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struct FRHAPI_KVsResponseV1

struct FRHAPI_KVsResponseV1

struct FRHAPI_KVsResponseV1
: public FRHAPI_Model


public TArray< FRHAPI_KVV1>Kvs_OptionalThe list of key/value pairs.
public bool Kvs_IsSettrue if Kvs_Optional has been set to a value
public TArray< FRHAPI_KVV1>SecretKvs_OptionalThe list of secret key/value pairs.
public bool SecretKvs_IsSettrue if SecretKvs_Optional has been set to a value
public virtual bool FromJson(const TSharedPtr< FJsonValue > & JsonValue)Fills this object with data from the passed in JSON.
public virtual void WriteJson(TSharedRef< TJsonWriter<>> & Writer) constWrites the data from this object into the specified JSON Writer stream.
public inline TArray< FRHAPI_KVV1> &GetKvs()Gets the value of Kvs_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
public inline const TArray< FRHAPI_KVV1> &GetKvs() constGets the value of Kvs_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
public inline const TArray< FRHAPI_KVV1> &GetKvs(const TArray< FRHAPI_KVV1 > & DefaultValue) constGets the value of Kvs_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue.
public inline bool GetKvs(TArray< FRHAPI_KVV1 > & OutValue) constFills OutValue with the value of Kvs_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false.
public inline TArray< FRHAPI_KVV1> *GetKvsOrNull()Returns a pointer to Kvs_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
public inline const TArray< FRHAPI_KVV1> *GetKvsOrNull() constReturns a pointer to Kvs_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
public inline void SetKvs(TArray< FRHAPI_KVV1 > NewValue)Sets the value of Kvs_Optional and also sets Kvs_IsSet to true.
public inline void ClearKvs()Clears the value of Kvs_Optional and sets Kvs_IsSet to false.
public inline TArray< FRHAPI_KVV1> &GetSecretKvs()Gets the value of SecretKvs_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
public inline const TArray< FRHAPI_KVV1> &GetSecretKvs() constGets the value of SecretKvs_Optional, regardless of it having been set.
public inline const TArray< FRHAPI_KVV1> &GetSecretKvs(const TArray< FRHAPI_KVV1 > & DefaultValue) constGets the value of SecretKvs_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue.
public inline bool GetSecretKvs(TArray< FRHAPI_KVV1 > & OutValue) constFills OutValue with the value of SecretKvs_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false.
public inline TArray< FRHAPI_KVV1> *GetSecretKvsOrNull()Returns a pointer to SecretKvs_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
public inline const TArray< FRHAPI_KVV1> *GetSecretKvsOrNull() constReturns a pointer to SecretKvs_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.
public inline void SetSecretKvs(TArray< FRHAPI_KVV1 > NewValue)Sets the value of SecretKvs_Optional and also sets SecretKvs_IsSet to true.
public inline void ClearSecretKvs()Clears the value of SecretKvs_Optional and sets SecretKvs_IsSet to false.


public TArray< FRHAPI_KVV1>Kvs_Optional

The list of key/value pairs.

#### `public bool `[`Kvs_IsSet`](#structFRHAPI__KVsResponseV1_1ac74ddfb8d6d3a75bfd9f1267380790b4)

true if Kvs_Optional has been set to a value

#### `public TArray< `[`FRHAPI_KVV1`](` > `[`SecretKvs_Optional`](#structFRHAPI__KVsResponseV1_1aeaf4e42d75bb2c22939063c4ece1d22e)

The list of secret key/value pairs.

#### `public bool `[`SecretKvs_IsSet`](#structFRHAPI__KVsResponseV1_1a1e80a2c6accd456e8d993cba8b74f704)

true if SecretKvs_Optional has been set to a value

#### `public virtual bool `[`FromJson`](#structFRHAPI__KVsResponseV1_1a652b39727a8f973113da7d83fe9969aa)`(const TSharedPtr< FJsonValue > & JsonValue)`

Fills this object with data from the passed in JSON.


  • JsonValue Data from the API call.


true if parsing of the JSON data was successful.

#### `public virtual void `[`WriteJson`](#structFRHAPI__KVsResponseV1_1a25765fb93d1f23014ce2ade5b965f1c8)`(TSharedRef< TJsonWriter<>> & Writer) const`

Writes the data from this object into the specified JSON Writer stream.


  • Writer JSON Writer stream to push .

#### `public inline TArray< `[`FRHAPI_KVV1`](` > & `[`GetKvs`](#structFRHAPI__KVsResponseV1_1aebc7e45e43b9e866220239c093744296)`()`

Gets the value of Kvs_Optional, regardless of it having been set.

#### `public inline const TArray< `[`FRHAPI_KVV1`](` > & `[`GetKvs`](#structFRHAPI__KVsResponseV1_1ad66953bc728790daffa11dbb9e9f8609)`() const`

Gets the value of Kvs_Optional, regardless of it having been set.

#### `public inline const TArray< `[`FRHAPI_KVV1`](` > & `[`GetKvs`](#structFRHAPI__KVsResponseV1_1a007312b70175dba0a4500ef787252cf9)`(const TArray< `[`FRHAPI_KVV1`](` > & DefaultValue) const`

Gets the value of Kvs_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue.

#### `public inline bool `[`GetKvs`](#structFRHAPI__KVsResponseV1_1aeee2d48feb2370e712b6e6258a07c876)`(TArray< `[`FRHAPI_KVV1`](` > & OutValue) const`

Fills OutValue with the value of Kvs_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false.

#### `public inline TArray< `[`FRHAPI_KVV1`](` > * `[`GetKvsOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__KVsResponseV1_1a29965b25025a882e7395cd7d108bd21f)`()`

Returns a pointer to Kvs_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.

#### `public inline const TArray< `[`FRHAPI_KVV1`](` > * `[`GetKvsOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__KVsResponseV1_1a0f710dbfb580aa1bac7ddcdb7519a4fa)`() const`

Returns a pointer to Kvs_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.

#### `public inline void `[`SetKvs`](#structFRHAPI__KVsResponseV1_1a53c99a734d0a3b812d47a6d2280b99f4)`(TArray< `[`FRHAPI_KVV1`](` > NewValue)`

Sets the value of Kvs_Optional and also sets Kvs_IsSet to true.

#### `public inline void `[`ClearKvs`](#structFRHAPI__KVsResponseV1_1a7465f01d1c4c2984037bcb54bf40cf59)`()`

Clears the value of Kvs_Optional and sets Kvs_IsSet to false.

#### `public inline TArray< `[`FRHAPI_KVV1`](` > & `[`GetSecretKvs`](#structFRHAPI__KVsResponseV1_1a4046e4bda45db1b8b03fb8d38f821137)`()`

Gets the value of SecretKvs_Optional, regardless of it having been set.

#### `public inline const TArray< `[`FRHAPI_KVV1`](` > & `[`GetSecretKvs`](#structFRHAPI__KVsResponseV1_1a64235bf384336afe0d2ea6e424a0a139)`() const`

Gets the value of SecretKvs_Optional, regardless of it having been set.

#### `public inline const TArray< `[`FRHAPI_KVV1`](` > & `[`GetSecretKvs`](#structFRHAPI__KVsResponseV1_1a6b8db2c5703fcdc1745466c4d3a3a748)`(const TArray< `[`FRHAPI_KVV1`](` > & DefaultValue) const`

Gets the value of SecretKvs_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise it returns DefaultValue.

#### `public inline bool `[`GetSecretKvs`](#structFRHAPI__KVsResponseV1_1a95742a3d2773f721e29ceb36c9133e9d)`(TArray< `[`FRHAPI_KVV1`](` > & OutValue) const`

Fills OutValue with the value of SecretKvs_Optional and returns true if it has been set, otherwise returns false.

#### `public inline TArray< `[`FRHAPI_KVV1`](` > * `[`GetSecretKvsOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__KVsResponseV1_1a06db24079416f7b9e4e34b256a8ad733)`()`

Returns a pointer to SecretKvs_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.

#### `public inline const TArray< `[`FRHAPI_KVV1`](` > * `[`GetSecretKvsOrNull`](#structFRHAPI__KVsResponseV1_1ae63980bc3f9f4ca4433a0e6b7bca9bec)`() const`

Returns a pointer to SecretKvs_Optional, if it has been set, otherwise returns nullptr.

#### `public inline void `[`SetSecretKvs`](#structFRHAPI__KVsResponseV1_1ab8d0668b23d1be38f82a048c4189ae58)`(TArray< `[`FRHAPI_KVV1`](` > NewValue)`

Sets the value of SecretKvs_Optional and also sets SecretKvs_IsSet to true.

#### `public inline void `[`ClearSecretKvs`](#structFRHAPI__KVsResponseV1_1a025ac2d03f64ce986ac5b4ea9acd4902)`()`

Clears the value of SecretKvs_Optional and sets SecretKvs_IsSet to false.