally Here Session and a Platform Session (such as a Steam session)


public FRH_PlatformSessionSyncerCleanupDelegate OnCleanupCompleteNotification delegates for when cleanup of this object has completed.
public FRH_PlatformSessionSyncerCleanupDynamicDelegate BLUEPRINT_OnCleanupComplete
public FRH_PlatformSessionSyncerStateChangedDelegate OnStateChangedNotification delegates for when cleanup of this object has completed.
public FRH_PlatformSessionSyncerStateChangedDynamicDelegate BLUEPRINT_OnStateChanged
public bool Initialize(const FString & InSessionId,FRH_SessionOwnerPtr InOwner)Initialize the sycnrhonization object with a RallyHere session id and a session owner - requires that the owner contain that session.
public void Cleanup(const FSimpleDelegate & CompletionDelegate)Clean up the synchronization object, typically used when the RallyHere session is expired.
public inline FORCEINLINE FString GetRHSessionId() constGet the RallyHere session id that this object is synchronizing to.
public virtual URH_JoinedSession*GetRHSession() constHelper function to get the RallyHere session objcet from the session owner (based on the result of GetRHSessionId())
public virtual bool GetPlatformSessionIdFromRHSession(FUniqueNetIdRepl & PlatformSessionId) constHelper function to get the Platform Session Id from the RallyHere session object (based on the result of GetRHSession())
public inline FName GetPlatformSessionName() constGet the platform session name that this object is synchronizing to from the OnlineSubsystem (useful for OSS calls) Note that this is set before OSS session is valid. If you want to make sure the name is for a valid session, use GetPlatformSession()->SessionName instead (GetPlatformSession() may return nullptr)
public FNamedOnlineSession * GetPlatformSession() constGet the platform session object that this object is synchronizing to from the OnlineSubsystem.
public bool GetPlatformSessionIdFromPlatformSession(FUniqueNetIdRepl & PlatformSessionId) constHelper function to get the Platform Session Id from the platform session object (based on the result of GetPlatformSession())
public inline TScriptInterface< IRH_SessionOwnerInterface>GetSessionOwner() constGet the session owner interface that this object is using to look up session information.
public virtual bool IsLocalPlayerScout() constGet whether the local player is the “scout” - the player responsible for creation of the platform session if one does not exist.
public inline virtual ESyncActionState GetCurrentSyncActionState() constGet the current sync action state of this object.
public inline virtual bool IsSynchronized() constWhether this object is in the process of, or has completed, synchronization.
public inline virtual bool IsCleaningUp() constWhether this object is in the process of, or has completed, cleanup.
public inline virtual bool IsCleanupComplete() constWhether this object has completed, cleanup.
public virtual bool StartPlatformSession()Marks the session as started (note - asynchronous)
public virtual bool EndPlatformSession()Marks the session as ended (note - asynchronous)
public virtual void OnPlatformSessionCreated(bool bSuccess)Notification helper to let the synchronization object know that a session has been created (from the session owner, as the synchronization object does not bind the callback directly)
public virtual void OnPlatformSessionJoined(EOnJoinSessionCompleteResult::Type Result)Notification helper to let the synchronization object know that a session has been joined (from the session owner, as the synchronization object does not bind the callback directly)
public virtual void OnPlatformSessionStarted(bool bSuccess)Notification helper to let the synchronization object know that a session has been started (from the session owner, as the synchronization object does not bind the callback directly)
public virtual void OnPlatformSessionEnded(bool bSuccess)Notification helper to let the synchronization object know that a session has been ended (from the session owner, as the synchronization object does not bind the callback directly)
public virtual void OnPlatformSessionDestroyed(bool bSuccess)Notification helper to let the synchronization object know that a session has been destroyed (from the session owner, as the synchronization object does not bind the callback directly)
public void OnRHSessionUpdated(URH_SessionView * UpdatedSession)Handler for whenever the associated session is updated.
public void SetCachedPlatformSessionInvite(const FOnlineSessionSearchResult & SessionInvite)
public virtual IOnlineSubsystem * GetOSS() constGet the online subsystem for the platform session.
protected ESyncActionState CurrentSyncActionStateThe current state of the syncer.
protected FRH_SessionOwnerPtr SessionOwnerOwner of the session.
protected FString RHSessionIdRally Here session Id.
protected FName OSSSessionNameName of the session.
protected ERHAPI_Platform RHPlatformInternal platoform for the session.
protected TOptional< FOnlineSessionSearchResult > CachedSessionInviteThe cached platform session invite.
protected TWeakObjectPtr< URH_JoinedSession>CleanupRHSessionBackup pointer used during cleanup in case session has already been removed from owner when cleanup is triggered (ex: expiration has begun)
protected bool bDeferCleanupwhether cleanup is deferred until the end of the current action
protected virtual void CheckState()Check our current state against the session, and decide if we need to take any action.
protected virtual void KickOffState(ESyncActionState NewState)Change to a new state.
protected virtual void SyncActionComplete(bool bSuccess,bool bDeferFrame)Called when a Sync Action State is complete.
protected virtual void UpdateRHSessionWithPlatformSession()Take in information from the paired platform session into the RH Session.
protected virtual void CreatePlatformSession()Create a platform session.
protected virtual void JoinPlatformSession()Join the platform session.
protected virtual void JoinFoundPlatformSession(const FOnlineSessionSearchResult & SearchResult)Used by Join Platform session once found to join it.
protected virtual void OnScoutFailedToJoin()Handler for if scout fails to successfully join a specified session. Attempt to rectify by clearing out session (which should trigger a new session creation)
protected virtual void LeavePlatformSession()Leave the platform session.
protected virtual void CleanupInternal()Cleanup internal state of the session syncer.
protected virtual bool SetSyncActionState(ESyncActionState NewState)Sets the new action state for the syncer.
protected virtual FUniqueNetIdWrapper GetOSSUniqueId() constGet the unique net id of the session owner.
protected virtual IOnlineSessionPtr GetOSSSessionInterface() constGet the online subsystem session interface for the platform session.


public FRH_PlatformSessionSyncerCleanupDelegate OnCleanupComplete

Notification delegates for when cleanup of this object has completed.

#### `public FRH_PlatformSessionSyncerCleanupDynamicDelegate `[`BLUEPRINT_OnCleanupComplete`](#classURH__PlatformSessionSyncer_1a3be5a8c4afc63c37631b32ab867af2ba)
#### `public FRH_PlatformSessionSyncerStateChangedDelegate `[`OnStateChanged`](#classURH__PlatformSessionSyncer_1a1a1ded57262ed2320eeb66e852cb8e21)

Notification delegates for when cleanup of this object has completed.

#### `public FRH_PlatformSessionSyncerStateChangedDynamicDelegate `[`BLUEPRINT_OnStateChanged`](#classURH__PlatformSessionSyncer_1a22f87dbe7cf96e477c6b91ff686d203a)
#### `public bool `[`Initialize`](#classURH__PlatformSessionSyncer_1a672a8526678c8c22c968c2eb5d5f1334)`(const FString & InSessionId,FRH_SessionOwnerPtr InOwner)`

Initialize the sycnrhonization object with a RallyHere session id and a session owner - requires that the owner contain that session.


  • InSessionId The Rally Here session id for which we are synchronizing state

  • InOwner Session owner interface for use in looking up the session and other information


Whether initialization was successful. If initialization was successful, Cleanup() must be called to properly clean up state

#### `public void `[`Cleanup`](#classURH__PlatformSessionSyncer_1ac45a6144ac79b3024c9a5eb0c63ab981)`(const FSimpleDelegate & CompletionDelegate)`

Clean up the synchronization object, typically used when the RallyHere session is expired.


  • CompletionDelegate Delegate to call when cleanup is complete

#### `public inline FORCEINLINE FString `[`GetRHSessionId`](#classURH__PlatformSessionSyncer_1aa02905d5d2f2951c693d6ff1ac9a9e08)`() const`

Get the RallyHere session id that this object is synchronizing to.

#### `public virtual `[`URH_JoinedSession`](` * `[`GetRHSession`](#classURH__PlatformSessionSyncer_1ad9f453ea3f81edb0b87d9f3ba6950c57)`() const`

Helper function to get the RallyHere session objcet from the session owner (based on the result of GetRHSessionId())

#### `public virtual bool `[`GetPlatformSessionIdFromRHSession`](#classURH__PlatformSessionSyncer_1aea73e377334a657438cc1fdc74839891)`(FUniqueNetIdRepl & PlatformSessionId) const`

Helper function to get the Platform Session Id from the RallyHere session object (based on the result of GetRHSession())


  • PlatformSessionId The platform session id to fill in


Whether the platform session id was successfully filled in

#### `public inline FName `[`GetPlatformSessionName`](#classURH__PlatformSessionSyncer_1ab8864e7affb0cb4cf22bd81869b60c72)`() const`

Get the platform session name that this object is synchronizing to from the OnlineSubsystem (useful for OSS calls) Note that this is set before OSS session is valid. If you want to make sure the name is for a valid session, use GetPlatformSession()->SessionName instead (GetPlatformSession() may return nullptr)

#### `public FNamedOnlineSession * `[`GetPlatformSession`](#classURH__PlatformSessionSyncer_1ab67a1eed0ca3fe1c09672f3de8fcb44c)`() const`

Get the platform session object that this object is synchronizing to from the OnlineSubsystem.

#### `public bool `[`GetPlatformSessionIdFromPlatformSession`](#classURH__PlatformSessionSyncer_1a6be06ee04e5ea7001ed014cc1fbbec65)`(FUniqueNetIdRepl & PlatformSessionId) const`

Helper function to get the Platform Session Id from the platform session object (based on the result of GetPlatformSession())


  • PlatformSessionId The platform session id to fill in


Whether the platform session id was successfully filled in

#### `public inline TScriptInterface< `[`IRH_SessionOwnerInterface`](` > `[`GetSessionOwner`](#classURH__PlatformSessionSyncer_1a93019be39c8791d4b38444fb211bd358)`() const`

Get the session owner interface that this object is using to look up session information.

#### `public virtual bool `[`IsLocalPlayerScout`](#classURH__PlatformSessionSyncer_1a4c35be7c6e9a7c44101d34615e34a89a)`() const`

Get whether the local player is the “scout” - the player responsible for creation of the platform session if one does not exist.

#### `public inline virtual `[`ESyncActionState`](` `[`GetCurrentSyncActionState`](#classURH__PlatformSessionSyncer_1ab09f660e7e04da39fc24fb451935b677)`() const`

Get the current sync action state of this object.

#### `public inline virtual bool `[`IsSynchronized`](#classURH__PlatformSessionSyncer_1a89ba08022b1c6406db0d5d763b544ac9)`() const`

Whether this object is in the process of, or has completed, synchronization.

#### `public inline virtual bool `[`IsCleaningUp`](#classURH__PlatformSessionSyncer_1aecc90ce5a81b6ff023f107fd353906d6)`() const`

Whether this object is in the process of, or has completed, cleanup.

#### `public inline virtual bool `[`IsCleanupComplete`](#classURH__PlatformSessionSyncer_1acbfb387b2d0cea91154faec908def601)`() const`

Whether this object has completed, cleanup.

#### `public virtual bool `[`StartPlatformSession`](#classURH__PlatformSessionSyncer_1a422d3660def6c54c7fa45e521149adc7)`()`

Marks the session as started (note - asynchronous)

#### `public virtual bool `[`EndPlatformSession`](#classURH__PlatformSessionSyncer_1ac26c84cdcdfa44eac105d878a8f7fce7)`()`

Marks the session as ended (note - asynchronous)

#### `public virtual void `[`OnPlatformSessionCreated`](#classURH__PlatformSessionSyncer_1adf45b673cebb3d4f667ca33a2d2a4abd)`(bool bSuccess)`

Notification helper to let the synchronization object know that a session has been created (from the session owner, as the synchronization object does not bind the callback directly)

#### `public virtual void `[`OnPlatformSessionJoined`](#classURH__PlatformSessionSyncer_1a6533c4f9e5b84ab7893ee0f002bee8fa)`(EOnJoinSessionCompleteResult::Type Result)`

Notification helper to let the synchronization object know that a session has been joined (from the session owner, as the synchronization object does not bind the callback directly)

#### `public virtual void `[`OnPlatformSessionStarted`](#classURH__PlatformSessionSyncer_1ada7c87ae46e8fe0c99a06de53284695a)`(bool bSuccess)`

Notification helper to let the synchronization object know that a session has been started (from the session owner, as the synchronization object does not bind the callback directly)

#### `public virtual void `[`OnPlatformSessionEnded`](#classURH__PlatformSessionSyncer_1a29afb3b5b1bda91905c85ed56004294f)`(bool bSuccess)`

Notification helper to let the synchronization object know that a session has been ended (from the session owner, as the synchronization object does not bind the callback directly)

#### `public virtual void `[`OnPlatformSessionDestroyed`](#classURH__PlatformSessionSyncer_1a600318f388b1d368077bd7c9090c8bc9)`(bool bSuccess)`

Notification helper to let the synchronization object know that a session has been destroyed (from the session owner, as the synchronization object does not bind the callback directly)

#### `public void `[`OnRHSessionUpdated`](#classURH__PlatformSessionSyncer_1a6359fb4330ea231ed32cb6b66e5ff270)`(`[`URH_SessionView`](` * UpdatedSession)`

Handler for whenever the associated session is updated.


  • UpdatedSession The session that was updated.

#### `public void `[`SetCachedPlatformSessionInvite`](#classURH__PlatformSessionSyncer_1ad88b73abe387bfd9433def9d3416f001)`(const FOnlineSessionSearchResult & SessionInvite)`
#### `public virtual IOnlineSubsystem * `[`GetOSS`](#classURH__PlatformSessionSyncer_1aba1b0f5be0fbcafbc48c0ad0c7ec3baa)`() const`

Get the online subsystem for the platform session.

#### `protected `[`ESyncActionState`](` `[`CurrentSyncActionState`](#classURH__PlatformSessionSyncer_1a0a8fd13fe93d1aac1b94e7dc0e3715ea)

The current state of the syncer.

#### `protected FRH_SessionOwnerPtr `[`SessionOwner`](#classURH__PlatformSessionSyncer_1abdc13532c721a2d0593b177ae19833e5)

Owner of the session.

#### `protected FString `[`RHSessionId`](#classURH__PlatformSessionSyncer_1a2782a9152c7bf68ed0bd908b95c4301f)

Rally Here session Id.

#### `protected FName `[`OSSSessionName`](#classURH__PlatformSessionSyncer_1ac4bc77d7e8275889c8050bf1a09f2e97)

Name of the session.

#### `protected ERHAPI_Platform `[`RHPlatform`](#classURH__PlatformSessionSyncer_1ae2dda53f9229c02025c41c2203792892)

Internal platoform for the session.

#### `protected TOptional< FOnlineSessionSearchResult > `[`CachedSessionInvite`](#classURH__PlatformSessionSyncer_1afd327c8b4ac82aabcdd3063ca15432f2)

The cached platform session invite.

#### `protected TWeakObjectPtr< `[`URH_JoinedSession`](` > `[`CleanupRHSession`](#classURH__PlatformSessionSyncer_1a8fefa6f56080ef0462ae6b04178eb42b)

Backup pointer used during cleanup in case session has already been removed from owner when cleanup is triggered (ex: expiration has begun)

#### `protected bool `[`bDeferCleanup`](#classURH__PlatformSessionSyncer_1a1339e4f23791197848afeed8d7169651)

whether cleanup is deferred until the end of the current action

#### `protected virtual void `[`CheckState`](#classURH__PlatformSessionSyncer_1a83d87592ba8d798950d6f21be450ff8d)`()`

Check our current state against the session, and decide if we need to take any action.

#### `protected virtual void `[`KickOffState`](#classURH__PlatformSessionSyncer_1a05410c9acd749de9855906064dec3f1d)`(`[`ESyncActionState`](` NewState)`

Change to a new state.


  • NewState Target new state.

#### `protected virtual void `[`SyncActionComplete`](#classURH__PlatformSessionSyncer_1aac8fc53affd478438fc1fc8f0cc4e14e)`(bool bSuccess,bool bDeferFrame)`

Called when a Sync Action State is complete.


  • bSuccess Whether the action was successful.

  • bDeferFrame Whether to defer the frame before checking the state again.

#### `protected virtual void `[`UpdateRHSessionWithPlatformSession`](#classURH__PlatformSessionSyncer_1a32ba9f36bebfb6f263b73da0c9520267)`()`

Take in information from the paired platform session into the RH Session.

#### `protected virtual void `[`CreatePlatformSession`](#classURH__PlatformSessionSyncer_1a4c610d83e5a229ffc45db3eed437f886)`()`

Create a platform session.

#### `protected virtual void `[`JoinPlatformSession`](#classURH__PlatformSessionSyncer_1ab9709b439531ace0d8e4b49501bd8991)`()`

Join the platform session.

#### `protected virtual void `[`JoinFoundPlatformSession`](#classURH__PlatformSessionSyncer_1aa2d3557381e75ef893c848667ac53b09)`(const FOnlineSessionSearchResult & SearchResult)`

Used by Join Platform session once found to join it.


  • SearchResult The search result to join.

#### `protected virtual void `[`OnScoutFailedToJoin`](#classURH__PlatformSessionSyncer_1a71c2f843e4f7fe8c3727240fd9051d9d)`()`

Handler for if scout fails to successfully join a specified session. Attempt to rectify by clearing out session (which should trigger a new session creation)

#### `protected virtual void `[`LeavePlatformSession`](#classURH__PlatformSessionSyncer_1ad1a4c32ab4b51df8dd639a2c01d2d947)`()`

Leave the platform session.

#### `protected virtual void `[`CleanupInternal`](#classURH__PlatformSessionSyncer_1a51bed2712c80a6f92f1c8c5c1e1904f1)`()`

Cleanup internal state of the session syncer.

#### `protected virtual bool `[`SetSyncActionState`](#classURH__PlatformSessionSyncer_1a1261e4cc0e9cf808324785ca5e7fdf9f)`(`[`ESyncActionState`](` NewState)`

Sets the new action state for the syncer.


  • NewState New State to be in.

#### `protected virtual FUniqueNetIdWrapper `[`GetOSSUniqueId`](#classURH__PlatformSessionSyncer_1aebf1a29ac22a2919aed0b76d15f4bd51)`() const`

Get the unique net id of the session owner.

#### `protected virtual IOnlineSessionPtr `[`GetOSSSessionInterface`](#classURH__PlatformSessionSyncer_1addd7c5606ca5ca5d95d9d78cd89c7bd1)`() const`

Get the online subsystem session interface for the platform session.

## class `URH_SessionBrowserCache`
class URH_SessionBrowserCache
: public URH_SandboxedSubsystemPlugin
: public IRH_SessionOwnerInterface

Simple container class to hold session view data, does not have its own auth context, relies upon getting it from elsewhere during calls, so that it can be used to cache across multiple players.


public URH_SessionBrowserCache()Default constructor.
public void Search(const FRH_SessionBrowserSearchParams & params,const FRH_OnSessionSearchCompleteDelegateBlock & Delegate)Makes a call to search for session browsers.
public inline void BLUEPRINT_Search(const FRH_SessionBrowserSearchParams & params,FRH_OnSessionSearchCompleteDynamicDelegate Delegate)
public inline void ClearCache(bool bClearTemplates)Clears the cached sessions, and optionally the cached templates.
public virtual FAuthContextPtr GetSessionAuthContext() constGets the auth context to use for API calls for the session owner.
public virtual void ImportAPISession(const FRH_APISessionWithETag & Session)Adds a session into the session cache.
public virtual void ImportAPITemplate(const FRHAPI_SessionTemplate & Template)Adds a new session template type to the templates.
public inline virtual void ReconcileAPISessions(const TArray< FString > & SessionIds,const TOptional< FString > & ETag)Updates the list of sessions to only those that are active.
public inline virtual void ReconcileAPITemplates(const TArray< FString > & InTemplates,const TOptional< FString > & ETag)Updates the list of session templates to those that are active.
public virtual class URH_PlayerInfoSubsystem*GetPlayerInfoSubsystem() constGets the PlayerInfo Subsystem.
public inline virtual IOnlineSubsystem * GetOSS() constGets the Online Subsystem to use for OSS calls.
public inline virtual FUniqueNetIdWrapper GetOSSUniqueId() constGets the Online Subsystem Unique Id to use for OSS calls.
public inline virtual FPlatformUserId GetOSSPlatformUserId() constGets the Online Subsystem PlatformUserId to use for OSS calls (equivalent to controller index)
public inline virtual TOptional< FString > GetETagForAllTemplatesPoll() constGets the etag to use for a “Get all Templates” type query.
public inline virtual TOptional< FString > GetETagForAllSessionsPoll() constGets the etag to use for a “Get all Sessions” type query.
public inline virtual TArray< URH_SessionView* >GetAllSessionsForPolling() constUsed to get all sessions, primarily for get all sessions polling where etag matches.
public inline virtual URH_SessionView*GetSessionById(const FString & SessionId) constGets a session by its id.
public virtual void RemoveSessionById(const FString & SessionId)Removes a cached session for the local player, this does NOT try to leave it.
public virtual bool GetTemplate(const FString & Type,FRHAPI_SessionTemplate & Template) constGets a session template by type.
public inline virtual URH_PlatformSessionSyncer*GetPlatformSyncerByRHSessionId(const FString & SessionId) constGets the platform synchronization object using the rally here session id.
public inline virtual URH_PlatformSessionSyncer*GetPlatformSyncerByPlatformSessionId(const FUniqueNetIdRepl & PlatformSessionId) constGets the platform synchronization object using the platform session id.


public URH_SessionBrowserCache()

Default constructor.

#### `public void `[`Search`](#classURH__SessionBrowserCache_1a7c3c586c5d3de3fb1511be825c8840c9)`(const `[`FRH_SessionBrowserSearchParams`](` & params,const FRH_OnSessionSearchCompleteDelegateBlock & Delegate)`

Makes a call to search for session browsers.


  • params The search paramaters to use.

  • Delegate Callback delegate for when the search is completed.

#### `public inline void `[`BLUEPRINT_Search`](#classURH__SessionBrowserCache_1aef57a504c6238f35f6040a3c8b0f2b13)`(const `[`FRH_SessionBrowserSearchParams`](` & params,FRH_OnSessionSearchCompleteDynamicDelegate Delegate)`
#### `public inline void `[`ClearCache`](#classURH__SessionBrowserCache_1ab6fc51bbfa94876b68dc96846fe3c920)`(bool bClearTemplates)`

Clears the cached sessions, and optionally the cached templates.


  • bClearTemplates If true, clear the templates as well.

#### `public virtual FAuthContextPtr `[`GetSessionAuthContext`](#classURH__SessionBrowserCache_1a097ea9b50702c214574c512697427337)`() const`

Gets the auth context to use for API calls for the session owner.

#### `public virtual void `[`ImportAPISession`](#classURH__SessionBrowserCache_1ad7879d7762f0c548483d4b0f04558b97)`(const `[`FRH_APISessionWithETag`](` & Session)`

Adds a session into the session cache.


  • Session The session to add.

#### `public virtual void `[`ImportAPITemplate`](#classURH__SessionBrowserCache_1a59bae44be9047e2b2e107c27644eb6b0)`(const `[`FRHAPI_SessionTemplate`](models/` & Template)`

Adds a new session template type to the templates.


  • Template The template ot add.

#### `public inline virtual void `[`ReconcileAPISessions`](#classURH__SessionBrowserCache_1aec55593cc0c5248cb9a2eacab2c5e484)`(const TArray< FString > & SessionIds,const TOptional< FString > & ETag)`

Updates the list of sessions to only those that are active.


  • SessionIds The list of sessions that we are reconciling against.

  • ETag The ETag to use for the update.

#### `public inline virtual void `[`ReconcileAPITemplates`](#classURH__SessionBrowserCache_1a599273fe6e4ea36ab930c56f077eff91)`(const TArray< FString > & InTemplates,const TOptional< FString > & ETag)`

Updates the list of session templates to those that are active.


  • InTemplates The list of templates that we are reconciling against.

  • ETag The ETag to use for the update.

#### `public virtual class `[`URH_PlayerInfoSubsystem`](` * `[`GetPlayerInfoSubsystem`](#classURH__SessionBrowserCache_1ac59f177acf3996badf4dd9907c0e66e8)`() const`

Gets the PlayerInfo Subsystem.

#### `public inline virtual IOnlineSubsystem * `[`GetOSS`](#classURH__SessionBrowserCache_1a83aee966f46fa0846e717d03fd9d9963)`() const`

Gets the Online Subsystem to use for OSS calls.

#### `public inline virtual FUniqueNetIdWrapper `[`GetOSSUniqueId`](#classURH__SessionBrowserCache_1a65fc8b708ead7613eccfff0845f4c131)`() const`

Gets the Online Subsystem Unique Id to use for OSS calls.

#### `public inline virtual FPlatformUserId `[`GetOSSPlatformUserId`](#classURH__SessionBrowserCache_1a207b2edbcb716481408845eae51f31a8)`() const`

Gets the Online Subsystem PlatformUserId to use for OSS calls (equivalent to controller index)

#### `public inline virtual TOptional< FString > `[`GetETagForAllTemplatesPoll`](#classURH__SessionBrowserCache_1aa76b9eb09fb687bff5252effe7da2b0e)`() const`

Gets the etag to use for a “Get all Templates” type query.

#### `public inline virtual TOptional< FString > `[`GetETagForAllSessionsPoll`](#classURH__SessionBrowserCache_1af673c57a58cd96f48687778033b0c9e4)`() const`

Gets the etag to use for a “Get all Sessions” type query.

#### `public inline virtual TArray< `[`URH_SessionView`](` * > `[`GetAllSessionsForPolling`](#classURH__SessionBrowserCache_1aa05dd036c2dacc629cbf2d55b90efcdf)`() const`

Used to get all sessions, primarily for get all sessions polling where etag matches.

#### `public inline virtual `[`URH_SessionView`](` * `[`GetSessionById`](#classURH__SessionBrowserCache_1aa64b3bc0c50822dfc08403fa30416907)`(const FString & SessionId) const`

Gets a session by its id.


  • SessionId The Session Id to get.


The Session with the given Id.

#### `public virtual void `[`RemoveSessionById`](#classURH__SessionBrowserCache_1ac417818631c93603c294d653811d3948)`(const FString & SessionId)`

Removes a cached session for the local player, this does NOT try to leave it.


  • SessionId The Session Id to remove.

#### `public virtual bool `[`GetTemplate`](#classURH__SessionBrowserCache_1aa529f70a678eb8569e794a9366d8e4fd)`(const FString & Type,`[`FRHAPI_SessionTemplate`](models/` & Template) const`

Gets a session template by type.


  • Type the Type of template to get.

  • Template The session template being retrieved.


If true, the template was found.

#### `public inline virtual `[`URH_PlatformSessionSyncer`](` * `[`GetPlatformSyncerByRHSessionId`](#classURH__SessionBrowserCache_1a7315ff647e9507c03a8e4b4b22657fed)`(const FString & SessionId) const`

Gets the platform synchronization object using the rally here session id.

#### `public inline virtual `[`URH_PlatformSessionSyncer`](` * `[`GetPlatformSyncerByPlatformSessionId`](#classURH__SessionBrowserCache_1a363341b102359f9b6d90bfd1f3f73b3b)`(const FUniqueNetIdRepl & PlatformSessionId) const`

Gets the platform synchronization object using the platform session id.

## class `URH_SessionView`
class URH_SessionView
: public UObject

Base class providing functionality for viewing session data and interacting with it from blueprint. Specifically does not have an “owner” meaning it cannot do “work” - it is read only. The subclasses have owners.


public FRH_OnSessionUpdatedMulticastDelegate OnSessionUpdatedDelegateDelegate fired whenever the session is updated.
public FRH_OnSessionUpdatedMulticastDynamicDelegate BLUEPRINT_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlueprint compatible delegate fired whenever the session is updated.
public FRH_OnSessionUpdatedMulticastDelegate OnSessionNotFoundDelegateDelegate fired whenever the session is not found.
public FRH_OnSessionUpdatedMulticastDynamicDelegate BLUEPRINT_OnSessionNotFoundDelegateBlueprint compatible delegate fired whenever the session is not found.
public FRH_OnSessionMemberStateChangedDelegate OnSessionMemberStateChangedDelegateDelegate fired whenever the session member list changes with details about the change.
public FRH_OnSessionMemberStateChangedDynamicDelegate BLUEPRINT_OnSessionMemberStateChangedDelegateBlueprint compatible delegate fired whenever the session member list changes with details about the change.
public inline FORCEINLINE const FRH_APISessionWithETag&GetSessionWithETag() constGets the Session Data and its ETag.
public inline const FRHAPI_Session&GetSessionData() constGets the Session Data.
public inline const FRHAPI_InstanceInfo*GetInstanceData() constGets the Instance Data.
public inline FORCEINLINE const FRHAPI_SessionPlayer*GetSessionPlayer(const FGuid & PlayerUuid) constGets a session player if they are part of the session.
public inline FORCEINLINE bool GetSessionPlayer(const FGuid & PlayerUuid,FRHAPI_SessionPlayer & OutPlayer) constGets a session player if they are part of the session.
public inline FORCEINLINE const FRHAPI_SessionPlayer*GetSessionLeader() constGets the leader of the session if one exists.
public inline FORCEINLINE bool GetSessionLeader(FRHAPI_SessionPlayer & OutPlayer) constGets the leader of the session if one exists.
public inline FORCEINLINE int32 GetSessionPlayerTeamId(const FGuid & PlayerUuid) constGets the team id of a player if they are part of the session.
public inline FORCEINLINE bool IsCreatedByMatchmaking() constGets if the session was created through matchmaking.
public inline FORCEINLINE int32 GetSessionPlayerCount() constGets the number of players in the session.
public inline virtual bool IsOffline() constGets if the session is offline.
public inline FORCEINLINE bool IsOnline() constGets if the session is online.
public inline virtual bool IsJoined() constGets if the session is a one the local player has joined.
public inline bool IsInQueue() constGets if the session is currently in matchmaking.
public inline FORCEINLINE FRHAPI_SessionTemplate GetTemplate() constGets the session template.
public inline FORCEINLINE FString GetETag() constGets the session ETag.
public inline FORCEINLINE FString GetSessionId() constGets the session Id.
public inline FORCEINLINE FString GetSessionType() constGets the session type.
public TMap< FString, FString > GetCustomData() constGets session custom data.
public bool GetCustomDataValue(const FString & Key,FString & OutValue) constGets a session custom data value.
public TMap< FString, FString > GetInstanceCustomData() constGets intance custom data.
public bool GetInstanceCustomDataValue(const FString & Key,FString & OutValue) constGets an instance custom data value.
public TMap< FString, FString > GetBrowserCustomData() constGets session browser custom data.
public bool GetPlatformSession(ERHAPI_Platform Platform,FRHAPI_PlatformSession & OutPlatformSession) constGet the platform session data for a specific platform id
public virtual void ImportAPISession(const FRH_APISessionWithETag& newSessionData,constFRHAPI_SessionTemplate & newTemplate)Update a session from the owner, implies a template update.
public virtual void ImportTemplate(const FRHAPI_SessionTemplate & newTemplate)Update the session template .
public virtual void Expire(const FRH_OnSessionExpiredDelegate & Delegate)Called when the session was removed from our session list. Cleans up state then trigger callback on owner.
public TScriptInterface< IRH_SessionOwnerInterface>GetSessionOwner() constGets the session owner.
public void StartPolling()Starts the polling of session updates.
public void StopPolling()Stops the polling for session updates.
public void DeferPolling()Defers the polling for session updates (in case an out-of-band update was received)
public float GetPollTimeRemaining()Gets the current time remaining in the poll cycle in seconds. Returns -1.f if poll is inactive or is executing.
public void ForcePollForUpdate(bool bClearETag)Forces a polling call even if the polling is waiting till next time to pulse.
public void AddDeferredPoll(const FRH_DeferredSessionPoll & DeferredPoll)Add a deferred poll to the list of polls to run in sequence.
public void CheckDeferredPolls()Check and potentially kick off a deferred poll.
protected FRH_APISessionWithETag SessionDataThe Session Data with Etag.
protected FRHAPI_SessionTemplate TemplateA reference copy of the Template (in case the template is deleted from the managed template list)
protected FRH_AutoPollerPtr PollerPoller in charge of polling for the session.
protected TArray< FRH_DeferredSessionPoll>DeferredPollsArray of stored poll requests that have not yet been processed.
protected TArray< FRH_DeferredSessionPoll>WaitingPollsArray of stored poll requests that are waiting on the result of the current poll.
protected void PollForUpdate(const FRH_PollCompleteFunc & Delegate)Triggers a poll for a session update, automatically called as part of the polling loop.


public FRH_OnSessionUpdatedMulticastDelegate OnSessionUpdatedDelegate

Delegate fired whenever the session is updated.

#### `public FRH_OnSessionUpdatedMulticastDynamicDelegate `[`BLUEPRINT_OnSessionUpdatedDelegate`](#classURH__SessionView_1ad4bcea359be2cf5f8083d27088c6db7a)

Blueprint compatible delegate fired whenever the session is updated.

#### `public FRH_OnSessionUpdatedMulticastDelegate `[`OnSessionNotFoundDelegate`](#classURH__SessionView_1a8426fe031d4f2711140ce31aa5eaf0a0)

Delegate fired whenever the session is not found.

#### `public FRH_OnSessionUpdatedMulticastDynamicDelegate `[`BLUEPRINT_OnSessionNotFoundDelegate`](#classURH__SessionView_1a6672874c5fffb498ed5f19cfa6805751)

Blueprint compatible delegate fired whenever the session is not found.

#### `public FRH_OnSessionMemberStateChangedDelegate `[`OnSessionMemberStateChangedDelegate`](#classURH__SessionView_1aaab8a60729077d368e1cabf44c10167f)

Delegate fired whenever the session member list changes with details about the change.

#### `public FRH_OnSessionMemberStateChangedDynamicDelegate `[`BLUEPRINT_OnSessionMemberStateChangedDelegate`](#classURH__SessionView_1aa2d2de09bbcdd4b464f7f144f5f90920)

Blueprint compatible delegate fired whenever the session member list changes with details about the change.

#### `public inline FORCEINLINE const `[`FRH_APISessionWithETag`](` & `[`GetSessionWithETag`](#classURH__SessionView_1a82784931fa5147876f93a3096d38417f)`() const`

Gets the Session Data and its ETag.

#### `public inline const `[`FRHAPI_Session`](models/` & `[`GetSessionData`](#classURH__SessionView_1adc1e64df9d89153b96f912abaf54ed4f)`() const`

Gets the Session Data.

#### `public inline const `[`FRHAPI_InstanceInfo`](models/` * `[`GetInstanceData`](#classURH__SessionView_1aa41fa4e0e20493b0b89ca0976c72330e)`() const`

Gets the Instance Data.

#### `public inline FORCEINLINE const `[`FRHAPI_SessionPlayer`](models/` * `[`GetSessionPlayer`](#classURH__SessionView_1a3c11043ff5ae46b22f47442734758773)`(const FGuid & PlayerUuid) const`

Gets a session player if they are part of the session.


  • PlayerUuid The unique Id of the player to get.


The player if they exist in the session, otherwise null.

#### `public inline FORCEINLINE bool `[`GetSessionPlayer`](#classURH__SessionView_1abf7a2c182bbf41b82a158fc111598aad)`(const FGuid & PlayerUuid,`[`FRHAPI_SessionPlayer`](models/` & OutPlayer) const`

Gets a session player if they are part of the session.


  • PlayerUuid The unique Id of the player to get.

  • OutPlayer The player if they exist in the session.


If true, the player was found.

#### `public inline FORCEINLINE const `[`FRHAPI_SessionPlayer`](models/` * `[`GetSessionLeader`](#classURH__SessionView_1a4c24806b4e7e37ce2f3716330f82fed9)`() const`

Gets the leader of the session if one exists.

#### `public inline FORCEINLINE bool `[`GetSessionLeader`](#classURH__SessionView_1a31765b2d8138d16349615492bfd46bee)`(`[`FRHAPI_SessionPlayer`](models/` & OutPlayer) const`

Gets the leader of the session if one exists.


  • OutPlayer The leader if they exist in the session.


If true, the leader was found.

#### `public inline FORCEINLINE int32 `[`GetSessionPlayerTeamId`](#classURH__SessionView_1a0bfd9114186b65e9d6ab6b4c97552fa5)`(const FGuid & PlayerUuid) const`

Gets the team id of a player if they are part of the session.


  • PlayerUuid The unique Id of the player to get.


The player’s team id if they exist in the session, otherwise INDEX_NONE.

#### `public inline FORCEINLINE bool `[`IsCreatedByMatchmaking`](#classURH__SessionView_1a64970cbfe9adb2a065749a4e48b349df)`() const`

Gets if the session was created through matchmaking.

#### `public inline FORCEINLINE int32 `[`GetSessionPlayerCount`](#classURH__SessionView_1aceaf6db4198c0defac9c87bbc32574fb)`() const`

Gets the number of players in the session.

#### `public inline virtual bool `[`IsOffline`](#classURH__SessionView_1a7b855a2b8ac702d05cf3efe3263519b2)`() const`

Gets if the session is offline.

#### `public inline FORCEINLINE bool `[`IsOnline`](#classURH__SessionView_1a165bf0e2a2f4a73041daa0ebbaf082c2)`() const`

Gets if the session is online.

#### `public inline virtual bool `[`IsJoined`](#classURH__SessionView_1ae77e9295b2e867940d1fe31abd88a347)`() const`

Gets if the session is a one the local player has joined.

#### `public inline bool `[`IsInQueue`](#classURH__SessionView_1a5a36dda3d9b0c6049a26ce951f586d9d)`() const`

Gets if the session is currently in matchmaking.

#### `public inline FORCEINLINE `[`FRHAPI_SessionTemplate`](models/` `[`GetTemplate`](#classURH__SessionView_1a293350d46d361b42df4e83c7a4f9bf9c)`() const`

Gets the session template.

#### `public inline FORCEINLINE FString `[`GetETag`](#classURH__SessionView_1abd96670c8e2f44b233af9322bd2a06fc)`() const`

Gets the session ETag.

#### `public inline FORCEINLINE FString `[`GetSessionId`](#classURH__SessionView_1a6aedf3a6656fcde76b8e18d0f2b297fe)`() const`

Gets the session Id.

#### `public inline FORCEINLINE FString `[`GetSessionType`](#classURH__SessionView_1a450529876e3c21928d4fbc9925d1bb68)`() const`

Gets the session type.

#### `public TMap< FString, FString > `[`GetCustomData`](#classURH__SessionView_1a4cea1471adcb445c7f71cb5d1ef0f86c)`() const`

Gets session custom data.

#### `public bool `[`GetCustomDataValue`](#classURH__SessionView_1a278a3291ea20e0ce736da8ea4db8e767)`(const FString & Key,FString & OutValue) const`

Gets a session custom data value.


  • Key The custom data being requested.

  • Value The value of the custom data.


If true, the custom data was found.

#### `public TMap< FString, FString > `[`GetInstanceCustomData`](#classURH__SessionView_1a5b3e04566785eea12417d84737177555)`() const`

Gets intance custom data.

#### `public bool `[`GetInstanceCustomDataValue`](#classURH__SessionView_1a887bb0b311f4d9554e73419f9be81aad)`(const FString & Key,FString & OutValue) const`

Gets an instance custom data value.


  • Key The custom data being requested.

  • Value The value of the custom data.


If true, the custom data was found.

#### `public TMap< FString, FString > `[`GetBrowserCustomData`](#classURH__SessionView_1a4691063225ba4ad458aa12a14020c7d7)`() const`

Gets session browser custom data.

#### `public bool `[`GetPlatformSession`](#classURH__SessionView_1aa477ffc8b54fb7d355664615900a6603)`(ERHAPI_Platform Platform,`[`FRHAPI_PlatformSession`](models/` & OutPlatformSession) const`

Get the platform session data for a specific platform id


  • Platform The platform id to get the session data for

  • OutPlatformSession The platform session data for the specified platform id


If true, the platform session data was found

#### `public virtual void `[`ImportAPISession`](#classURH__SessionView_1a92790b540906943bf8501049b45222b3)`(const `[`FRH_APISessionWithETag`](` & newSessionData,const `[`FRHAPI_SessionTemplate`](models/` & newTemplate)`

Update a session from the owner, implies a template update.


  • newSessionData The new session data.

  • newTemplate The new session template.

#### `public virtual void `[`ImportTemplate`](#classURH__SessionView_1aa910b3892253ae47a3eedf5f91eae252)`(const `[`FRHAPI_SessionTemplate`](models/` & newTemplate)`

Update the session template .


  • newTemplate The new session template.

#### `public virtual void `[`Expire`](#classURH__SessionView_1a81b861028c8b998005d3627752cce51f)`(const FRH_OnSessionExpiredDelegate & Delegate)`

Called when the session was removed from our session list. Cleans up state then trigger callback on owner.


  • Delegate The delegate to call when the session is removed.

#### `public TScriptInterface< `[`IRH_SessionOwnerInterface`](` > `[`GetSessionOwner`](#classURH__SessionView_1ab4c61212a9d10507d2aab3d645b4b985)`() const`

Gets the session owner.

#### `public void `[`StartPolling`](#classURH__SessionView_1a488f1c164e31d30c17d98f13226c6079)`()`

Starts the polling of session updates.

#### `public void `[`StopPolling`](#classURH__SessionView_1aa34ca34af04d8bcb3200d48395c242c2)`()`

Stops the polling for session updates.

#### `public void `[`DeferPolling`](#classURH__SessionView_1a09c8faf3934af2d317d955cbd5da5ed3)`()`

Defers the polling for session updates (in case an out-of-band update was received)

#### `public float `[`GetPollTimeRemaining`](#classURH__SessionView_1aa57cc3f86e075380283f9a7a22d07a06)`()`

Gets the current time remaining in the poll cycle in seconds. Returns -1.f if poll is inactive or is executing.

#### `public void `[`ForcePollForUpdate`](#classURH__SessionView_1a3dcdea9537922b7c533929b05dc5c885)`(bool bClearETag)`

Forces a polling call even if the polling is waiting till next time to pulse.


  • bClearETag If true, the ETag will be cleared before the poll.

#### `public void `[`AddDeferredPoll`](#classURH__SessionView_1a7e207452f3a5b71dcf74642d7d15aa9e)`(const `[`FRH_DeferredSessionPoll`](` & DeferredPoll)`

Add a deferred poll to the list of polls to run in sequence.

#### `public void `[`CheckDeferredPolls`](#classURH__SessionView_1aaf1a897f37236897e788f33d2c34304a)`()`

Check and potentially kick off a deferred poll.

#### `protected `[`FRH_APISessionWithETag`](` `[`SessionData`](#classURH__SessionView_1a2323a589459ab11bb6ee7596d234d7df)

The Session Data with Etag.

#### `protected `[`FRHAPI_SessionTemplate`](models/` `[`Template`](#classURH__SessionView_1a4726a534a0d2c8f2de41f9ad5963d64f)

A reference copy of the Template (in case the template is deleted from the managed template list)

#### `protected FRH_AutoPollerPtr `[`Poller`](#classURH__SessionView_1aae3d3ebab134537e289fe4340777b47d)

Poller in charge of polling for the session.

#### `protected TArray< `[`FRH_DeferredSessionPoll`](` > `[`DeferredPolls`](#classURH__SessionView_1a6519f00b229dbd0cad4be5907e937b15)

Array of stored poll requests that have not yet been processed.

#### `protected TArray< `[`FRH_DeferredSessionPoll`](` > `[`WaitingPolls`](#classURH__SessionView_1ae0ea80e3394fe77f996d00bc692169c6)

Array of stored poll requests that are waiting on the result of the current poll.

#### `protected void `[`PollForUpdate`](#classURH__SessionView_1a4ccf0aaf6734e2e5638ab257c1451480)`(const FRH_PollCompleteFunc & Delegate)`

Triggers a poll for a session update, automatically called as part of the polling loop.


  • Delegate Callback delegate for when the poll completes.

## class `URH_InvitedSession`
class URH_InvitedSession
: public URH_SessionView

Invited Sessions are sessions that the player has been invited to.


public inline virtual bool IsOffline() constGets that an invited session is not an offline session.
public virtual void Join(const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)Accepts to join the session.
public inline void BLUEPRINT_Join(const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDynamicDelegate & Delegate)Blueprint compatible version of Join.
public virtual void Leave(const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)Declines to join the session.
public inline void BLUEPRINT_Leave(const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDynamicDelegate & Delegate)Blueprint compatible version of Leave.
public virtual void QueryInviterBlockedOnPlatformAsync(const FRH_OnSessionPlayerIsBlockedDelegateBlock & Delegate)Determines if the Inviter of this session is blocked by the player on their current platform.
public inline void BLUEPRINT_QueryInviterBlockedOnPlatformAsync(const FRH_OnSessionPlayerIsBlockedDynamicDelegate & Delegate)Blueprint compatible version of QueryInviterBlockedOnPlatformAsync.


public inline virtual bool IsOffline() const

Gets that an invited session is not an offline session.

#### `public virtual void `[`Join`](#classURH__InvitedSession_1a533ddfa3135881b4b4ed6b7f57cb809e)`(const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)`

Accepts to join the session.


  • Delegate The callback delegate for the session being updated by the join.

#### `public inline void `[`BLUEPRINT_Join`](#classURH__InvitedSession_1ae695534cc3653e4cf7374b54a030133b)`(const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDynamicDelegate & Delegate)`

Blueprint compatible version of Join.


  • Delegate The callback delegate for the session being updated by the join.

#### `public virtual void `[`Leave`](#classURH__InvitedSession_1ac9e1131d672b7e6f7dd4a476d54e80aa)`(const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)`

Declines to join the session.


  • Delegate The callback delegate for the session being updated by the leave.

#### `public inline void `[`BLUEPRINT_Leave`](#classURH__InvitedSession_1a5710f9c6987179ca0489029cb3bced79)`(const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDynamicDelegate & Delegate)`

Blueprint compatible version of Leave.


  • Delegate The callback delegate for the session being updated by the leave.

#### `public virtual void `[`QueryInviterBlockedOnPlatformAsync`](#classURH__InvitedSession_1a3caca59784784c406ee3df3a800492e6)`(const FRH_OnSessionPlayerIsBlockedDelegateBlock & Delegate)`

Determines if the Inviter of this session is blocked by the player on their current platform.


  • Delegate The callback delegate for the results of querying if the inviter is blocked on the current platform

#### `public inline void `[`BLUEPRINT_QueryInviterBlockedOnPlatformAsync`](#classURH__InvitedSession_1a44a414d25a7a6581a2de28c861ffa0d7)`(const FRH_OnSessionPlayerIsBlockedDynamicDelegate & Delegate)`

Blueprint compatible version of QueryInviterBlockedOnPlatformAsync.


  • Delegate The callback delegate for the results of querying if the inviter is blocked on the current platform

## class `URH_OfflineSession`
class URH_OfflineSession
: public URH_JoinedSession

Offline Sessions are sessions the session owner is actively a member of that are unsynchronized with the API. This is primarily intended as a utility class to allow for the session flow to be used globally, even when not running API based sessions (ex: tutorial / practice area before login).


public inline virtual bool IsOffline() constGets that the session is offline.
public virtual void InvitePlayer(const FGuid & PlayerUuid,int32 Team,const TMap< FString, FString > & CustomData,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)Currently not supported for offline sessions.
public virtual void KickPlayer(const FGuid & PlayerUuid,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)Currently not supported for offline sessions.
public virtual void InviteOtherSession(const FString & InvitedSessionId,const FRHAPI_SessionInviteRequest & SessionInviteRequest,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)Currently not supported for offline sessions.
public virtual void KickOtherSession(const FString & KickedSessionId,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)Currently not supported for offline sessions.
public virtual void SetLeader(const FGuid & PlayerUuid,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)Currently not supported for offline sessions.
public virtual void ChangePlayerTeam(const FGuid & PlayerUuid,int32 Team,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)Changes the team a given player is associated with in the session.
public virtual void UpdatePlayerCustomData(const FGuid & PlayerUuid,const TMap< FString, FString > & CustomData,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)Currently not supported for offline sessions.
public virtual void Leave(bool bFromOSSSession,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)Leaves the session.
public virtual void RequestInstance(const FRHAPI_InstanceRequest & InstanceRequest,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)Attempt to create a new instance for the session.
public virtual void EndInstance(const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)Shutdown the existing instance for the session.
public virtual void GenerateVoipLoginToken(const FRH_OnSessionGetVoipTokenDelegateBlock & Delegate)Generate a VOIP login token.
public virtual void GenerateVoipActionToken(ERHAPI_VivoxSessionActionSingle VivoxAction,ERHAPI_VoipSessionType VoipSessionType,const FRH_OnSessionGetVoipTokenDelegateBlock & Delegate)Generate a VOIP action token.
public virtual void UpdateSessionInfo(const FRHAPI_SessionUpdate & Update,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)Updates the session info.
public virtual void UpdateInstanceInfo(const FRHAPI_InstanceInfoUpdate & Update,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)Updates the sessions instance info.
public virtual void UpdateBrowserInfo(bool bEnable,const TMap< FString, FString > & CustomData,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)Updates the sessions browser info.
public virtual void UpdateInstanceHealth(ERHAPI_InstanceHealthStatus HealthStatus,const FRH_GenericSuccessWithErrorBlock & Delegate)Update the instance health of the session.
public virtual void AcknowledgeBackfill(bool bEnable,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)Acknowledge backfill for the session, keeping it alive and processing updates.
public virtual void DeleteBackfill(const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)Delete active backfill request for the session.
public virtual void EmitAuditEvent(const FRHAPI_CreateAuditRequest & AuditEvent,const FRH_GenericSuccessWithErrorBlock & Delegate) constEmit an event to the session audit log.
protected void ImportSessionUpdateToAllPlayers(const FRH_APISessionWithETag & Update)


public inline virtual bool IsOffline() const

Gets that the session is offline.

#### `public virtual void `[`InvitePlayer`](#classURH__OfflineSession_1af16376f4dc510808b79aa74cf2ea461d)`(const FGuid & PlayerUuid,int32 Team,const TMap< FString, FString > & CustomData,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)`

Currently not supported for offline sessions.

#### `public virtual void `[`KickPlayer`](#classURH__OfflineSession_1a0b8bc9e0caafb5cb35a1e7c1caa4dfbe)`(const FGuid & PlayerUuid,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)`

Currently not supported for offline sessions.

#### `public virtual void `[`InviteOtherSession`](#classURH__OfflineSession_1a52cf813a55cf049b932b5b3335d5c132)`(const FString & InvitedSessionId,const `[`FRHAPI_SessionInviteRequest`](models/` & SessionInviteRequest,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)`

Currently not supported for offline sessions.

#### `public virtual void `[`KickOtherSession`](#classURH__OfflineSession_1aef48af399b765fcf42bddbbb49242d18)`(const FString & KickedSessionId,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)`

Currently not supported for offline sessions.

#### `public virtual void `[`SetLeader`](#classURH__OfflineSession_1a88d682913b0247652317fa4ed3213152)`(const FGuid & PlayerUuid,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)`

Currently not supported for offline sessions.

#### `public virtual void `[`ChangePlayerTeam`](#classURH__OfflineSession_1a06bb9470b305e09a1eed9ffbc35153e8)`(const FGuid & PlayerUuid,int32 Team,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)`

Changes the team a given player is associated with in the session.


  • PlayerUuid The unique player Id to invite to the session.

  • Team The target team that the player will be associated with in the session.

  • Delegate Callback delegate for the session being updated by the team change.

#### `public virtual void `[`UpdatePlayerCustomData`](#classURH__OfflineSession_1aa58dc5637c9e083c6990f7832077a60d)`(const FGuid & PlayerUuid,const TMap< FString, FString > & CustomData,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)`

Currently not supported for offline sessions.

#### `public virtual void `[`Leave`](#classURH__OfflineSession_1ac9879abe8ef573431669f5e4b2c99f14)`(bool bFromOSSSession,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)`

Leaves the session.


  • bFromOSSSession If true, then leave the OSS Session. Otherwise, just leave the session.

  • Delegate Callback delegate for the session being updated by the leave.

#### `public virtual void `[`RequestInstance`](#classURH__OfflineSession_1a15f9d178c350737ffd1c7315b174b9d3)`(const `[`FRHAPI_InstanceRequest`](models/` & InstanceRequest,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)`

Attempt to create a new instance for the session.


  • InstanceRequest Details for the instance being requested.

  • Delegate Callback delegate for the session being updated with the instance creation, or failure.

#### `public virtual void `[`EndInstance`](#classURH__OfflineSession_1a42d2adfee51e818244e98e0d0888f410)`(const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)`

Shutdown the existing instance for the session.


  • Delegate Callback delegate for the session being updated with the instance ending.

#### `public virtual void `[`GenerateVoipLoginToken`](#classURH__OfflineSession_1ac27726a868507a3200bf8724f57270df)`(const FRH_OnSessionGetVoipTokenDelegateBlock & Delegate)`

Generate a VOIP login token.


  • Delegate Callback delegate with the new voip token

#### `public virtual void `[`GenerateVoipActionToken`](#classURH__OfflineSession_1ae1fb00699b03e13df973851ab5a293d0)`(ERHAPI_VivoxSessionActionSingle VivoxAction,ERHAPI_VoipSessionType VoipSessionType,const FRH_OnSessionGetVoipTokenDelegateBlock & Delegate)`

Generate a VOIP action token.


  • VivoxAction The action to generate a token for

  • VoipSessionType The type of voip session to generate a token for

  • Delegate Callback delegate with the new voip token

#### `public virtual void `[`UpdateSessionInfo`](#classURH__OfflineSession_1a298d217d999690851348cb4041ff7599)`(const `[`FRHAPI_SessionUpdate`](models/` & Update,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)`

Updates the session info.


  • Update The session info for the update.

  • Delegate Callback delegate for the session being updated with new session data.

#### `public virtual void `[`UpdateInstanceInfo`](#classURH__OfflineSession_1a8b36aeef35d1acbe6e6af22d9a55cf0f)`(const `[`FRHAPI_InstanceInfoUpdate`](models/` & Update,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)`

Updates the sessions instance info.


  • Update The instance info for the update.

  • Delegate Callback delegate for the session being updated with new instance data.

#### `public virtual void `[`UpdateBrowserInfo`](#classURH__OfflineSession_1a1efa399f684ce083ce292c87717f22ad)`(bool bEnable,const TMap< FString, FString > & CustomData,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)`

Updates the sessions browser info.


  • bEnable If true, sets the browser info. Otherwise, clear it out.

  • CustomData The new browser data for the update.

  • Delegate Callback delegate for the session being updated with new browser data.

#### `public virtual void `[`UpdateInstanceHealth`](#classURH__OfflineSession_1afeab096fde1a8c507aa1bb90403b9d81)`(ERHAPI_InstanceHealthStatus HealthStatus,const FRH_GenericSuccessWithErrorBlock & Delegate)`

Update the instance health of the session.


  • HealthStatus The new health status of the instance

  • Delegate Callback delegate for completion (note - local session is not modified on health update for efficiency reasons!)

#### `public virtual void `[`AcknowledgeBackfill`](#classURH__OfflineSession_1aa0472dab20c9193181b61a87f7175db2)`(bool bEnable,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)`

Acknowledge backfill for the session, keeping it alive and processing updates.


  • bEnable If true, keeps backfill enabled

  • Delegate Callback delegate for the session being updated with backfill data

#### `public virtual void `[`DeleteBackfill`](#classURH__OfflineSession_1ad422457d7e902b94d431a41d20246235)`(const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)`

Delete active backfill request for the session.


  • Delegate Callback delegate for the session being updated with backfill data

#### `public virtual void `[`EmitAuditEvent`](#classURH__OfflineSession_1afeb6450ec8e2bf8912f50f7066c23c80)`(const `[`FRHAPI_CreateAuditRequest`](models/` & AuditEvent,const FRH_GenericSuccessWithErrorBlock & Delegate) const`

Emit an event to the session audit log.


  • AuditEvent The event to send

  • Delegate Callback delegate for the completion of the audit event

#### `protected void `[`ImportSessionUpdateToAllPlayers`](#classURH__OfflineSession_1a662a10e6f117bb137f9d0d65b75171a8)`(const `[`FRH_APISessionWithETag`](` & Update)`
## class `URH_OnlineSession`
class URH_OnlineSession
: public URH_JoinedSession

Online Sessions are sessions that are synchronized from the API (and since it is a joined session, the Session Owner is a member)


public const TArray< FString > & MatchmakingTags
public const TArray< FString > const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDynamicDelegate & Delegate
public TScriptInterface< IRH_SessionOwnerInterface>SessionOwner
public TScriptInterface< IRH_SessionOwnerInterface> const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDynamicDelegate &Delegate
public inline virtual bool IsOffline() constGets that an online session is not an offline session.
public virtual void ImportAPISession(const FRH_APISessionWithETag& newSessionData,constFRHAPI_SessionTemplate & newTemplate)Update a session from the owner, implies a template update.
public virtual void Expire(const FRH_OnSessionExpiredDelegate & Delegate)Called when the session was removed from our session list. Cleans up state then trigger callback on owner.
public virtual void JoinQueue(const FRHAPI_QueueJoinRequest & Request,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)Joins a specific queue with the session to be matchmade with others.
public inline virtual void JoinQueue(const FString & QueueId,const TArray< FString > & MatchmakingTags,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)Simplified version of queue join, joins a specific queue with the session to be matchmade with others.
public UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable,Category,meta) constBlueprint compatible version of JoinQueue.
public inline void BLUEPRINT_JoinQueueEx(const FRHAPI_QueueJoinRequest & Request,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDynamicDelegate & Delegate)Blueprint compatible version of JoinQueue.
public virtual void LeaveQueue(const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)Leaves the currently active matchmaking queue.
public inline void BLUEPRINT_LeaveQueue(const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDynamicDelegate & Delegate)Blueprint compatible version of LeaveQueue.
public UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable,Category,meta) constBlueprint compatible version of JoinById.
public virtual void InvitePlayer(const FGuid & PlayerUuid,int32 Team,const TMap< FString, FString > & CustomData,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)Invites a player to the session.
public virtual void KickPlayer(const FGuid & PlayerUuid,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)Kicks a player from the session.
public virtual void InviteOtherSession(const FString & InvitedSessionId,const FRHAPI_SessionInviteRequest & SessionInviteRequest,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)Invites a different session to this session.
public virtual void KickOtherSession(const FString & KickedSessionId,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)Kicks all players in a target tsession from this session.
public virtual void SetLeader(const FGuid & PlayerUuid,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)Sets a new leader for the session.
public virtual void ChangePlayerTeam(const FGuid & PlayerUuid,int32 Team,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)Changes the team a given player is associated with in the session.
public virtual void UpdatePlayerCustomData(const FGuid & PlayerUuid,const TMap< FString, FString > & CustomData,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)Changes the session player’s custom data.
public virtual void Leave(bool bFromOSSSession,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)Leaves the session.
public virtual void RequestInstance(const FRHAPI_InstanceRequest & InstanceRequest,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)Attempt to create a new instance for the session.
public virtual void EndInstance(const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)Shutdown the existing instance for the session.
public virtual void GenerateVoipLoginToken(const FRH_OnSessionGetVoipTokenDelegateBlock & Delegate)Generate a VOIP login token.
public virtual void GenerateVoipActionToken(ERHAPI_VivoxSessionActionSingle VivoxAction,ERHAPI_VoipSessionType VoipSessionType,const FRH_OnSessionGetVoipTokenDelegateBlock & Delegate)Generate a VOIP action token.
public virtual void UpdateSessionInfo(const FRHAPI_SessionUpdate & Update,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)Updates the session info.
public virtual void UpdateInstanceInfo(const FRHAPI_InstanceInfoUpdate & Update,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)Updates the sessions instance info.
public virtual void UpdateBrowserInfo(bool bEnable,const TMap< FString, FString > & CustomData,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)Updates the sessions browser info.
public virtual void UpdateInstanceHealth(ERHAPI_InstanceHealthStatus HealthStatus,const FRH_GenericSuccessWithErrorBlock & Delegate)Update the instance health of the session.
public virtual void AcknowledgeBackfill(bool bEnable,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)Acknowledge backfill for the session, keeping it alive and processing updates.
public virtual void DeleteBackfill(const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)Delete active backfill request for the session.
public virtual void EmitAuditEvent(const FRHAPI_CreateAuditRequest & AuditEvent,const FRH_GenericSuccessWithErrorBlock & Delegate) constEmit an event to the session audit log.


public const TArray< FString > & MatchmakingTags

#### `public const TArray< FString > const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDynamicDelegate & `[`Delegate`](#classURH__OnlineSession_1a2bc77310ae4517d14bae417fe4e3f020)
#### `public TScriptInterface< `[`IRH_SessionOwnerInterface`](` > `[`SessionOwner`](#classURH__OnlineSession_1a3549895abb13d13b6693cc058065eace)
#### `public TScriptInterface< `[`IRH_SessionOwnerInterface`](` > const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDynamicDelegate & `[`Delegate`](#classURH__OnlineSession_1af4c227b3f3313aae40b08c87f06c1360)
#### `public inline virtual bool `[`IsOffline`](#classURH__OnlineSession_1af734641e6fe04130aadcfb7a6ed1d58a)`() const`

Gets that an online session is not an offline session.

#### `public virtual void `[`ImportAPISession`](#classURH__OnlineSession_1a4fe7233a68b23d1ca4985d3b0e103ef5)`(const `[`FRH_APISessionWithETag`](` & newSessionData,const `[`FRHAPI_SessionTemplate`](models/` & newTemplate)`

Update a session from the owner, implies a template update.


  • newSessionData The new session data.

  • newTemplate The new session template.

#### `public virtual void `[`Expire`](#classURH__OnlineSession_1a829df0d3fa147c93bc5bf43df526e050)`(const FRH_OnSessionExpiredDelegate & Delegate)`

Called when the session was removed from our session list. Cleans up state then trigger callback on owner.


  • Delegate The delegate to call when the session is removed.

#### `public virtual void `[`JoinQueue`](#classURH__OnlineSession_1a28750e69db30613d54f4a6c9bfcc94a6)`(const `[`FRHAPI_QueueJoinRequest`](models/` & Request,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)`

Joins a specific queue with the session to be matchmade with others.


  • Request The request for joining the queue.

  • Delegate Callback delegate on the session being updated from joining matchmaking.

#### `public inline virtual void `[`JoinQueue`](#classURH__OnlineSession_1ac6471f91d2ee705b4849186e621e60c3)`(const FString & QueueId,const TArray< FString > & MatchmakingTags,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)`

Simplified version of queue join, joins a specific queue with the session to be matchmade with others.


  • QueueId The Id of the queue being joined.

  • MatchmakingTags Specific data to be passed in as extra params for matchmaking.

  • Delegate Callback delegate on the session being updated from joining matchmaking.

#### `public `[`UFUNCTION`](#classURH__OnlineSession_1a4e4d322afa4582235311cf5c2c0ba763)`(BlueprintCallable,Category,meta) const`

Blueprint compatible version of JoinQueue.


  • QueueId The Id of the queue being joined.

  • MatchmakingTags Specific data to be passed in as extra params for matchmaking.

  • Delegate Callback delegate on the session being updated from joining matchmaking.

#### `public inline void `[`BLUEPRINT_JoinQueueEx`](#classURH__OnlineSession_1a077e94f81edf865ddc55168c9ce2a353)`(const `[`FRHAPI_QueueJoinRequest`](models/` & Request,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDynamicDelegate & Delegate)`

Blueprint compatible version of JoinQueue.


  • Request The request for joining the queue.

  • Delegate Callback delegate on the session being updated from joining matchmaking.

#### `public virtual void `[`LeaveQueue`](#classURH__OnlineSession_1a580de5cf705209f24551008caf72151c)`(const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)`

Leaves the currently active matchmaking queue.


  • Delegate Callback delegate on the session being updated from leaving matchmaking.

#### `public inline void `[`BLUEPRINT_LeaveQueue`](#classURH__OnlineSession_1a3c807b01d9d8b0f4f7be9b492dc3e991)`(const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDynamicDelegate & Delegate)`

Blueprint compatible version of LeaveQueue.


  • Delegate Callback delegate on the session being updated from leaving matchmaking.

#### `public `[`UFUNCTION`](#classURH__OnlineSession_1ae6998ea8e5f2265f71c2b7d201ebb738)`(BlueprintCallable,Category,meta) const`

Blueprint compatible version of JoinById.


  • SessionId Id of the session to join.

  • SessionOwner Owner of the session to join.

  • Delegate Callback deledate with an update of the session being joined.

#### `public virtual void `[`InvitePlayer`](#classURH__OnlineSession_1a8bf3c389551cbdf8ecf5112c8af151cf)`(const FGuid & PlayerUuid,int32 Team,const TMap< FString, FString > & CustomData,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)`

Invites a player to the session.


  • PlayerUuid The unique player Id to invite to the session.

  • CustomData The custom data for the invite

  • Team The target team that the player will be associated with in the session.

  • Delegate Callback delegate for the session being updated by the invite.

#### `public virtual void `[`KickPlayer`](#classURH__OnlineSession_1a4f8560ffb8ac393738907307ed2225bd)`(const FGuid & PlayerUuid,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)`

Kicks a player from the session.


  • PlayerUuid The unique player Id to kick from the session.

  • Delegate Callback delegate for the session being updated by the kick.

#### `public virtual void `[`InviteOtherSession`](#classURH__OnlineSession_1af7389a57edef2dfb81103c950d10c5d8)`(const FString & InvitedSessionId,const `[`FRHAPI_SessionInviteRequest`](models/` & SessionInviteRequest,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)`

Invites a different session to this session.


  • InvitedSessionId The session id to send the invite to

  • SessionInviteRequest Information about the invite being sent, including team information

  • Delegate Callback delegate for the session being updated by the invite.

#### `public virtual void `[`KickOtherSession`](#classURH__OnlineSession_1aaea0484871603acf63a76317dd1ffe9e)`(const FString & KickedSessionId,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)`

Kicks all players in a target tsession from this session.


  • KickedSessionId The session Id to kick from this session.

  • Delegate Callback delegate for the session being updated by the kick.

#### `public virtual void `[`SetLeader`](#classURH__OnlineSession_1ade15c14b576cf4c5ba384bc61fe25879)`(const FGuid & PlayerUuid,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)`

Sets a new leader for the session.


  • PlayerUuid The unique player Id to become the session leader.

  • Delegate Callback delegate for the session being updated by the leader change.

#### `public virtual void `[`ChangePlayerTeam`](#classURH__OnlineSession_1ab35d9139e68b21dd3ee9ed779fb37f16)`(const FGuid & PlayerUuid,int32 Team,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)`

Changes the team a given player is associated with in the session.


  • PlayerUuid The unique player Id to invite to the session.

  • Team The target team that the player will be associated with in the session.

  • Delegate Callback delegate for the session being updated by the team change.

#### `public virtual void `[`UpdatePlayerCustomData`](#classURH__OnlineSession_1a8f35a3597ef47c2570e9489e62ac6d23)`(const FGuid & PlayerUuid,const TMap< FString, FString > & CustomData,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)`

Changes the session player’s custom data.


  • PlayerUuid The unique player Id whose custom data will be updated

  • CustomData The custom data map to set the player’s to

  • Delegate Callback delegate for the session being updated by the player update

#### `public virtual void `[`Leave`](#classURH__OnlineSession_1abb7f5b8c9eaadd30166337a5dccebbbe)`(bool bFromOSSSession,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)`

Leaves the session.


  • bFromOSSSession If true, then leave the OSS Session. Otherwise, just leave the session.

  • Delegate Callback delegate for the session being updated by the leave.

#### `public virtual void `[`RequestInstance`](#classURH__OnlineSession_1aae906a67108cba268d73786229e8aa94)`(const `[`FRHAPI_InstanceRequest`](models/` & InstanceRequest,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)`

Attempt to create a new instance for the session.


  • InstanceRequest Details for the instance being requested.

  • Delegate Callback delegate for the session being updated with the instance creation, or failure.

#### `public virtual void `[`EndInstance`](#classURH__OnlineSession_1a38a05f415495a019c3f02fcae76317ec)`(const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)`

Shutdown the existing instance for the session.


  • Delegate Callback delegate for the session being updated with the instance ending.

#### `public virtual void `[`GenerateVoipLoginToken`](#classURH__OnlineSession_1aada1d23777b026c76b7e7b5bb2669b95)`(const FRH_OnSessionGetVoipTokenDelegateBlock & Delegate)`

Generate a VOIP login token.


  • Delegate Callback delegate with the new voip token

#### `public virtual void `[`GenerateVoipActionToken`](#classURH__OnlineSession_1ab8b5a3517f9670f980c0dc60ad80e709)`(ERHAPI_VivoxSessionActionSingle VivoxAction,ERHAPI_VoipSessionType VoipSessionType,const FRH_OnSessionGetVoipTokenDelegateBlock & Delegate)`

Generate a VOIP action token.


  • VivoxAction The action to generate a token for

  • VoipSessionType The type of voip session to generate a token for

  • Delegate Callback delegate with the new voip token

#### `public virtual void `[`UpdateSessionInfo`](#classURH__OnlineSession_1a21428e63a1268ef552d3186cd7df9d50)`(const `[`FRHAPI_SessionUpdate`](models/` & Update,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)`

Updates the session info.


  • Update The session info for the update.

  • Delegate Callback delegate for the session being updated with new session data.

#### `public virtual void `[`UpdateInstanceInfo`](#classURH__OnlineSession_1abdfc1e53b834da4afdfdce29de9b318b)`(const `[`FRHAPI_InstanceInfoUpdate`](models/` & Update,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)`

Updates the sessions instance info.


  • Update The instance info for the update.

  • Delegate Callback delegate for the session being updated with new instance data.

#### `public virtual void `[`UpdateBrowserInfo`](#classURH__OnlineSession_1a35197db28a89b5325ef4384dca5d76c8)`(bool bEnable,const TMap< FString, FString > & CustomData,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)`

Updates the sessions browser info.


  • bEnable If true, sets the browser info. Otherwise, clear it out.

  • CustomData The new browser data for the update.

  • Delegate Callback delegate for the session being updated with new browser data.

#### `public virtual void `[`UpdateInstanceHealth`](#classURH__OnlineSession_1ac49edd6dd0b2987fc8b0dcb6f563f585)`(ERHAPI_InstanceHealthStatus HealthStatus,const FRH_GenericSuccessWithErrorBlock & Delegate)`

Update the instance health of the session.


  • HealthStatus The new health status of the instance

  • Delegate Callback delegate for completion (note - local session is not modified on health update for efficiency reasons!)

#### `public virtual void `[`AcknowledgeBackfill`](#classURH__OnlineSession_1aa087b6190e032b3d3c22c110498cd33a)`(bool bEnable,const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)`

Acknowledge backfill for the session, keeping it alive and processing updates.


  • bEnable If true, keeps backfill enabled

  • Delegate Callback delegate for the session being updated with backfill data

#### `public virtual void `[`DeleteBackfill`](#classURH__OnlineSession_1a0e98bf0b3e205c2102364daccb7bb610)`(const FRH_OnSessionUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)`

Delete active backfill request for the session.


  • Delegate Callback delegate for the session being updated with backfill data

#### `public virtual void `[`EmitAuditEvent`](#classURH__OnlineSession_1a7bdff0e988bdaa1fb3e4be2d2c8b3513)`(const `[`FRHAPI_CreateAuditRequest`](models/` & AuditEvent,const FRH_GenericSuccessWithErrorBlock & Delegate) const`

Emit an event to the session audit log.


  • AuditEvent The event to send

  • Delegate Callback delegate for the completion of the audit event

## class `URH_SessionOwnerInterface`
class URH_SessionOwnerInterface
: public UInterface

Session Owner Interface class.




class IRH_SessionOwnerInterface

Session Owner Interface.


public FAuthContextPtr GetSessionAuthContext() constGets the auth context to use for API calls for the session owner.
public void ImportAPISession(const FRH_APISessionWithETag & Session)Imports a session object from the API into the owner (ex: from polling).
public void ImportAPITemplate(const FRHAPI_SessionTemplate & Template)Imports the template into the owner’s template list (ex: from polling).
public void ReconcileAPISessions(const TArray< FString > & SessionIds,const TOptional< FString > & ETag)Updates the list of sessions to only those that are active.
public void ReconcileAPITemplates(const TArray< FString > & InTemplates,const TOptional< FString > & ETag)Updates the list of session templates to those that are active.
public class URH_PlayerInfoSubsystem*GetPlayerInfoSubsystem() constGets the PlayerInfo Subsystem.
public IOnlineSubsystem * GetOSS() constGets the Online Subsystem to use for OSS calls.
public FUniqueNetIdWrapper GetOSSUniqueId() constGets the Online Subsystem Unique Id to use for OSS calls.
public FPlatformUserId GetOSSPlatformUserId() constGets the Online Subsystem PlatformUserId to use for OSS calls (equivalent to controller index)
public inline virtual FGuid GetPlayerUuid() constGets the Player UUID to use for player related calls (can be invalid)
public inline TOptional< FString > GetETagForSession(const FString & SessionId) constGets the Etag for a given Session.
public TOptional< FString > GetETagForAllTemplatesPoll() constGets the etag to use for a “Get all Templates” type query.
public TOptional< FString > GetETagForAllSessionsPoll() constGets the etag to use for a “Get all Sessions” type query.
public TArray< URH_SessionView* >GetAllSessionsForPolling() constUsed to get all sessions, primarily for get all sessions polling where etag matches.
public URH_SessionView*GetSessionById(const FString & SessionId) constGets a session by its id.
public void RemoveSessionById(const FString & SessionId)Removes a cached session for the local player, this does NOT try to leave it.
public bool GetTemplate(const FString & Type,FRHAPI_SessionTemplate & Template) constGets a session template by type.
public URH_PlatformSessionSyncer*GetPlatformSyncerByRHSessionId(const FString & SessionId) constGets the platform synchronization object using the rally here session id.
public URH_PlatformSessionSyncer*GetPlatformSyncerByPlatformSessionId(const FUniqueNetIdRepl & SessionId) constGets the platform synchronization object using the platform session id.
public inline virtual TOptional< FString > GetBoundAllocationId() constGets the allocation id this session owner is bound to, if any. Needed for some specific calls to ensure they are operating on the proper object regardless of our current session view.
public inline virtual TOptional< FString > GetBoundSessionId() constGets the session id this session owner is bound to, if any. Needed for some specific calls to ensure they are operating on the proper object regardless of our current session view.
public inline virtual TOptional< FString > GetBoundInstanceId() constGets the instance id this session owner is bound to, if any. Needed for some specific calls to ensure they are operating on the proper object regardless of our current session view.


public FAuthContextPtr GetSessionAuthContext() const

Gets the auth context to use for API calls for the session owner.

#### `public void `[`ImportAPISession`](#classIRH__SessionOwnerInterface_1a47357a19f44fe9006ade44cd3e6961ce)`(const `[`FRH_APISessionWithETag`](` & Session)`

Imports a session object from the API into the owner (ex: from polling).


  • Session The Session to import.

#### `public void `[`ImportAPITemplate`](#classIRH__SessionOwnerInterface_1ac81c6da37366c6151656aa2113eeed92)`(const `[`FRHAPI_SessionTemplate`](models/` & Template)`

Imports the template into the owner’s template list (ex: from polling).


  • TemplateWrapper The Template to import.

#### `public void `[`ReconcileAPISessions`](#classIRH__SessionOwnerInterface_1ae7d9a16efdbe4ab846e44371b6700b53)`(const TArray< FString > & SessionIds,const TOptional< FString > & ETag)`

Updates the list of sessions to only those that are active.


  • SessionIds The list of sessions that we are reconciling against.

  • ETag The ETag to use for the update.

#### `public void `[`ReconcileAPITemplates`](#classIRH__SessionOwnerInterface_1a8c884f478578ba55b83e6d3fb977e1c5)`(const TArray< FString > & InTemplates,const TOptional< FString > & ETag)`

Updates the list of session templates to those that are active.


  • InTemplates The list of templates that we are reconciling against.

  • ETag The ETag to use for the update.

#### `public class `[`URH_PlayerInfoSubsystem`](` * `[`GetPlayerInfoSubsystem`](#classIRH__SessionOwnerInterface_1abcf3e2921d15c88817b0a82b936b0f35)`() const`

Gets the PlayerInfo Subsystem.

#### `public IOnlineSubsystem * `[`GetOSS`](#classIRH__SessionOwnerInterface_1a3ede591e11069d01484302cbdc7acf25)`() const`

Gets the Online Subsystem to use for OSS calls.

#### `public FUniqueNetIdWrapper `[`GetOSSUniqueId`](#classIRH__SessionOwnerInterface_1ae7d146121a241b23c58cbf22cbb0debf)`() const`

Gets the Online Subsystem Unique Id to use for OSS calls.

#### `public FPlatformUserId `[`GetOSSPlatformUserId`](#classIRH__SessionOwnerInterface_1a3248b77fb0ec5a40669b72eb693b0822)`() const`

Gets the Online Subsystem PlatformUserId to use for OSS calls (equivalent to controller index)

#### `public inline virtual FGuid `[`GetPlayerUuid`](#classIRH__SessionOwnerInterface_1a50d1f47c5c9b99780330b36e6aa496b8)`() const`

Gets the Player UUID to use for player related calls (can be invalid)

#### `public inline TOptional< FString > `[`GetETagForSession`](#classIRH__SessionOwnerInterface_1a1af5c13f953285114e7e0ba2c7133c1d)`(const FString & SessionId) const`

Gets the Etag for a given Session.


  • SessionId The Session Id to get the ETag for.


The ETag for the session.

#### `public TOptional< FString > `[`GetETagForAllTemplatesPoll`](#classIRH__SessionOwnerInterface_1aebf9f97e3204d81b31c92e3a5e6ba63d)`() const`

Gets the etag to use for a “Get all Templates” type query.

#### `public TOptional< FString > `[`GetETagForAllSessionsPoll`](#classIRH__SessionOwnerInterface_1a745015623671711254ef390ee9cb7802)`() const`

Gets the etag to use for a “Get all Sessions” type query.

#### `public TArray< `[`URH_SessionView`](` * > `[`GetAllSessionsForPolling`](#classIRH__SessionOwnerInterface_1a66e998565bf74dbfc85ea6247341b7a4)`() const`

Used to get all sessions, primarily for get all sessions polling where etag matches.

#### `public `[`URH_SessionView`](` * `[`GetSessionById`](#classIRH__SessionOwnerInterface_1a094dc2179856a012677d16d9f6684c82)`(const FString & SessionId) const`

Gets a session by its id.


  • SessionId The Session Id to get.


The Session with the given Id.

#### `public void `[`RemoveSessionById`](#classIRH__SessionOwnerInterface_1acf42909a8b08c53d48ce3cca614348a5)`(const FString & SessionId)`

Removes a cached session for the local player, this does NOT try to leave it.


  • SessionId The Session Id to remove.

#### `public bool `[`GetTemplate`](#classIRH__SessionOwnerInterface_1ae474fab73509d0a00372966f39ce216b)`(const FString & Type,`[`FRHAPI_SessionTemplate`](models/` & Template) const`

Gets a session template by type.


  • Type the Type of template to get.

  • Template The session template being retrieved.


If true, the template was found.

#### `public `[`URH_PlatformSessionSyncer`](` * `[`GetPlatformSyncerByRHSessionId`](#classIRH__SessionOwnerInterface_1ade9ca2876030b163a060e8f417889985)`(const FString & SessionId) const`

Gets the platform synchronization object using the rally here session id.

#### `public `[`URH_PlatformSessionSyncer`](` * `[`GetPlatformSyncerByPlatformSessionId`](#classIRH__SessionOwnerInterface_1a47d9ac6d2c0326ddc79c563932a6754c)`(const FUniqueNetIdRepl & SessionId) const`

Gets the platform synchronization object using the platform session id.

#### `public inline virtual TOptional< FString > `[`GetBoundAllocationId`](#classIRH__SessionOwnerInterface_1ad99ac10113649bae8b6622f6399bf5e0)`() const`

Gets the allocation id this session owner is bound to, if any. Needed for some specific calls to ensure they are operating on the proper object regardless of our current session view.

#### `public inline virtual TOptional< FString > `[`GetBoundSessionId`](#classIRH__SessionOwnerInterface_1a38a2d02fd9a0acac8fb6211cae79fe20)`() const`

Gets the session id this session owner is bound to, if any. Needed for some specific calls to ensure they are operating on the proper object regardless of our current session view.

#### `public inline virtual TOptional< FString > `[`GetBoundInstanceId`](#classIRH__SessionOwnerInterface_1a9c6431597880a47737b20b12c48ee697)`() const`

Gets the instance id this session owner is bound to, if any. Needed for some specific calls to ensure they are operating on the proper object regardless of our current session view.

## struct `FRH_SessionBrowserSearchParams`

Struct containing the search paramaters for Session Browsers.


public FString SessionTypeThe Type of Session to search for.
public FString RegionIdThe Region ID of Session to search for.
public TArray< FString > SessionIdsIf specified, skip search lookup and instead query these specific session ids.
public int32 CursorThe indicator of what page to request of results.
public int32 PageSizeThe size of each page of results.
public bool bCacheSessionDetailsWhether to query and cache the session data from the search result.
public inline FRH_SessionBrowserSearchParams()Default constructor.
public inline FString GetDescription() constReturns display of search params for toolings/logging.


public FString SessionType

The Type of Session to search for.

#### `public FString `[`RegionId`](#structFRH__SessionBrowserSearchParams_1ae4ca9ef983382c2eb381ed4f0ad521c8)

The Region ID of Session to search for.

#### `public TArray< FString > `[`SessionIds`](#structFRH__SessionBrowserSearchParams_1a323e62b2ff94b8be30c0fb7b92914568)

If specified, skip search lookup and instead query these specific session ids.

#### `public int32 `[`Cursor`](#structFRH__SessionBrowserSearchParams_1a987cdfb2a54b641a8724c578d4900bfc)

The indicator of what page to request of results.

#### `public int32 `[`PageSize`](#structFRH__SessionBrowserSearchParams_1a8de9c480f8dedf19d415e564fe201e96)

The size of each page of results.

#### `public bool `[`bCacheSessionDetails`](#structFRH__SessionBrowserSearchParams_1ac0749ac4e9ddb43e11b231fe31b08758)

Whether to query and cache the session data from the search result.

#### `public inline `[`FRH_SessionBrowserSearchParams`](#structFRH__SessionBrowserSearchParams_1ac8b5657a750ea3b355f344334f9048c0)`()`

Default constructor.

#### `public inline FString `[`GetDescription`](#structFRH__SessionBrowserSearchParams_1af1c20cb69cc90ba84f385b67489bae24)`() const`

Returns display of search params for toolings/logging.

## struct `FRH_SessionMemberStatusState`

Utility struct to wrapper a player state for a player state update change.


public FGuid PlayerUuidPlayer Uuid for this state.
public bool bIsValidWhether the state is valid (a state is not valid if a player is not associated with the session)
public ERHAPI_SessionPlayerStatus StatusStatus of the player at the time of recording the state.
public int32 TeamIdTeam of the player at the time of recording the state.
public inline FRH_SessionMemberStatusState()Default Constructor.
public inline FORCEINLINE bool operator==(const FRH_SessionMemberStatusState & Comparator) constEquivalence check used to determine if a notification should be dispatched.
public inline FORCEINLINE bool operator!=(const FRH_SessionMemberStatusState & Comparator) constInequivalence check used to determine if a notification should be dispatched.


public FGuid PlayerUuid

Player Uuid for this state.

#### `public bool `[`bIsValid`](#structFRH__SessionMemberStatusState_1aebc9381743eb320abfa3cc00b4013c79)

Whether the state is valid (a state is not valid if a player is not associated with the session)

#### `public ERHAPI_SessionPlayerStatus `[`Status`](#structFRH__SessionMemberStatusState_1a68299be55e4a6990bc104962858a5520)

Status of the player at the time of recording the state.

#### `public int32 `[`TeamId`](#structFRH__SessionMemberStatusState_1a97294b0f0dda906b3730bc83851b0f17)

Team of the player at the time of recording the state.

#### `public inline `[`FRH_SessionMemberStatusState`](#structFRH__SessionMemberStatusState_1a1202bc97c79d5343b0fcdc562c7c5ab3)`()`

Default Constructor.

#### `public inline FORCEINLINE bool `[`operator==`](#structFRH__SessionMemberStatusState_1ae90f45dc88b07c0f189043b55d5aedd6)`(const `[`FRH_SessionMemberStatusState`](#structFRH__SessionMemberStatusState)` & Comparator) const`

Equivalence check used to determine if a notification should be dispatched.

#### `public inline FORCEINLINE bool `[`operator!=`](#structFRH__SessionMemberStatusState_1ad1dc9f123f6021dfe08d8edb2b37bd56)`(const `[`FRH_SessionMemberStatusState`](#structFRH__SessionMemberStatusState)` & Comparator) const`

Inequivalence check used to determine if a notification should be dispatched.

## struct `TRH_DataWithETagWrapper`

Utility struct to wrapper the tuple of a data typeand etag.


public T DataThe wrapped Data.
public TOptional< FString > ETagThe Datas ETag.
public inline TRH_DataWithETagWrapper()Default Constructor.
public inline TRH_DataWithETagWrapper(const T & InData)Various constructors for ease of use.
public inline TRH_DataWithETagWrapper(T && InData)Various constructors for ease of use.
public inline TRH_DataWithETagWrapper(T & InData,const FString & InETag)Various constructors for ease of use.
public inline TRH_DataWithETagWrapper(T && InData,FString && InETag)Various constructors for ease of use.
public inline TRH_DataWithETagWrapper(const T & InData,const TOptional< FString > & InETag)Various constructors for ease of use.
public inline TRH_DataWithETagWrapper(T && InData,TOptional< FString > && InETag)Various constructors for ease of use.


public T Data

The wrapped Data.

#### `public TOptional< FString > `[`ETag`](#structTRH__DataWithETagWrapper_1a1ddb3e8c57e0c49da601cea440987522)

The Datas ETag.

#### `public inline `[`TRH_DataWithETagWrapper`](#structTRH__DataWithETagWrapper_1a5071c87ca10290a49539caf502f9301c)`()`

Default Constructor.

#### `public inline `[`TRH_DataWithETagWrapper`](#structTRH__DataWithETagWrapper_1a56dcc8d95327b8f997aab3333a80db31)`(const T & InData)`

Various constructors for ease of use.

#### `public inline `[`TRH_DataWithETagWrapper`](#structTRH__DataWithETagWrapper_1a0a496e654507008eae1e66bd281b6bd9)`(T && InData)`

Various constructors for ease of use.

#### `public inline `[`TRH_DataWithETagWrapper`](#structTRH__DataWithETagWrapper_1a1e094404d0d2660d00d0cdd766e3dbc7)`(T & InData,const FString & InETag)`

Various constructors for ease of use.

#### `public inline `[`TRH_DataWithETagWrapper`](#structTRH__DataWithETagWrapper_1adc0a8ee56c5cbfdb04e5183f9151e92d)`(T && InData,FString && InETag)`

Various constructors for ease of use.

#### `public inline `[`TRH_DataWithETagWrapper`](#structTRH__DataWithETagWrapper_1ae98dfaed26e4adcff0f40c9130c8d654)`(const T & InData,const TOptional< FString > & InETag)`

Various constructors for ease of use.

#### `public inline `[`TRH_DataWithETagWrapper`](#structTRH__DataWithETagWrapper_1a66563f74c8068348407e8a1635e5a3f0)`(T && InData,TOptional< FString > && InETag)`

Various constructors for ease of use.

## struct `FRH_DeferredSessionPoll`

Poll for deferred sessions.


public Type PollType
public FRH_PollCompleteFunc Delegate
public TOptional< FString > ETag
public inline FRH_DeferredSessionPoll(Type InPollType,const FRH_PollCompleteFunc & InDelegate,const TOptional< FString > & InETag)
enum Type


public Type PollType

#### `public FRH_PollCompleteFunc `[`Delegate`](#structFRH__DeferredSessionPoll_1a27e856ce05ca57fb9cf98762fd5ee931)
#### `public TOptional< FString > `[`ETag`](#structFRH__DeferredSessionPoll_1a1cf5a6766199ca4c859b30dff02f99e9)
#### `public inline `[`FRH_DeferredSessionPoll`](#structFRH__DeferredSessionPoll_1af7f09aea5ebde9c12e52431272c8470b)`(Type InPollType,const FRH_PollCompleteFunc & InDelegate,const TOptional< FString > & InETag)`
#### `enum `[`Type`](#structFRH__DeferredSessionPoll_1aea2383ee336ab25c2f43466ea767a4b1)