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class URH_CatalogItemclass used to define a Catalog Item.
class URH_CatalogSubsystemClass used to help track and interact with the catalog to get Items, Vendors, and their data.
class URH_CatalogBlueprintLibraryCatalog Blueprint Library with helper methods for API structs.
struct FRHVendorGetRequestVendor Request struct used to encapsulate a request to get a vendors and the callback delegate.

class URH_CatalogItem

class URH_CatalogItem
: public UObject

class used to define a Catalog Item.


public FString ETagThe identifier for the versioning of the item.
public FRHAPI_Item APIItemCopy of the underlying Catalog item.
public inline int32 GetItemId() constGets the Item Id.
public inline ERHAPI_ItemType GetType() constGets the Item Type.
public inline int32 GetRefItemId() constGets the Item Id of the referenced item.
public inline int32 GetAvailabilityFlags() constGets item availability flags.
public inline int32 GetEntitledLootId() constGets the entitled loot id.
public inline int32 GetLevelXpTableId() constGets the Xp Table associated with the item.
public inline int32 GetLevelVendorId() constGets the Vendor that grants rewards based on inventory count of the item.
public inline int32 GetCouponDiscountCurrencyItemId() constGets the Item Id of the currency type this can discount.
public inline float GetCouponDiscountPercentage() constGets the precentage of the discount this item applies.
public inline bool GetCouponConsumeOnUse() constGets if it will be consumed when used.
public inline const FString & GetItemInventoryBucketUseRulesetId() constGets the set of rules of what platforms this item is available on.
public inline const TArray< int32 > & GetCouponDiscountLoot() constGets the list of loot ids this coupon can be applied to.
public inline void InitializeFromCatalogItem(const FRHAPI_Item & CatalogItem,int32 InItemId)Sets up the fata in the Catalog Item.
public inline void Clear()Clears all the data for the item.
protected int32 ItemIdThe Item Id.
protected ERHAPI_ItemType TypeThe Item Type.
protected int32 RefItemIdThe Ref Item Id.
protected int32 AvailabilityFlagsThe Availability Flags.
protected int32 EntitledLootIdThe Entitled Loot Id.
protected int32 LevelXpTableIdThe Associated Xp Table Id.
protected int32 LevelVendorIdThe Associated Loot Table if an Xp Table is used.
protected int32 CouponDiscountCurrencyItemIdThe Item Id this can be used to discount purchases with when used as a coupon.
protected float CouponDiscountPercentageThe percentage of discount this gives when used as a coupon.
protected bool CouponConsumeOnUseIf set, then when used as a coupon, remove this from inventory.
protected FString ItemInventoryBucketUseRuleSetIdThe inventory use ruleset this item uses.
protected TArray< int32 > CouponDiscountLootList of Loot Table Items this item can be used as a coupon for.


public FString ETag

The identifier for the versioning of the item.

#### `public `[`FRHAPI_Item`](models/` `[`APIItem`](#classURH__CatalogItem_1a40e0d83cfeae3ff06466990602707b94)

Copy of the underlying Catalog item.

#### `public inline int32 `[`GetItemId`](#classURH__CatalogItem_1adc17f68c9aa87328bf2eeecf65007e99)`() const`

Gets the Item Id.

#### `public inline ERHAPI_ItemType `[`GetType`](#classURH__CatalogItem_1af11d6a3b4504a9b72a644133b8595ae6)`() const`

Gets the Item Type.

#### `public inline int32 `[`GetRefItemId`](#classURH__CatalogItem_1afd536fcb04d8a38c06c4e8a186e473c0)`() const`

Gets the Item Id of the referenced item.

#### `public inline int32 `[`GetAvailabilityFlags`](#classURH__CatalogItem_1a72c9fe1bfa8b972d5a82df1be4ffb8d3)`() const`

Gets item availability flags.

#### `public inline int32 `[`GetEntitledLootId`](#classURH__CatalogItem_1a9313556688e5404f87e676c1673bc9af)`() const`

Gets the entitled loot id.

#### `public inline int32 `[`GetLevelXpTableId`](#classURH__CatalogItem_1a4ee0060eff0c511de8165e31e4abe396)`() const`

Gets the Xp Table associated with the item.

#### `public inline int32 `[`GetLevelVendorId`](#classURH__CatalogItem_1aecd9574fcd55a6f7040f742e5958acc9)`() const`

Gets the Vendor that grants rewards based on inventory count of the item.

#### `public inline int32 `[`GetCouponDiscountCurrencyItemId`](#classURH__CatalogItem_1a7df15d0f40f33e7fbd3d854b698e0f19)`() const`

Gets the Item Id of the currency type this can discount.

#### `public inline float `[`GetCouponDiscountPercentage`](#classURH__CatalogItem_1a6ec70c25672e2b19483d6039a204c2d7)`() const`

Gets the precentage of the discount this item applies.

#### `public inline bool `[`GetCouponConsumeOnUse`](#classURH__CatalogItem_1a50948a1e6a63de0412fbcdcabbec0444)`() const`

Gets if it will be consumed when used.

#### `public inline const FString & `[`GetItemInventoryBucketUseRulesetId`](#classURH__CatalogItem_1aef908daa419235deec14de0e75e58b5d)`() const`

Gets the set of rules of what platforms this item is available on.

#### `public inline const TArray< int32 > & `[`GetCouponDiscountLoot`](#classURH__CatalogItem_1a85ca1c0692135f88ea428114e8c0a2be)`() const`

Gets the list of loot ids this coupon can be applied to.

#### `public inline void `[`InitializeFromCatalogItem`](#classURH__CatalogItem_1aa6fc917f2e111109946c7aee565618d3)`(const `[`FRHAPI_Item`](models/` & CatalogItem,int32 InItemId)`

Sets up the fata in the Catalog Item.


  • CatalogItem The API layer item to initialize from.

  • InItemId The Item Id.

#### `public inline void `[`Clear`](#classURH__CatalogItem_1af65ba6d8b9f24d27e9cce6ac341bae61)`()`

Clears all the data for the item.

#### `protected int32 `[`ItemId`](#classURH__CatalogItem_1a51b19d9d9500568414f08f3a4d4b48a7)

The Item Id.

#### `protected ERHAPI_ItemType `[`Type`](#classURH__CatalogItem_1a9c8c53126818d45b2bee7bd751830646)

The Item Type.

#### `protected int32 `[`RefItemId`](#classURH__CatalogItem_1ae19d06a33a2b51b52910c08cd970389a)

The Ref Item Id.

#### `protected int32 `[`AvailabilityFlags`](#classURH__CatalogItem_1a8331f819c80a760b623008ac44f9fbc6)

The Availability Flags.

#### `protected int32 `[`EntitledLootId`](#classURH__CatalogItem_1a45cd555e4715d475b2a85b083dc6e4a0)

The Entitled Loot Id.

#### `protected int32 `[`LevelXpTableId`](#classURH__CatalogItem_1a09044459692284b35f3b599ac64fb660)

The Associated Xp Table Id.

#### `protected int32 `[`LevelVendorId`](#classURH__CatalogItem_1a8b89f8d9ef537973df84b16cc6fd6ff2)

The Associated Loot Table if an Xp Table is used.

#### `protected int32 `[`CouponDiscountCurrencyItemId`](#classURH__CatalogItem_1adf7af4689022331b187bb68ef863bd72)

The Item Id this can be used to discount purchases with when used as a coupon.

#### `protected float `[`CouponDiscountPercentage`](#classURH__CatalogItem_1a3a6ec629d4bc492ff8e08cb8c8557f77)

The percentage of discount this gives when used as a coupon.

#### `protected bool `[`CouponConsumeOnUse`](#classURH__CatalogItem_1af8501ed83fb42d01ff8ba1029af0f6b1)

If set, then when used as a coupon, remove this from inventory.

#### `protected FString `[`ItemInventoryBucketUseRuleSetId`](#classURH__CatalogItem_1a362245491036e7f9386962ebfeca2041)

The inventory use ruleset this item uses.

#### `protected TArray< int32 > `[`CouponDiscountLoot`](#classURH__CatalogItem_1ab5baca34a2c43db4b6f03785904ffa77)

List of Loot Table Items this item can be used as a coupon for.

## class `URH_CatalogSubsystem`
class URH_CatalogSubsystem
: public URH_GameInstanceSubsystemPlugin
: public FTickableGameObject

Class used to help track and interact with the catalog to get Items, Vendors, and their data.


public FRH_CatalogItemUpdatedDelegate OnCatalogItemAddedDelegate that fires whenever a catalog item is added to the cashed catalog items.
public virtual void Initialize()Initialize the subsystem.
public virtual void Deinitialize()Safely tears down the subsystem.
public void GetCatalogAll(const FRH_CatalogCallBlock & Delegate)Gets the entire catalog at once.
public inline void BLUEPRINT_GetCatalogAll(const FRH_CatalogCallDynamicDelegate & Delegate)
public void GetCatalogXpAll(const FRH_CatalogCallBlock & Delegate)Gets all of the xp tables in the catalog.
public inline void BLUEPRINT_GetCatalogXpAll(const FRH_CatalogCallDynamicDelegate & Delegate)
public void GetCatalogItem(int32 ItemId,const FRH_CatalogCallBlock & Delegate)Gets a specific item from the catalog.
public inline void BLUEPRINT_GetCatalogItem(int32 ItemId,const FRH_CatalogCallDynamicDelegate & Delegate)
public void GetCatalogInventoryBucketUseRuleSetsAll(const FRH_CatalogCallBlock & Delegate)Gets all of the inventory bucket rulesets from the catalog.
public inline void BLUEPRINT_GetCatalogInventoryBucketUseRuleSetsAll(const FRH_CatalogCallDynamicDelegate & Delegate)
public void GetCatalogPricePointsAll(const FRH_CatalogCallBlock & Delegate)Gets all of the price points from the catalog.
public inline void BLUEPRINT_GetCatalogPricePointsAll(const FRH_CatalogCallDynamicDelegate & Delegate)
public void GetCatalogTimeFramesAll(const FRH_CatalogCallBlock & Delegate)Gets all of the time frames from the catalog.
public inline void BLUEPRINT_GetCatalogTimeFramesAll(const FRH_CatalogCallDynamicDelegate & Delegate)
public void GetCatalogVendor(const FRHVendorGetRequest & VendorRequest)Gets the vendors requested as well as their sub vendors.
public inline void BLUEPRINT_GetCatalogVendor(const FRHVendorGetRequest & VendorRequest)
public void GetCatalogVendorsAll(const FRH_CatalogCallBlock & Delegate)Gets the all catalog vendors.
public inline void BLUEPRINT_GetCatalogVendorsAll(const FRH_CatalogCallDynamicDelegate & Delegate)
public bool GetXpTable(int32 XpTableId,FRHAPI_XpTable & XpTable) constGets a cached Xp Table.
public inline bool GetVendorItemByLootId(int32 LootId,FRHAPI_Loot & LootItem) constGets a cached vendor item by its loot id.
public inline URH_CatalogItem*GetCatalogItemByItemId(int32 ItemId) constGets a cached catalog item by its item id.
public inline bool GetVendorById(int32 VendorId,FRHAPI_Vendor & Vendor) constGets a cached vendor by its vendor id.
public inline bool GetPricePointById(const FGuid & PricePointGuid,FRHAPI_PricePoint & PricePoint) constGets a cached price point by its price point guid.
public inline bool GetPricePointById(int32 TimeFrameId,FRHAPI_TimeFrame & TimeFrame) constGets a cached time frame by its Time Frame Id.
public bool CanRulesetUsePlatformForBucket(const FString & InventoryBucketRulesetId,ERHAPI_InventoryBucket TargetBucket,ERHAPI_InventoryBucket ItemInventoryBucket) constChecks if the ruleset can use the platform for the bucket.
public inline const TMap< int32, FRHAPI_Vendor> &GetVendors() constGets the cached vendors.
public inline const TMap< int32, URH_CatalogItem* > &GetCatalogItems() constGets the cached catalog items.
public inline const TMap< int32, FRHAPI_XpTable> &GetXpTables() constGets the xp tables.
public inline const TMap< FString, FRHAPI_InventoryBucketUseRuleSet> &GetInventoryBucketUseRuleSets() constGets the cached inventory bucket rule sets.
public inline const TMap< FGuid, FRHAPI_PricePoint> &GetPricePoints() constGets the cached price points.
public inline const TMap< int32, FRHAPI_TimeFrame> &GetTimeFrames() constGets the cached time frames.
protected TArray< FRHVendorGetRequest>VendorRequestsArray of active vendor requests that are in flight and not responded ot yet.
protected TMap< int32, FRHAPI_XpTable>XpTablesXp Table Id to Xp Table Map.
protected TMap< int32, FRHAPI_Vendor>CatalogVendorsVendor Id to Vendor Map.
protected TMap< int32, URH_CatalogItem* >CatalogItemsItem Id to Catalog Item Map.
protected TMap< int32, FRHAPI_Loot>CatalogLootItemsLoot Id to Catalog Vendor Item Map.
protected TMap< int32, FRHAPI_TimeFrame>TimeFramesTimeframe Id to Timeframe Map.
protected TMap< FGuid, FRHAPI_PricePoint>CatalogPricePointsPrice Point ID to Price Points.
protected TMap< FString, FRHAPI_InventoryBucketUseRuleSet>InventoryBucketUseRuleSetsInventory Bucket to Inventory Bucket Use Ruleset Map.
protected FString GetCatalogAllETagETag of last GetCatalogAll call response.
protected FString GetCatalogXpAllETagETag of last GetCatalogXpAll call response.
protected FString GetCatalogPricePointsAllETagETag of last GetCatalogPricePointsAll call response.
protected FString GetCatalogVendorsAllETagETag of last GetCatalogVendorsAll call response.
protected FString GetCatalogTimeFramesAllETagETag of last GetCatalogTimeFramesAll call response.
protected FString GetCatalogInventoryBucketUseRuleSetsAllETagETag of last GetCatalogInventoryBucketUseRuleSetsAll call response.
protected TMap< int32, TArray< FRH_CatalogCallBlock > > PendingGetCatalogItemCallsArray of GetCatalogItemCalls yet to be sent to the API layer.
protected TMap< int32, TArray< FRH_CatalogCallBlock > > SubmittedGetCatalogItemCallsArray of GetCatalogItemCalls yet being executed by the API layer at this time.
protected void GetCatalogVendorSingle(int32 VendorId)Makes an API call for a single vendor Id.
protected virtual void OnGetCatalogVendorResponse(const TGetCatalogVendor::Response & Resp,int32 VendorId)Handles the response to a Get Catalog Vendor call.
protected virtual void OnGetCatalogVendorsAllResponse(const TGetCatalogVendorsAll::Response & Resp,const FRH_CatalogCallBlock Delegate)Handles the response to a Get Catalog Vendor All call.
protected virtual void OnGetCatalogAllResponse(const TGetCatalogAll::Response & Resp,const FRH_CatalogCallBlock Delegate)Handles the response to a Get Catalog All call.
protected virtual void OnGetCatalogXpAllResponse(const TGetCatalogXpAll::Response & Resp,const FRH_CatalogCallBlock Delegate)Handles the response to a Get Catalog Xp All call.
protected virtual void OnGetCatalogItemResponse(const TGetCatalogItem::Response & Resp,int32 ItemId)Handles the response to a Get Catalog Item call.
protected virtual void OnGetCatalogInventoryBucketUseRuleSetsAllResponse(const TGetCatalogInventoryBucketUseRuleSetsAll::Response & Resp,const FRH_CatalogCallBlock Delegate)Handles the response to a Get Catalog Inventory Bucked Use Rule Sets All call.
protected virtual void OnGetCatalogPricePointsAllResponse(const TGetCatalogPricePointsAll::Response & Resp,const FRH_CatalogCallBlock Delegate)Handles the response to a Get Catalog Price Points All call.
protected virtual void OnGetCatalogTimeFramesAllResponse(const TGetCatalogTimeFramesAll::Response & Resp,const FRH_CatalogCallBlock Delegate)Handles the response to a Get Catalog Time Frames All call.
protected void ParseAllXpTables(const FRHAPI_XpTables & Content)Parses Xp Tables response into the Xp Table Map.
protected void ParseAllInventoryBucketUseRuleSets(const FRHAPI_InventoryBucketUseRuleSets & Content)Parses Inventory Bucket Use Rule Sets response into the Inventory Bucket Use Ruleset Map.
protected URH_CatalogItem*ParseCatalogItem(const FRHAPI_Item & CatalogItem,int32 ItemId)Parse a Catalog item into the class for it and stores it in the Catalog Items Map.
protected virtual void InitPropertiesWithDefaultValues()Initializes the subsystem with defaults for its cached data.
protected virtual void Tick(float DeltaTime)Kick off pending requests to the API layer.
protected inline virtual bool IsTickable() constDetermine if there are pending requests.
protected inline virtual TStatId GetStatId() constGets the catalog subsystem stat Id.
typedef TGetCatalogAllType Define for Get Catalog calls.
typedef TGetCatalogXpAllType Define for Get Catalog Xp calls.
typedef TGetCatalogInventoryBucketUseRuleSetsAllType Define for Get Catalog Inventory Bucket Use Rule Set calls.
typedef TGetCatalogPricePointsAllType Define for Get Catalog Price Point calls.
typedef TGetCatalogTimeFramesAllType Define for Get Catalog Time Frame calls.
typedef TGetCatalogVendorType Define for Get Catalog Vendor calls.
typedef TGetCatalogVendorsAllType Define for Get Catalog Vendor All calls.
typedef TGetCatalogItemType Define for Get Catalog Item calls.


public FRH_CatalogItemUpdatedDelegate OnCatalogItemAdded

Delegate that fires whenever a catalog item is added to the cashed catalog items.

#### `public virtual void `[`Initialize`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1a4743c425eba445a9c55c5263b43605a9)`()`

Initialize the subsystem.

#### `public virtual void `[`Deinitialize`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1afef8ec5b86a36a604805bf32a279773c)`()`

Safely tears down the subsystem.

#### `public void `[`GetCatalogAll`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1ae79063c7c03378e80d0e14f24688df3e)`(const FRH_CatalogCallBlock & Delegate)`

Gets the entire catalog at once.


  • Delegate Callback when the API call is complete.

#### `public inline void `[`BLUEPRINT_GetCatalogAll`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1acbc947298516a5aa8f4676455cd0cb9a)`(const FRH_CatalogCallDynamicDelegate & Delegate)`
#### `public void `[`GetCatalogXpAll`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1a412ea83cfb2fb9aafcbefc2a49f6557d)`(const FRH_CatalogCallBlock & Delegate)`

Gets all of the xp tables in the catalog.


  • Delegate Callback when the API call is complete.

#### `public inline void `[`BLUEPRINT_GetCatalogXpAll`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1aaeb50b6cf551d93c71a1a47cf5a48ab1)`(const FRH_CatalogCallDynamicDelegate & Delegate)`
#### `public void `[`GetCatalogItem`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1a71028a2a6b3ea3eafddca54b677749e6)`(int32 ItemId,const FRH_CatalogCallBlock & Delegate)`

Gets a specific item from the catalog.


  • ItemId The item id of the item to get.

  • Delegate Callback when the API call is complete.

#### `public inline void `[`BLUEPRINT_GetCatalogItem`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1ab515a213b247b86c208cc44a53a22b53)`(int32 ItemId,const FRH_CatalogCallDynamicDelegate & Delegate)`
#### `public void `[`GetCatalogInventoryBucketUseRuleSetsAll`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1a7a231220866a163574c95c0191111608)`(const FRH_CatalogCallBlock & Delegate)`

Gets all of the inventory bucket rulesets from the catalog.


  • Delegate Callback when the API call is complete.

#### `public inline void `[`BLUEPRINT_GetCatalogInventoryBucketUseRuleSetsAll`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1a5a96fc774aa78d82e5cae3bfee4f79ca)`(const FRH_CatalogCallDynamicDelegate & Delegate)`
#### `public void `[`GetCatalogPricePointsAll`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1a1d664d4dfd15ef90b7d5f9eb4dd03d84)`(const FRH_CatalogCallBlock & Delegate)`

Gets all of the price points from the catalog.


  • Delegate Callback when the API call is complete.

#### `public inline void `[`BLUEPRINT_GetCatalogPricePointsAll`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1a7dc7c4eea69970ceb430a0885b3271fb)`(const FRH_CatalogCallDynamicDelegate & Delegate)`
#### `public void `[`GetCatalogTimeFramesAll`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1acc8cbc32148f99f291d6942fc06ff420)`(const FRH_CatalogCallBlock & Delegate)`

Gets all of the time frames from the catalog.


  • Delegate Callback when the API call is complete.

#### `public inline void `[`BLUEPRINT_GetCatalogTimeFramesAll`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1a654341730ac3a1daba3d48f1e5fac485)`(const FRH_CatalogCallDynamicDelegate & Delegate)`
#### `public void `[`GetCatalogVendor`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1a1c391d9be422da9d41cd9139184d082a)`(const `[`FRHVendorGetRequest`](` & VendorRequest)`

Gets the vendors requested as well as their sub vendors.


  • VendorRequest The vendor request data for the call with list of vendors and callback on complete.

#### `public inline void `[`BLUEPRINT_GetCatalogVendor`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1a0fe827d5e1ee7a9a1bd4c767fa5324b0)`(const `[`FRHVendorGetRequest`](` & VendorRequest)`
#### `public void `[`GetCatalogVendorsAll`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1ab4903e2a1b6805d3e278b561882b09ad)`(const FRH_CatalogCallBlock & Delegate)`

Gets the all catalog vendors.


  • Delegate Callback when the API call is complete.

#### `public inline void `[`BLUEPRINT_GetCatalogVendorsAll`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1a27e271a1db43f7c5b0a8528fd43265c4)`(const FRH_CatalogCallDynamicDelegate & Delegate)`
#### `public bool `[`GetXpTable`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1ada2141a6424f5ac1b9260569040f107c)`(int32 XpTableId,`[`FRHAPI_XpTable`](models/` & XpTable) const`

Gets a cached Xp Table.


  • XpTableId The xp table id of the xp table to get.

  • XpTable The xp table to be returned.


If true, the Xp Table was found.

#### `public inline bool `[`GetVendorItemByLootId`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1a76b6de7e6855b091c7fb2c86c7b33739)`(int32 LootId,`[`FRHAPI_Loot`](models/` & LootItem) const`

Gets a cached vendor item by its loot id.


  • LootId The Loot Id used to look up the vendor item.

  • LootItem The loot item to be returned.


If true, the loot item was found.

#### `public inline `[`URH_CatalogItem`](` * `[`GetCatalogItemByItemId`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1a04efb2db20d80225684bee54173f365b)`(int32 ItemId) const`

Gets a cached catalog item by its item id.


  • ItemId The Item Id used to look up the catalog item.


The catalog item if found, otherwise nullptr.

#### `public inline bool `[`GetVendorById`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1a17ffa20cdeea67b34ba968f9509ca3c3)`(int32 VendorId,`[`FRHAPI_Vendor`](models/` & Vendor) const`

Gets a cached vendor by its vendor id.


  • VendorId The Vendor Id used to look up the vendor.

  • Vendor The vendor to be returned.


If true, the vendor was found.

#### `public inline bool `[`GetPricePointById`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1ae055f143927ec26a0ada9072a1f609bd)`(const FGuid & PricePointGuid,`[`FRHAPI_PricePoint`](models/` & PricePoint) const`

Gets a cached price point by its price point guid.


  • PricePointGuid The price point guid used to look up the vendor.

  • PricePoint The price point to be returned.


If true, the price point was found.

#### `public inline bool `[`GetPricePointById`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1a102f2ca24bc0de032bbadccc2748faf3)`(int32 TimeFrameId,`[`FRHAPI_TimeFrame`](models/` & TimeFrame) const`

Gets a cached time frame by its Time Frame Id.


  • TimeFrameId The id used to look up the time frame.

  • TimeFrame The time frame to be returned.


If true, the time frame was found.

#### `public bool `[`CanRulesetUsePlatformForBucket`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1af7b597a0de2ea0386b81c5ae52eecb0e)`(const FString & InventoryBucketRulesetId,ERHAPI_InventoryBucket TargetBucket,ERHAPI_InventoryBucket ItemInventoryBucket) const`

Checks if the ruleset can use the platform for the bucket.


  • InventoryBucketRulesetId The ruleset bucket to be used to evaluate the usage.

  • TargetBucket The bucket that should be used to evaluate the usage.

  • ItemInventoryBucket The bucket the item is in that is being evaluated.


If true, the item can be used for the specified bucket.

#### `public inline const TMap< int32, `[`FRHAPI_Vendor`](models/` > & `[`GetVendors`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1a293846a858b5060aafe476fa87eb789e)`() const`

Gets the cached vendors.

#### `public inline const TMap< int32, `[`URH_CatalogItem`](` * > & `[`GetCatalogItems`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1af0b329e282e5ac99e915c85ad1359d25)`() const`

Gets the cached catalog items.

#### `public inline const TMap< int32, `[`FRHAPI_XpTable`](models/` > & `[`GetXpTables`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1a990c701f7fd1004659e9cd0b15f29480)`() const`

Gets the xp tables.

#### `public inline const TMap< FString, `[`FRHAPI_InventoryBucketUseRuleSet`](models/` > & `[`GetInventoryBucketUseRuleSets`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1a2657824ade5d1b5c06292e83b62d15e5)`() const`

Gets the cached inventory bucket rule sets.

#### `public inline const TMap< FGuid, `[`FRHAPI_PricePoint`](models/` > & `[`GetPricePoints`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1a0d8b46a9bb4e03b550fb96919281fe0f)`() const`

Gets the cached price points.

#### `public inline const TMap< int32, `[`FRHAPI_TimeFrame`](models/` > & `[`GetTimeFrames`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1a7742813d09d119e22df4a4d71aab73cc)`() const`

Gets the cached time frames.

#### `protected TArray< `[`FRHVendorGetRequest`](` > `[`VendorRequests`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1af7893f5433b745ff5b189b81167d71a9)

Array of active vendor requests that are in flight and not responded ot yet.

#### `protected TMap< int32, `[`FRHAPI_XpTable`](models/` > `[`XpTables`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1a659700dd6e8da2c852227489dce93c2a)

Xp Table Id to Xp Table Map.

#### `protected TMap< int32, `[`FRHAPI_Vendor`](models/` > `[`CatalogVendors`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1ac2c9e75cab5a2282cd7eabcb76d206d7)

Vendor Id to Vendor Map.

#### `protected TMap< int32, `[`URH_CatalogItem`](` * > `[`CatalogItems`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1a4ef4e31b1427345e2d4cf252142eb7ce)

Item Id to Catalog Item Map.

#### `protected TMap< int32, `[`FRHAPI_Loot`](models/` > `[`CatalogLootItems`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1a59522a6a14340b0183038eb9afeb32a4)

Loot Id to Catalog Vendor Item Map.

#### `protected TMap< int32, `[`FRHAPI_TimeFrame`](models/` > `[`TimeFrames`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1a7903aa3c86221227f123eb1243febf96)

Timeframe Id to Timeframe Map.

#### `protected TMap< FGuid, `[`FRHAPI_PricePoint`](models/` > `[`CatalogPricePoints`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1a4121dd65bdf66c3d8bb1e0052f02e38c)

Price Point ID to Price Points.

#### `protected TMap< FString, `[`FRHAPI_InventoryBucketUseRuleSet`](models/` > `[`InventoryBucketUseRuleSets`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1a2a9ad401aa84679f58df5890a81a70ad)

Inventory Bucket to Inventory Bucket Use Ruleset Map.

#### `protected FString `[`GetCatalogAllETag`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1adeaefdfa290e6241c9fc1a8b3ac678db)

ETag of last GetCatalogAll call response.

#### `protected FString `[`GetCatalogXpAllETag`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1a098fc792364c09ec0a7681dde7539065)

ETag of last GetCatalogXpAll call response.

#### `protected FString `[`GetCatalogPricePointsAllETag`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1a5b51f5e3badbe2de517747ba1472bf71)

ETag of last GetCatalogPricePointsAll call response.

#### `protected FString `[`GetCatalogVendorsAllETag`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1a6eeaffe101e1e88748eb11f22f972302)

ETag of last GetCatalogVendorsAll call response.

#### `protected FString `[`GetCatalogTimeFramesAllETag`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1a71f792816adb9636fc226e70a98be22a)

ETag of last GetCatalogTimeFramesAll call response.

#### `protected FString `[`GetCatalogInventoryBucketUseRuleSetsAllETag`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1a087cc903b21b5a25a45b030cb4dce33e)

ETag of last GetCatalogInventoryBucketUseRuleSetsAll call response.

#### `protected TMap< int32, TArray< FRH_CatalogCallBlock > > `[`PendingGetCatalogItemCalls`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1a72a9e161cf234e6843e9b601e7bd925e)

Array of GetCatalogItemCalls yet to be sent to the API layer.

#### `protected TMap< int32, TArray< FRH_CatalogCallBlock > > `[`SubmittedGetCatalogItemCalls`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1a661262ecd1024e523d6ab788f8e5ce22)

Array of GetCatalogItemCalls yet being executed by the API layer at this time.

#### `protected void `[`GetCatalogVendorSingle`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1ac215132f09ff28de858ccaa71867e379)`(int32 VendorId)`

Makes an API call for a single vendor Id.


  • VendorId The Vendor to request.

#### `protected virtual void `[`OnGetCatalogVendorResponse`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1aa5b03bf7da3d901bd72292a524522683)`(const TGetCatalogVendor::Response & Resp,int32 VendorId)`

Handles the response to a Get Catalog Vendor call.


  • Resp Response given for the call

  • Delegate Delegate passed in for original call to respond to when call completes.

  • VendorId The Vendor Id that was requested.

#### `protected virtual void `[`OnGetCatalogVendorsAllResponse`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1ac3c4b548a43cfc37012c4d87f48d841a)`(const TGetCatalogVendorsAll::Response & Resp,const FRH_CatalogCallBlock Delegate)`

Handles the response to a Get Catalog Vendor All call.


  • Resp Response given for the call

  • Delegate Delegate passed in for original call to respond to when call completes.

#### `protected virtual void `[`OnGetCatalogAllResponse`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1a4b7fa3b1e25ad75fa9b5746358606d8f)`(const TGetCatalogAll::Response & Resp,const FRH_CatalogCallBlock Delegate)`

Handles the response to a Get Catalog All call.


  • Resp Response given for the call

  • Delegate Delegate passed in for original call to respond to when call completes.

#### `protected virtual void `[`OnGetCatalogXpAllResponse`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1adb23a545351426a6803d6fbd9b21b6ef)`(const TGetCatalogXpAll::Response & Resp,const FRH_CatalogCallBlock Delegate)`

Handles the response to a Get Catalog Xp All call.


  • Resp Response given for the call

  • Delegate Delegate passed in for original call to respond to when call completes.

#### `protected virtual void `[`OnGetCatalogItemResponse`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1a203b5ee176ba1f147306b32706c93b66)`(const TGetCatalogItem::Response & Resp,int32 ItemId)`

Handles the response to a Get Catalog Item call.


  • Resp Response given for the call.

  • ItemId The Item Id being requested.

#### `protected virtual void `[`OnGetCatalogInventoryBucketUseRuleSetsAllResponse`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1a4205a89be06622188225bfb72e3ff951)`(const TGetCatalogInventoryBucketUseRuleSetsAll::Response & Resp,const FRH_CatalogCallBlock Delegate)`

Handles the response to a Get Catalog Inventory Bucked Use Rule Sets All call.


  • Resp Response given for the call.

  • Delegate Delegate passed in for original call to respond to when call completes.

#### `protected virtual void `[`OnGetCatalogPricePointsAllResponse`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1aab6a2dbd4ce611b316b781c346b72e82)`(const TGetCatalogPricePointsAll::Response & Resp,const FRH_CatalogCallBlock Delegate)`

Handles the response to a Get Catalog Price Points All call.


  • Resp Response given for the call.

  • Delegate Delegate passed in for original call to respond to when call completes.

#### `protected virtual void `[`OnGetCatalogTimeFramesAllResponse`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1ae6674c35a5c047efb22d2513a5a96a56)`(const TGetCatalogTimeFramesAll::Response & Resp,const FRH_CatalogCallBlock Delegate)`

Handles the response to a Get Catalog Time Frames All call.


  • Resp Response given for the call

  • Delegate Delegate passed in for original call to respond to when call completes.

#### `protected void `[`ParseAllXpTables`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1a0da0440c219f11a65af436c93c6c7e76)`(const `[`FRHAPI_XpTables`](models/` & Content)`

Parses Xp Tables response into the Xp Table Map.


  • Content Xp Tables to parse.

#### `protected void `[`ParseAllInventoryBucketUseRuleSets`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1ad4785e6bfefa75c2d71e15e9050bbd2e)`(const `[`FRHAPI_InventoryBucketUseRuleSets`](models/` & Content)`

Parses Inventory Bucket Use Rule Sets response into the Inventory Bucket Use Ruleset Map.


  • Content Inventory Bucket Use Rule Sets to parse.

#### `protected `[`URH_CatalogItem`](` * `[`ParseCatalogItem`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1ad9e76898baaa83f72c99e100a276eebd)`(const `[`FRHAPI_Item`](models/` & CatalogItem,int32 ItemId)`

Parse a Catalog item into the class for it and stores it in the Catalog Items Map.


  • CatalogItem Item to be parsed.

  • ItemId Item Id of the item being parsed.


The Catalog Item as its class.

#### `protected virtual void `[`InitPropertiesWithDefaultValues`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1a381093c63e6e9c4ed6b66bfe04b7901d)`()`

Initializes the subsystem with defaults for its cached data.

#### `protected virtual void `[`Tick`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1a3516a7d39bcbf01f5d2706ea9afc1f28)`(float DeltaTime)`

Kick off pending requests to the API layer.

#### `protected inline virtual bool `[`IsTickable`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1af205f84045baf67b117220fec2015ca0)`() const`

Determine if there are pending requests.

#### `protected inline virtual TStatId `[`GetStatId`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1ac27e9ac9430094c764f9e68580a21f5e)`() const`

Gets the catalog subsystem stat Id.

#### `typedef `[`TGetCatalogAll`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1a1cf3a5efca0964238be8bde13cdc27f2)

Type Define for Get Catalog calls.

#### `typedef `[`TGetCatalogXpAll`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1a9f1bf618dbf35a16731771f43eb7b14d)

Type Define for Get Catalog Xp calls.

#### `typedef `[`TGetCatalogInventoryBucketUseRuleSetsAll`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1aac9d74ede66689a3da316964f45d1cbd)

Type Define for Get Catalog Inventory Bucket Use Rule Set calls.

#### `typedef `[`TGetCatalogPricePointsAll`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1ac28fcb22f4619e06d5249cf8ff76f105)

Type Define for Get Catalog Price Point calls.

#### `typedef `[`TGetCatalogTimeFramesAll`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1aad12c4198dae13e2f6c8a8d76511d511)

Type Define for Get Catalog Time Frame calls.

#### `typedef `[`TGetCatalogVendor`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1a80dd740594cfa64af2675aeb86bc87e8)

Type Define for Get Catalog Vendor calls.

#### `typedef `[`TGetCatalogVendorsAll`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1aaf8a27ead9394b0bad26a875bef93a69)

Type Define for Get Catalog Vendor All calls.

#### `typedef `[`TGetCatalogItem`](#classURH__CatalogSubsystem_1a81351c9b4871f7529a992d978cbc7f6d)

Type Define for Get Catalog Item calls.

## class `URH_CatalogBlueprintLibrary`
class URH_CatalogBlueprintLibrary
: public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary

Catalog Blueprint Library with helper methods for API structs.




struct FRHVendorGetRequest

Vendor Request struct used to encapsulate a request to get a vendors and the callback delegate.


public FRH_CatalogCallBlock DelegateDelegate callback when all vendors have been fetched.
public TArray< int32 > VendorIdsArray of outstanding vendor requests to complete this vendor get.
public inline FRHVendorGetRequest()Default Constructor.
public inline FRHVendorGetRequest(const TArray< int32 > & InVendorIds)Constructor with vendor Id List.
public inline FRHVendorGetRequest(const FRH_CatalogCallBlock & InDelegate,const TArray< int32 > & InVendorIds)Constructor with vendor Id List and callback delegate.


public FRH_CatalogCallBlock Delegate

Delegate callback when all vendors have been fetched.

#### `public TArray< int32 > `[`VendorIds`](#structFRHVendorGetRequest_1ab2be5bbe02318acf5d90f7c90d4002d4)

Array of outstanding vendor requests to complete this vendor get.

#### `public inline `[`FRHVendorGetRequest`](#structFRHVendorGetRequest_1a0a8a4ff4b74254933725968cb46869cb)`()`

Default Constructor.

#### `public inline `[`FRHVendorGetRequest`](#structFRHVendorGetRequest_1a3ae63c4382710be88bac03888a0a1471)`(const TArray< int32 > & InVendorIds)`

Constructor with vendor Id List.


  • InVendorIds List of vendor Ids to get.

#### `public inline `[`FRHVendorGetRequest`](#structFRHVendorGetRequest_1a3db335a857c4d1ead61bb82410e2b0a6)`(const FRH_CatalogCallBlock & InDelegate,const TArray< int32 > & InVendorIds)`

Constructor with vendor Id List and callback delegate.


  • InDelegate Delegate to call when vendor fetch completes.

  • InVendorIds List of vendor Ids to get.