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class URH_IntegrationSettingsMain settings for the Integration.
struct FRH_EnvironmentConfigurationSettings for Environment Configuration. If set, these override the defaults when the EnvironmentId matches the specified environment id.

class URH_IntegrationSettings

class URH_IntegrationSettings
: public UDeveloperSettings

Main settings for the Integration.


public FRH_EnvironmentConfiguration DefaultEnvironmentConfigurationRallyHere default environment configuration.
public TArray< FRH_EnvironmentConfiguration>EnvironmentConfigurationsPer-Environment configuration overrides. These environments are alias names used for a BaseURL, and by default will automatically be looked up based on the OnlineEnvironment from the engine (Development, Certification, etc), but can be overridden via commandline (see EnvironmentCommandLineKeys)
public TArray< FString > BaseURLCommandLineKeysInternalInternal/Hardcoded Keys to check for on the command line for an override to the default BaseURL. These are potentially used by RallyHere’s automation and internal processes.
public TArray< FString > BaseURLCommandLineKeysKeys to check for on the command line for an override to the default BaseURL.
public TArray< FString > EnvironmentCommandLineKeysInternalInternal/Hardcoded Keys to check for on the command line for an override to the default Environment. These are potentially used by RallyHere’s automation and internal processes.
public TArray< FString > EnvironmentCommandLineKeysKeys to check for on the command line for an override to the default Environment when using EnvironmentConfigurations.
public TArray< FString > DefaultOSSCommandLineKeysInternalInternal/Hardcoded Keys to check for on the command line for an override to the default OSS. These are potentially used by RallyHere’s automation and internal processes.
public TArray< FString > DefaultOSSCommandLineKeysKeys to check for on the command line for an override to the default OSS.
public TArray< FString > ClientIdCommandLineKeysInternalInternal/Hardcoded Keys to check for on the command line for an override to the default ClientId. These are potentially used by RallyHere’s automation and internal processes.
public TArray< FString > ClientIdCommandLineKeysKeys to check for on the command line for an override to the default ClientId.
public TArray< FString > ClientSecretCommandLineKeysInternalInternal/Hardcoded Keys to check for on the command line for an override to the default ClientSecret. These are potentially used by RallyHere’s automation and internal processes.
public TArray< FString > ClientSecretCommandLineKeysKeys to check for on the command line for an override to the default ClientSecret.
public FName EnvironmentOSSNameOnline Subsystem to use for selecting the base URL environment. If not provided, will use the default OSS.
public bool bAutomaticallyPollConfigurationDataIf set, automatically poll for KV data.
public bool bAutomaticallyApplyHotfixDataIf set, automatically apply hotfix data from the config subystem.
public bool bHotfixTestValuedebug value to test if the hotfix system is working properly. Do not set!
public bool bAutoStartSessionsAfterJoinWhether to automatically start platform sessions after joining them.
public bool bAutoJoinPlatformSessionsAfterUserChangeWhether to automatically join platform sessions after a user change when invites were received while logged out.
public bool bAutoMakeSessionsJoinableOnHostMapLoadCompleteWhether to automatically mark hosted sessions as joinable after map load completes.
public bool bUseSecurityTokenForJoiningIf set, the connection attempt must have a valid security token to be allowed to connect.
public bool bRequireImportedPlayerIdsForJoiningIf set, the Player Id must have been imported to the instance before being allowed to connect.
public bool bRequireValidPlayerIdsForJoiningIf set, the Player Id must be valid before being allowed to connect.
public bool bAutoWatchPlayersOnSessionActiveIf set, automatically call SetWatchingPlayers() on the session when it is set as the active gameplay session, to enable presence polling for the session.
public int32 PlayerMatchesPageSizeSets the default page size when requesting a player’s match history.
public int32 PlayerMatchesMaxPageCountSets the default page size when requesting a player’s match history.
public FTimespan PlayerMatchesMaxAgeSets the default page size when requesting a player’s match history.
public bool bAutoCreateMatchesWhether to automatically create a match when a session becomes active if the host.
public bool bAutoAddConnectedPlayersToMatchesWhether to automatically add players who connect to the match.
public bool bAutoCloseMatchOnSessionInactiveWhether to automatically close a match when a session becomes inactive if the host.
public bool bAutoCreateInventorySessionOnLoginWhether to automatically create an inventory session when a player logs in.
public bool bAutoProcessPlatformEntitlementsOnLoginWhether to automatically process platform entitlements on login (will wait for inventory session creation if using bAutoCreateInventorySessionOnLogin)
public int32 WebRequestsMaxSimultaneousRequestsSets the maximum number of Http Requests that can be made simultaneously. 0 = No Limit.
public int32 WebRequestsDefaultRetryCountSets the number of retries that the retry manager uses. 0 = Do not set a limit.
public int32 WebRequestsDefaultRetryTimeoutSets the maximum number of Http Requests that can be made simultaneously. 0 = Do not set a limit.
public int WebRequestsTrackedRequestsCountLimitSets the maximum number of web requests for which tracking data is kept.
public int32 WebRequestsBurstCountThresholdSets the count above which web traffic is considered a burst.
public int32 WebRequestsBurstTimeThresholdInSecondsSets the time threshold for web traffic burst detection.
public FString ClientDeviceIpEndpointSets an endpoint to use to determine public IP of a client for analytics.
public FSoftClassPath LocalPlayerLoginSubsystemClassExtensible LocalPlayerLoginSubsystem class path.
public FSoftClassPath AdSubsystemClassExtensible AdSubsystem class path.
public FSoftClassPath FriendSubsystemClassExtensible FriendSubsystem class path.
public FSoftClassPath LocalPlayerSessionSubsystemClassExtensible LocalPlayerSessionSubsystem class path.
public FSoftClassPath SessionPlatformSyncerClassExtensible PlayerSessionSyncer class path.
public FSoftClassPath LocalPlayerPresenceSubsystemClassExtensible LocalPlayerPresenceSubsystem class path.
public FSoftClassPath PurgeSubsystemClassExtensible PurgeSubsystem class path.
public FSoftClassPath EntitlementSubsystemClassExtensible EntitlementSubsystem class path.
public FSoftClassPath GameInstanceSessionInfoSubsystemClassExtensible GameInstanceSessionInfoSubsystem class path.
public FSoftClassPath GameInstanceServerBootstrapperClassExtensible GameInstanceServerBootstrapper class path.
public FSoftClassPath GameInstanceClientBootstrapperClassExtensible GameInstanceClientBootstrapper class path.
public FSoftClassPath PlayerInfoSubsystemClassExtensible PlayerInfoSubsystem class path.
public FSoftClassPath PlayerInfoClassExtensible PlayerInfo class path.
public FSoftClassPath CatalogSubsystemClassExtensible CatalogSubsystem class path.
public FSoftClassPath ConfigSubsystemClassExtensible ConfigSubsystem class path.
public FSoftClassPath SettingsSubsystemClassExtensible ConfigSubsystem class path.
public FSoftClassPath SessionBrowserCacheClassExtensible SessionBrowserCache class path.
public FSoftClassPath MatchmakingBrowserCacheClassExtensible MatchmakingBrowserCache class path.
public FSoftClassPath MatchSubsystemClassExtensible MatchSubsystem class path.
public FSoftClassPath RemoteFileSubsystemClassExtensible RemoteFileSubsystem class path.
public bool bLocalPlayerSubsystemSandboxingFlag to determine if the local player subsystem should use its own subsystems instead of relying on GameInstanceSubsystem shared caches.
public bool bAutoUploadServerFilesWhether to automatically upload files to the RallyHere API from Dedicated Servers.
public bool bAutoUploadLogFilesWhether to automatically upload files to the RallyHere API. Requires bAutoUploadServerFiles to have an effect.
public bool bAutoUploadTraceFilesWhether to automatically upload files to the RallyHere API. Requires bAutoUploadServerFiles to have an effect.
public int32 BeginNewAdSessionPrioritySets the request priority of Begin New Session calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 FindAdOppertunitiesPrioritySets the request priority of Find Oppertunities calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 UpdateAdOppertunitiesPrioritySets the request priority of Update Oppertunities calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 AuthLogoutPrioritySets the request priority of Logouts calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 AuthLoginPrioritySets the request priority of Login calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 GetCatalogAllPrioritySets the request priority of Get Catalog All calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 GetCatalogXpAllPrioritySets the request priority of Get Catalog Xp All calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 GetCatalogItemPrioritySets the request priority of Get Catalog Item calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 GetCatalogInventoryBucketUseRuleSetsAllPrioritySets the request priority of Get Catalog Inventory Bucket Use Rulesets All calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 GetCatalogPricePointsAllPrioritySets the request priority of Get Catalog Price Points All calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 GetCatalogTimeFramesAllPrioritySets the request priority of Get Catalog Time Frame All calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 GetCatalogVendorPrioritySets the request priority of Get Catalog Vendor calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 GetCatalogVendorsAllPrioritySets the request priority of Get Catalog Vendor All calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 FetchAppSettingsPrioritySets the request priority of Fetch App Settings calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 ProcessPlatformEntitlementsPrioritySets the request priority of Process Platform Entitlements calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 RetrievePlatformEntitlementsPrioritySets the request priority of Retrieve Platform Entitlements calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 FetchFriendListPrioritySets the request priority of Fetch Friend List calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 FetchFriendPrioritySets the request priority of Fetch Friend calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 AddFriendPrioritySets the request priority of Add Friend calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 RemoveFriendPrioritySets the request priority of Remove Friend calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 AddFriendNotesPrioritySets the request priority of Add Friend Notes calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 DeleteFriendNotesPrioritySets the request priority of Delete Friend Notes calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 FetchBlockedListPrioritySets the request priority of Fetch Blocked List calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 FetchBlockedPlayerPrioritySets the request priority of Fetch Blocked Player calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 BlockUnblockPlayerPrioritySets the request priority of Block/Unblock Player calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 InventoryCreateSessionPrioritySets the request priority of Create Inventory Session calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 InventoryGetSessionPrioritySets the request priority of Get Inventory Session calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 InventoryGetPrioritySets the request priority of Get Inventory calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 InventoryCreatePrioritySets the request priority of Create Inventory calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 InventoryUpdatePrioritySets the request priority of Update Inventory calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 InventoryCreateOrderPrioritySets the request priority of Create Inventory Order calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 InventoryGetOrdersPrioritySets the request priority of Get Inventory Orders calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 NotificationPollSelfPrioritySets the request priority of Polling Notifications for Self calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 NotificationPollOtherPrioritySets the request priority of Polling Notifications for Others calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 NotificationCreatePrioritySets the request priority of Create Notifications calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 PresenceUpdatePrioritySets the request priority of Updating Presence calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 PresenceGetSelfPrioritySets the request priority of Get Self Presence calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 PresenceGetOtherPrioritySets the request priority of Get Other Presence calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 PresenceGetSettingsPrioritySets the request priority of Get Presence Settings calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 PurgeQueuePrioritySets the request priority of Queue/Dequeue for Purge calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 PurgeGetStatusPrioritySets the request priority of Get Purge Status calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 GetAllQueueInfoPrioritySets the request priority of Get Queue Info calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 GetMatchmakingTemplatePrioritySets the request priority of Get Matchmaking Template calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 GetMapGameInfoPrioritySets the request priority of Get Map Game Info calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 RankingGetPrioritySets the request priority of Get Rank calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 RankingUpdatePrioritySets the request priority of Update Rank calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 SessionPollPrioritySets the request priority of Session Polling calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 SessionJoinPrioritySets the request priority of Session Joining calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 SessionLeavePrioritySets the request priority of Session Leave calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 SessionInvitePrioritySets the request priority of Session Invite calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 SessionKickPrioritySets the request priority of Session Kick calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 SessionLeaderChangePrioritySets the request priority of Session Leader Change calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 SessionChangeTeamsPrioritySets the request priority of Session Change Teams calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 SessionLeaveQueuePrioritySets the request priority of Session Leave Queue calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 SessionRequestInstancePrioritySets the request priority of Session Request Instance calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 SessionEndInstancePrioritySets the request priority of Session End Instance calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 SessionStartMatchPrioritySets the request priority of Session Start Match calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 SessionEndMatchPrioritySets the request priority of Session End Match calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 SessionUpdateSessionInfoPrioritySets the request priority of Update Session Info calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 SessionUpdateInstanceInfoPrioritySets the request priority of Update Instance Info calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 SessionUpdateBrowserInfoPrioritySets the request priority of Update Browser Info calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 SessionDeleteBrowserInfoPrioritySets the request priority of Delete Browser Info calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 SessionInstanceHealthUpdatePrioritySets the request priority of Instance Health update calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 SessionBackfillUpdatePrioritySets the request priority of Backfill update calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 SessionUpdateWithPlatformSessionPrioritySets the request priority of Session Update With Platform Session calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 SessionGetTemplatePrioritySets the request priority of Session Get Template calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 SessionGetByAllocationIdPrioritySets the request priority of Session By Allocation Id calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 SessionGetBySessionIdPrioritySets the request priority of Session By Session Id calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 SessionGetByTypePrioritySets the request priority of Session By Type calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 SessionsGetOtherPrioritySets the request priority of Get Other Sessions calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 SessionVoipLoginTokenPrioritySets the request priority of VOIP Login calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 SessionVoipActionTokenPrioritySets the request priority of VOIP Action calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 SettingsGetPrioritySets the request priority of Get Settings calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 SettingsGetTypesPrioritySets the request priority of Get Settings Types calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 SettingsUpdatePrioritySets the request priority of Update Settings calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 GetRegionsPrioritySets the request priority of Get Site Settings calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 SessionAuditPrioritySets the request priority of Session Audit calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 UsersLookupPlayerPrioritySets the request priority of Lookup Users calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 UsersGetLinkedPlatformsPrioritySets the request priority of Get Linked Platforms calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 EventsReceiveEventPrioritySets the request priority of ReceiveEvent, which is the GETS endpoint, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 MatchesGetOtherPrioritySets the request priority of Get Player Matches calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 MatchesSearchPrioritySets the request priority of Get Player Matches calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 MatchesLookupPrioritySets the request priority of Get Player Matches calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 MatchesUpdatePrioritySets the request priority of Create and Update Match calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 MatchesUpdatePlayerPrioritySets the request priority of Create Match calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 GetPlayerReportsSentPrioritySets the request priority of Player Report calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 GetPlayerReportsReceivedPrioritySets the request priority of Player Report calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 CreatePlayerReportPrioritySets the request priority of Player Report calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 FileUploadPrioritySets the request priority of File Upload calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 FileDownloadPrioritySets the request priority of File Download calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 FileBrowsePrioritySets the request priority of File Browse calls, lower number is higher priority.
public int32 FileDeletePrioritySets the request priority of File Delete calls, lower number is higher priority.
public const FRH_EnvironmentConfiguration*GetEnvironmentConfiguration(const FString & EnvironmentId) constHelper to get the configuration for a given environment by EnvironmentId.


public FRH_EnvironmentConfiguration DefaultEnvironmentConfiguration

RallyHere default environment configuration.

#### `public TArray< `[`FRH_EnvironmentConfiguration`](` > `[`EnvironmentConfigurations`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a546e792d91e626fec5a89af26b48c4d0)

Per-Environment configuration overrides. These environments are alias names used for a BaseURL, and by default will automatically be looked up based on the OnlineEnvironment from the engine (Development, Certification, etc), but can be overridden via commandline (see EnvironmentCommandLineKeys)

#### `public TArray< FString > `[`BaseURLCommandLineKeysInternal`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a513cd9737efa272cccaad8eff4d8d031)

Internal/Hardcoded Keys to check for on the command line for an override to the default BaseURL. These are potentially used by RallyHere’s automation and internal processes.

#### `public TArray< FString > `[`BaseURLCommandLineKeys`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a69a2e01e56d3c5cf9378cadf95bf8eeb)

Keys to check for on the command line for an override to the default BaseURL.

#### `public TArray< FString > `[`EnvironmentCommandLineKeysInternal`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a82799c28b7722d87619f3511b2d3583a)

Internal/Hardcoded Keys to check for on the command line for an override to the default Environment. These are potentially used by RallyHere’s automation and internal processes.

#### `public TArray< FString > `[`EnvironmentCommandLineKeys`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a6b6526202cee20d58a499042744656da)

Keys to check for on the command line for an override to the default Environment when using EnvironmentConfigurations.

#### `public TArray< FString > `[`DefaultOSSCommandLineKeysInternal`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a78bc1ff9d305c635e62955acaf74ab8f)

Internal/Hardcoded Keys to check for on the command line for an override to the default OSS. These are potentially used by RallyHere’s automation and internal processes.

#### `public TArray< FString > `[`DefaultOSSCommandLineKeys`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a93e491f7bab4fed912f9281cd1bac0e7)

Keys to check for on the command line for an override to the default OSS.

#### `public TArray< FString > `[`ClientIdCommandLineKeysInternal`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a085c63013fc1385bb60ea15f905519fc)

Internal/Hardcoded Keys to check for on the command line for an override to the default ClientId. These are potentially used by RallyHere’s automation and internal processes.

#### `public TArray< FString > `[`ClientIdCommandLineKeys`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1afcc89f50b0d312cc200afb153b43a29a)

Keys to check for on the command line for an override to the default ClientId.

#### `public TArray< FString > `[`ClientSecretCommandLineKeysInternal`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1aa64e26bb1f4e557c739237a12d25c516)

Internal/Hardcoded Keys to check for on the command line for an override to the default ClientSecret. These are potentially used by RallyHere’s automation and internal processes.

#### `public TArray< FString > `[`ClientSecretCommandLineKeys`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1af66963c6acda2ab28c6cf959a33ca65e)

Keys to check for on the command line for an override to the default ClientSecret.

#### `public FName `[`EnvironmentOSSName`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a6dcea31e94599c761b3616e62f0b65ab)

Online Subsystem to use for selecting the base URL environment. If not provided, will use the default OSS.

#### `public bool `[`bAutomaticallyPollConfigurationData`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a397cb8cd4139f97ef4407deb677064d2)

If set, automatically poll for KV data.

#### `public bool `[`bAutomaticallyApplyHotfixData`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1addb9eefae16afabde8d73e22ccc0d9ef)

If set, automatically apply hotfix data from the config subystem.

#### `public bool `[`bHotfixTestValue`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a666a1ac437643dd797354489ee29eb91)

debug value to test if the hotfix system is working properly. Do not set!

#### `public bool `[`bAutoStartSessionsAfterJoin`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a43e468e0d80e224c6fc7479940e0bcab)

Whether to automatically start platform sessions after joining them.

#### `public bool `[`bAutoJoinPlatformSessionsAfterUserChange`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a999a80d02b5974b5be5be331ac13682a)

Whether to automatically join platform sessions after a user change when invites were received while logged out.

#### `public bool `[`bAutoMakeSessionsJoinableOnHostMapLoadComplete`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a6776fe09a632de261d308f6402261675)

Whether to automatically mark hosted sessions as joinable after map load completes.

#### `public bool `[`bUseSecurityTokenForJoining`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a782c0fd4f8a350128f7f686fad7e1af2)

If set, the connection attempt must have a valid security token to be allowed to connect.

#### `public bool `[`bRequireImportedPlayerIdsForJoining`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1aa8eb456e2ac57561cf12b7c3c306327f)

If set, the Player Id must have been imported to the instance before being allowed to connect.

#### `public bool `[`bRequireValidPlayerIdsForJoining`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a6fad3a9359d98b325990c8723a48a4c9)

If set, the Player Id must be valid before being allowed to connect.

#### `public bool `[`bAutoWatchPlayersOnSessionActive`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1aa4d71629822debb045583c01bbf2430a)

If set, automatically call SetWatchingPlayers() on the session when it is set as the active gameplay session, to enable presence polling for the session.

#### `public int32 `[`PlayerMatchesPageSize`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a5971d2f902ad05b49be9d9c21e20e6b1)

Sets the default page size when requesting a player’s match history.

#### `public int32 `[`PlayerMatchesMaxPageCount`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a4a31dbbe3c82b41e88dcd3dfc9ff5ff4)

Sets the default page size when requesting a player’s match history.

#### `public FTimespan `[`PlayerMatchesMaxAge`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a095b6baec0e5e9fb0be991db00ff975d)

Sets the default page size when requesting a player’s match history.

#### `public bool `[`bAutoCreateMatches`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a52ca137edf91dc8a02a83a89f0aea548)

Whether to automatically create a match when a session becomes active if the host.

#### `public bool `[`bAutoAddConnectedPlayersToMatches`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a469c1d73694b665b028459c025ff2c1b)

Whether to automatically add players who connect to the match.

#### `public bool `[`bAutoCloseMatchOnSessionInactive`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a089e31e1c743c7933b237fb62b4a5d8c)

Whether to automatically close a match when a session becomes inactive if the host.

#### `public bool `[`bAutoCreateInventorySessionOnLogin`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a140069cc5be0f8410447d4d2caf68c1e)

Whether to automatically create an inventory session when a player logs in.

#### `public bool `[`bAutoProcessPlatformEntitlementsOnLogin`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a5f78f6a76f285af5862bcc93d612da3e)

Whether to automatically process platform entitlements on login (will wait for inventory session creation if using bAutoCreateInventorySessionOnLogin)

#### `public int32 `[`WebRequestsMaxSimultaneousRequests`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a86e14803734cde1b954191b437ceaafe)

Sets the maximum number of Http Requests that can be made simultaneously. 0 = No Limit.

#### `public int32 `[`WebRequestsDefaultRetryCount`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a0e7e2f5a2a2cb2981aafe6dee03c7ac4)

Sets the number of retries that the retry manager uses. 0 = Do not set a limit.

#### `public int32 `[`WebRequestsDefaultRetryTimeout`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a15ad237756a0d356ec11f82be51f6190)

Sets the maximum number of Http Requests that can be made simultaneously. 0 = Do not set a limit.

#### `public int `[`WebRequestsTrackedRequestsCountLimit`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a35b03db2758bd2f4e393fb1fb3c7aab4)

Sets the maximum number of web requests for which tracking data is kept.

#### `public int32 `[`WebRequestsBurstCountThreshold`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1af81d481668affe4c87d3fb8c20cf239d)

Sets the count above which web traffic is considered a burst.

#### `public int32 `[`WebRequestsBurstTimeThresholdInSeconds`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1abb0a83cebcc39ea7215e7207bca115cb)

Sets the time threshold for web traffic burst detection.

#### `public FString `[`ClientDeviceIpEndpoint`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1aaf4eb696ef72a9b4bbad54dc624aff2b)

Sets an endpoint to use to determine public IP of a client for analytics.

#### `public FSoftClassPath `[`LocalPlayerLoginSubsystemClass`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1aea8c51bec96a3a50100085354f8fe816)

Extensible LocalPlayerLoginSubsystem class path.

#### `public FSoftClassPath `[`AdSubsystemClass`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a134dbaebd973ab90d1bdb12027285009)

Extensible AdSubsystem class path.

#### `public FSoftClassPath `[`FriendSubsystemClass`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1af67c19ac851c03c6e667a609182e1ac9)

Extensible FriendSubsystem class path.

#### `public FSoftClassPath `[`LocalPlayerSessionSubsystemClass`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a6310101e25a7cff30adda4456bb02b55)

Extensible LocalPlayerSessionSubsystem class path.

#### `public FSoftClassPath `[`SessionPlatformSyncerClass`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a5e2e8dd0ec6edb9e9fbfb0d404441795)

Extensible PlayerSessionSyncer class path.

#### `public FSoftClassPath `[`LocalPlayerPresenceSubsystemClass`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1aed317ed3d7b4e6af1e69e1db42215d01)

Extensible LocalPlayerPresenceSubsystem class path.

#### `public FSoftClassPath `[`PurgeSubsystemClass`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a1b99ec094d05b2b2daa8e83c2917e0e4)

Extensible PurgeSubsystem class path.

#### `public FSoftClassPath `[`EntitlementSubsystemClass`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a4c054d97c0884323627b2fdad7062da9)

Extensible EntitlementSubsystem class path.

#### `public FSoftClassPath `[`GameInstanceSessionInfoSubsystemClass`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a2a17243cca23933136ae9925cee7adc9)

Extensible GameInstanceSessionInfoSubsystem class path.

#### `public FSoftClassPath `[`GameInstanceServerBootstrapperClass`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a25b5a47234177fca90a71e107c304526)

Extensible GameInstanceServerBootstrapper class path.

#### `public FSoftClassPath `[`GameInstanceClientBootstrapperClass`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a1fab4344e7cae47f3dad36da33aa0d98)

Extensible GameInstanceClientBootstrapper class path.

#### `public FSoftClassPath `[`PlayerInfoSubsystemClass`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1ac0a71beae9a83e6316787d8647d43f1a)

Extensible PlayerInfoSubsystem class path.

#### `public FSoftClassPath `[`PlayerInfoClass`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a6d45dfa55caf64da1b6b5beeaf559270)

Extensible PlayerInfo class path.

#### `public FSoftClassPath `[`CatalogSubsystemClass`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a0e60706b4b45ea9aed327c74e92df3a5)

Extensible CatalogSubsystem class path.

#### `public FSoftClassPath `[`ConfigSubsystemClass`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a22f747a1fe7afba820828fb46d2a8780)

Extensible ConfigSubsystem class path.

#### `public FSoftClassPath `[`SettingsSubsystemClass`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a6115ed0ac4a35c8f131dc5a0fd56900f)

Extensible ConfigSubsystem class path.

#### `public FSoftClassPath `[`SessionBrowserCacheClass`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1af5ecb3103ab065d38eed4634e6916817)

Extensible SessionBrowserCache class path.

#### `public FSoftClassPath `[`MatchmakingBrowserCacheClass`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a035a0b0d29e2ed12a2663446c60d811c)

Extensible MatchmakingBrowserCache class path.

#### `public FSoftClassPath `[`MatchSubsystemClass`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a2e753925aea5df2e1f47add2fa970097)

Extensible MatchSubsystem class path.

#### `public FSoftClassPath `[`RemoteFileSubsystemClass`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a0388ca75a831a5c4873fe07dd8b638dc)

Extensible RemoteFileSubsystem class path.

#### `public bool `[`bLocalPlayerSubsystemSandboxing`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a5826903f6e88cefabe7d9c2ede15e9af)

Flag to determine if the local player subsystem should use its own subsystems instead of relying on GameInstanceSubsystem shared caches.

#### `public bool `[`bAutoUploadServerFiles`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1aad9767260d4d60a8f378c4543c03f92a)

Whether to automatically upload files to the RallyHere API from Dedicated Servers.

#### `public bool `[`bAutoUploadLogFiles`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a8adfac6c3249bca907a1fa051db8d0b5)

Whether to automatically upload files to the RallyHere API. Requires bAutoUploadServerFiles to have an effect.

#### `public bool `[`bAutoUploadTraceFiles`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1ad678c18fb9996d66111ff4003326a656)

Whether to automatically upload files to the RallyHere API. Requires bAutoUploadServerFiles to have an effect.

#### `public int32 `[`BeginNewAdSessionPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1afc878742df435a86affa3c28c65da19a)

Sets the request priority of Begin New Session calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`FindAdOppertunitiesPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a9e9a3b6b65a8ae71a7d5f7e985066f36)

Sets the request priority of Find Oppertunities calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`UpdateAdOppertunitiesPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1ab6514b00e3e6df87716cf78829c89e58)

Sets the request priority of Update Oppertunities calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`AuthLogoutPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1aa8a89a53c4e538c0e7f424d5a28c4a2a)

Sets the request priority of Logouts calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`AuthLoginPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1aba8b87a3871ea3ad301106a3377fb6b8)

Sets the request priority of Login calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`GetCatalogAllPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1ac5304b5175309e77721ee07577179516)

Sets the request priority of Get Catalog All calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`GetCatalogXpAllPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1afbd579a4e0b16b0facf310ba0a0d2ab3)

Sets the request priority of Get Catalog Xp All calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`GetCatalogItemPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a74c72d3fa3881c2f059fd06760eff569)

Sets the request priority of Get Catalog Item calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`GetCatalogInventoryBucketUseRuleSetsAllPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a0ad65a15b3ca3c2e0a558af557728978)

Sets the request priority of Get Catalog Inventory Bucket Use Rulesets All calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`GetCatalogPricePointsAllPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1af39c9174f441784d5210c67af3065f95)

Sets the request priority of Get Catalog Price Points All calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`GetCatalogTimeFramesAllPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a360927cc23f433d0d9ac088a8b92ec43)

Sets the request priority of Get Catalog Time Frame All calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`GetCatalogVendorPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a4bb561f179cd44b43b77f972b84674a9)

Sets the request priority of Get Catalog Vendor calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`GetCatalogVendorsAllPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a553832ec54c28a627a521a8586900dc6)

Sets the request priority of Get Catalog Vendor All calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`FetchAppSettingsPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a5b6cdb5b53fb4727535f234ac5293ebd)

Sets the request priority of Fetch App Settings calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`ProcessPlatformEntitlementsPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1adb8db52d23e20d65889800005f7fb65c)

Sets the request priority of Process Platform Entitlements calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`RetrievePlatformEntitlementsPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a2b78270f3e088baa257d05c12dfaab83)

Sets the request priority of Retrieve Platform Entitlements calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`FetchFriendListPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1aa04f014b56725364b833d681b307b32c)

Sets the request priority of Fetch Friend List calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`FetchFriendPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a743b7a579348813ef7231ea2d67e038c)

Sets the request priority of Fetch Friend calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`AddFriendPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a82b8352b5c0526593d079be4ff561307)

Sets the request priority of Add Friend calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`RemoveFriendPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a0930cf2032ed31eb40e27b3a7a905d57)

Sets the request priority of Remove Friend calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`AddFriendNotesPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1af017cda61c8266057e659e4e40fb4a7f)

Sets the request priority of Add Friend Notes calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`DeleteFriendNotesPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a6fdecd92611953981a1cf75ee63a2c56)

Sets the request priority of Delete Friend Notes calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`FetchBlockedListPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a0811cf621f6195bef8b68d962d24e4a2)

Sets the request priority of Fetch Blocked List calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`FetchBlockedPlayerPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1ae37c306e4c6d4d0445f0a4568f7019f4)

Sets the request priority of Fetch Blocked Player calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`BlockUnblockPlayerPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a27e8d4c4ed86d705228e5d9891033459)

Sets the request priority of Block/Unblock Player calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`InventoryCreateSessionPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1acca6f7ccd6c074f64a3355430b15f583)

Sets the request priority of Create Inventory Session calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`InventoryGetSessionPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a79a291b54a550f58fd855662cf939d39)

Sets the request priority of Get Inventory Session calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`InventoryGetPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a3d819bda1fefdcd646f39186009a08dc)

Sets the request priority of Get Inventory calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`InventoryCreatePriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1aaef9534e9968f0b89933fb2fa693b928)

Sets the request priority of Create Inventory calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`InventoryUpdatePriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1ae79f97bf4ff6de4c0d75e41358f59ad7)

Sets the request priority of Update Inventory calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`InventoryCreateOrderPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a95e05009c2789ca27a98205d5fb127f2)

Sets the request priority of Create Inventory Order calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`InventoryGetOrdersPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1addf34f3287bd3312846a5978d2703b9f)

Sets the request priority of Get Inventory Orders calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`NotificationPollSelfPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a132a698085ea97992ec3bb57e1eae3e1)

Sets the request priority of Polling Notifications for Self calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`NotificationPollOtherPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a8fb41ebf25098232d3ee26134da6b5a3)

Sets the request priority of Polling Notifications for Others calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`NotificationCreatePriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a14606a57f206abd1a317be741f4b6ccd)

Sets the request priority of Create Notifications calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`PresenceUpdatePriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a90564c0a9a445a9993766545c0888329)

Sets the request priority of Updating Presence calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`PresenceGetSelfPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1af38e4ac7b3d269fc66636c05e1a3c633)

Sets the request priority of Get Self Presence calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`PresenceGetOtherPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a83ccef552bfe76b46cb79a1afc87d57a)

Sets the request priority of Get Other Presence calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`PresenceGetSettingsPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a1d2689266c6b0924e316055789d73a3d)

Sets the request priority of Get Presence Settings calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`PurgeQueuePriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a9aa7b532b8d9aa1767f9e177a8c2f73a)

Sets the request priority of Queue/Dequeue for Purge calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`PurgeGetStatusPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a078df1fcff1db371904259f77a44b32e)

Sets the request priority of Get Purge Status calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`GetAllQueueInfoPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1aad14de47a305aab4368d7a38b80f766e)

Sets the request priority of Get Queue Info calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`GetMatchmakingTemplatePriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1aa73827ffcdabb3149c07d6ad14cc7d98)

Sets the request priority of Get Matchmaking Template calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`GetMapGameInfoPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a8ac2b60ca262eb1fbf75a5ffd309d39d)

Sets the request priority of Get Map Game Info calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`RankingGetPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a9991ff7aba2e69e137d1665e40a45bd7)

Sets the request priority of Get Rank calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`RankingUpdatePriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1ab2b4525c715fdce6b9ee3b8f5ab98439)

Sets the request priority of Update Rank calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`SessionPollPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1aa1c2aa3d6f602b685b21eaefc0ddc962)

Sets the request priority of Session Polling calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`SessionJoinPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1aa7578d63de36b65bf984e6811a05c856)

Sets the request priority of Session Joining calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`SessionLeavePriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a9defab236e36fba1c40113449827b6ae)

Sets the request priority of Session Leave calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`SessionInvitePriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a67c03b5ad16327dfaa897369144f5916)

Sets the request priority of Session Invite calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`SessionKickPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a300315aecd41cf1116a62763d22e4d0d)

Sets the request priority of Session Kick calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`SessionLeaderChangePriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a704d79c0a0689673f6cc7e8547b0b399)

Sets the request priority of Session Leader Change calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`SessionChangeTeamsPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1ae4e4de1ecf3af71039d248dcc4c45b0c)

Sets the request priority of Session Change Teams calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`SessionLeaveQueuePriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1ad5ae84d1c1570a2f385ec24e57108fd4)

Sets the request priority of Session Leave Queue calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`SessionRequestInstancePriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1abc945d76430a5ab6f692bf0a5e999180)

Sets the request priority of Session Request Instance calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`SessionEndInstancePriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a1a0840b1eca26c8342fa9cbee7e4b80b)

Sets the request priority of Session End Instance calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`SessionStartMatchPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1aec835451bde71a190fc1e695aef4ff7f)

Sets the request priority of Session Start Match calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`SessionEndMatchPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1aaf32bfec46ea7d08fcf2c29ed615aa65)

Sets the request priority of Session End Match calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`SessionUpdateSessionInfoPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a9c7c6d6cfb6af07f0fe3f81aa8a69c34)

Sets the request priority of Update Session Info calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`SessionUpdateInstanceInfoPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a0865134ce8ddd336130583187cd67aa4)

Sets the request priority of Update Instance Info calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`SessionUpdateBrowserInfoPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1aa5e0c76dbae5e34b456bcaaafa68cf94)

Sets the request priority of Update Browser Info calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`SessionDeleteBrowserInfoPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a005338696286a0b743bfbdb480e12e44)

Sets the request priority of Delete Browser Info calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`SessionInstanceHealthUpdatePriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a48b7cedb5478f436eb426108906f2d6a)

Sets the request priority of Instance Health update calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`SessionBackfillUpdatePriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1ac2b018d245179295e531c7e170db7663)

Sets the request priority of Backfill update calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`SessionUpdateWithPlatformSessionPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1ae52bf61cfe6e937cc6a563133a209991)

Sets the request priority of Session Update With Platform Session calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`SessionGetTemplatePriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a40090726415cdd4ed601d26c4a2960d9)

Sets the request priority of Session Get Template calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`SessionGetByAllocationIdPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a0e8868c0d121441924f925de96d66120)

Sets the request priority of Session By Allocation Id calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`SessionGetBySessionIdPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a252127302ea79fe762255b0353809747)

Sets the request priority of Session By Session Id calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`SessionGetByTypePriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1af20dfabda6e113f75816401bdaca2614)

Sets the request priority of Session By Type calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`SessionsGetOtherPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a0504cbc9cd9338b377189d62daa790b9)

Sets the request priority of Get Other Sessions calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`SessionVoipLoginTokenPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a15bcfe5af29a0d3ed84558a83758b556)

Sets the request priority of VOIP Login calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`SessionVoipActionTokenPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a18de480c41ae3e6929bacd7f043ffec3)

Sets the request priority of VOIP Action calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`SettingsGetPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1ab3de492d46aeb771fc964cc02a00f048)

Sets the request priority of Get Settings calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`SettingsGetTypesPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a96483b01899977de1c9c929e83ef0c71)

Sets the request priority of Get Settings Types calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`SettingsUpdatePriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1aab7ca97767260ad27f6ab2ed2f991f35)

Sets the request priority of Update Settings calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`GetRegionsPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a97dde13b1e0bbc874333d9fa1d6dbec1)

Sets the request priority of Get Site Settings calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`SessionAuditPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a8ab95aae271aa91d8406be63d5cd1bfb)

Sets the request priority of Session Audit calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`UsersLookupPlayerPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a17589c62d53386508f41321e98bbfeeb)

Sets the request priority of Lookup Users calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`UsersGetLinkedPlatformsPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a99b0ffa18f2f78923fdd46d4499588e1)

Sets the request priority of Get Linked Platforms calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`EventsReceiveEventPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a47f81afe37f5fd5d8b49a8c5d5101e08)

Sets the request priority of ReceiveEvent, which is the GETS endpoint, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`MatchesGetOtherPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a0ba5746a30eaee0bc00d496e278609ec)

Sets the request priority of Get Player Matches calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`MatchesSearchPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a63a7d8e525b0db6042f399d61094761a)

Sets the request priority of Get Player Matches calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`MatchesLookupPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a8c79269125b15b8e0edf76a04b5993d5)

Sets the request priority of Get Player Matches calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`MatchesUpdatePriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a2ca3d1abb532f983a051b1cd7b5ce1d1)

Sets the request priority of Create and Update Match calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`MatchesUpdatePlayerPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1aa6524d86c96ab7bb34fc238a6fe50585)

Sets the request priority of Create Match calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`GetPlayerReportsSentPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a4ec711cf17691d176ef8b0e3b72b13c7)

Sets the request priority of Player Report calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`GetPlayerReportsReceivedPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a2b63863ac05ffb58b7aac81941a37be2)

Sets the request priority of Player Report calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`CreatePlayerReportPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1aa434f7c18b7fbef17e6a94d98724cc72)

Sets the request priority of Player Report calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`FileUploadPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1ad0cec22fc70eed5be3e2968796bf3925)

Sets the request priority of File Upload calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`FileDownloadPriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1aa72c3744230044e9e1c4b9244a8cb95e)

Sets the request priority of File Download calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`FileBrowsePriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a929cbfaa44cdf175fd06ec31b5b0185f)

Sets the request priority of File Browse calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public int32 `[`FileDeletePriority`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a9dbe268cceef1863637250a24d31dc2a)

Sets the request priority of File Delete calls, lower number is higher priority.

#### `public const `[`FRH_EnvironmentConfiguration`](` * `[`GetEnvironmentConfiguration`](#classURH__IntegrationSettings_1a833c95a5c96e642faa2a3038d9c8f151)`(const FString & EnvironmentId) const`

Helper to get the configuration for a given environment by EnvironmentId.

## struct `FRH_EnvironmentConfiguration`

Settings for Environment Configuration. If set, these override the defaults when the EnvironmentId matches the specified environment id.


public FString EnvironmentIdEnvironment Name, for use with client side environment lookups and overrides.
public FString BaseUrlRallyHere BaseURL. Determines the base URL to use when connecting to the RallyHere API.
public FString ClientIdRallyHere Client ID. Determines the available permissions for RallyHere APIs.
public FString ClientSecretRallyHere Client secret. Must be associated with the defined client ID.


public FString EnvironmentId

Environment Name, for use with client side environment lookups and overrides.

#### `public FString `[`BaseUrl`](#structFRH__EnvironmentConfiguration_1a4d83e6b00d9676173cfce51696239f33)

RallyHere BaseURL. Determines the base URL to use when connecting to the RallyHere API.

#### `public FString `[`ClientId`](#structFRH__EnvironmentConfiguration_1ad89cebe1e08c49b87a7132acb5ad8da4)

RallyHere Client ID. Determines the available permissions for RallyHere APIs.

#### `public FString `[`ClientSecret`](#structFRH__EnvironmentConfiguration_1a92ac23bcd32f8ec70f2d361594e4a666)

RallyHere Client secret. Must be associated with the defined client ID.