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class URH_MatchmakingQueueInfoClass to define a matchmaking queue.
class URH_MatchmakingTemplateGroupInfoClass to organize a matchmaking Templates information.
class URH_MatchmakingProfileInfoClass to organize a matchmaking Profiles information.
class URH_InstanceRequestTemplateClass to organize a Instance Request Templates information.
class URH_MatchmakingBrowserCacheSimple container class to hold matchmaking data, does not have its own auth context, relies upon getting it from elsewhere during calls, so that it can be used to cache across multiple players.
struct FRH_QueueSearchParamsStruct to define queue search parameters.
struct FRH_QueueSearchResultStruct to define queue search results.

class URH_MatchmakingQueueInfo

class URH_MatchmakingQueueInfo
: public UObject

Class to define a matchmaking queue.


public inline const FRHAPI_QueueConfigV2&GetQueueInfo() constGets the queue info.
public inline const FString & GetETag() constGets the Etag for the queue info.
public inline const FString & GetQueueId() constThe ID for the queue, should not be used for display purposes.
public inline bool IsActive() constFlag for whether or not the queue is active, and can be joined or sessions created from it.
public inline void ImportAPIQueue(const FRHAPI_QueueConfigV2 & APIQueue,const FString & InETag)Imports queue info from an API call.
public inline FString GetDescription() constGets a description of the queue, display its id for debugging.


public inline const FRHAPI_QueueConfigV2&GetQueueInfo() const

Gets the queue info.

#### `public inline const FString & `[`GetETag`](#classURH__MatchmakingQueueInfo_1a443e3173f86a4cfac34d80133ec9cf82)`() const`

Gets the Etag for the queue info.

#### `public inline const FString & `[`GetQueueId`](#classURH__MatchmakingQueueInfo_1a9574234af5b1efe6b08f1a5a97ddb103)`() const`

The ID for the queue, should not be used for display purposes.

#### `public inline bool `[`IsActive`](#classURH__MatchmakingQueueInfo_1aeadf35b8cc5df0658a86aef82094f5aa)`() const`

Flag for whether or not the queue is active, and can be joined or sessions created from it.

#### `public inline void `[`ImportAPIQueue`](#classURH__MatchmakingQueueInfo_1af33b1de1236961da0b910ee1710e3bc5)`(const `[`FRHAPI_QueueConfigV2`](models/` & APIQueue,const FString & InETag)`

Imports queue info from an API call.


  • APIQueue Queue info from API call.

  • InETag ETag from API call.

#### `public inline FString `[`GetDescription`](#classURH__MatchmakingQueueInfo_1ae7a5d3dd461eaa68dec8dada2e9ad3df)`() const`

Gets a description of the queue, display its id for debugging.

## class `URH_MatchmakingTemplateGroupInfo`
class URH_MatchmakingTemplateGroupInfo
: public UObject

Class to organize a matchmaking Templates information.


public inline const FRHAPI_MatchMakingTemplateGroupV2&GetInfo() constGets the template info.
public inline const FString & GetETag() constGets the Etag for the template info.
public inline const FGuid & GetTemplateGroupId() constID for this set of potential matchmaking templates.
public inline TSet< int32 > GetRequiredItemIds() const**
public inline const TArray< FGuid > GetPossibleInstanceRequestTemplateIds() constID for which instance launch template this queue will use.
public inline void ImportAPITemplateGroup(const FRHAPI_MatchMakingTemplateGroupV2 & APITemplateGroup,const FString & InETag)Imports template info from an API call.
public inline FString GetDescription() constGets a description of the template, display its id for debugging.


public inline const FRHAPI_MatchMakingTemplateGroupV2&GetInfo() const

Gets the template info.

#### `public inline const FString & `[`GetETag`](#classURH__MatchmakingTemplateGroupInfo_1a5469f554d137118cc7d5f2e74955f033)`() const`

Gets the Etag for the template info.

#### `public inline const FGuid & `[`GetTemplateGroupId`](#classURH__MatchmakingTemplateGroupInfo_1a384a0999a402078854d4ad342f0570fa)`() const`

ID for this set of potential matchmaking templates.

#### `public inline TSet< int32 > `[`GetRequiredItemIds`](#classURH__MatchmakingTemplateGroupInfo_1adf14fcfb492d96bb8c3606720552b4c4)`() const`


List of the different matchmaking templates that could be used. The config is chosen based on a set of rules in each MatchMakingTemplate object. If there are no rules, it’s the default template */

Set of all the item ids that are required to validate every rule contained in this template group

#### `public inline const TArray< FGuid > `[`GetPossibleInstanceRequestTemplateIds`](#classURH__MatchmakingTemplateGroupInfo_1a9b2e0a4539408825329eff7f6ec07ae6)`() const`

ID for which instance launch template this queue will use.

#### `public inline void `[`ImportAPITemplateGroup`](#classURH__MatchmakingTemplateGroupInfo_1ab2f3a97cf393d864d4897981125e50c6)`(const `[`FRHAPI_MatchMakingTemplateGroupV2`](models/` & APITemplateGroup,const FString & InETag)`

Imports template info from an API call.


  • APITemplateGroup Template info from API call.

  • InETag ETag from API call.

#### `public inline FString `[`GetDescription`](#classURH__MatchmakingTemplateGroupInfo_1a7ac296d74658aeb6d4ef0f20bb227030)`() const`

Gets a description of the template, display its id for debugging.

## class `URH_MatchmakingProfileInfo`
class URH_MatchmakingProfileInfo
: public UObject

Class to organize a matchmaking Profiles information.


public inline const FRHAPI_MatchMakingProfileV2&GetProfile() constGets the template info.
public inline const FString & GetETag() constGets the Etag for the template info.
public inline const FString & GetProfileId() constID for this set of potential matchmaking templates.
public inline void ImportAPIProfile(const FRHAPI_MatchMakingProfileV2 & APIProfile,const FString & InETag)Imports profile info from an API call.
public inline FString GetDescription() constGets a description of the template, display its id for debugging.


public inline const FRHAPI_MatchMakingProfileV2&GetProfile() const

Gets the template info.

#### `public inline const FString & `[`GetETag`](#classURH__MatchmakingProfileInfo_1a7df50ac8372ec5355d06b60a16df508d)`() const`

Gets the Etag for the template info.

#### `public inline const FString & `[`GetProfileId`](#classURH__MatchmakingProfileInfo_1a92f892bc995361fb97c8cbc8c66a44da)`() const`

ID for this set of potential matchmaking templates.

#### `public inline void `[`ImportAPIProfile`](#classURH__MatchmakingProfileInfo_1a9dd1be36d55cc15ef0ece4a15bcb94bd)`(const `[`FRHAPI_MatchMakingProfileV2`](models/` & APIProfile,const FString & InETag)`

Imports profile info from an API call.


  • APIProfile Profile info from API call.

  • InETag ETag from API call.

#### `public inline FString `[`GetDescription`](#classURH__MatchmakingProfileInfo_1a46ec1205f947cb0f88626d6f2c121c6f)`() const`

Gets a description of the template, display its id for debugging.

## class `URH_InstanceRequestTemplate`
class URH_InstanceRequestTemplate
: public UObject

Class to organize a Instance Request Templates information.


public inline const FRHAPI_InstanceRequestTemplate&GetInfo() constGets the template info.
public inline const FString & GetETag() constGets the Etag for the template info.
public inline const FGuid & GetInstanceRequestTemplateId() constID to uniquely identify this instance launch template.
public inline const TMap< FString, FString > & GetCustomData() constCustom data that will be passed to the session during the instance launch request.
public inline void ImportAPIInstanceLaunchTemplate(const FRHAPI_InstanceRequestTemplate & APITemplate,const FString & InETag)Imports template info from an API call.
public inline FString GetDescription() constGets a description of the template, display its id for debugging.


public inline const FRHAPI_InstanceRequestTemplate&GetInfo() const

Gets the template info.

#### `public inline const FString & `[`GetETag`](#classURH__InstanceRequestTemplate_1aaa58e4713d9d5691feeb8ebec31f62d4)`() const`

Gets the Etag for the template info.

#### `public inline const FGuid & `[`GetInstanceRequestTemplateId`](#classURH__InstanceRequestTemplate_1a2bb354e782f456b84951d99c0da5b873)`() const`

ID to uniquely identify this instance launch template.

#### `public inline const TMap< FString, FString > & `[`GetCustomData`](#classURH__InstanceRequestTemplate_1a600cd1f87cca0d28e4770930af3b19c4)`() const`

Custom data that will be passed to the session during the instance launch request.

#### `public inline void `[`ImportAPIInstanceLaunchTemplate`](#classURH__InstanceRequestTemplate_1a15872173e96e3437b0eb2151cdbe8c1e)`(const `[`FRHAPI_InstanceRequestTemplate`](models/` & APITemplate,const FString & InETag)`

Imports template info from an API call.


  • APITemplate Template info from API call.

  • InETag ETag from API call.

#### `public inline FString `[`GetDescription`](#classURH__InstanceRequestTemplate_1aefa7958ae9ac8f8f518660ddd3ff19fb)`() const`

Gets a description of the template, display its id for debugging.

## class `URH_MatchmakingBrowserCache`
class URH_MatchmakingBrowserCache
: public URH_GameInstanceSubsystemPlugin

Simple container class to hold matchmaking data, does not have its own auth context, relies upon getting it from elsewhere during calls, so that it can be used to cache across multiple players.


public FRegionSettingsUpdatedDelegate OnRegionsUpdatedNativeDelegate to listen for matchmaking regions updated.
public FRegionSettingsUpdatedDynamicDelegate OnRegionsUpdated
public URH_MatchmakingBrowserCache()Default constructor.
public void SearchQueues(const FRH_QueueSearchParams & params,const FRH_OnQueueSearchCompleteDelegateBlock & Delegate)Search for queues.
public inline void BLUEPRINT_SearchQueues(const FRH_QueueSearchParams & params,const FRH_OnQueueSearchCompleteDynamicDelegate & Delegate)
public void SearchMatchmakingTemplateGroup(const FGuid & TemplateId,const FRH_OnGetMatchmakingTemplateGroupCompleteDelegateBlock & Delegate)Search for a matchmaking template.
public inline void BLUEPRINT_SearchMatchmakingTemplateGroup(const FGuid & TemplateId,const FRH_OnGetMatchmakingTemplateGroupCompleteDynamicDelegate & Delegate)
public void SearchMatchmakingProfile(const FString & ProfileId,const FRH_OnGetMatchmakingProfileCompleteDelegateBlock & Delegate)Search for a matchmaking profiles.
public inline void BLUEPRINT_SearchMatchmakingProfile(const FString & ProfileId,const FRH_OnGetMatchmakingProfileCompleteDynamicDelegate & Delegate)
public void SearchInstanceRequestTemplate(const FGuid & TemplateId,const FRH_OnGetInstanceRequestTemplateCompleteDelegateBlock & Delegate)Search for an instance launch template.
public inline void BLUEPRINT_SearchInstanceRequestTemplate(const FGuid & TemplateId,const FRH_OnGetInstanceRequestTemplateCompleteDynamicDelegate & Delegate)
public void SearchRegions(int32 Cursor,const FRH_OnRegionSearchCompleteDelegateBlock & Delegate)Search for matchmaking regions.
public inline void BLUEPRINT_SearchRegions(int32 Cursor,const FRH_OnRegionSearchCompleteDynamicDelegate & Delegate)
public inline URH_MatchmakingQueueInfo*GetQueue(const FString & QueueId) constGet a cached queue by Queue Id.
public inline URH_MatchmakingTemplateGroupInfo*GetMatchmakingTemplateGroup(const FGuid & TemplateGroupId) constGet a cached matchmaking template by Template Id.
public inline URH_MatchmakingProfileInfo*GetMatchmakingProfile(const FString & ProfileId) constGet a cached matchmaking template by Template Id.
public inline URH_InstanceRequestTemplate*GetInstanceRequestTemplate(const FGuid & InstanceRequestTemplateId) constGet a cached instance request template by Template Id.
public inline bool GetRegion(const FString & RegionId,FRHAPI_Region & OutRegion) constGet a cached region by Region Id.
public inline FORCEINLINE TArray< URH_MatchmakingQueueInfo* >GetAllQueues() constGet all cached queues.
public inline const TArray< URH_MatchmakingTemplateGroupInfo* >GetAllMatchmakingTemplateGroups() constGet all cached matchmaking templates.
public inline const TArray< URH_MatchmakingProfileInfo* >GetAllMatchmakingProfiles() constGet all cached matchmaking profiles.
public inline const TArray< URH_InstanceRequestTemplate* >GetAllInstanceRequestTemplates() constGet all cached instance request templates.
public inline TArray< FRHAPI_Region>GetAllRegions() constGet all cached matchmaking regions.
public inline void ClearCache()Clears the cache of all queues and templates.
public inline void ClearRegionsCache()Clears the cache of regions.
public void ImportAPIQueue(const FRHAPI_QueueConfigV2 & APIQueue,const FString & ETag)Imports queue info from an API call.
public void ImportAPIMatchmakingTemplateGroup(const FRHAPI_MatchMakingTemplateGroupV2 & APITemplateGroup,const FString & ETag)Imports template info from an API call.
public void ImportAPIMatchmakingProfile(const FRHAPI_MatchMakingProfileV2 & APIProfile,const FString & ETag)Imports profile info from an API call.
public void ImportAPIInstanceRequestTemplate(const FRHAPI_InstanceRequestTemplate & APITemplate,const FString & ETag)Imports template info from an API call.
public void ImportAPIRegion(const FRHAPI_Region & APIRegion)Imports region info from an API call.
protected TMap< FString, URH_MatchmakingQueueInfo* >QueueCacheMap of Queue Id to Queue Infos.
protected TMap< FGuid, URH_MatchmakingTemplateGroupInfo* >MatchmakingTemplateGroupCacheMap of Template Id to Matchmaking Template Group Infos.
protected TMap< FString, URH_MatchmakingProfileInfo* >MatchmakingProfileCacheMap of Matchmaking Profile Id to Profile Objects.
protected TMap< FGuid, URH_InstanceRequestTemplate* >InstanceRequestTemplateCacheMap of Template Id to Instance Launch Template Infos.
protected TMap< FString, FRHAPI_Region>RegionsCacheArray of Regions.
protected int32 LastRegionCursor


public FRegionSettingsUpdatedDelegate OnRegionsUpdatedNative

Delegate to listen for matchmaking regions updated.

#### `public FRegionSettingsUpdatedDynamicDelegate `[`OnRegionsUpdated`](#classURH__MatchmakingBrowserCache_1a861943c4bbe2929594b1acc7b528974f)
#### `public `[`URH_MatchmakingBrowserCache`](#classURH__MatchmakingBrowserCache_1addfabfbe829a51e5974402f307f55090)`()`

Default constructor.

#### `public void `[`SearchQueues`](#classURH__MatchmakingBrowserCache_1ac7e837d18b72c1870de9081fa2570872)`(const `[`FRH_QueueSearchParams`](` & params,const FRH_OnQueueSearchCompleteDelegateBlock & Delegate)`

Search for queues.


  • params The search params to use for the given search.

  • Delegate Callback with the results of the search.

#### `public inline void `[`BLUEPRINT_SearchQueues`](#classURH__MatchmakingBrowserCache_1a9abc7b72ccdaf7221103a5672d912d82)`(const `[`FRH_QueueSearchParams`](` & params,const FRH_OnQueueSearchCompleteDynamicDelegate & Delegate)`
#### `public void `[`SearchMatchmakingTemplateGroup`](#classURH__MatchmakingBrowserCache_1ad03ac193720eba4073da3d52854d7360)`(const FGuid & TemplateId,const FRH_OnGetMatchmakingTemplateGroupCompleteDelegateBlock & Delegate)`

Search for a matchmaking template.


  • TemplateId The matchmaking template to search for.

  • Delegate Callback with the results of the search.

#### `public inline void `[`BLUEPRINT_SearchMatchmakingTemplateGroup`](#classURH__MatchmakingBrowserCache_1a401e5ed7ec61a89b9c9bd9bfa711bd67)`(const FGuid & TemplateId,const FRH_OnGetMatchmakingTemplateGroupCompleteDynamicDelegate & Delegate)`
#### `public void `[`SearchMatchmakingProfile`](#classURH__MatchmakingBrowserCache_1ad120b4e1486d486c43a63460e8f601dd)`(const FString & ProfileId,const FRH_OnGetMatchmakingProfileCompleteDelegateBlock & Delegate)`

Search for a matchmaking profiles.


  • ProfileId The matchmaking profile to search for.

  • Delegate Callback with the results of the search.

#### `public inline void `[`BLUEPRINT_SearchMatchmakingProfile`](#classURH__MatchmakingBrowserCache_1a820d21853c61f75ca4a9de6dbc6d60b5)`(const FString & ProfileId,const FRH_OnGetMatchmakingProfileCompleteDynamicDelegate & Delegate)`
#### `public void `[`SearchInstanceRequestTemplate`](#classURH__MatchmakingBrowserCache_1a3f8201f2b4185755194cea5b084b60f2)`(const FGuid & TemplateId,const FRH_OnGetInstanceRequestTemplateCompleteDelegateBlock & Delegate)`

Search for an instance launch template.


  • TemplateId The matchmaking template to search for.

  • Delegate Callback with the results of the search.

#### `public inline void `[`BLUEPRINT_SearchInstanceRequestTemplate`](#classURH__MatchmakingBrowserCache_1a8a33bdd8eaf6dd18cea26c877436f526)`(const FGuid & TemplateId,const FRH_OnGetInstanceRequestTemplateCompleteDynamicDelegate & Delegate)`
#### `public void `[`SearchRegions`](#classURH__MatchmakingBrowserCache_1a53db11131e14e987ea8fa70e8d5571d0)`(int32 Cursor,const FRH_OnRegionSearchCompleteDelegateBlock & Delegate)`

Search for matchmaking regions.


  • Delegate Callback with the results of the search.

#### `public inline void `[`BLUEPRINT_SearchRegions`](#classURH__MatchmakingBrowserCache_1a0e5278bbaf6c50e0b6b9a1f619af860e)`(int32 Cursor,const FRH_OnRegionSearchCompleteDynamicDelegate & Delegate)`
#### `public inline `[`URH_MatchmakingQueueInfo`](` * `[`GetQueue`](#classURH__MatchmakingBrowserCache_1ad5e5847ba5ab4fd96b6e8303bc757673)`(const FString & QueueId) const`

Get a cached queue by Queue Id.

#### `public inline `[`URH_MatchmakingTemplateGroupInfo`](` * `[`GetMatchmakingTemplateGroup`](#classURH__MatchmakingBrowserCache_1a768be90ca3e0b3d27f489b3faffb0b97)`(const FGuid & TemplateGroupId) const`

Get a cached matchmaking template by Template Id.

#### `public inline `[`URH_MatchmakingProfileInfo`](` * `[`GetMatchmakingProfile`](#classURH__MatchmakingBrowserCache_1a2866e2052e00350d9d8cdb93b5ea237a)`(const FString & ProfileId) const`

Get a cached matchmaking template by Template Id.

#### `public inline `[`URH_InstanceRequestTemplate`](` * `[`GetInstanceRequestTemplate`](#classURH__MatchmakingBrowserCache_1a42ac148127a03d9f6217910af1368828)`(const FGuid & InstanceRequestTemplateId) const`

Get a cached instance request template by Template Id.

#### `public inline bool `[`GetRegion`](#classURH__MatchmakingBrowserCache_1aec49b23575bbcccf04c0968ecfeb8aac)`(const FString & RegionId,`[`FRHAPI_Region`](models/` & OutRegion) const`

Get a cached region by Region Id.

#### `public inline FORCEINLINE TArray< `[`URH_MatchmakingQueueInfo`](` * > `[`GetAllQueues`](#classURH__MatchmakingBrowserCache_1acc6cf6d685038c0c9c2104c8d36c6dda)`() const`

Get all cached queues.

#### `public inline const TArray< `[`URH_MatchmakingTemplateGroupInfo`](` * > `[`GetAllMatchmakingTemplateGroups`](#classURH__MatchmakingBrowserCache_1a317f7e3dfacb2655b90f9b800b44a3ee)`() const`

Get all cached matchmaking templates.

#### `public inline const TArray< `[`URH_MatchmakingProfileInfo`](` * > `[`GetAllMatchmakingProfiles`](#classURH__MatchmakingBrowserCache_1a9219e421c0d36387df20d83672003753)`() const`

Get all cached matchmaking profiles.

#### `public inline const TArray< `[`URH_InstanceRequestTemplate`](` * > `[`GetAllInstanceRequestTemplates`](#classURH__MatchmakingBrowserCache_1a45a7dcf847d413bd118f942dd770130b)`() const`

Get all cached instance request templates.

#### `public inline TArray< `[`FRHAPI_Region`](models/` > `[`GetAllRegions`](#classURH__MatchmakingBrowserCache_1a6522275437304f9fa12557171876b793)`() const`

Get all cached matchmaking regions.

#### `public inline void `[`ClearCache`](#classURH__MatchmakingBrowserCache_1a025eb8002aeeb328ea4dc90d9ddf0cb7)`()`

Clears the cache of all queues and templates.

#### `public inline void `[`ClearRegionsCache`](#classURH__MatchmakingBrowserCache_1ab2229d85ce71d9bab6bd7432e510c31a)`()`

Clears the cache of regions.

#### `public void `[`ImportAPIQueue`](#classURH__MatchmakingBrowserCache_1a2211b26aa34c82987f9c750dbd02e771)`(const `[`FRHAPI_QueueConfigV2`](models/` & APIQueue,const FString & ETag)`

Imports queue info from an API call.


  • APIQueue Queue info from API call.

  • InETag ETag from API call.

#### `public void `[`ImportAPIMatchmakingTemplateGroup`](#classURH__MatchmakingBrowserCache_1a5c027f8f2825c8ab12993cc68b3e8d6f)`(const `[`FRHAPI_MatchMakingTemplateGroupV2`](models/` & APITemplateGroup,const FString & ETag)`

Imports template info from an API call.


  • APITemplateGroup Template info from API call.

  • InETag ETag from API call.

#### `public void `[`ImportAPIMatchmakingProfile`](#classURH__MatchmakingBrowserCache_1a9d7b941805808803430cfc1ca7fbf939)`(const `[`FRHAPI_MatchMakingProfileV2`](models/` & APIProfile,const FString & ETag)`

Imports profile info from an API call.


  • APIProfile Profile info from API call.

  • InETag ETag from API call.

#### `public void `[`ImportAPIInstanceRequestTemplate`](#classURH__MatchmakingBrowserCache_1aec281f583cfc8c2f2b9da701815afb4a)`(const `[`FRHAPI_InstanceRequestTemplate`](models/` & APITemplate,const FString & ETag)`

Imports template info from an API call.


  • APITemplate Template info from API call.

  • InETag ETag from API call.

#### `public void `[`ImportAPIRegion`](#classURH__MatchmakingBrowserCache_1a194cefa32b1472541aebddac986d605b)`(const `[`FRHAPI_Region`](models/` & APIRegion)`

Imports region info from an API call.


  • APIRegions Region info from API call.

#### `protected TMap< FString, `[`URH_MatchmakingQueueInfo`](` * > `[`QueueCache`](#classURH__MatchmakingBrowserCache_1a2a75852ef2d0fb69f17d52bbacfbc3af)

Map of Queue Id to Queue Infos.

#### `protected TMap< FGuid, `[`URH_MatchmakingTemplateGroupInfo`](` * > `[`MatchmakingTemplateGroupCache`](#classURH__MatchmakingBrowserCache_1a1bf4997104b834d957c1f73e1d5937bf)

Map of Template Id to Matchmaking Template Group Infos.

#### `protected TMap< FString, `[`URH_MatchmakingProfileInfo`](` * > `[`MatchmakingProfileCache`](#classURH__MatchmakingBrowserCache_1a0db6df5fa481ad82411d61ab6017647c)

Map of Matchmaking Profile Id to Profile Objects.

#### `protected TMap< FGuid, `[`URH_InstanceRequestTemplate`](` * > `[`InstanceRequestTemplateCache`](#classURH__MatchmakingBrowserCache_1a0f80a47c99dc221a9d2d3a46a08f7c84)

Map of Template Id to Instance Launch Template Infos.

#### `protected TMap< FString, `[`FRHAPI_Region`](models/` > `[`RegionsCache`](#classURH__MatchmakingBrowserCache_1abde2017e9ec5d0dbb74255fc2f06d64e)

Array of Regions.

#### `protected int32 `[`LastRegionCursor`](#classURH__MatchmakingBrowserCache_1a34230345f419f688cb9cddcacd78376b)
## struct `FRH_QueueSearchParams`

Struct to define queue search parameters.


public int32 CursorThe Cursor location to start the search.
public int32 PageSizeThe size of page to return from the search.
public inline FRH_QueueSearchParams()Defautl constructor.
public inline FString GetDescription() constGets a description of the search params for debugging.


public int32 Cursor

The Cursor location to start the search.

#### `public int32 `[`PageSize`](#structFRH__QueueSearchParams_1a0b28136848b884be15762f3716404fdf)

The size of page to return from the search.

#### `public inline `[`FRH_QueueSearchParams`](#structFRH__QueueSearchParams_1a153cbb740b4d9dc1838bbdd78618bfd0)`()`

Defautl constructor.

#### `public inline FString `[`GetDescription`](#structFRH__QueueSearchParams_1ab823674f218b51fae0b3407322c8b3a0)`() const`

Gets a description of the search params for debugging.

## struct `FRH_QueueSearchResult`

Struct to define queue search results.


public FRH_QueueSearchParams SearchParamsThe params used to make the search request.
public TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< URH_MatchmakingQueueInfo> >QueuesThe queues returned by the search request.
public inline FString GetDescription() constGets a description of the search result for debugging.


public FRH_QueueSearchParams SearchParams

The params used to make the search request.

#### `public TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< `[`URH_MatchmakingQueueInfo`](` > > `[`Queues`](#structFRH__QueueSearchResult_1a243723e5fdb3745da96443fd62daf81f)

The queues returned by the search request.

#### `public inline FString `[`GetDescription`](#structFRH__QueueSearchResult_1ad218a7fbea6c2538e743d78b29084aba)`() const`

Gets a description of the search result for debugging.