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struct FRHAPI_BodyBeginNewSession

struct FRHAPI_BodyBeginNewSession

struct FRHAPI_BodyBeginNewSession
: public FRHAPI_Model


public FString CountryCodeISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code for the user
public FString DeviceId_OptionalUnique Identifier for the device a session is started on. E.g should be the same for multiple users on the same device.
public bool DeviceId_IsSettrue if DeviceId_Optional has been set to a value
public virtual bool FromJson(const TSharedPtr< FJsonValue > & JsonValue)Fills this object with data from the passed in JSON.
public virtual void WriteJson(TSharedRef< TJsonWriter<>> & Writer) constWrites the data from this object into the specified JSON Writer stream.
public inline FString & GetCountryCode()Gets the value of CountryCode.
public inline const FString & GetCountryCode() constGets the value of CountryCode.
public inline void SetCountryCode(FString NewValue)Sets the value of CountryCode.
public inline FString & GetDeviceId()Gets the value of DeviceId_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
public inline const FString & GetDeviceId() constGets the value of DeviceId_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
public inline const FString & GetDeviceId(const FString & DefaultValue) constGets the value of DeviceId_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue.
public inline bool GetDeviceId(FString & OutValue) constFills OutValue with the value of DeviceId_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false.
public inline FString * GetDeviceIdOrNull()Returns a pointer to DeviceId_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
public inline const FString * GetDeviceIdOrNull() constReturns a pointer to DeviceId_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
public inline void SetDeviceId(FString NewValue)Sets the value of DeviceId_Optional and also sets DeviceId_IsSet to true.
public inline void ClearDeviceId()Clears the value of DeviceId_Optional and sets DeviceId_IsSet to false.


public FString CountryCode

ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code for the user

#### `public FString `[`DeviceId_Optional`](#structFRHAPI__BodyBeginNewSession_1afb3f92a8ebaa4b435f58d8a3e2f1cb6b)

Unique Identifier for the device a session is started on. E.g should be the same for multiple users on the same device.

#### `public bool `[`DeviceId_IsSet`](#structFRHAPI__BodyBeginNewSession_1a1ab96b1e204409126b40d416a87d4255)

true if DeviceId_Optional has been set to a value

#### `public virtual bool `[`FromJson`](#structFRHAPI__BodyBeginNewSession_1ad9fa67312817cbcb19ff67cb57f29efe)`(const TSharedPtr< FJsonValue > & JsonValue)`

Fills this object with data from the passed in JSON.


  • JsonValue Data from the API call.


true if parsing of the JSON data was successful.

#### `public virtual void `[`WriteJson`](#structFRHAPI__BodyBeginNewSession_1a5d1dde9f77c7668e7b6719a96ef7b764)`(TSharedRef< TJsonWriter<>> & Writer) const`

Writes the data from this object into the specified JSON Writer stream.


  • Writer JSON Writer stream to push .

#### `public inline FString & `[`GetCountryCode`](#structFRHAPI__BodyBeginNewSession_1a6389cd1eff5913dc8846897aa608bac7)`()`

Gets the value of CountryCode.

#### `public inline const FString & `[`GetCountryCode`](#structFRHAPI__BodyBeginNewSession_1a260f56c1f98a11fb15cee9782b9ed373)`() const`

Gets the value of CountryCode.

#### `public inline void `[`SetCountryCode`](#structFRHAPI__BodyBeginNewSession_1a32cbcd75f9a37e01716b923702a5fced)`(FString NewValue)`

Sets the value of CountryCode.

#### `public inline FString & `[`GetDeviceId`](#structFRHAPI__BodyBeginNewSession_1a4eea2f2bd9d4bd859380833600c3f610)`()`

Gets the value of DeviceId_Optional, regardless of it having been set.

#### `public inline const FString & `[`GetDeviceId`](#structFRHAPI__BodyBeginNewSession_1ade2cd5930fe03039e294e42d436b4628)`() const`

Gets the value of DeviceId_Optional, regardless of it having been set.

#### `public inline const FString & `[`GetDeviceId`](#structFRHAPI__BodyBeginNewSession_1a9620840815ec9c2ee834e1ca31d62dee)`(const FString & DefaultValue) const`

Gets the value of DeviceId_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue.

#### `public inline bool `[`GetDeviceId`](#structFRHAPI__BodyBeginNewSession_1a8ffe9a4c354f183c5372e80e8e957a29)`(FString & OutValue) const`

Fills OutValue with the value of DeviceId_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false.

#### `public inline FString * `[`GetDeviceIdOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__BodyBeginNewSession_1a8b21a4a1672d0c12b008b5d389c522c3)`()`

Returns a pointer to DeviceId_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.

#### `public inline const FString * `[`GetDeviceIdOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__BodyBeginNewSession_1a891c220cbbdb6dc7a930f6ac7f64aa2e)`() const`

Returns a pointer to DeviceId_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.

#### `public inline void `[`SetDeviceId`](#structFRHAPI__BodyBeginNewSession_1a4a8a729f2efb24d2e09caefe6ba8e25f)`(FString NewValue)`

Sets the value of DeviceId_Optional and also sets DeviceId_IsSet to true.

#### `public inline void `[`ClearDeviceId`](#structFRHAPI__BodyBeginNewSession_1aae458d9179139e19b99c983ce6ba80c5)`()`

Clears the value of DeviceId_Optional and sets DeviceId_IsSet to false.