Members | Descriptions |
class URH_IntegrationSettings | Main settings for the Integration. |
struct FRH_EnvironmentConfiguration | Settings for Environment Configuration. If set, these override the defaults when the EnvironmentId matches the specified environment id. |
class URH_IntegrationSettings
Main settings for the Integration.
Members | Descriptions |
public FRH_EnvironmentConfiguration DefaultEnvironmentConfiguration | RallyHere default environment configuration. |
public TArray< FRH_EnvironmentConfiguration > EnvironmentConfigurations | Per-Environment configuration overrides. These environments are alias names used for a BaseURL, and by default will automatically be looked up based on the OnlineEnvironment from the engine (Development, Certification, etc), but can be overridden via commandline (see EnvironmentCommandLineKeys) |
public TArray< FString > BaseURLCommandLineKeysInternal | Internal/Hardcoded Keys to check for on the command line for an override to the default BaseURL. These are potentially used by RallyHere’s automation and internal processes. |
public TArray< FString > BaseURLCommandLineKeys | Keys to check for on the command line for an override to the default BaseURL. |
public TArray< FString > EnvironmentCommandLineKeysInternal | Internal/Hardcoded Keys to check for on the command line for an override to the default Environment. These are potentially used by RallyHere’s automation and internal processes. |
public TArray< FString > EnvironmentCommandLineKeys | Keys to check for on the command line for an override to the default Environment when using EnvironmentConfigurations. |
public TArray< FString > DefaultOSSCommandLineKeysInternal | Internal/Hardcoded Keys to check for on the command line for an override to the default OSS. These are potentially used by RallyHere’s automation and internal processes. |
public TArray< FString > DefaultOSSCommandLineKeys | Keys to check for on the command line for an override to the default OSS. |
public TArray< FString > ClientIdCommandLineKeysInternal | Internal/Hardcoded Keys to check for on the command line for an override to the default ClientId. These are potentially used by RallyHere’s automation and internal processes. |
public TArray< FString > ClientIdCommandLineKeys | Keys to check for on the command line for an override to the default ClientId. |
public TArray< FString > ClientSecretCommandLineKeysInternal | Internal/Hardcoded Keys to check for on the command line for an override to the default ClientSecret. These are potentially used by RallyHere’s automation and internal processes. |
public TArray< FString > ClientSecretCommandLineKeys | Keys to check for on the command line for an override to the default ClientSecret. |
public FName EnvironmentOSSName | Online Subsystem to use for selecting the base URL environment. If not provided, will use the default OSS. |
public bool bAutomaticallyPollConfigurationData | If set, automatically poll for KV data. |
public bool bAutomaticallyApplyHotfixData | If set, automatically apply hotfix data from the config subystem. |
public bool bHotfixTestValue | debug value to test if the hotfix system is working properly. Do not set! |
public bool bAutoStartSessionsAfterJoin | Whether to automatically start platform sessions after joining them. |
public bool bAutoJoinPlatformSessionsAfterUserChange | Whether to automatically join platform sessions after a user change when invites were received while logged out. |
public bool bAutoMakeSessionsJoinableOnHostMapLoadComplete | Whether to automatically mark hosted sessions as joinable after map load completes. |
public bool bUseSecurityTokenForJoining | If set, the connection attempt must have a valid security token to be allowed to connect. |
public bool bRequireImportedPlayerIdsForJoining | If set, the Player Id must have been imported to the instance before being allowed to connect. |
public bool bRequireValidPlayerIdsForJoining | If set, the Player Id must be valid before being allowed to connect. |
public bool bAutoWatchPlayersOnSessionActive | If set, automatically call SetWatchingPlayers() on the session when it is set as the active gameplay session, to enable presence polling for the session. |
public int32 PlayerMatchesPageSize | Sets the default page size when requesting a player’s match history. |
public int32 PlayerMatchesMaxPageCount | Sets the default page size when requesting a player’s match history. |
public FTimespan PlayerMatchesMaxAge | Sets the default page size when requesting a player’s match history. |
public bool bAutoCreateMatches | Whether to automatically create a match when a session becomes active if the host. |
public bool bAutoAddConnectedPlayersToMatches | Whether to automatically add players who connect to the match. |
public bool bAutoCloseMatchOnSessionInactive | Whether to automatically close a match when a session becomes inactive if the host. |
public bool bAutoCreateInventorySessionOnLogin | Whether to automatically create an inventory session when a player logs in. |
public bool bAutoProcessPlatformEntitlementsOnLogin | Whether to automatically process platform entitlements on login (will wait for inventory session creation if using bAutoCreateInventorySessionOnLogin) |
public int32 WebRequestsMaxSimultaneousRequests | Sets the maximum number of Http Requests that can be made simultaneously. 0 = No Limit. |
public int32 WebRequestsDefaultRetryCount | Sets the number of retries that the retry manager uses. 0 = Do not set a limit. |
public int32 WebRequestsDefaultRetryTimeout | Sets the maximum number of Http Requests that can be made simultaneously. 0 = Do not set a limit. |
public int WebRequestsTrackedRequestsCountLimit | Sets the maximum number of web requests for which tracking data is kept. |
public int32 WebRequestsBurstCountThreshold | Sets the count above which web traffic is considered a burst. |
public int32 WebRequestsBurstTimeThresholdInSeconds | Sets the time threshold for web traffic burst detection. |
public FString ClientDeviceIpEndpoint | Sets an endpoint to use to determine public IP of a client for analytics. |
public FSoftClassPath LocalPlayerLoginSubsystemClass | Extensible LocalPlayerLoginSubsystem class path. |
public FSoftClassPath AdSubsystemClass | Extensible AdSubsystem class path. |
public FSoftClassPath FriendSubsystemClass | Extensible FriendSubsystem class path. |
public FSoftClassPath LocalPlayerSessionSubsystemClass | Extensible LocalPlayerSessionSubsystem class path. |
public FSoftClassPath SessionPlatformSyncerClass | Extensible PlayerSessionSyncer class path. |
public FSoftClassPath LocalPlayerPresenceSubsystemClass | Extensible LocalPlayerPresenceSubsystem class path. |
public FSoftClassPath PurgeSubsystemClass | Extensible PurgeSubsystem class path. |
public FSoftClassPath EntitlementSubsystemClass | Extensible EntitlementSubsystem class path. |
public FSoftClassPath GameInstanceSessionInfoSubsystemClass | Extensible GameInstanceSessionInfoSubsystem class path. |
public FSoftClassPath GameInstanceServerBootstrapperClass | Extensible GameInstanceServerBootstrapper class path. |
public FSoftClassPath GameInstanceClientBootstrapperClass | Extensible GameInstanceClientBootstrapper class path. |
public FSoftClassPath PlayerInfoSubsystemClass | Extensible PlayerInfoSubsystem class path. |
public FSoftClassPath PlayerInfoClass | Extensible PlayerInfo class path. |
public FSoftClassPath CatalogSubsystemClass | Extensible CatalogSubsystem class path. |
public FSoftClassPath ConfigSubsystemClass | Extensible ConfigSubsystem class path. |
public FSoftClassPath SettingsSubsystemClass | Extensible ConfigSubsystem class path. |
public FSoftClassPath SessionBrowserCacheClass | Extensible SessionBrowserCache class path. |
public FSoftClassPath MatchmakingBrowserCacheClass | Extensible MatchmakingBrowserCache class path. |
public FSoftClassPath MatchSubsystemClass | Extensible MatchSubsystem class path. |
public FSoftClassPath RemoteFileSubsystemClass | Extensible RemoteFileSubsystem class path. |
public bool bLocalPlayerSubsystemSandboxing | Flag to determine if the local player subsystem should use its own subsystems instead of relying on GameInstanceSubsystem shared caches. |
public bool bAutoUploadServerFiles | Whether to automatically upload files to the RallyHere API from Dedicated Servers. |
public bool bAutoUploadLogFiles | Whether to automatically upload files to the RallyHere API. Requires bAutoUploadServerFiles to have an effect. |
public bool bAutoUploadTraceFiles | Whether to automatically upload files to the RallyHere API. Requires bAutoUploadServerFiles to have an effect. |
public int32 BeginNewAdSessionPriority | Sets the request priority of Begin New Session calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 FindAdOppertunitiesPriority | Sets the request priority of Find Oppertunities calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 UpdateAdOppertunitiesPriority | Sets the request priority of Update Oppertunities calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 AuthLogoutPriority | Sets the request priority of Logouts calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 AuthLoginPriority | Sets the request priority of Login calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 GetCatalogAllPriority | Sets the request priority of Get Catalog All calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 GetCatalogXpAllPriority | Sets the request priority of Get Catalog Xp All calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 GetCatalogItemPriority | Sets the request priority of Get Catalog Item calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 GetCatalogInventoryBucketUseRuleSetsAllPriority | Sets the request priority of Get Catalog Inventory Bucket Use Rulesets All calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 GetCatalogPricePointsAllPriority | Sets the request priority of Get Catalog Price Points All calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 GetCatalogTimeFramesAllPriority | Sets the request priority of Get Catalog Time Frame All calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 GetCatalogVendorPriority | Sets the request priority of Get Catalog Vendor calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 GetCatalogVendorsAllPriority | Sets the request priority of Get Catalog Vendor All calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 FetchAppSettingsPriority | Sets the request priority of Fetch App Settings calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 ProcessPlatformEntitlementsPriority | Sets the request priority of Process Platform Entitlements calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 RetrievePlatformEntitlementsPriority | Sets the request priority of Retrieve Platform Entitlements calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 FetchFriendListPriority | Sets the request priority of Fetch Friend List calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 FetchFriendPriority | Sets the request priority of Fetch Friend calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 AddFriendPriority | Sets the request priority of Add Friend calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 RemoveFriendPriority | Sets the request priority of Remove Friend calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 AddFriendNotesPriority | Sets the request priority of Add Friend Notes calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 DeleteFriendNotesPriority | Sets the request priority of Delete Friend Notes calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 FetchBlockedListPriority | Sets the request priority of Fetch Blocked List calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 FetchBlockedPlayerPriority | Sets the request priority of Fetch Blocked Player calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 BlockUnblockPlayerPriority | Sets the request priority of Block/Unblock Player calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 InventoryCreateSessionPriority | Sets the request priority of Create Inventory Session calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 InventoryGetSessionPriority | Sets the request priority of Get Inventory Session calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 InventoryGetPriority | Sets the request priority of Get Inventory calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 InventoryCreatePriority | Sets the request priority of Create Inventory calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 InventoryUpdatePriority | Sets the request priority of Update Inventory calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 InventoryCreateOrderPriority | Sets the request priority of Create Inventory Order calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 InventoryGetOrdersPriority | Sets the request priority of Get Inventory Orders calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 NotificationPollSelfPriority | Sets the request priority of Polling Notifications for Self calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 NotificationPollOtherPriority | Sets the request priority of Polling Notifications for Others calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 NotificationCreatePriority | Sets the request priority of Create Notifications calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 PresenceUpdatePriority | Sets the request priority of Updating Presence calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 PresenceGetSelfPriority | Sets the request priority of Get Self Presence calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 PresenceGetOtherPriority | Sets the request priority of Get Other Presence calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 PresenceGetSettingsPriority | Sets the request priority of Get Presence Settings calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 PurgeQueuePriority | Sets the request priority of Queue/Dequeue for Purge calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 PurgeGetStatusPriority | Sets the request priority of Get Purge Status calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 GetAllQueueInfoPriority | Sets the request priority of Get Queue Info calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 GetMatchmakingTemplatePriority | Sets the request priority of Get Matchmaking Template calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 GetMapGameInfoPriority | Sets the request priority of Get Map Game Info calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 RankingGetPriority | Sets the request priority of Get Rank calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 RankingUpdatePriority | Sets the request priority of Update Rank calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 SessionPollPriority | Sets the request priority of Session Polling calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 SessionJoinPriority | Sets the request priority of Session Joining calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 SessionLeavePriority | Sets the request priority of Session Leave calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 SessionInvitePriority | Sets the request priority of Session Invite calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 SessionKickPriority | Sets the request priority of Session Kick calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 SessionLeaderChangePriority | Sets the request priority of Session Leader Change calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 SessionChangeTeamsPriority | Sets the request priority of Session Change Teams calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 SessionLeaveQueuePriority | Sets the request priority of Session Leave Queue calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 SessionRequestInstancePriority | Sets the request priority of Session Request Instance calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 SessionEndInstancePriority | Sets the request priority of Session End Instance calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 SessionStartMatchPriority | Sets the request priority of Session Start Match calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 SessionEndMatchPriority | Sets the request priority of Session End Match calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 SessionUpdateSessionInfoPriority | Sets the request priority of Update Session Info calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 SessionUpdateInstanceInfoPriority | Sets the request priority of Update Instance Info calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 SessionUpdateBrowserInfoPriority | Sets the request priority of Update Browser Info calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 SessionDeleteBrowserInfoPriority | Sets the request priority of Delete Browser Info calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 SessionInstanceHealthUpdatePriority | Sets the request priority of Instance Health update calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 SessionBackfillUpdatePriority | Sets the request priority of Backfill update calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 SessionUpdateWithPlatformSessionPriority | Sets the request priority of Session Update With Platform Session calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 SessionGetTemplatePriority | Sets the request priority of Session Get Template calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 SessionGetByAllocationIdPriority | Sets the request priority of Session By Allocation Id calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 SessionGetBySessionIdPriority | Sets the request priority of Session By Session Id calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 SessionGetByTypePriority | Sets the request priority of Session By Type calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 SessionsGetOtherPriority | Sets the request priority of Get Other Sessions calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 SessionVoipLoginTokenPriority | Sets the request priority of VOIP Login calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 SessionVoipActionTokenPriority | Sets the request priority of VOIP Action calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 SettingsGetPriority | Sets the request priority of Get Settings calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 SettingsGetTypesPriority | Sets the request priority of Get Settings Types calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 SettingsUpdatePriority | Sets the request priority of Update Settings calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 GetRegionsPriority | Sets the request priority of Get Site Settings calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 SessionAuditPriority | Sets the request priority of Session Audit calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 UsersLookupPlayerPriority | Sets the request priority of Lookup Users calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 UsersGetLinkedPlatformsPriority | Sets the request priority of Get Linked Platforms calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 EventsReceiveEventPriority | Sets the request priority of ReceiveEvent, which is the GETS endpoint, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 MatchesGetOtherPriority | Sets the request priority of Get Player Matches calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 MatchesSearchPriority | Sets the request priority of Get Player Matches calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 MatchesLookupPriority | Sets the request priority of Get Player Matches calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 MatchesUpdatePriority | Sets the request priority of Create and Update Match calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 MatchesUpdatePlayerPriority | Sets the request priority of Create Match calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 GetPlayerReportsSentPriority | Sets the request priority of Player Report calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 GetPlayerReportsReceivedPriority | Sets the request priority of Player Report calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 CreatePlayerReportPriority | Sets the request priority of Player Report calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 FileUploadPriority | Sets the request priority of File Upload calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 FileDownloadPriority | Sets the request priority of File Download calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 FileBrowsePriority | Sets the request priority of File Browse calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public int32 FileDeletePriority | Sets the request priority of File Delete calls, lower number is higher priority. |
public const FRH_EnvironmentConfiguration * GetEnvironmentConfiguration (const FString & EnvironmentId) const | Helper to get the configuration for a given environment by EnvironmentId. |
RallyHere default environment configuration.
#### `public TArray< `[`FRH_EnvironmentConfiguration`](` > `[`EnvironmentConfigurations`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a546e792d91e626fec5a89af26b48c4d0)
Per-Environment configuration overrides. These environments are alias names used for a BaseURL, and by default will automatically be looked up based on the OnlineEnvironment from the engine (Development, Certification, etc), but can be overridden via commandline (see EnvironmentCommandLineKeys)
#### `public TArray< FString > `[`BaseURLCommandLineKeysInternal`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a513cd9737efa272cccaad8eff4d8d031)
Internal/Hardcoded Keys to check for on the command line for an override to the default BaseURL. These are potentially used by RallyHere’s automation and internal processes.
#### `public TArray< FString > `[`BaseURLCommandLineKeys`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a69a2e01e56d3c5cf9378cadf95bf8eeb)
Keys to check for on the command line for an override to the default BaseURL.
#### `public TArray< FString > `[`EnvironmentCommandLineKeysInternal`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a82799c28b7722d87619f3511b2d3583a)
Internal/Hardcoded Keys to check for on the command line for an override to the default Environment. These are potentially used by RallyHere’s automation and internal processes.
#### `public TArray< FString > `[`EnvironmentCommandLineKeys`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a6b6526202cee20d58a499042744656da)
Keys to check for on the command line for an override to the default Environment when using EnvironmentConfigurations.
#### `public TArray< FString > `[`DefaultOSSCommandLineKeysInternal`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a78bc1ff9d305c635e62955acaf74ab8f)
Internal/Hardcoded Keys to check for on the command line for an override to the default OSS. These are potentially used by RallyHere’s automation and internal processes.
#### `public TArray< FString > `[`DefaultOSSCommandLineKeys`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a93e491f7bab4fed912f9281cd1bac0e7)
Keys to check for on the command line for an override to the default OSS.
#### `public TArray< FString > `[`ClientIdCommandLineKeysInternal`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a085c63013fc1385bb60ea15f905519fc)
Internal/Hardcoded Keys to check for on the command line for an override to the default ClientId. These are potentially used by RallyHere’s automation and internal processes.
#### `public TArray< FString > `[`ClientIdCommandLineKeys`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1afcc89f50b0d312cc200afb153b43a29a)
Keys to check for on the command line for an override to the default ClientId.
#### `public TArray< FString > `[`ClientSecretCommandLineKeysInternal`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1aa64e26bb1f4e557c739237a12d25c516)
Internal/Hardcoded Keys to check for on the command line for an override to the default ClientSecret. These are potentially used by RallyHere’s automation and internal processes.
#### `public TArray< FString > `[`ClientSecretCommandLineKeys`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1af66963c6acda2ab28c6cf959a33ca65e)
Keys to check for on the command line for an override to the default ClientSecret.
#### `public FName `[`EnvironmentOSSName`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a6dcea31e94599c761b3616e62f0b65ab)
Online Subsystem to use for selecting the base URL environment. If not provided, will use the default OSS.
#### `public bool `[`bAutomaticallyPollConfigurationData`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a397cb8cd4139f97ef4407deb677064d2)
If set, automatically poll for KV data.
#### `public bool `[`bAutomaticallyApplyHotfixData`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1addb9eefae16afabde8d73e22ccc0d9ef)
If set, automatically apply hotfix data from the config subystem.
#### `public bool `[`bHotfixTestValue`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a666a1ac437643dd797354489ee29eb91)
debug value to test if the hotfix system is working properly. Do not set!
#### `public bool `[`bAutoStartSessionsAfterJoin`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a43e468e0d80e224c6fc7479940e0bcab)
Whether to automatically start platform sessions after joining them.
#### `public bool `[`bAutoJoinPlatformSessionsAfterUserChange`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a999a80d02b5974b5be5be331ac13682a)
Whether to automatically join platform sessions after a user change when invites were received while logged out.
#### `public bool `[`bAutoMakeSessionsJoinableOnHostMapLoadComplete`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a6776fe09a632de261d308f6402261675)
Whether to automatically mark hosted sessions as joinable after map load completes.
#### `public bool `[`bUseSecurityTokenForJoining`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a782c0fd4f8a350128f7f686fad7e1af2)
If set, the connection attempt must have a valid security token to be allowed to connect.
#### `public bool `[`bRequireImportedPlayerIdsForJoining`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1aa8eb456e2ac57561cf12b7c3c306327f)
If set, the Player Id must have been imported to the instance before being allowed to connect.
#### `public bool `[`bRequireValidPlayerIdsForJoining`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a6fad3a9359d98b325990c8723a48a4c9)
If set, the Player Id must be valid before being allowed to connect.
#### `public bool `[`bAutoWatchPlayersOnSessionActive`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1aa4d71629822debb045583c01bbf2430a)
If set, automatically call SetWatchingPlayers() on the session when it is set as the active gameplay session, to enable presence polling for the session.
#### `public int32 `[`PlayerMatchesPageSize`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a5971d2f902ad05b49be9d9c21e20e6b1)
Sets the default page size when requesting a player’s match history.
#### `public int32 `[`PlayerMatchesMaxPageCount`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a4a31dbbe3c82b41e88dcd3dfc9ff5ff4)
Sets the default page size when requesting a player’s match history.
#### `public FTimespan `[`PlayerMatchesMaxAge`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a095b6baec0e5e9fb0be991db00ff975d)
Sets the default page size when requesting a player’s match history.
#### `public bool `[`bAutoCreateMatches`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a52ca137edf91dc8a02a83a89f0aea548)
Whether to automatically create a match when a session becomes active if the host.
#### `public bool `[`bAutoAddConnectedPlayersToMatches`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a469c1d73694b665b028459c025ff2c1b)
Whether to automatically add players who connect to the match.
#### `public bool `[`bAutoCloseMatchOnSessionInactive`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a089e31e1c743c7933b237fb62b4a5d8c)
Whether to automatically close a match when a session becomes inactive if the host.
#### `public bool `[`bAutoCreateInventorySessionOnLogin`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a140069cc5be0f8410447d4d2caf68c1e)
Whether to automatically create an inventory session when a player logs in.
#### `public bool `[`bAutoProcessPlatformEntitlementsOnLogin`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a5f78f6a76f285af5862bcc93d612da3e)
Whether to automatically process platform entitlements on login (will wait for inventory session creation if using bAutoCreateInventorySessionOnLogin)
#### `public int32 `[`WebRequestsMaxSimultaneousRequests`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a86e14803734cde1b954191b437ceaafe)
Sets the maximum number of Http Requests that can be made simultaneously. 0 = No Limit.
#### `public int32 `[`WebRequestsDefaultRetryCount`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a0e7e2f5a2a2cb2981aafe6dee03c7ac4)
Sets the number of retries that the retry manager uses. 0 = Do not set a limit.
#### `public int32 `[`WebRequestsDefaultRetryTimeout`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a15ad237756a0d356ec11f82be51f6190)
Sets the maximum number of Http Requests that can be made simultaneously. 0 = Do not set a limit.
#### `public int `[`WebRequestsTrackedRequestsCountLimit`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a35b03db2758bd2f4e393fb1fb3c7aab4)
Sets the maximum number of web requests for which tracking data is kept.
#### `public int32 `[`WebRequestsBurstCountThreshold`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1af81d481668affe4c87d3fb8c20cf239d)
Sets the count above which web traffic is considered a burst.
#### `public int32 `[`WebRequestsBurstTimeThresholdInSeconds`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1abb0a83cebcc39ea7215e7207bca115cb)
Sets the time threshold for web traffic burst detection.
#### `public FString `[`ClientDeviceIpEndpoint`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1aaf4eb696ef72a9b4bbad54dc624aff2b)
Sets an endpoint to use to determine public IP of a client for analytics.
#### `public FSoftClassPath `[`LocalPlayerLoginSubsystemClass`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1aea8c51bec96a3a50100085354f8fe816)
Extensible LocalPlayerLoginSubsystem class path.
#### `public FSoftClassPath `[`AdSubsystemClass`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a134dbaebd973ab90d1bdb12027285009)
Extensible AdSubsystem class path.
#### `public FSoftClassPath `[`FriendSubsystemClass`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1af67c19ac851c03c6e667a609182e1ac9)
Extensible FriendSubsystem class path.
#### `public FSoftClassPath `[`LocalPlayerSessionSubsystemClass`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a6310101e25a7cff30adda4456bb02b55)
Extensible LocalPlayerSessionSubsystem class path.
#### `public FSoftClassPath `[`SessionPlatformSyncerClass`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a5e2e8dd0ec6edb9e9fbfb0d404441795)
Extensible PlayerSessionSyncer class path.
#### `public FSoftClassPath `[`LocalPlayerPresenceSubsystemClass`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1aed317ed3d7b4e6af1e69e1db42215d01)
Extensible LocalPlayerPresenceSubsystem class path.
#### `public FSoftClassPath `[`PurgeSubsystemClass`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a1b99ec094d05b2b2daa8e83c2917e0e4)
Extensible PurgeSubsystem class path.
#### `public FSoftClassPath `[`EntitlementSubsystemClass`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a4c054d97c0884323627b2fdad7062da9)
Extensible EntitlementSubsystem class path.
#### `public FSoftClassPath `[`GameInstanceSessionInfoSubsystemClass`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a2a17243cca23933136ae9925cee7adc9)
Extensible GameInstanceSessionInfoSubsystem class path.
#### `public FSoftClassPath `[`GameInstanceServerBootstrapperClass`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a25b5a47234177fca90a71e107c304526)
Extensible GameInstanceServerBootstrapper class path.
#### `public FSoftClassPath `[`GameInstanceClientBootstrapperClass`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a1fab4344e7cae47f3dad36da33aa0d98)
Extensible GameInstanceClientBootstrapper class path.
#### `public FSoftClassPath `[`PlayerInfoSubsystemClass`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1ac0a71beae9a83e6316787d8647d43f1a)
Extensible PlayerInfoSubsystem class path.
#### `public FSoftClassPath `[`PlayerInfoClass`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a6d45dfa55caf64da1b6b5beeaf559270)
Extensible PlayerInfo class path.
#### `public FSoftClassPath `[`CatalogSubsystemClass`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a0e60706b4b45ea9aed327c74e92df3a5)
Extensible CatalogSubsystem class path.
#### `public FSoftClassPath `[`ConfigSubsystemClass`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a22f747a1fe7afba820828fb46d2a8780)
Extensible ConfigSubsystem class path.
#### `public FSoftClassPath `[`SettingsSubsystemClass`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a6115ed0ac4a35c8f131dc5a0fd56900f)
Extensible ConfigSubsystem class path.
#### `public FSoftClassPath `[`SessionBrowserCacheClass`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1af5ecb3103ab065d38eed4634e6916817)
Extensible SessionBrowserCache class path.
#### `public FSoftClassPath `[`MatchmakingBrowserCacheClass`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a035a0b0d29e2ed12a2663446c60d811c)
Extensible MatchmakingBrowserCache class path.
#### `public FSoftClassPath `[`MatchSubsystemClass`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a2e753925aea5df2e1f47add2fa970097)
Extensible MatchSubsystem class path.
#### `public FSoftClassPath `[`RemoteFileSubsystemClass`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a0388ca75a831a5c4873fe07dd8b638dc)
Extensible RemoteFileSubsystem class path.
#### `public bool `[`bLocalPlayerSubsystemSandboxing`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a5826903f6e88cefabe7d9c2ede15e9af)
Flag to determine if the local player subsystem should use its own subsystems instead of relying on GameInstanceSubsystem shared caches.
#### `public bool `[`bAutoUploadServerFiles`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1aad9767260d4d60a8f378c4543c03f92a)
Whether to automatically upload files to the RallyHere API from Dedicated Servers.
#### `public bool `[`bAutoUploadLogFiles`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a8adfac6c3249bca907a1fa051db8d0b5)
Whether to automatically upload files to the RallyHere API. Requires bAutoUploadServerFiles to have an effect.
#### `public bool `[`bAutoUploadTraceFiles`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1ad678c18fb9996d66111ff4003326a656)
Whether to automatically upload files to the RallyHere API. Requires bAutoUploadServerFiles to have an effect.
#### `public int32 `[`BeginNewAdSessionPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1afc878742df435a86affa3c28c65da19a)
Sets the request priority of Begin New Session calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`FindAdOppertunitiesPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a9e9a3b6b65a8ae71a7d5f7e985066f36)
Sets the request priority of Find Oppertunities calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`UpdateAdOppertunitiesPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1ab6514b00e3e6df87716cf78829c89e58)
Sets the request priority of Update Oppertunities calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`AuthLogoutPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1aa8a89a53c4e538c0e7f424d5a28c4a2a)
Sets the request priority of Logouts calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`AuthLoginPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1aba8b87a3871ea3ad301106a3377fb6b8)
Sets the request priority of Login calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`GetCatalogAllPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1ac5304b5175309e77721ee07577179516)
Sets the request priority of Get Catalog All calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`GetCatalogXpAllPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1afbd579a4e0b16b0facf310ba0a0d2ab3)
Sets the request priority of Get Catalog Xp All calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`GetCatalogItemPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a74c72d3fa3881c2f059fd06760eff569)
Sets the request priority of Get Catalog Item calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`GetCatalogInventoryBucketUseRuleSetsAllPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a0ad65a15b3ca3c2e0a558af557728978)
Sets the request priority of Get Catalog Inventory Bucket Use Rulesets All calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`GetCatalogPricePointsAllPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1af39c9174f441784d5210c67af3065f95)
Sets the request priority of Get Catalog Price Points All calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`GetCatalogTimeFramesAllPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a360927cc23f433d0d9ac088a8b92ec43)
Sets the request priority of Get Catalog Time Frame All calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`GetCatalogVendorPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a4bb561f179cd44b43b77f972b84674a9)
Sets the request priority of Get Catalog Vendor calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`GetCatalogVendorsAllPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a553832ec54c28a627a521a8586900dc6)
Sets the request priority of Get Catalog Vendor All calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`FetchAppSettingsPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a5b6cdb5b53fb4727535f234ac5293ebd)
Sets the request priority of Fetch App Settings calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`ProcessPlatformEntitlementsPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1adb8db52d23e20d65889800005f7fb65c)
Sets the request priority of Process Platform Entitlements calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`RetrievePlatformEntitlementsPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a2b78270f3e088baa257d05c12dfaab83)
Sets the request priority of Retrieve Platform Entitlements calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`FetchFriendListPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1aa04f014b56725364b833d681b307b32c)
Sets the request priority of Fetch Friend List calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`FetchFriendPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a743b7a579348813ef7231ea2d67e038c)
Sets the request priority of Fetch Friend calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`AddFriendPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a82b8352b5c0526593d079be4ff561307)
Sets the request priority of Add Friend calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`RemoveFriendPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a0930cf2032ed31eb40e27b3a7a905d57)
Sets the request priority of Remove Friend calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`AddFriendNotesPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1af017cda61c8266057e659e4e40fb4a7f)
Sets the request priority of Add Friend Notes calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`DeleteFriendNotesPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a6fdecd92611953981a1cf75ee63a2c56)
Sets the request priority of Delete Friend Notes calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`FetchBlockedListPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a0811cf621f6195bef8b68d962d24e4a2)
Sets the request priority of Fetch Blocked List calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`FetchBlockedPlayerPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1ae37c306e4c6d4d0445f0a4568f7019f4)
Sets the request priority of Fetch Blocked Player calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`BlockUnblockPlayerPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a27e8d4c4ed86d705228e5d9891033459)
Sets the request priority of Block/Unblock Player calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`InventoryCreateSessionPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1acca6f7ccd6c074f64a3355430b15f583)
Sets the request priority of Create Inventory Session calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`InventoryGetSessionPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a79a291b54a550f58fd855662cf939d39)
Sets the request priority of Get Inventory Session calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`InventoryGetPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a3d819bda1fefdcd646f39186009a08dc)
Sets the request priority of Get Inventory calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`InventoryCreatePriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1aaef9534e9968f0b89933fb2fa693b928)
Sets the request priority of Create Inventory calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`InventoryUpdatePriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1ae79f97bf4ff6de4c0d75e41358f59ad7)
Sets the request priority of Update Inventory calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`InventoryCreateOrderPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a95e05009c2789ca27a98205d5fb127f2)
Sets the request priority of Create Inventory Order calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`InventoryGetOrdersPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1addf34f3287bd3312846a5978d2703b9f)
Sets the request priority of Get Inventory Orders calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`NotificationPollSelfPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a132a698085ea97992ec3bb57e1eae3e1)
Sets the request priority of Polling Notifications for Self calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`NotificationPollOtherPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a8fb41ebf25098232d3ee26134da6b5a3)
Sets the request priority of Polling Notifications for Others calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`NotificationCreatePriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a14606a57f206abd1a317be741f4b6ccd)
Sets the request priority of Create Notifications calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`PresenceUpdatePriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a90564c0a9a445a9993766545c0888329)
Sets the request priority of Updating Presence calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`PresenceGetSelfPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1af38e4ac7b3d269fc66636c05e1a3c633)
Sets the request priority of Get Self Presence calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`PresenceGetOtherPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a83ccef552bfe76b46cb79a1afc87d57a)
Sets the request priority of Get Other Presence calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`PresenceGetSettingsPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a1d2689266c6b0924e316055789d73a3d)
Sets the request priority of Get Presence Settings calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`PurgeQueuePriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a9aa7b532b8d9aa1767f9e177a8c2f73a)
Sets the request priority of Queue/Dequeue for Purge calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`PurgeGetStatusPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a078df1fcff1db371904259f77a44b32e)
Sets the request priority of Get Purge Status calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`GetAllQueueInfoPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1aad14de47a305aab4368d7a38b80f766e)
Sets the request priority of Get Queue Info calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`GetMatchmakingTemplatePriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1aa73827ffcdabb3149c07d6ad14cc7d98)
Sets the request priority of Get Matchmaking Template calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`GetMapGameInfoPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a8ac2b60ca262eb1fbf75a5ffd309d39d)
Sets the request priority of Get Map Game Info calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`RankingGetPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a9991ff7aba2e69e137d1665e40a45bd7)
Sets the request priority of Get Rank calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`RankingUpdatePriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1ab2b4525c715fdce6b9ee3b8f5ab98439)
Sets the request priority of Update Rank calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`SessionPollPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1aa1c2aa3d6f602b685b21eaefc0ddc962)
Sets the request priority of Session Polling calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`SessionJoinPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1aa7578d63de36b65bf984e6811a05c856)
Sets the request priority of Session Joining calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`SessionLeavePriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a9defab236e36fba1c40113449827b6ae)
Sets the request priority of Session Leave calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`SessionInvitePriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a67c03b5ad16327dfaa897369144f5916)
Sets the request priority of Session Invite calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`SessionKickPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a300315aecd41cf1116a62763d22e4d0d)
Sets the request priority of Session Kick calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`SessionLeaderChangePriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a704d79c0a0689673f6cc7e8547b0b399)
Sets the request priority of Session Leader Change calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`SessionChangeTeamsPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1ae4e4de1ecf3af71039d248dcc4c45b0c)
Sets the request priority of Session Change Teams calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`SessionLeaveQueuePriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1ad5ae84d1c1570a2f385ec24e57108fd4)
Sets the request priority of Session Leave Queue calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`SessionRequestInstancePriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1abc945d76430a5ab6f692bf0a5e999180)
Sets the request priority of Session Request Instance calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`SessionEndInstancePriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a1a0840b1eca26c8342fa9cbee7e4b80b)
Sets the request priority of Session End Instance calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`SessionStartMatchPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1aec835451bde71a190fc1e695aef4ff7f)
Sets the request priority of Session Start Match calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`SessionEndMatchPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1aaf32bfec46ea7d08fcf2c29ed615aa65)
Sets the request priority of Session End Match calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`SessionUpdateSessionInfoPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a9c7c6d6cfb6af07f0fe3f81aa8a69c34)
Sets the request priority of Update Session Info calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`SessionUpdateInstanceInfoPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a0865134ce8ddd336130583187cd67aa4)
Sets the request priority of Update Instance Info calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`SessionUpdateBrowserInfoPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1aa5e0c76dbae5e34b456bcaaafa68cf94)
Sets the request priority of Update Browser Info calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`SessionDeleteBrowserInfoPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a005338696286a0b743bfbdb480e12e44)
Sets the request priority of Delete Browser Info calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`SessionInstanceHealthUpdatePriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a48b7cedb5478f436eb426108906f2d6a)
Sets the request priority of Instance Health update calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`SessionBackfillUpdatePriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1ac2b018d245179295e531c7e170db7663)
Sets the request priority of Backfill update calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`SessionUpdateWithPlatformSessionPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1ae52bf61cfe6e937cc6a563133a209991)
Sets the request priority of Session Update With Platform Session calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`SessionGetTemplatePriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a40090726415cdd4ed601d26c4a2960d9)
Sets the request priority of Session Get Template calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`SessionGetByAllocationIdPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a0e8868c0d121441924f925de96d66120)
Sets the request priority of Session By Allocation Id calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`SessionGetBySessionIdPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a252127302ea79fe762255b0353809747)
Sets the request priority of Session By Session Id calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`SessionGetByTypePriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1af20dfabda6e113f75816401bdaca2614)
Sets the request priority of Session By Type calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`SessionsGetOtherPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a0504cbc9cd9338b377189d62daa790b9)
Sets the request priority of Get Other Sessions calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`SessionVoipLoginTokenPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a15bcfe5af29a0d3ed84558a83758b556)
Sets the request priority of VOIP Login calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`SessionVoipActionTokenPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a18de480c41ae3e6929bacd7f043ffec3)
Sets the request priority of VOIP Action calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`SettingsGetPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1ab3de492d46aeb771fc964cc02a00f048)
Sets the request priority of Get Settings calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`SettingsGetTypesPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a96483b01899977de1c9c929e83ef0c71)
Sets the request priority of Get Settings Types calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`SettingsUpdatePriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1aab7ca97767260ad27f6ab2ed2f991f35)
Sets the request priority of Update Settings calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`GetRegionsPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a97dde13b1e0bbc874333d9fa1d6dbec1)
Sets the request priority of Get Site Settings calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`SessionAuditPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a8ab95aae271aa91d8406be63d5cd1bfb)
Sets the request priority of Session Audit calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`UsersLookupPlayerPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a17589c62d53386508f41321e98bbfeeb)
Sets the request priority of Lookup Users calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`UsersGetLinkedPlatformsPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a99b0ffa18f2f78923fdd46d4499588e1)
Sets the request priority of Get Linked Platforms calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`EventsReceiveEventPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a47f81afe37f5fd5d8b49a8c5d5101e08)
Sets the request priority of ReceiveEvent, which is the GETS endpoint, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`MatchesGetOtherPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a0ba5746a30eaee0bc00d496e278609ec)
Sets the request priority of Get Player Matches calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`MatchesSearchPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a63a7d8e525b0db6042f399d61094761a)
Sets the request priority of Get Player Matches calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`MatchesLookupPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a8c79269125b15b8e0edf76a04b5993d5)
Sets the request priority of Get Player Matches calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`MatchesUpdatePriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a2ca3d1abb532f983a051b1cd7b5ce1d1)
Sets the request priority of Create and Update Match calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`MatchesUpdatePlayerPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1aa6524d86c96ab7bb34fc238a6fe50585)
Sets the request priority of Create Match calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`GetPlayerReportsSentPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a4ec711cf17691d176ef8b0e3b72b13c7)
Sets the request priority of Player Report calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`GetPlayerReportsReceivedPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a2b63863ac05ffb58b7aac81941a37be2)
Sets the request priority of Player Report calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`CreatePlayerReportPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1aa434f7c18b7fbef17e6a94d98724cc72)
Sets the request priority of Player Report calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`FileUploadPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1ad0cec22fc70eed5be3e2968796bf3925)
Sets the request priority of File Upload calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`FileDownloadPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1aa72c3744230044e9e1c4b9244a8cb95e)
Sets the request priority of File Download calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`FileBrowsePriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a929cbfaa44cdf175fd06ec31b5b0185f)
Sets the request priority of File Browse calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public int32 `[`FileDeletePriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a9dbe268cceef1863637250a24d31dc2a)
Sets the request priority of File Delete calls, lower number is higher priority.
#### `public const `[`FRH_EnvironmentConfiguration`](` * `[`GetEnvironmentConfiguration`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a833c95a5c96e642faa2a3038d9c8f151)`(const FString & EnvironmentId) const`
Helper to get the configuration for a given environment by EnvironmentId.
## struct `FRH_EnvironmentConfiguration`
Settings for Environment Configuration. If set, these override the defaults when the EnvironmentId matches the specified environment id.
Members | Descriptions |
public FString EnvironmentId | Environment Name, for use with client side environment lookups and overrides. |
public FString BaseUrl | RallyHere BaseURL. Determines the base URL to use when connecting to the RallyHere API. |
public FString ClientId | RallyHere Client ID. Determines the available permissions for RallyHere APIs. |
public FString ClientSecret | RallyHere Client secret. Must be associated with the defined client ID. |
public FString
Environment Name, for use with client side environment lookups and overrides.
#### `public FString `[`BaseUrl`](#structFRH__EnvironmentConfiguration_1a4d83e6b00d9676173cfce51696239f33)
RallyHere BaseURL. Determines the base URL to use when connecting to the RallyHere API.
#### `public FString `[`ClientId`](#structFRH__EnvironmentConfiguration_1ad89cebe1e08c49b87a7132acb5ad8da4)
RallyHere Client ID. Determines the available permissions for RallyHere APIs.
#### `public FString `[`ClientSecret`](#structFRH__EnvironmentConfiguration_1a92ac23bcd32f8ec70f2d361594e4a666)
RallyHere Client secret. Must be associated with the defined client ID.