Get Items
GET /v1/sandbox/{sandbox_id}/item
Get Items by filters. All filters must be true for an Item to be returned. Requires any of permissions: sandbox:config:view, sandbox:config:edit
Path Parameters
Sandbox ID
Sandbox ID
Query Parameters
Item IDs to filter by
Item IDs to filter by
Legacy Item IDs to filter by
Legacy Item IDs to filter by
Item types to filter by
Item types to filter by
Coupon Currency Item IDs to filter by
Coupon Currency Item IDs to filter by
Inventory Bucket Use Rule Set IDs to filter by
Inventory Bucket Use Rule Set IDs to filter by
Level Xp IDs to filter by
Level Xp IDs to filter by
Filter by case insensitive name
Filter by case insensitive name
Filter by last modified account ID
Filter by last modified account ID
Sort results by
Sort results by
Resources to expand and fill in additional detail
Resources to expand and fill in additional detail
Sort order
Sort order
Cursor to designate where you are in iterating through values. Start with ‘0’, and pass this on subsequent calls to continue iteration
Cursor to designate where you are in iterating through values. Start with '0', and pass this on subsequent calls to continue iteration
The maximum number of elements to be returned per call
The maximum number of elements to be returned per call
Successful Response
A collection of Items.
The Items.
An Item. Item come in a couple of different flavors; determined by the type
items are stored in a player’s catalog.
items are not stored in a player’s catalog and are used to fulfill SubVendor Loot.
items are not stored in a player’s catalog and are used to fulfill SubVendor Loot but at a reduced cost if the Player owns some of the Loot.
items are stored in a player’s catalog and are fulfilled to the player each time an Inventory Session is created and when the Entitlement is fulfilled to the Player.
Custom data associated with the resource
Name of the resource
Description of the resource
The type of item.
This is only valid for an entitlement Item. When this item is granted and Inventory Session creation, this is the Loot ID that will be fulfilled.
The XP Table that is used to determine the Player’s level for this XP. The level increase occurs when the quantity of this Item increases above the minimum XP of an XP Level. This is only valid for an unit Item.
The vendor containing the rewards to grant to the player as they level up. If a level_xp_table_id
is configured, when this item is granted to a player their quantity is converted to a level using that table and rewards are granted based on the sort_order
of loot inside this reward vendor. If there is no level_xp_table_id
configured, the quantity is used to select loot to grant from this reward vendor. This is only valid for an unit Item.
The Inventory Bucket Use Rule Set ID that determines how this item can be used across buckets.
The amount the price is discounted. This is a percentage between 0 and 1. For example, 0.25 would be a 25% discount.
If true, the coupon will be consumed when used by decreasing the quantity in the Player’s Inventory by 1. If false, the coupon will remain in the Player’s inventory after use.
List of Loot IDs this item can discount
Name of corresponding currency Item ID
The Item ID of the currency to be used for the coupon.
ID of the Sandbox
Account ID of the user who last modified the resource
Timestamp of when the resource was last modified
Timestamp of when the resource was created
The Item ID.
The Legacy Item ID.
Name corresponding entitled Loot ID
Name of corresponding level Vendor ID
Name of corresponding level XP Table ID
Name of corresponding Inventory Bucket Use Rule Set ID
The paging metadata.
Cursor to designate where you are in iterating through values. Start with ‘0’, and pass this on subsequent calls to continue iteration
The maximum number of elements to be returned per call
The total number of entities.
Validation Error