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class FRallyHereIntegrationModuleModule for the Rally Here Integration Layer.
class FRH_IntegrationMain integration layer handler.

class FRallyHereIntegrationModule

class FRallyHereIntegrationModule
: public IModuleInterface

Module for the Rally Here Integration Layer.


public ~FRallyHereIntegrationModule() = defaultDefault constructor.
public void StartupModule()Initializes the module.
public void ShutdownModule()Safely ends the module.
public inline FRH_Integration&GetIntegration() constGets the Integration class fromt he module.


public ~FRallyHereIntegrationModule() = default

Default constructor.

#### `public void `[`StartupModule`](#classFRallyHereIntegrationModule_1ac91ef7cb3468c0eb68c74069f99fa47b)`()`

Initializes the module.

#### `public void `[`ShutdownModule`](#classFRallyHereIntegrationModule_1a537c97b39e36b257d3499bb8f88b2aff)`()`

Safely ends the module.

#### `public inline `[`FRH_Integration`](` & `[`GetIntegration`](#classFRallyHereIntegrationModule_1ab428b2c8db543b36835a636472d55ed8)`() const`

Gets the Integration class fromt he module.

## class `FRH_Integration`

Main integration layer handler.


public FRH_Integration()
public void Initialize()Initialize the Integration layer.
public void Uninitialize()Safely tears down the Integration layer.
public inline RallyHereAPI::FRallyHereAPIAll & GetAPIs()Gets all the APIs.
public inline HttpRetryManagerPtr GetRetryManager() constGets Base Retry Manager for all RallyHereAPI calls.
public void SetEnvironmentId(FString InEnvironmentId,const FString & Source)Sets the environment for he connection.
public FString GetEnvironmentId()Get the current Environment Id (will run ResolveEnvironmentId if there isn’t one)
public void ResolveEnvironmentId()Get the Environment ID used for finding the base URL from the first of the following sources:
public inline void LockEnvironmentId(bool bLocked)Updates the locked status of the Environment Id.
public void SetBaseURL(FString InBaseUrl,const FString & Source)Set the base URL for all RallyHereAPI calls.
public FString GetBaseURL()Get the current base URL (will run ResolveBaseURL if there isn’t one)
public void ResolveBaseURL()Check for a base URL across several sources and assign the first non-empty value to the APIs:
public inline void LockBaseURL(bool bLocked)Updates the locked status of the Base URL.
public void SetClientId(FString InClientId,const FString & Source)Set the client ID for the AuthContext.
public FString GetClientId()Get the current client ID (will run ResolveClientId if there isn’t one).
public void ResolveClientId()Check for a client ID across several sources and assign the first non-empty value to the APIs:
public inline void LockClientId(bool bLocked)Updates the locked status of the Client Id.
public void SetClientSecret(FString InClientSecret,const FString & Source)Set the client secret for the AuthContext.
public FString GetClientSecret()Get the current client secret (will run ResolveClientSecret if there isn’t one).
public void ResolveClientSecret()Check for a client secret across several sources and assign the first non-empty value to the APIs:
public inline void LockClientSecret(bool bLocked)Updates the locked status of the Client Secret.
public inline FRH_WebRequests*GetWebRequestTracker() constGets the Web Request Tracker.
public inline FRH_Diagnostics*GetDiagnostics() constGets the Diagnostic Reporter.


public FRH_Integration()

#### `public void `[`Initialize`](#classFRH__Integration_1a5406bc46c19e6268c00ace04a51e13af)`()`

Initialize the Integration layer.

#### `public void `[`Uninitialize`](#classFRH__Integration_1affec69b27c9acf7015815812bbb6833f)`()`

Safely tears down the Integration layer.

#### `public inline RallyHereAPI::FRallyHereAPIAll & `[`GetAPIs`](#classFRH__Integration_1a890bf9b414bc85d6c057a3b9158204ed)`()`

Gets all the APIs.

#### `public inline HttpRetryManagerPtr `[`GetRetryManager`](#classFRH__Integration_1afc39eec959666867e8c4bae0de6ff862)`() const`

Gets Base Retry Manager for all RallyHereAPI calls.

#### `public void `[`SetEnvironmentId`](#classFRH__Integration_1a2c35e2e9223d77db72f0fc4927a61cac)`(FString InEnvironmentId,const FString & Source)`

Sets the environment for he connection.


  • InEnvironmentId Id of the Environment to use.

  • Source The source of the environment change, for logging.

#### `public FString `[`GetEnvironmentId`](#classFRH__Integration_1ad0d54cb4e8185064ab8feb5b8cfe1158)`()`

Get the current Environment Id (will run ResolveEnvironmentId if there isn’t one)

#### `public void `[`ResolveEnvironmentId`](#classFRH__Integration_1a9579149b9470a1a8b8eefb9978a6d6aa)`()`

Get the Environment ID used for finding the base URL from the first of the following sources:

  • Command line values from the keys in EnvironmentCommandLineKeysInternal. By default these are: RallyHereEnvX RallyHereEnv RallyHereEnvInternal

  • Command line values from the keys in EnvironmentCommandLineKeys, which are configured by ini

  • Results from GetEnvironmentId from the EnvironmentOSSName (or default if one is not provided)

#### `public inline void `[`LockEnvironmentId`](#classFRH__Integration_1a2416f70e5f8aefa4621077557046b518)`(bool bLocked)`

Updates the locked status of the Environment Id.


  • bLocked If locked, disables the ResolveEnvironmentId function.

#### `public void `[`SetBaseURL`](#classFRH__Integration_1a2de7c31c9f2df613372b70899612a75e)`(FString InBaseUrl,const FString & Source)`

Set the base URL for all RallyHereAPI calls.


  • InBaseURL The base URL to use.

  • Source The source of the base URL change, for logging.

#### `public FString `[`GetBaseURL`](#classFRH__Integration_1a2133066a14b8ece9675e74ab9be18e68)`()`

Get the current base URL (will run ResolveBaseURL if there isn’t one)

#### `public void `[`ResolveBaseURL`](#classFRH__Integration_1ab948f32204bfe002d03f6faa58f4b761)`()`

Check for a base URL across several sources and assign the first non-empty value to the APIs:

  • Command line values from the keys in BaseURLCommandLineKeysInternal. By default these are: RallyHereURLX RallyHereURL RallyHereURLInternal

  • Command line values from the keys in BaseURLCommandLineKeys, which are configured by ini

  • ini value from the “RallyHereEnvURL” section, where the key is the current EnvironmentId returned from GetEnvironmentId

  • ini value from the section for this class, with the “BaseUrl” key.

#### `public inline void `[`LockBaseURL`](#classFRH__Integration_1a5078259f8298619fa5ac7966da3f6e0c)`(bool bLocked)`

Updates the locked status of the Base URL.


  • bLocked If locked, disables the ResolveBaseURL function.

#### `public void `[`SetClientId`](#classFRH__Integration_1abbe2d34dc0d7a870c747f00c9ad1e4c5)`(FString InClientId,const FString & Source)`

Set the client ID for the AuthContext.


  • InClientId The client ID to use.

  • Source The source of the base Client Id Change, for logging.

#### `public FString `[`GetClientId`](#classFRH__Integration_1a695e02ae6c4327902afcfe12a121b6cd)`()`

Get the current client ID (will run ResolveClientId if there isn’t one).

#### `public void `[`ResolveClientId`](#classFRH__Integration_1a13a7c74b6fce44f275bc0131442c5f61)`()`

Check for a client ID across several sources and assign the first non-empty value to the APIs:

  • Command line values from the keys in ClientIdCommandLineKeysInternal. By default these are: RallyHereClientIdX RallyHereClientId RallyHereClientIdInternal

  • Command line values from the keys in ClientIdCommandLineKeys, which are configured by ini

  • ini value from the “RallyHere” section, with the “ClientId” key.

  • ini value from the section for this class, with the “ClientId” key.

#### `public inline void `[`LockClientId`](#classFRH__Integration_1ae547716a7648acf415dee0f3d334a7ac)`(bool bLocked)`

Updates the locked status of the Client Id.


  • bLocked If locked, disables the ResolveClientId function.

#### `public void `[`SetClientSecret`](#classFRH__Integration_1a6b05ae0200ee5f66ed2ce503abbbdf88)`(FString InClientSecret,const FString & Source)`

Set the client secret for the AuthContext.


  • InClientSecret The client secret to use.

  • Source The source of the base Client Secret Change, for logging.

#### `public FString `[`GetClientSecret`](#classFRH__Integration_1ac50700a8ff4e112ed60171ffbf5817b7)`()`

Get the current client secret (will run ResolveClientSecret if there isn’t one).

#### `public void `[`ResolveClientSecret`](#classFRH__Integration_1a19706c54b4a17d6e82b3f86c22247be2)`()`

Check for a client secret across several sources and assign the first non-empty value to the APIs:

  • Command line values from the keys in ClientSecretCommandLineKeysInternal. By default these are: RallyHereClientSecretX RallyHereClientSecret RallyHereClientSecretInternal

  • Command line values from the keys in ClientSecretCommandLineKeys, which are configured by ini

  • ini value from the “RallyHere” section, with the “ClientSecret” key.

  • ini value from the section for this class, with the “ClientSecret” key.

#### `public inline void `[`LockClientSecret`](#classFRH__Integration_1aeb750cd617fad0b3ade042b7a7c1d54a)`(bool bLocked)`

Updates the locked status of the Client Secret.


  • bLocked If locked, disables the ResolveClientSecret function.

#### `public inline `[`FRH_WebRequests`](` * `[`GetWebRequestTracker`](#classFRH__Integration_1a3b54823f537913d46a2266f9a4875a16)`() const`

Gets the Web Request Tracker.

#### `public inline `[`FRH_Diagnostics`](` * `[`GetDiagnostics`](#classFRH__Integration_1a0f7dc5599a89b010715dba506bb16288)`() const`

Gets the Diagnostic Reporter.