Members | Descriptions |
struct FRHAPI_InstanceInfo | Information about the instance resource in a session. |
struct FRHAPI_InstanceInfo
Information about the instance resource in a session.
Members | Descriptions |
public FString AllocationId_Optional | Allocation ID for instance that’s been spun up. |
public bool AllocationId_IsSet | true if AllocationId_Optional has been set to a value |
public FString InstanceId | Unique ID for the host/session relationship. |
public ERHAPI_HostType HostType | Type of the host. |
public int32 HostPlayerId_Optional | Player ID of the host, if the host type is player. |
public bool HostPlayerId_IsSet | true if HostPlayerId_Optional has been set to a value |
public FGuid HostPlayerUuid_Optional | Player UUID of the host, if the host type is player. |
public bool HostPlayerUuid_IsSet | true if HostPlayerUuid_Optional has been set to a value |
public FString HostDedicatedProcessId_Optional | Unique ID for the process that is running this instance. |
public bool HostDedicatedProcessId_IsSet | true if HostDedicatedProcessId_Optional has been set to a value |
public FString HostDedicatedServerId_Optional | Unique ID for the machine running the instance. |
public bool HostDedicatedServerId_IsSet | true if HostDedicatedServerId_Optional has been set to a value |
public ERHAPI_InstanceJoinableStatus JoinStatus | Is the instance joinable at this time? |
public FRHAPI_JoinParams JoinParams_Optional | Parameters to join the instance. |
public bool JoinParams_IsSet | true if JoinParams_Optional has been set to a value |
public FRHAPI_InstanceStartupParams InstanceStartupParams_Optional | Parameters used by the host to startup. For UE5 this will contain the map and gamemode. |
public bool InstanceStartupParams_IsSet | true if InstanceStartupParams_Optional has been set to a value |
public FString Version_Optional | Product Client Version number. Used for compatibility checking with players. |
public bool Version_IsSet | true if Version_Optional has been set to a value |
public FDateTime Created | Datetime that enforces that a timezone is given. Unix timestamps are allowed and forced into the UTC time zone. |
public TMap< FString, FString > CustomData_Optional | instance-defined custom data |
public bool CustomData_IsSet | true if CustomData_Optional has been set to a value |
public ERHAPI_InstanceHealthStatus InstanceHealth_Optional | The current status of the instance. |
public bool InstanceHealth_IsSet | true if InstanceHealth_Optional has been set to a value |
public FString MatchMakingProfileId_Optional | The profile id that this instance was spawned from. |
public bool MatchMakingProfileId_IsSet | true if MatchMakingProfileId_Optional has been set to a value |
public virtual bool FromJson (const TSharedPtr< FJsonValue > & JsonValue) | Fills this object with data from the passed in JSON. |
public virtual void WriteJson (TSharedRef< TJsonWriter<>> & Writer) const | Writes the data from this object into the specified JSON Writer stream. |
public inline FString & GetAllocationId () | Gets the value of AllocationId_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const FString & GetAllocationId () const | Gets the value of AllocationId_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const FString & GetAllocationId (const FString & DefaultValue) const | Gets the value of AllocationId_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue. |
public inline bool GetAllocationId (FString & OutValue) const | Fills OutValue with the value of AllocationId_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false. |
public inline FString * GetAllocationIdOrNull () | Returns a pointer to AllocationId_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline const FString * GetAllocationIdOrNull () const | Returns a pointer to AllocationId_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline void SetAllocationId (FString NewValue) | Sets the value of AllocationId_Optional and also sets AllocationId_IsSet to true. |
public inline void ClearAllocationId () | Clears the value of AllocationId_Optional and sets AllocationId_IsSet to false. |
public inline FString & GetInstanceId () | Gets the value of InstanceId. |
public inline const FString & GetInstanceId () const | Gets the value of InstanceId. |
public inline void SetInstanceId (FString NewValue) | Sets the value of InstanceId. |
public inline ERHAPI_HostType & GetHostType () | Gets the value of HostType. |
public inline const ERHAPI_HostType & GetHostType () const | Gets the value of HostType. |
public inline void SetHostType (ERHAPI_HostType NewValue) | Sets the value of HostType. |
public inline int32 & GetHostPlayerId () | Gets the value of HostPlayerId_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const int32 & GetHostPlayerId () const | Gets the value of HostPlayerId_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const int32 & GetHostPlayerId (const int32 & DefaultValue) const | Gets the value of HostPlayerId_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue. |
public inline bool GetHostPlayerId (int32 & OutValue) const | Fills OutValue with the value of HostPlayerId_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false. |
public inline int32 * GetHostPlayerIdOrNull () | Returns a pointer to HostPlayerId_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline const int32 * GetHostPlayerIdOrNull () const | Returns a pointer to HostPlayerId_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline void SetHostPlayerId (int32 NewValue) | Sets the value of HostPlayerId_Optional and also sets HostPlayerId_IsSet to true. |
public inline void ClearHostPlayerId () | Clears the value of HostPlayerId_Optional and sets HostPlayerId_IsSet to false. |
public inline bool IsHostPlayerIdDefaultValue () const | Returns true if HostPlayerId_Optional is set and matches the default value. |
public inline void SetHostPlayerIdToDefault () | Sets the value of HostPlayerId_Optional to its default and also sets HostPlayerId_IsSet to true. |
public inline FGuid & GetHostPlayerUuid () | Gets the value of HostPlayerUuid_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const FGuid & GetHostPlayerUuid () const | Gets the value of HostPlayerUuid_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const FGuid & GetHostPlayerUuid (const FGuid & DefaultValue) const | Gets the value of HostPlayerUuid_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue. |
public inline bool GetHostPlayerUuid (FGuid & OutValue) const | Fills OutValue with the value of HostPlayerUuid_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false. |
public inline FGuid * GetHostPlayerUuidOrNull () | Returns a pointer to HostPlayerUuid_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline const FGuid * GetHostPlayerUuidOrNull () const | Returns a pointer to HostPlayerUuid_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline void SetHostPlayerUuid (FGuid NewValue) | Sets the value of HostPlayerUuid_Optional and also sets HostPlayerUuid_IsSet to true. |
public inline void ClearHostPlayerUuid () | Clears the value of HostPlayerUuid_Optional and sets HostPlayerUuid_IsSet to false. |
public inline FString & GetHostDedicatedProcessId () | Gets the value of HostDedicatedProcessId_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const FString & GetHostDedicatedProcessId () const | Gets the value of HostDedicatedProcessId_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const FString & GetHostDedicatedProcessId (const FString & DefaultValue) const | Gets the value of HostDedicatedProcessId_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue. |
public inline bool GetHostDedicatedProcessId (FString & OutValue) const | Fills OutValue with the value of HostDedicatedProcessId_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false. |
public inline FString * GetHostDedicatedProcessIdOrNull () | Returns a pointer to HostDedicatedProcessId_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline const FString * GetHostDedicatedProcessIdOrNull () const | Returns a pointer to HostDedicatedProcessId_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline void SetHostDedicatedProcessId (FString NewValue) | Sets the value of HostDedicatedProcessId_Optional and also sets HostDedicatedProcessId_IsSet to true. |
public inline void ClearHostDedicatedProcessId () | Clears the value of HostDedicatedProcessId_Optional and sets HostDedicatedProcessId_IsSet to false. |
public inline FString & GetHostDedicatedServerId () | Gets the value of HostDedicatedServerId_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const FString & GetHostDedicatedServerId () const | Gets the value of HostDedicatedServerId_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const FString & GetHostDedicatedServerId (const FString & DefaultValue) const | Gets the value of HostDedicatedServerId_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue. |
public inline bool GetHostDedicatedServerId (FString & OutValue) const | Fills OutValue with the value of HostDedicatedServerId_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false. |
public inline FString * GetHostDedicatedServerIdOrNull () | Returns a pointer to HostDedicatedServerId_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline const FString * GetHostDedicatedServerIdOrNull () const | Returns a pointer to HostDedicatedServerId_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline void SetHostDedicatedServerId (FString NewValue) | Sets the value of HostDedicatedServerId_Optional and also sets HostDedicatedServerId_IsSet to true. |
public inline void ClearHostDedicatedServerId () | Clears the value of HostDedicatedServerId_Optional and sets HostDedicatedServerId_IsSet to false. |
public inline ERHAPI_InstanceJoinableStatus & GetJoinStatus () | Gets the value of JoinStatus. |
public inline const ERHAPI_InstanceJoinableStatus & GetJoinStatus () const | Gets the value of JoinStatus. |
public inline void SetJoinStatus (ERHAPI_InstanceJoinableStatus NewValue) | Sets the value of JoinStatus. |
public inline FRHAPI_JoinParams & GetJoinParams () | Gets the value of JoinParams_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const FRHAPI_JoinParams & GetJoinParams () const | Gets the value of JoinParams_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const FRHAPI_JoinParams & GetJoinParams (const FRHAPI_JoinParams & DefaultValue) const | Gets the value of JoinParams_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue. |
public inline bool GetJoinParams ( FRHAPI_JoinParams & OutValue) const | Fills OutValue with the value of JoinParams_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false. |
public inline FRHAPI_JoinParams * GetJoinParamsOrNull () | Returns a pointer to JoinParams_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline const FRHAPI_JoinParams * GetJoinParamsOrNull () const | Returns a pointer to JoinParams_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline void SetJoinParams ( FRHAPI_JoinParams NewValue) | Sets the value of JoinParams_Optional and also sets JoinParams_IsSet to true. |
public inline void ClearJoinParams () | Clears the value of JoinParams_Optional and sets JoinParams_IsSet to false. |
public inline FRHAPI_InstanceStartupParams & GetInstanceStartupParams () | Gets the value of InstanceStartupParams_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const FRHAPI_InstanceStartupParams & GetInstanceStartupParams () const | Gets the value of InstanceStartupParams_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const FRHAPI_InstanceStartupParams & GetInstanceStartupParams (const FRHAPI_InstanceStartupParams & DefaultValue) const | Gets the value of InstanceStartupParams_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue. |
public inline bool GetInstanceStartupParams ( FRHAPI_InstanceStartupParams & OutValue) const | Fills OutValue with the value of InstanceStartupParams_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false. |
public inline FRHAPI_InstanceStartupParams * GetInstanceStartupParamsOrNull () | Returns a pointer to InstanceStartupParams_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline const FRHAPI_InstanceStartupParams * GetInstanceStartupParamsOrNull () const | Returns a pointer to InstanceStartupParams_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline void SetInstanceStartupParams ( FRHAPI_InstanceStartupParams NewValue) | Sets the value of InstanceStartupParams_Optional and also sets InstanceStartupParams_IsSet to true. |
public inline void ClearInstanceStartupParams () | Clears the value of InstanceStartupParams_Optional and sets InstanceStartupParams_IsSet to false. |
public inline FString & GetVersion () | Gets the value of Version_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const FString & GetVersion () const | Gets the value of Version_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const FString & GetVersion (const FString & DefaultValue) const | Gets the value of Version_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue. |
public inline bool GetVersion (FString & OutValue) const | Fills OutValue with the value of Version_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false. |
public inline FString * GetVersionOrNull () | Returns a pointer to Version_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline const FString * GetVersionOrNull () const | Returns a pointer to Version_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline void SetVersion (FString NewValue) | Sets the value of Version_Optional and also sets Version_IsSet to true. |
public inline void ClearVersion () | Clears the value of Version_Optional and sets Version_IsSet to false. |
public inline FDateTime & GetCreated () | Gets the value of Created. |
public inline const FDateTime & GetCreated () const | Gets the value of Created. |
public inline void SetCreated (FDateTime NewValue) | Sets the value of Created. |
public inline TMap< FString, FString > & GetCustomData () | Gets the value of CustomData_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const TMap< FString, FString > & GetCustomData () const | Gets the value of CustomData_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const TMap< FString, FString > & GetCustomData (const TMap< FString, FString > & DefaultValue) const | Gets the value of CustomData_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue. |
public inline bool GetCustomData (TMap< FString, FString > & OutValue) const | Fills OutValue with the value of CustomData_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false. |
public inline TMap< FString, FString > * GetCustomDataOrNull () | Returns a pointer to CustomData_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline const TMap< FString, FString > * GetCustomDataOrNull () const | Returns a pointer to CustomData_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline void SetCustomData (TMap< FString, FString > NewValue) | Sets the value of CustomData_Optional and also sets CustomData_IsSet to true. |
public inline void ClearCustomData () | Clears the value of CustomData_Optional and sets CustomData_IsSet to false. |
public inline ERHAPI_InstanceHealthStatus & GetInstanceHealth () | Gets the value of InstanceHealth_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const ERHAPI_InstanceHealthStatus & GetInstanceHealth () const | Gets the value of InstanceHealth_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const ERHAPI_InstanceHealthStatus & GetInstanceHealth (const ERHAPI_InstanceHealthStatus & DefaultValue) const | Gets the value of InstanceHealth_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue. |
public inline bool GetInstanceHealth (ERHAPI_InstanceHealthStatus & OutValue) const | Fills OutValue with the value of InstanceHealth_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false. |
public inline ERHAPI_InstanceHealthStatus * GetInstanceHealthOrNull () | Returns a pointer to InstanceHealth_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline const ERHAPI_InstanceHealthStatus * GetInstanceHealthOrNull () const | Returns a pointer to InstanceHealth_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline void SetInstanceHealth (ERHAPI_InstanceHealthStatus NewValue) | Sets the value of InstanceHealth_Optional and also sets InstanceHealth_IsSet to true. |
public inline void ClearInstanceHealth () | Clears the value of InstanceHealth_Optional and sets InstanceHealth_IsSet to false. |
public inline FString & GetMatchMakingProfileId () | Gets the value of MatchMakingProfileId_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const FString & GetMatchMakingProfileId () const | Gets the value of MatchMakingProfileId_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const FString & GetMatchMakingProfileId (const FString & DefaultValue) const | Gets the value of MatchMakingProfileId_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue. |
public inline bool GetMatchMakingProfileId (FString & OutValue) const | Fills OutValue with the value of MatchMakingProfileId_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false. |
public inline FString * GetMatchMakingProfileIdOrNull () | Returns a pointer to MatchMakingProfileId_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline const FString * GetMatchMakingProfileIdOrNull () const | Returns a pointer to MatchMakingProfileId_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline void SetMatchMakingProfileId (FString NewValue) | Sets the value of MatchMakingProfileId_Optional and also sets MatchMakingProfileId_IsSet to true. |
public inline void ClearMatchMakingProfileId () | Clears the value of MatchMakingProfileId_Optional and sets MatchMakingProfileId_IsSet to false. |
public FString
Allocation ID for instance that’s been spun up.
#### `public bool `[`AllocationId_IsSet`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a3a96f0f93d1d98d9d95b51bca0840b62)
true if AllocationId_Optional has been set to a value
#### `public FString `[`InstanceId`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a69a816d14656c32583f847c0238b9174)
Unique ID for the host/session relationship.
#### `public ERHAPI_HostType `[`HostType`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1aa4fa57c88e13cde9833ee29b000027a9)
Type of the host.
#### `public int32 `[`HostPlayerId_Optional`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a655893d75309d6c5d7d13c130192c60a)
Player ID of the host, if the host type is player.
#### `public bool `[`HostPlayerId_IsSet`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1adac8c1cdc99823b434cced3a50abf3cf)
true if HostPlayerId_Optional has been set to a value
#### `public FGuid `[`HostPlayerUuid_Optional`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a8af67b2308b97be4d9e4e561a9e39623)
Player UUID of the host, if the host type is player.
#### `public bool `[`HostPlayerUuid_IsSet`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1ad6c2343cdd2cdaa72bb93c9ddd500346)
true if HostPlayerUuid_Optional has been set to a value
#### `public FString `[`HostDedicatedProcessId_Optional`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a619c79477d6db4f713dbb601ca52f32c)
Unique ID for the process that is running this instance.
#### `public bool `[`HostDedicatedProcessId_IsSet`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1acdf9bd2233cc01d4537bf2576d5d4391)
true if HostDedicatedProcessId_Optional has been set to a value
#### `public FString `[`HostDedicatedServerId_Optional`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1adb1a41b1de0b1e457cc9cd22220a6c10)
Unique ID for the machine running the instance.
#### `public bool `[`HostDedicatedServerId_IsSet`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a668423caac5dcade44b138c9468bfd6d)
true if HostDedicatedServerId_Optional has been set to a value
#### `public ERHAPI_InstanceJoinableStatus `[`JoinStatus`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a540045ffc3cb213adbd178f75d8d8f4f)
Is the instance joinable at this time?
#### `public `[`FRHAPI_JoinParams`](RHAPI_JoinParams.md#structFRHAPI__JoinParams)` `[`JoinParams_Optional`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1aefc6530a0ba91ff0e221f296175f1911)
Parameters to join the instance.
#### `public bool `[`JoinParams_IsSet`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a99ccc5782466d7d8602f505042fbdde1)
true if JoinParams_Optional has been set to a value
#### `public `[`FRHAPI_InstanceStartupParams`](RHAPI_InstanceStartupParams.md#structFRHAPI__InstanceStartupParams)` `[`InstanceStartupParams_Optional`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a6bf1066eee396cfb6169ef12cb0f63a3)
Parameters used by the host to startup. For UE5 this will contain the map and gamemode.
#### `public bool `[`InstanceStartupParams_IsSet`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a26229b0fc19afb7346a59522a95fe8f0)
true if InstanceStartupParams_Optional has been set to a value
#### `public FString `[`Version_Optional`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a660e116a2617fc5b28a37c6ea34f93bb)
Product Client Version number. Used for compatibility checking with players.
#### `public bool `[`Version_IsSet`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a0089cb3ba53b990e04ae69dae2eba0a0)
true if Version_Optional has been set to a value
#### `public FDateTime `[`Created`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a93af18f5736b9faacdd3fc6301486647)
Datetime that enforces that a timezone is given. Unix timestamps are allowed and forced into the UTC time zone.
#### `public TMap< FString, FString > `[`CustomData_Optional`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1af4865b361b57b399511fe0932cb6f066)
instance-defined custom data
#### `public bool `[`CustomData_IsSet`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a03e270792bf6f6994f6656c65da324b8)
true if CustomData_Optional has been set to a value
#### `public ERHAPI_InstanceHealthStatus `[`InstanceHealth_Optional`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a8e5826ce58477abb2788b69571438b48)
The current status of the instance.
#### `public bool `[`InstanceHealth_IsSet`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a03be84bada6a81a63991b0f4513dd2b2)
true if InstanceHealth_Optional has been set to a value
#### `public FString `[`MatchMakingProfileId_Optional`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a05b49888b26a3e1d4806f7a803912694)
The profile id that this instance was spawned from.
#### `public bool `[`MatchMakingProfileId_IsSet`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a7ceba240433b15224dd6784b4f0b4b93)
true if MatchMakingProfileId_Optional has been set to a value
#### `public virtual bool `[`FromJson`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a6534ad7c92643f1e74f384ecea120524)`(const TSharedPtr< FJsonValue > & JsonValue)`
Fills this object with data from the passed in JSON.
Data from the API call.
true if parsing of the JSON data was successful.
#### `public virtual void `[`WriteJson`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1ad647ee64ac9cdb174f6780b91bceda2e)`(TSharedRef< TJsonWriter<>> & Writer) const`
Writes the data from this object into the specified JSON Writer stream.
JSON Writer stream to push .
#### `public inline FString & `[`GetAllocationId`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1af406c06b9e864153010e790b5104f51b)`()`
Gets the value of AllocationId_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const FString & `[`GetAllocationId`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1ac283bcaab47367154941fd32a51a0b44)`() const`
Gets the value of AllocationId_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const FString & `[`GetAllocationId`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1ae9404356d57942108cfb76e43fa25487)`(const FString & DefaultValue) const`
Gets the value of AllocationId_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue.
#### `public inline bool `[`GetAllocationId`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a8ba744444eb8302fda92a24a818534a5)`(FString & OutValue) const`
Fills OutValue with the value of AllocationId_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false.
#### `public inline FString * `[`GetAllocationIdOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a5d37536867f853757ca88f1e97eeac51)`()`
Returns a pointer to AllocationId_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline const FString * `[`GetAllocationIdOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a6fc3b478077d55757324da2d24fbc8ab)`() const`
Returns a pointer to AllocationId_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline void `[`SetAllocationId`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1ad7f8218d610756db98f4f037ce44db54)`(FString NewValue)`
Sets the value of AllocationId_Optional and also sets AllocationId_IsSet to true.
#### `public inline void `[`ClearAllocationId`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a17455873e27cdaeefad64ade9f56b587)`()`
Clears the value of AllocationId_Optional and sets AllocationId_IsSet to false.
#### `public inline FString & `[`GetInstanceId`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a18c54761dca0b26947c7d883a1abbaac)`()`
Gets the value of InstanceId.
#### `public inline const FString & `[`GetInstanceId`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a154eb50a6f8cf9404603c3e375169c15)`() const`
Gets the value of InstanceId.
#### `public inline void `[`SetInstanceId`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a712ecfd5920ad5c15907e51f9698ed26)`(FString NewValue)`
Sets the value of InstanceId.
#### `public inline ERHAPI_HostType & `[`GetHostType`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a8da5134593917a34f267c070738d690e)`()`
Gets the value of HostType.
#### `public inline const ERHAPI_HostType & `[`GetHostType`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a143e42f2667631cfd3eef757d9ebbebf)`() const`
Gets the value of HostType.
#### `public inline void `[`SetHostType`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a9c91b1f15cbe4b4e3c3390e1610ca699)`(ERHAPI_HostType NewValue)`
Sets the value of HostType.
#### `public inline int32 & `[`GetHostPlayerId`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a0b6652288870477d9ff0cfbe3aea6adb)`()`
Gets the value of HostPlayerId_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const int32 & `[`GetHostPlayerId`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1abd92c8a3926a4de83d78e4bf15f8706a)`() const`
Gets the value of HostPlayerId_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const int32 & `[`GetHostPlayerId`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a695a3efd18583c1e8b30774f2b9e1ced)`(const int32 & DefaultValue) const`
Gets the value of HostPlayerId_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue.
#### `public inline bool `[`GetHostPlayerId`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a830763d3e0fadf19c61f87ad687b3a0b)`(int32 & OutValue) const`
Fills OutValue with the value of HostPlayerId_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false.
#### `public inline int32 * `[`GetHostPlayerIdOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1af020cad119e021fc175781d0b2d853a2)`()`
Returns a pointer to HostPlayerId_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline const int32 * `[`GetHostPlayerIdOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a9288f104f3bcdae99203322665f67248)`() const`
Returns a pointer to HostPlayerId_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline void `[`SetHostPlayerId`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a9896d1580219888bc9b4104f9eb2e59c)`(int32 NewValue)`
Sets the value of HostPlayerId_Optional and also sets HostPlayerId_IsSet to true.
#### `public inline void `[`ClearHostPlayerId`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1aacebdba3138a046478b14f4c0d34acaa)`()`
Clears the value of HostPlayerId_Optional and sets HostPlayerId_IsSet to false.
#### `public inline bool `[`IsHostPlayerIdDefaultValue`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1aabe585ad639e35768dc024e49aa411fe)`() const`
Returns true if HostPlayerId_Optional is set and matches the default value.
#### `public inline void `[`SetHostPlayerIdToDefault`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a2715c138efedba7f2dbb48e69076fbcf)`()`
Sets the value of HostPlayerId_Optional to its default and also sets HostPlayerId_IsSet to true.
#### `public inline FGuid & `[`GetHostPlayerUuid`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a043d691ac9a0db83acaa0613efbfea3a)`()`
Gets the value of HostPlayerUuid_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const FGuid & `[`GetHostPlayerUuid`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a3eff71200a32e3c4d539a7c36fe3b13b)`() const`
Gets the value of HostPlayerUuid_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const FGuid & `[`GetHostPlayerUuid`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1ac77e7293596af4ace5eb6dd22cc95291)`(const FGuid & DefaultValue) const`
Gets the value of HostPlayerUuid_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue.
#### `public inline bool `[`GetHostPlayerUuid`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a977e668da90c8d57f0325c8f6fcc7d51)`(FGuid & OutValue) const`
Fills OutValue with the value of HostPlayerUuid_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false.
#### `public inline FGuid * `[`GetHostPlayerUuidOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a7d8c64c91e2de31c1d0535703a70b4d9)`()`
Returns a pointer to HostPlayerUuid_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline const FGuid * `[`GetHostPlayerUuidOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1aaa6e9f6653b0fef91bd4e09412aca140)`() const`
Returns a pointer to HostPlayerUuid_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline void `[`SetHostPlayerUuid`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a04c7df40c9ea00f62c05e496d20f2e90)`(FGuid NewValue)`
Sets the value of HostPlayerUuid_Optional and also sets HostPlayerUuid_IsSet to true.
#### `public inline void `[`ClearHostPlayerUuid`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a3a9817e7888778f65ce3e24f146a8eb8)`()`
Clears the value of HostPlayerUuid_Optional and sets HostPlayerUuid_IsSet to false.
#### `public inline FString & `[`GetHostDedicatedProcessId`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a5fc73a07ce0fdf93a09101c0be14572d)`()`
Gets the value of HostDedicatedProcessId_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const FString & `[`GetHostDedicatedProcessId`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a54a902e35a98954092bfa2f976def04b)`() const`
Gets the value of HostDedicatedProcessId_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const FString & `[`GetHostDedicatedProcessId`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a45295309e0f694fe61ec22e33da28780)`(const FString & DefaultValue) const`
Gets the value of HostDedicatedProcessId_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue.
#### `public inline bool `[`GetHostDedicatedProcessId`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a1d291b8c7cd76659d888af875ee0892f)`(FString & OutValue) const`
Fills OutValue with the value of HostDedicatedProcessId_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false.
#### `public inline FString * `[`GetHostDedicatedProcessIdOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1aa5098d03202def1f74ff3f8de8a011b0)`()`
Returns a pointer to HostDedicatedProcessId_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline const FString * `[`GetHostDedicatedProcessIdOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a0bbb0be7a12c70e108969b8dac0486f9)`() const`
Returns a pointer to HostDedicatedProcessId_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline void `[`SetHostDedicatedProcessId`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1ab4bff559ff184ac14049aec5d90803b9)`(FString NewValue)`
Sets the value of HostDedicatedProcessId_Optional and also sets HostDedicatedProcessId_IsSet to true.
#### `public inline void `[`ClearHostDedicatedProcessId`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a0f9c42f75908fd7a719a5751d360646d)`()`
Clears the value of HostDedicatedProcessId_Optional and sets HostDedicatedProcessId_IsSet to false.
#### `public inline FString & `[`GetHostDedicatedServerId`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a3994b9018e2d35338a484a557eaab4a5)`()`
Gets the value of HostDedicatedServerId_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const FString & `[`GetHostDedicatedServerId`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a4543e63450caf2b218153171e892edd2)`() const`
Gets the value of HostDedicatedServerId_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const FString & `[`GetHostDedicatedServerId`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1af2e107ea45921adce71e666a7a21b049)`(const FString & DefaultValue) const`
Gets the value of HostDedicatedServerId_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue.
#### `public inline bool `[`GetHostDedicatedServerId`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1ae18becab3f83d76873ad3bb2830ae69d)`(FString & OutValue) const`
Fills OutValue with the value of HostDedicatedServerId_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false.
#### `public inline FString * `[`GetHostDedicatedServerIdOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1ac6ec9f3bab08ef39b5f2ad6fa7f9e769)`()`
Returns a pointer to HostDedicatedServerId_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline const FString * `[`GetHostDedicatedServerIdOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1ab891a1b26ef284c385f1bed2c8c5e66b)`() const`
Returns a pointer to HostDedicatedServerId_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline void `[`SetHostDedicatedServerId`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1ac1c605ed2793e6237785458a50476b79)`(FString NewValue)`
Sets the value of HostDedicatedServerId_Optional and also sets HostDedicatedServerId_IsSet to true.
#### `public inline void `[`ClearHostDedicatedServerId`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1ac659005e87cb03a194cbdfccca754abf)`()`
Clears the value of HostDedicatedServerId_Optional and sets HostDedicatedServerId_IsSet to false.
#### `public inline ERHAPI_InstanceJoinableStatus & `[`GetJoinStatus`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1abe78f8152b47515a7f877c2ec503dfd9)`()`
Gets the value of JoinStatus.
#### `public inline const ERHAPI_InstanceJoinableStatus & `[`GetJoinStatus`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1af9c996aa878ee1ea47f8ba76902edf3a)`() const`
Gets the value of JoinStatus.
#### `public inline void `[`SetJoinStatus`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a5521bcc6f6ec28fee628900b0a5eb9ba)`(ERHAPI_InstanceJoinableStatus NewValue)`
Sets the value of JoinStatus.
#### `public inline `[`FRHAPI_JoinParams`](RHAPI_JoinParams.md#structFRHAPI__JoinParams)` & `[`GetJoinParams`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1ae66b49473796d0e8c133e20594903a34)`()`
Gets the value of JoinParams_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const `[`FRHAPI_JoinParams`](RHAPI_JoinParams.md#structFRHAPI__JoinParams)` & `[`GetJoinParams`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1ad566fd7b798229c17377ff333023f6dc)`() const`
Gets the value of JoinParams_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const `[`FRHAPI_JoinParams`](RHAPI_JoinParams.md#structFRHAPI__JoinParams)` & `[`GetJoinParams`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1ab111e70ca1edb3c4d03fb6469c6e6c90)`(const `[`FRHAPI_JoinParams`](RHAPI_JoinParams.md#structFRHAPI__JoinParams)` & DefaultValue) const`
Gets the value of JoinParams_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue.
#### `public inline bool `[`GetJoinParams`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a45938b171ea35d078e9fd6b30e1080a1)`(`[`FRHAPI_JoinParams`](RHAPI_JoinParams.md#structFRHAPI__JoinParams)` & OutValue) const`
Fills OutValue with the value of JoinParams_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false.
#### `public inline `[`FRHAPI_JoinParams`](RHAPI_JoinParams.md#structFRHAPI__JoinParams)` * `[`GetJoinParamsOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a1793e55dfba5d3d571280f2feac76dd2)`()`
Returns a pointer to JoinParams_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline const `[`FRHAPI_JoinParams`](RHAPI_JoinParams.md#structFRHAPI__JoinParams)` * `[`GetJoinParamsOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a10b644db084f0258487a386207d56d92)`() const`
Returns a pointer to JoinParams_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline void `[`SetJoinParams`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a5e6b4f7e29fbdac3fdbffb3afce817ef)`(`[`FRHAPI_JoinParams`](RHAPI_JoinParams.md#structFRHAPI__JoinParams)` NewValue)`
Sets the value of JoinParams_Optional and also sets JoinParams_IsSet to true.
#### `public inline void `[`ClearJoinParams`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a79d4953e7dc5d7d603a1bd3c0f078d99)`()`
Clears the value of JoinParams_Optional and sets JoinParams_IsSet to false.
#### `public inline `[`FRHAPI_InstanceStartupParams`](RHAPI_InstanceStartupParams.md#structFRHAPI__InstanceStartupParams)` & `[`GetInstanceStartupParams`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a463691c3070675071dcec534bfe86785)`()`
Gets the value of InstanceStartupParams_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const `[`FRHAPI_InstanceStartupParams`](RHAPI_InstanceStartupParams.md#structFRHAPI__InstanceStartupParams)` & `[`GetInstanceStartupParams`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a7d15398759260666a632e1e7973ab709)`() const`
Gets the value of InstanceStartupParams_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const `[`FRHAPI_InstanceStartupParams`](RHAPI_InstanceStartupParams.md#structFRHAPI__InstanceStartupParams)` & `[`GetInstanceStartupParams`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a01e716b0fbd9c08ce72ba410f88b0363)`(const `[`FRHAPI_InstanceStartupParams`](RHAPI_InstanceStartupParams.md#structFRHAPI__InstanceStartupParams)` & DefaultValue) const`
Gets the value of InstanceStartupParams_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue.
#### `public inline bool `[`GetInstanceStartupParams`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1ae1391ba5d4a7e883c435bdad1355e413)`(`[`FRHAPI_InstanceStartupParams`](RHAPI_InstanceStartupParams.md#structFRHAPI__InstanceStartupParams)` & OutValue) const`
Fills OutValue with the value of InstanceStartupParams_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false.
#### `public inline `[`FRHAPI_InstanceStartupParams`](RHAPI_InstanceStartupParams.md#structFRHAPI__InstanceStartupParams)` * `[`GetInstanceStartupParamsOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a392aa0bdcc65317b337a6bbb1481eb2f)`()`
Returns a pointer to InstanceStartupParams_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline const `[`FRHAPI_InstanceStartupParams`](RHAPI_InstanceStartupParams.md#structFRHAPI__InstanceStartupParams)` * `[`GetInstanceStartupParamsOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1aafe5e7418fa2ea84e6666be9fab0c1fc)`() const`
Returns a pointer to InstanceStartupParams_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline void `[`SetInstanceStartupParams`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a56730c9a269f8cd6b2134caaf3df04bb)`(`[`FRHAPI_InstanceStartupParams`](RHAPI_InstanceStartupParams.md#structFRHAPI__InstanceStartupParams)` NewValue)`
Sets the value of InstanceStartupParams_Optional and also sets InstanceStartupParams_IsSet to true.
#### `public inline void `[`ClearInstanceStartupParams`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1aef5d1a846e3bc2d56421f87d9e5595fd)`()`
Clears the value of InstanceStartupParams_Optional and sets InstanceStartupParams_IsSet to false.
#### `public inline FString & `[`GetVersion`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a94905d54570928aa18e2e27754c07120)`()`
Gets the value of Version_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const FString & `[`GetVersion`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a61d0030f2059135070c5c6515f89d7aa)`() const`
Gets the value of Version_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const FString & `[`GetVersion`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a3b6b79c92bac8ae086d7fbf716b05bf7)`(const FString & DefaultValue) const`
Gets the value of Version_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue.
#### `public inline bool `[`GetVersion`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1ae4ad200ba900ced02d5a154170d42694)`(FString & OutValue) const`
Fills OutValue with the value of Version_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false.
#### `public inline FString * `[`GetVersionOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1ace193d4148d67735184dd7b0a0a3cfba)`()`
Returns a pointer to Version_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline const FString * `[`GetVersionOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1ae551d2147354e52137a1a52608ba80f9)`() const`
Returns a pointer to Version_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline void `[`SetVersion`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a335086fda934db40b6217b06802bb5cf)`(FString NewValue)`
Sets the value of Version_Optional and also sets Version_IsSet to true.
#### `public inline void `[`ClearVersion`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1af29e85d43799d74da9897137984fb0be)`()`
Clears the value of Version_Optional and sets Version_IsSet to false.
#### `public inline FDateTime & `[`GetCreated`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1af4752269bbebaa67428b95d068c95794)`()`
Gets the value of Created.
#### `public inline const FDateTime & `[`GetCreated`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1ac92e2a6de759a7fd00971d30f5ec2552)`() const`
Gets the value of Created.
#### `public inline void `[`SetCreated`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a26d08c984e8606c5109a08761812bd42)`(FDateTime NewValue)`
Sets the value of Created.
#### `public inline TMap< FString, FString > & `[`GetCustomData`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a1384bb92f83176f32258ed44cc7cba1c)`()`
Gets the value of CustomData_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const TMap< FString, FString > & `[`GetCustomData`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a12fb9b09751b65d311cb84c19fdf88eb)`() const`
Gets the value of CustomData_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const TMap< FString, FString > & `[`GetCustomData`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1ae56d37f17e4d7b44cb8d7a340b5bd6f4)`(const TMap< FString, FString > & DefaultValue) const`
Gets the value of CustomData_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue.
#### `public inline bool `[`GetCustomData`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a046fc3e6195a4270741e60be0ef1564e)`(TMap< FString, FString > & OutValue) const`
Fills OutValue with the value of CustomData_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false.
#### `public inline TMap< FString, FString > * `[`GetCustomDataOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a22786189ec220666a6e14d71c6c851e3)`()`
Returns a pointer to CustomData_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline const TMap< FString, FString > * `[`GetCustomDataOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a41650e460c8f774984418299bb173551)`() const`
Returns a pointer to CustomData_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline void `[`SetCustomData`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a6b371ffb911a4ff7d5f666de2505253d)`(TMap< FString, FString > NewValue)`
Sets the value of CustomData_Optional and also sets CustomData_IsSet to true.
#### `public inline void `[`ClearCustomData`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1adc5b55f5426979daa0d97885088268ed)`()`
Clears the value of CustomData_Optional and sets CustomData_IsSet to false.
#### `public inline ERHAPI_InstanceHealthStatus & `[`GetInstanceHealth`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1af222f46ab9fad6a96af788183b09b13e)`()`
Gets the value of InstanceHealth_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const ERHAPI_InstanceHealthStatus & `[`GetInstanceHealth`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1aeba44ed749fe71950fd4e689dc2f5924)`() const`
Gets the value of InstanceHealth_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const ERHAPI_InstanceHealthStatus & `[`GetInstanceHealth`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1ad01a7c78279ff0f3be3c5ba4fe781efb)`(const ERHAPI_InstanceHealthStatus & DefaultValue) const`
Gets the value of InstanceHealth_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue.
#### `public inline bool `[`GetInstanceHealth`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a31b0f139b535515679628d25d591042b)`(ERHAPI_InstanceHealthStatus & OutValue) const`
Fills OutValue with the value of InstanceHealth_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false.
#### `public inline ERHAPI_InstanceHealthStatus * `[`GetInstanceHealthOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1ae0b13879ebffdb546204bd5d46ee46ea)`()`
Returns a pointer to InstanceHealth_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline const ERHAPI_InstanceHealthStatus * `[`GetInstanceHealthOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1af278ac0b3df4a018f7683e0fb52a1cbe)`() const`
Returns a pointer to InstanceHealth_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline void `[`SetInstanceHealth`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a487a71d1326071756c253177e1572c4d)`(ERHAPI_InstanceHealthStatus NewValue)`
Sets the value of InstanceHealth_Optional and also sets InstanceHealth_IsSet to true.
#### `public inline void `[`ClearInstanceHealth`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1abd4b04df319d6b3af78cbd8a5c50ca9f)`()`
Clears the value of InstanceHealth_Optional and sets InstanceHealth_IsSet to false.
#### `public inline FString & `[`GetMatchMakingProfileId`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a7594174cd8fce7945975c50ae140f2da)`()`
Gets the value of MatchMakingProfileId_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const FString & `[`GetMatchMakingProfileId`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a35b5f693c2a211ed5652796df928212c)`() const`
Gets the value of MatchMakingProfileId_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const FString & `[`GetMatchMakingProfileId`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a23c9dfd30f926eaf03edbcf5ed4634e2)`(const FString & DefaultValue) const`
Gets the value of MatchMakingProfileId_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue.
#### `public inline bool `[`GetMatchMakingProfileId`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a42b7d63deb24a9f02d28f46324056918)`(FString & OutValue) const`
Fills OutValue with the value of MatchMakingProfileId_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false.
#### `public inline FString * `[`GetMatchMakingProfileIdOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a8b0dc2717dc91238f898bf995c496a26)`()`
Returns a pointer to MatchMakingProfileId_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline const FString * `[`GetMatchMakingProfileIdOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1af7ad93c9d28d614c0ed888ddfae82343)`() const`
Returns a pointer to MatchMakingProfileId_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline void `[`SetMatchMakingProfileId`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1a46c7764d5f97cbb15ca8d536ab5d2c59)`(FString NewValue)`
Sets the value of MatchMakingProfileId_Optional and also sets MatchMakingProfileId_IsSet to true.
#### `public inline void `[`ClearMatchMakingProfileId`](#structFRHAPI__InstanceInfo_1ae29004885f4edeb474dbee20fd20eaba)`()`
Clears the value of MatchMakingProfileId_Optional and sets MatchMakingProfileId_IsSet to false.