Members | Descriptions |
struct FRHAPI_OAuthTokenResponse | OAuth token exchange response. Successful response will contain an access_token and refresh_token. If the user has not accepted all required agreements, the response will contain the appropriate needs_* flags and a regenerated_code. The regenerated_code is an authorization_code that can be used after the user has accepted the required agreements. |
struct FRHAPI_OAuthTokenResponse
OAuth token exchange response. Successful response will contain an access_token and refresh_token. If the user has not accepted all required agreements, the response will contain the appropriate needs_* flags and a regenerated_code. The regenerated_code is an authorization_code that can be used after the user has accepted the required agreements.
Members | Descriptions |
public FString AccessToken_Optional | Access token for the user. |
public bool AccessToken_IsSet | true if AccessToken_Optional has been set to a value |
public FString RefreshToken_Optional | Refresh token for the user. |
public bool RefreshToken_IsSet | true if RefreshToken_Optional has been set to a value |
public bool NeedsEula_Optional | If true, the user must accept the EULA before a token can be generated. |
public bool NeedsEula_IsSet | true if NeedsEula_Optional has been set to a value |
public bool NeedsTos_Optional | If true, the user must accept the TOS before a token can be generated. |
public bool NeedsTos_IsSet | true if NeedsTos_Optional has been set to a value |
public bool NeedsPrivacyPolicy_Optional | If true, the user must accept the Privacy Policy before a token can be generated. |
public bool NeedsPrivacyPolicy_IsSet | true if NeedsPrivacyPolicy_Optional has been set to a value |
public FString RegeneratedCode_Optional | If present, a new code was generated and can be used after the user accepts the required agreements. |
public bool RegeneratedCode_IsSet | true if RegeneratedCode_Optional has been set to a value |
public FString ErrorMessage_Optional | Error message if an error occurred. |
public bool ErrorMessage_IsSet | true if ErrorMessage_Optional has been set to a value |
public virtual bool FromJson (const TSharedPtr< FJsonValue > & JsonValue) | Fills this object with data from the passed in JSON. |
public virtual void WriteJson (TSharedRef< TJsonWriter<>> & Writer) const | Writes the data from this object into the specified JSON Writer stream. |
public inline FString & GetAccessToken () | Gets the value of AccessToken_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const FString & GetAccessToken () const | Gets the value of AccessToken_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const FString & GetAccessToken (const FString & DefaultValue) const | Gets the value of AccessToken_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue. |
public inline bool GetAccessToken (FString & OutValue) const | Fills OutValue with the value of AccessToken_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false. |
public inline FString * GetAccessTokenOrNull () | Returns a pointer to AccessToken_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline const FString * GetAccessTokenOrNull () const | Returns a pointer to AccessToken_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline void SetAccessToken (FString NewValue) | Sets the value of AccessToken_Optional and also sets AccessToken_IsSet to true. |
public inline void ClearAccessToken () | Clears the value of AccessToken_Optional and sets AccessToken_IsSet to false. |
public inline FString & GetRefreshToken () | Gets the value of RefreshToken_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const FString & GetRefreshToken () const | Gets the value of RefreshToken_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const FString & GetRefreshToken (const FString & DefaultValue) const | Gets the value of RefreshToken_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue. |
public inline bool GetRefreshToken (FString & OutValue) const | Fills OutValue with the value of RefreshToken_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false. |
public inline FString * GetRefreshTokenOrNull () | Returns a pointer to RefreshToken_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline const FString * GetRefreshTokenOrNull () const | Returns a pointer to RefreshToken_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline void SetRefreshToken (FString NewValue) | Sets the value of RefreshToken_Optional and also sets RefreshToken_IsSet to true. |
public inline void ClearRefreshToken () | Clears the value of RefreshToken_Optional and sets RefreshToken_IsSet to false. |
public inline bool & GetNeedsEula () | Gets the value of NeedsEula_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const bool & GetNeedsEula () const | Gets the value of NeedsEula_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const bool & GetNeedsEula (const bool & DefaultValue) const | Gets the value of NeedsEula_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue. |
public inline bool GetNeedsEula (bool & OutValue) const | Fills OutValue with the value of NeedsEula_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false. |
public inline bool * GetNeedsEulaOrNull () | Returns a pointer to NeedsEula_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline const bool * GetNeedsEulaOrNull () const | Returns a pointer to NeedsEula_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline void SetNeedsEula (bool NewValue) | Sets the value of NeedsEula_Optional and also sets NeedsEula_IsSet to true. |
public inline void ClearNeedsEula () | Clears the value of NeedsEula_Optional and sets NeedsEula_IsSet to false. |
public inline bool IsNeedsEulaDefaultValue () const | Returns true if NeedsEula_Optional is set and matches the default value. |
public inline void SetNeedsEulaToDefault () | Sets the value of NeedsEula_Optional to its default and also sets NeedsEula_IsSet to true. |
public inline bool & GetNeedsTos () | Gets the value of NeedsTos_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const bool & GetNeedsTos () const | Gets the value of NeedsTos_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const bool & GetNeedsTos (const bool & DefaultValue) const | Gets the value of NeedsTos_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue. |
public inline bool GetNeedsTos (bool & OutValue) const | Fills OutValue with the value of NeedsTos_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false. |
public inline bool * GetNeedsTosOrNull () | Returns a pointer to NeedsTos_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline const bool * GetNeedsTosOrNull () const | Returns a pointer to NeedsTos_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline void SetNeedsTos (bool NewValue) | Sets the value of NeedsTos_Optional and also sets NeedsTos_IsSet to true. |
public inline void ClearNeedsTos () | Clears the value of NeedsTos_Optional and sets NeedsTos_IsSet to false. |
public inline bool IsNeedsTosDefaultValue () const | Returns true if NeedsTos_Optional is set and matches the default value. |
public inline void SetNeedsTosToDefault () | Sets the value of NeedsTos_Optional to its default and also sets NeedsTos_IsSet to true. |
public inline bool & GetNeedsPrivacyPolicy () | Gets the value of NeedsPrivacyPolicy_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const bool & GetNeedsPrivacyPolicy () const | Gets the value of NeedsPrivacyPolicy_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const bool & GetNeedsPrivacyPolicy (const bool & DefaultValue) const | Gets the value of NeedsPrivacyPolicy_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue. |
public inline bool GetNeedsPrivacyPolicy (bool & OutValue) const | Fills OutValue with the value of NeedsPrivacyPolicy_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false. |
public inline bool * GetNeedsPrivacyPolicyOrNull () | Returns a pointer to NeedsPrivacyPolicy_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline const bool * GetNeedsPrivacyPolicyOrNull () const | Returns a pointer to NeedsPrivacyPolicy_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline void SetNeedsPrivacyPolicy (bool NewValue) | Sets the value of NeedsPrivacyPolicy_Optional and also sets NeedsPrivacyPolicy_IsSet to true. |
public inline void ClearNeedsPrivacyPolicy () | Clears the value of NeedsPrivacyPolicy_Optional and sets NeedsPrivacyPolicy_IsSet to false. |
public inline bool IsNeedsPrivacyPolicyDefaultValue () const | Returns true if NeedsPrivacyPolicy_Optional is set and matches the default value. |
public inline void SetNeedsPrivacyPolicyToDefault () | Sets the value of NeedsPrivacyPolicy_Optional to its default and also sets NeedsPrivacyPolicy_IsSet to true. |
public inline FString & GetRegeneratedCode () | Gets the value of RegeneratedCode_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const FString & GetRegeneratedCode () const | Gets the value of RegeneratedCode_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const FString & GetRegeneratedCode (const FString & DefaultValue) const | Gets the value of RegeneratedCode_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue. |
public inline bool GetRegeneratedCode (FString & OutValue) const | Fills OutValue with the value of RegeneratedCode_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false. |
public inline FString * GetRegeneratedCodeOrNull () | Returns a pointer to RegeneratedCode_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline const FString * GetRegeneratedCodeOrNull () const | Returns a pointer to RegeneratedCode_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline void SetRegeneratedCode (FString NewValue) | Sets the value of RegeneratedCode_Optional and also sets RegeneratedCode_IsSet to true. |
public inline void ClearRegeneratedCode () | Clears the value of RegeneratedCode_Optional and sets RegeneratedCode_IsSet to false. |
public inline FString & GetErrorMessage () | Gets the value of ErrorMessage_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const FString & GetErrorMessage () const | Gets the value of ErrorMessage_Optional, regardless of it having been set. |
public inline const FString & GetErrorMessage (const FString & DefaultValue) const | Gets the value of ErrorMessage_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue. |
public inline bool GetErrorMessage (FString & OutValue) const | Fills OutValue with the value of ErrorMessage_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false. |
public inline FString * GetErrorMessageOrNull () | Returns a pointer to ErrorMessage_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline const FString * GetErrorMessageOrNull () const | Returns a pointer to ErrorMessage_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr. |
public inline void SetErrorMessage (FString NewValue) | Sets the value of ErrorMessage_Optional and also sets ErrorMessage_IsSet to true. |
public inline void ClearErrorMessage () | Clears the value of ErrorMessage_Optional and sets ErrorMessage_IsSet to false. |
public FString
Access token for the user.
#### `public bool `[`AccessToken_IsSet`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1a8d0d73e83ffeda8b8480b48a47cd0063)
true if AccessToken_Optional has been set to a value
#### `public FString `[`RefreshToken_Optional`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1a45e0db2e2e612f481d60596e319fc315)
Refresh token for the user.
#### `public bool `[`RefreshToken_IsSet`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1aa13e74199c18b249c7efcef2bdb30bc0)
true if RefreshToken_Optional has been set to a value
#### `public bool `[`NeedsEula_Optional`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1abd3470ec6c8d75da2458816e9ac2fe10)
If true, the user must accept the EULA before a token can be generated.
#### `public bool `[`NeedsEula_IsSet`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1a2f874a50b9bb2d8a2eec842554be1a74)
true if NeedsEula_Optional has been set to a value
#### `public bool `[`NeedsTos_Optional`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1ad688d5ef40dc5bb29c2bd90aac26704d)
If true, the user must accept the TOS before a token can be generated.
#### `public bool `[`NeedsTos_IsSet`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1afa9d6772ee5ba956d10986d7f37fde88)
true if NeedsTos_Optional has been set to a value
#### `public bool `[`NeedsPrivacyPolicy_Optional`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1ac80818280535df6f40cc9421fb366c13)
If true, the user must accept the Privacy Policy before a token can be generated.
#### `public bool `[`NeedsPrivacyPolicy_IsSet`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1a64c8a1bacc3e8c0a48829eee030102b5)
true if NeedsPrivacyPolicy_Optional has been set to a value
#### `public FString `[`RegeneratedCode_Optional`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1af4575c8414a94d5f81f091f68b328f87)
If present, a new code was generated and can be used after the user accepts the required agreements.
#### `public bool `[`RegeneratedCode_IsSet`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1a9bf5217730fe63a400e1a973cb394d3d)
true if RegeneratedCode_Optional has been set to a value
#### `public FString `[`ErrorMessage_Optional`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1a77cf56edd8b3d7969c5501896adfae7a)
Error message if an error occurred.
#### `public bool `[`ErrorMessage_IsSet`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1af813608595c71277d1cd587063eeacba)
true if ErrorMessage_Optional has been set to a value
#### `public virtual bool `[`FromJson`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1aaddc0d3b8e538af941bb8f328fd7d817)`(const TSharedPtr< FJsonValue > & JsonValue)`
Fills this object with data from the passed in JSON.
Data from the API call.
true if parsing of the JSON data was successful.
#### `public virtual void `[`WriteJson`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1a0d68b6e2cfe02059d271a64c47415595)`(TSharedRef< TJsonWriter<>> & Writer) const`
Writes the data from this object into the specified JSON Writer stream.
JSON Writer stream to push .
#### `public inline FString & `[`GetAccessToken`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1aa31a77b15119134ad36ff4bae07f5c74)`()`
Gets the value of AccessToken_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const FString & `[`GetAccessToken`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1a4f0b14ce752986de279e424b51766ded)`() const`
Gets the value of AccessToken_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const FString & `[`GetAccessToken`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1ac34b59048b75e3e1ffcdc99604e6e66a)`(const FString & DefaultValue) const`
Gets the value of AccessToken_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue.
#### `public inline bool `[`GetAccessToken`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1acc34b8247dd59a47d80307d5ba16a403)`(FString & OutValue) const`
Fills OutValue with the value of AccessToken_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false.
#### `public inline FString * `[`GetAccessTokenOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1a2f335a9932f13e1f6c753bf01fd67abb)`()`
Returns a pointer to AccessToken_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline const FString * `[`GetAccessTokenOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1ac5c7e027985fba3895cccd05cfa8a98c)`() const`
Returns a pointer to AccessToken_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline void `[`SetAccessToken`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1a7eeacc30dfb8d8b85ffda35e59159f30)`(FString NewValue)`
Sets the value of AccessToken_Optional and also sets AccessToken_IsSet to true.
#### `public inline void `[`ClearAccessToken`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1ab6549c31b60e4e562658dd43e3378a01)`()`
Clears the value of AccessToken_Optional and sets AccessToken_IsSet to false.
#### `public inline FString & `[`GetRefreshToken`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1aa7951cb5e628f65ca38547f9aa82be7e)`()`
Gets the value of RefreshToken_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const FString & `[`GetRefreshToken`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1ad37e1a6ece685d082759c50779d83f2b)`() const`
Gets the value of RefreshToken_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const FString & `[`GetRefreshToken`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1a65865129909ed11cc722e8f68264e89e)`(const FString & DefaultValue) const`
Gets the value of RefreshToken_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue.
#### `public inline bool `[`GetRefreshToken`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1a81d6ea5e6c84fb138e1b432d4bc2b276)`(FString & OutValue) const`
Fills OutValue with the value of RefreshToken_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false.
#### `public inline FString * `[`GetRefreshTokenOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1aec300aa90ad9ccd411d72d8c01f257be)`()`
Returns a pointer to RefreshToken_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline const FString * `[`GetRefreshTokenOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1a8d8a6b97ac934d970cdd2c00b1adf310)`() const`
Returns a pointer to RefreshToken_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline void `[`SetRefreshToken`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1acfcbd8d79076b2abda34f32ee31ed042)`(FString NewValue)`
Sets the value of RefreshToken_Optional and also sets RefreshToken_IsSet to true.
#### `public inline void `[`ClearRefreshToken`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1a3872fb44c576ce15ca44857c6033665a)`()`
Clears the value of RefreshToken_Optional and sets RefreshToken_IsSet to false.
#### `public inline bool & `[`GetNeedsEula`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1a7d455ee20d36238921af83554b58c4d4)`()`
Gets the value of NeedsEula_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const bool & `[`GetNeedsEula`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1a2987702c8d9368983fd2cfcd27f550b0)`() const`
Gets the value of NeedsEula_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const bool & `[`GetNeedsEula`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1a3ec349e917edde6296ac72f8fdf276ab)`(const bool & DefaultValue) const`
Gets the value of NeedsEula_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue.
#### `public inline bool `[`GetNeedsEula`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1a94c86f1b876bf3a628536c9240ba3079)`(bool & OutValue) const`
Fills OutValue with the value of NeedsEula_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false.
#### `public inline bool * `[`GetNeedsEulaOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1ab02d9808a3d9c940494d6bfc8178572b)`()`
Returns a pointer to NeedsEula_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline const bool * `[`GetNeedsEulaOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1a66be0202d5a7f0aea9661a4656050046)`() const`
Returns a pointer to NeedsEula_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline void `[`SetNeedsEula`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1af45d9bd4d81219855bfc074deb33ff1f)`(bool NewValue)`
Sets the value of NeedsEula_Optional and also sets NeedsEula_IsSet to true.
#### `public inline void `[`ClearNeedsEula`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1a26ca325763675827b1ebd81aea63f26a)`()`
Clears the value of NeedsEula_Optional and sets NeedsEula_IsSet to false.
#### `public inline bool `[`IsNeedsEulaDefaultValue`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1a3fe4cac97ef77737e6b180bef9d9292f)`() const`
Returns true if NeedsEula_Optional is set and matches the default value.
#### `public inline void `[`SetNeedsEulaToDefault`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1a15665d390c7aa07289adaecab4a3f54c)`()`
Sets the value of NeedsEula_Optional to its default and also sets NeedsEula_IsSet to true.
#### `public inline bool & `[`GetNeedsTos`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1a6161e803161d7b4fa9aea7f96a95f012)`()`
Gets the value of NeedsTos_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const bool & `[`GetNeedsTos`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1aed84c03dd7273a04254b21695f0cd50c)`() const`
Gets the value of NeedsTos_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const bool & `[`GetNeedsTos`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1a78931f738ca1d7e0f8d1cc685ef1646e)`(const bool & DefaultValue) const`
Gets the value of NeedsTos_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue.
#### `public inline bool `[`GetNeedsTos`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1ad43198bdc6ec608f736550210a773b05)`(bool & OutValue) const`
Fills OutValue with the value of NeedsTos_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false.
#### `public inline bool * `[`GetNeedsTosOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1ad1feeac472c389a4f43859096cce82dc)`()`
Returns a pointer to NeedsTos_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline const bool * `[`GetNeedsTosOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1ad50d998b02d089ceea9e02b7d4ed568c)`() const`
Returns a pointer to NeedsTos_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline void `[`SetNeedsTos`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1ad5b6d4b3cd559d30722677dca8ca1c80)`(bool NewValue)`
Sets the value of NeedsTos_Optional and also sets NeedsTos_IsSet to true.
#### `public inline void `[`ClearNeedsTos`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1a11ea5150a0eb635f4e100fedb07dd1cd)`()`
Clears the value of NeedsTos_Optional and sets NeedsTos_IsSet to false.
#### `public inline bool `[`IsNeedsTosDefaultValue`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1a8a47b39f4e3957936a62f08f4bd8f65a)`() const`
Returns true if NeedsTos_Optional is set and matches the default value.
#### `public inline void `[`SetNeedsTosToDefault`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1a015e8453a81e47c94d4a9cfbceb9cc5f)`()`
Sets the value of NeedsTos_Optional to its default and also sets NeedsTos_IsSet to true.
#### `public inline bool & `[`GetNeedsPrivacyPolicy`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1ad077e55666c119dd40c4b3983fe83a9f)`()`
Gets the value of NeedsPrivacyPolicy_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const bool & `[`GetNeedsPrivacyPolicy`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1a2b6761cbb130f33733c9b7a62b3b36cd)`() const`
Gets the value of NeedsPrivacyPolicy_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const bool & `[`GetNeedsPrivacyPolicy`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1acadb0980d488f61a9a5b0dfa76efc7d3)`(const bool & DefaultValue) const`
Gets the value of NeedsPrivacyPolicy_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue.
#### `public inline bool `[`GetNeedsPrivacyPolicy`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1aa4a3218db67d0728bfa123476c64b96e)`(bool & OutValue) const`
Fills OutValue with the value of NeedsPrivacyPolicy_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false.
#### `public inline bool * `[`GetNeedsPrivacyPolicyOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1a0e2dc912ab17869974783e6a411043ca)`()`
Returns a pointer to NeedsPrivacyPolicy_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline const bool * `[`GetNeedsPrivacyPolicyOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1a935189186bb6cd1dc3a9221e6ef9c5bf)`() const`
Returns a pointer to NeedsPrivacyPolicy_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline void `[`SetNeedsPrivacyPolicy`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1ab8d965da10bc086aa6ec8a58db50702a)`(bool NewValue)`
Sets the value of NeedsPrivacyPolicy_Optional and also sets NeedsPrivacyPolicy_IsSet to true.
#### `public inline void `[`ClearNeedsPrivacyPolicy`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1ae51f4ff1afe199ec159f55e49322a640)`()`
Clears the value of NeedsPrivacyPolicy_Optional and sets NeedsPrivacyPolicy_IsSet to false.
#### `public inline bool `[`IsNeedsPrivacyPolicyDefaultValue`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1a4ba25f0514ec678fae4446d9bf76a191)`() const`
Returns true if NeedsPrivacyPolicy_Optional is set and matches the default value.
#### `public inline void `[`SetNeedsPrivacyPolicyToDefault`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1a7f1fa7a80ca6fe68497e004dbae793a0)`()`
Sets the value of NeedsPrivacyPolicy_Optional to its default and also sets NeedsPrivacyPolicy_IsSet to true.
#### `public inline FString & `[`GetRegeneratedCode`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1a1c8913672ce5903a256810e9b7cfd15f)`()`
Gets the value of RegeneratedCode_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const FString & `[`GetRegeneratedCode`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1acb7fd0e234af375bf540e99ac58d6071)`() const`
Gets the value of RegeneratedCode_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const FString & `[`GetRegeneratedCode`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1a1215bdfbf74840f9b8b8b353715f5549)`(const FString & DefaultValue) const`
Gets the value of RegeneratedCode_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue.
#### `public inline bool `[`GetRegeneratedCode`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1a673e44863aba6ff967ec429d24ce0464)`(FString & OutValue) const`
Fills OutValue with the value of RegeneratedCode_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false.
#### `public inline FString * `[`GetRegeneratedCodeOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1a0cec91d772650e50880e9584c3836b35)`()`
Returns a pointer to RegeneratedCode_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline const FString * `[`GetRegeneratedCodeOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1af499304c73210c85bc94dad0d3519c32)`() const`
Returns a pointer to RegeneratedCode_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline void `[`SetRegeneratedCode`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1a2b73c656edbe2947bcaeb52a0e340a37)`(FString NewValue)`
Sets the value of RegeneratedCode_Optional and also sets RegeneratedCode_IsSet to true.
#### `public inline void `[`ClearRegeneratedCode`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1a61c9903d1213f0d2279b6631edcbf70c)`()`
Clears the value of RegeneratedCode_Optional and sets RegeneratedCode_IsSet to false.
#### `public inline FString & `[`GetErrorMessage`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1aad0f94c3aebf0603ad664d9780e80639)`()`
Gets the value of ErrorMessage_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const FString & `[`GetErrorMessage`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1a882b701551cf1586c83b257a04d5d608)`() const`
Gets the value of ErrorMessage_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
#### `public inline const FString & `[`GetErrorMessage`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1a82049853bef037782e79bf41cea5f609)`(const FString & DefaultValue) const`
Gets the value of ErrorMessage_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue.
#### `public inline bool `[`GetErrorMessage`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1a7157d20217a3594b651b42729d60059c)`(FString & OutValue) const`
Fills OutValue with the value of ErrorMessage_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false.
#### `public inline FString * `[`GetErrorMessageOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1a22b8b2e31d99b1cd11486f5991744833)`()`
Returns a pointer to ErrorMessage_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline const FString * `[`GetErrorMessageOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1ad27f66c509a1f5ea090e73fadbf70c35)`() const`
Returns a pointer to ErrorMessage_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
#### `public inline void `[`SetErrorMessage`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1a9b3deaad5aff42f75ca1b8d92a88e854)`(FString NewValue)`
Sets the value of ErrorMessage_Optional and also sets ErrorMessage_IsSet to true.
#### `public inline void `[`ClearErrorMessage`](#structFRHAPI__OAuthTokenResponse_1a80ef23c341b72eb8297c8accfdbc2c91)`()`
Clears the value of ErrorMessage_Optional and sets ErrorMessage_IsSet to false.