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struct FRHAPI_PurgeResponsePurge response from a purge request.

struct FRHAPI_PurgeResponse

struct FRHAPI_PurgeResponse
: public FRHAPI_Model

Purge response from a purge request.


public FGuid PersonIdPerson ID that will be purged.
public FDateTime PurgeOnDatetime that enforces that a timezone is given. Unix timestamps are allowed and forced into the UTC time zone.
public FDateTime CreatedOnDatetime that enforces that a timezone is given. Unix timestamps are allowed and forced into the UTC time zone.
public FDateTime LastModifiedOnDatetime that enforces that a timezone is given. Unix timestamps are allowed and forced into the UTC time zone.
public FString StatusStatus of the purge request.
public virtual bool FromJson(const TSharedPtr< FJsonValue > & JsonValue)Fills this object with data from the passed in JSON.
public virtual void WriteJson(TSharedRef< TJsonWriter<>> & Writer) constWrites the data from this object into the specified JSON Writer stream.
public inline FGuid & GetPersonId()Gets the value of PersonId.
public inline const FGuid & GetPersonId() constGets the value of PersonId.
public inline void SetPersonId(FGuid NewValue)Sets the value of PersonId.
public inline FDateTime & GetPurgeOn()Gets the value of PurgeOn.
public inline const FDateTime & GetPurgeOn() constGets the value of PurgeOn.
public inline void SetPurgeOn(FDateTime NewValue)Sets the value of PurgeOn.
public inline FDateTime & GetCreatedOn()Gets the value of CreatedOn.
public inline const FDateTime & GetCreatedOn() constGets the value of CreatedOn.
public inline void SetCreatedOn(FDateTime NewValue)Sets the value of CreatedOn.
public inline FDateTime & GetLastModifiedOn()Gets the value of LastModifiedOn.
public inline const FDateTime & GetLastModifiedOn() constGets the value of LastModifiedOn.
public inline void SetLastModifiedOn(FDateTime NewValue)Sets the value of LastModifiedOn.
public inline FString & GetStatus()Gets the value of Status.
public inline const FString & GetStatus() constGets the value of Status.
public inline void SetStatus(FString NewValue)Sets the value of Status.


public FGuid PersonId

Person ID that will be purged.

#### `public FDateTime `[`PurgeOn`](#structFRHAPI__PurgeResponse_1a76ab4b56bf8bcc1ee2717e272e15f5f5)

Datetime that enforces that a timezone is given. Unix timestamps are allowed and forced into the UTC time zone.

#### `public FDateTime `[`CreatedOn`](#structFRHAPI__PurgeResponse_1a6215470fcde60f39e993f606ba4e2922)

Datetime that enforces that a timezone is given. Unix timestamps are allowed and forced into the UTC time zone.

#### `public FDateTime `[`LastModifiedOn`](#structFRHAPI__PurgeResponse_1aa86e276e2423d1f196fa4ee24d390d12)

Datetime that enforces that a timezone is given. Unix timestamps are allowed and forced into the UTC time zone.

#### `public FString `[`Status`](#structFRHAPI__PurgeResponse_1ab7e558d3cf6553cb712431e7aa5792e9)

Status of the purge request.

#### `public virtual bool `[`FromJson`](#structFRHAPI__PurgeResponse_1a88e0dc69546b865f618871dd78006032)`(const TSharedPtr< FJsonValue > & JsonValue)`

Fills this object with data from the passed in JSON.


  • JsonValue Data from the API call.


true if parsing of the JSON data was successful.

#### `public virtual void `[`WriteJson`](#structFRHAPI__PurgeResponse_1a4dba4031f20426243fd8f51e0f1ba211)`(TSharedRef< TJsonWriter<>> & Writer) const`

Writes the data from this object into the specified JSON Writer stream.


  • Writer JSON Writer stream to push .

#### `public inline FGuid & `[`GetPersonId`](#structFRHAPI__PurgeResponse_1a31b719c156406a34cef0a6ca8452cb81)`()`

Gets the value of PersonId.

#### `public inline const FGuid & `[`GetPersonId`](#structFRHAPI__PurgeResponse_1a59a525d3e22adeb4c59ccdeca4ca35d8)`() const`

Gets the value of PersonId.

#### `public inline void `[`SetPersonId`](#structFRHAPI__PurgeResponse_1af33171c3f15797e12450f2a2e420ea7f)`(FGuid NewValue)`

Sets the value of PersonId.

#### `public inline FDateTime & `[`GetPurgeOn`](#structFRHAPI__PurgeResponse_1a93f492889342a7569bf8c4989e2cd266)`()`

Gets the value of PurgeOn.

#### `public inline const FDateTime & `[`GetPurgeOn`](#structFRHAPI__PurgeResponse_1a61d92f1d08e5efd509af0e24f6086547)`() const`

Gets the value of PurgeOn.

#### `public inline void `[`SetPurgeOn`](#structFRHAPI__PurgeResponse_1a2538e2c1c93d9da2aee884987d6a4298)`(FDateTime NewValue)`

Sets the value of PurgeOn.

#### `public inline FDateTime & `[`GetCreatedOn`](#structFRHAPI__PurgeResponse_1a77025ecd448e8611868eef13bad20658)`()`

Gets the value of CreatedOn.

#### `public inline const FDateTime & `[`GetCreatedOn`](#structFRHAPI__PurgeResponse_1a22abfeda8fffb2848ec777d0d6caa36b)`() const`

Gets the value of CreatedOn.

#### `public inline void `[`SetCreatedOn`](#structFRHAPI__PurgeResponse_1aa2417c1512e1ea1f29609974c4f67eae)`(FDateTime NewValue)`

Sets the value of CreatedOn.

#### `public inline FDateTime & `[`GetLastModifiedOn`](#structFRHAPI__PurgeResponse_1add934610257f723e04ee481bbee432f4)`()`

Gets the value of LastModifiedOn.

#### `public inline const FDateTime & `[`GetLastModifiedOn`](#structFRHAPI__PurgeResponse_1ace50105c50af4f84cab5722271fc0ffa)`() const`

Gets the value of LastModifiedOn.

#### `public inline void `[`SetLastModifiedOn`](#structFRHAPI__PurgeResponse_1a61a7e91502c3b138728b9521dc48c1a6)`(FDateTime NewValue)`

Sets the value of LastModifiedOn.

#### `public inline FString & `[`GetStatus`](#structFRHAPI__PurgeResponse_1a04bd8667d4e9a97f8a7e73526a489496)`()`

Gets the value of Status.

#### `public inline const FString & `[`GetStatus`](#structFRHAPI__PurgeResponse_1a8c598d34431dd1f38a663ab8955d9904)`() const`

Gets the value of Status.

#### `public inline void `[`SetStatus`](#structFRHAPI__PurgeResponse_1a637ce446f6575e52ed0dd2c6b61424da)`(FString NewValue)`

Sets the value of Status.