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class URH_ConfigSubsystemConfig Subsystem used for interfacing with configuration coming from the core servers.
struct FRH_ServerTimeCacheAn object that caches information about server time and differences.

class URH_ConfigSubsystem

class URH_ConfigSubsystem
: public URH_GameInstanceSubsystemPlugin

Config Subsystem used for interfacing with configuration coming from the core servers.


public FKVsUpdatedDelegate OnKVsUpdatedDelegate that can be listented to for whenever KVs get updated from polling.
public FKVsUpdatedDynamicDelegate BLUEPRINT_OnKVsUpdatedDelegate that can be listented to for whenever KVs get updated from polling.
public FAppSettingsUpdatedDelegate AppSettingsUpdatedDelegateDelegate that can be listented to for whenever App Settings get updated from polling.
public FSettingsUpdatedDelegate OnSettingsUpdatedDelegate that can be listented to for whenever Settings get updated from polling.
public FSettingsUpdatedDynamicDelegate BLUEPRINT_OnSettingsUpdatedDelegate that can be listented to for whenever Settings get updated from polling.
public virtual void Initialize()Initialize the subsystem.
public virtual void Deinitialize()Safely tears down the subsystem.
public virtual void FetchKVs(const FRH_GenericSuccessWithErrorBlock & Delegate)Requests the server for the latest KVs.
public void PollKVs(const FRH_PollCompleteFunc & Delegate)Pulses a FetchKVs call for the polling of KVs.
public inline const TMap< FString, FString > & GetKVs() constGets the map of all the Public KVs and their values.
public inline const TMap< FString, FString > & GetSecretKVs() constGets the map of all the Secret KVs and their values.
public inline bool GetKV(const FString & Key,FString & Value) constGets the value of a specific Publc KV.
public inline bool GetSecretKV(const FString & Key,FString & Value) constGets the value of a specific Secret KV.
public inline bool GetAnyKV(const FString & Key,FString & Value) constGets the value of a specific Publc or Secret KV (secret takes precidence.
public inline void FetchAppSettings(const FRH_GenericSuccessWithErrorBlock & Delegate)Requests the server for the latest App Settings.
public inline FORCEINLINE void FetchAppSettings(const FRH_GenericSuccessDelegate & Delegate)
public inline void PollAppSettings(const FRH_PollCompleteFunc & Delegate)Pulses a FetchAppSettings call for the polling of App Settings.
public inline const TMap< FString, FString > & GetAppSettings() constGets the map of all the App Settings and their values.
public inline bool GetAppSetting(const FString & Key,FString & Value) constGets the value of a specific App Setting.
public void TriggerHotfixProcessing()If hotfix settings are set, this starts the process of applying them to unreal assets.
public void StartKVsRefreshTimer()Starts the polling for KVs.
public void StopKVsRefreshTimer()Stops the polling for KVs.
public void RefreshServerTimeCache(const FRH_GenericSuccessWithErrorBlock & Delegate)Requests the server time cache to be updated.
public inline FORCEINLINE void RefreshServerTimeCache(const FRH_GenericSuccessBlock & Delegate)
public inline void BLUEPRINT_RefreshServerTimeCache(const FRH_GenericSuccessWithErrorDynamicDelegate & Delegate)
public inline const FRH_ServerTimeCache&GetServerTimeCache() constGets the server time cache object.
public inline bool GetServerTime(FDateTime & Time) constGets the approximate server time, if we have received one.
public inline bool GetServerTimeDrift(FTimespan & Timespan) constGets the approximate server time, if we have received one.
public bool GetHotfixTestValue() constGets if the hotfix system is enabled.
protected TMap< FString, FString > KVsMap of KVs by Key.
protected TMap< FString, FString > SecretKVsMap of secret (permissioned) KVs by Key.
protected FString KVsETagETag of last GetKVs call response.
protected FRH_AutoPollerPtr KVsPollerPoller responsible for KVs.
protected FRH_ServerTimeCache ServerTimeCacheCache data for storing time information from the API.
protected virtual void InitPropertiesWithDefaultValues()Initializes the subsystem with defaults for its cached data.
protected virtual void OnFetchKVs(const GetKVsAPIType::Response & Resp)Handles the response to a FetchKVs call.
typedef GetKVsAPIType


public FKVsUpdatedDelegate OnKVsUpdated

Delegate that can be listented to for whenever KVs get updated from polling.

#### `public FKVsUpdatedDynamicDelegate `[`BLUEPRINT_OnKVsUpdated`](#classURH__ConfigSubsystem_1a2fd1907dfa2ad9b46876c98bb47e88bb)

Delegate that can be listented to for whenever KVs get updated from polling.

#### `public FAppSettingsUpdatedDelegate `[`AppSettingsUpdatedDelegate`](#classURH__ConfigSubsystem_1a4a525f2ecb90941d1fc604cf9530f232)

Delegate that can be listented to for whenever App Settings get updated from polling.

#### `public FSettingsUpdatedDelegate `[`OnSettingsUpdated`](#classURH__ConfigSubsystem_1ae1e142e7cd1617f8c6dfea4025da1f51)

Delegate that can be listented to for whenever Settings get updated from polling.

#### `public FSettingsUpdatedDynamicDelegate `[`BLUEPRINT_OnSettingsUpdated`](#classURH__ConfigSubsystem_1a6cd9170e3b5adf90d10225eeaeeab310)

Delegate that can be listented to for whenever Settings get updated from polling.

#### `public virtual void `[`Initialize`](#classURH__ConfigSubsystem_1a5b2aa7a3ec7d38edff89acd5419dea8f)`()`

Initialize the subsystem.

#### `public virtual void `[`Deinitialize`](#classURH__ConfigSubsystem_1a3772586395855d20b68419525357d482)`()`

Safely tears down the subsystem.

#### `public virtual void `[`FetchKVs`](#classURH__ConfigSubsystem_1a79d77433c4d5f4c671fc1ecadf1645bd)`(const FRH_GenericSuccessWithErrorBlock & Delegate)`

Requests the server for the latest KVs.


  • Delegate Delegate to call when the request is complete.

#### `public void `[`PollKVs`](#classURH__ConfigSubsystem_1aac6461308740848ec368388c5793f5c8)`(const FRH_PollCompleteFunc & Delegate)`

Pulses a FetchKVs call for the polling of KVs.


  • Delegate Delegate to call when the request is complete.

#### `public inline const TMap< FString, FString > & `[`GetKVs`](#classURH__ConfigSubsystem_1a757de9fcdf1e5cb32f566f9415f79921)`() const`

Gets the map of all the Public KVs and their values.


Map of all the Public KVs and their values

#### `public inline const TMap< FString, FString > & `[`GetSecretKVs`](#classURH__ConfigSubsystem_1a497dcf0e98da8e43f59e11a577d81da1)`() const`

Gets the map of all the Secret KVs and their values.


Map of all the Secret KVs and their values

#### `public inline bool `[`GetKV`](#classURH__ConfigSubsystem_1aa1248874924178b0be7b383b09fb095b)`(const FString & Key,FString & Value) const`

Gets the value of a specific Publc KV.


  • Key Key of the KV to get the value of.

  • Value Value of the KV.


if true, a Value was found for the Key.

#### `public inline bool `[`GetSecretKV`](#classURH__ConfigSubsystem_1abe02b79f2b4fc1c152b75a7d9892c9d4)`(const FString & Key,FString & Value) const`

Gets the value of a specific Secret KV.


  • Key Key of the KV to get the value of.

  • Value Value of the KV.


if true, a Value was found for the Key.

#### `public inline bool `[`GetAnyKV`](#classURH__ConfigSubsystem_1ac5caaee0e2aa29122861d5b45ee3d41c)`(const FString & Key,FString & Value) const`

Gets the value of a specific Publc or Secret KV (secret takes precidence.


  • Key Key of the KV to get the value of.

  • Value Value of the KV.


if true, a Value was found for the Key.

#### `public inline void `[`FetchAppSettings`](#classURH__ConfigSubsystem_1ad403c4ca8a27ea7c655e90a284dc78d5)`(const FRH_GenericSuccessWithErrorBlock & Delegate)`

Requests the server for the latest App Settings.


  • Delegate Delegate to call when the request is complete.

#### `public inline FORCEINLINE void `[`FetchAppSettings`](#classURH__ConfigSubsystem_1a50fe9c7e6cff1c087b90a9a260589d42)`(const FRH_GenericSuccessDelegate & Delegate)`
#### `public inline void `[`PollAppSettings`](#classURH__ConfigSubsystem_1af54aaef08b3ea1cde7002a1d9c799f5e)`(const FRH_PollCompleteFunc & Delegate)`

Pulses a FetchAppSettings call for the polling of App Settings.


  • Delegate Delegate to call when the request is complete.

#### `public inline const TMap< FString, FString > & `[`GetAppSettings`](#classURH__ConfigSubsystem_1a5dc66896184c8dfb91dd2be05adbf885)`() const`

Gets the map of all the App Settings and their values.


Map of all the App Settings and their values

#### `public inline bool `[`GetAppSetting`](#classURH__ConfigSubsystem_1aa720f15382278f6dc7843fd813f7c055)`(const FString & Key,FString & Value) const`

Gets the value of a specific App Setting.


  • Key Key of the App Setting to get the value of.

  • Value Value of the App Setting.


if true, a Value was found for the Key.

#### `public void `[`TriggerHotfixProcessing`](#classURH__ConfigSubsystem_1a524f29aaf89857bd7bbb75ee8a4a47a6)`()`

If hotfix settings are set, this starts the process of applying them to unreal assets.

#### `public void `[`StartKVsRefreshTimer`](#classURH__ConfigSubsystem_1a2159e9b6bb06f03fa2f53216672e46fe)`()`

Starts the polling for KVs.

#### `public void `[`StopKVsRefreshTimer`](#classURH__ConfigSubsystem_1aba0146f1ca8686280cf28153330388bc)`()`

Stops the polling for KVs.

#### `public void `[`RefreshServerTimeCache`](#classURH__ConfigSubsystem_1afeee33613fe6dfd83ad7b2a8b8a82397)`(const FRH_GenericSuccessWithErrorBlock & Delegate)`

Requests the server time cache to be updated.

#### `public inline FORCEINLINE void `[`RefreshServerTimeCache`](#classURH__ConfigSubsystem_1a40ee1a749620c20841273b8ace40d721)`(const FRH_GenericSuccessBlock & Delegate)`
#### `public inline void `[`BLUEPRINT_RefreshServerTimeCache`](#classURH__ConfigSubsystem_1a5c4610a7f6baf7d8b3d6b385b8318232)`(const FRH_GenericSuccessWithErrorDynamicDelegate & Delegate)`
#### `public inline const `[`FRH_ServerTimeCache`](` & `[`GetServerTimeCache`](#classURH__ConfigSubsystem_1a15bf58f4b62f9d9f638c2ceae633c474)`() const`

Gets the server time cache object.

#### `public inline bool `[`GetServerTime`](#classURH__ConfigSubsystem_1a946dd5b6f7306f98540241a22a02bb4a)`(FDateTime & Time) const`

Gets the approximate server time, if we have received one.


  • Time The approximate server time.


True if we have received a server time, false otherwise.

#### `public inline bool `[`GetServerTimeDrift`](#classURH__ConfigSubsystem_1a8c858f002ca9de0d0c656e2dad1d08a8)`(FTimespan & Timespan) const`

Gets the approximate server time, if we have received one.


  • Timespan The approximate server time drift


True if we have received a server time, false otherwise.

#### `public bool `[`GetHotfixTestValue`](#classURH__ConfigSubsystem_1a36219ba1c46c10df675d0fe546fc31b4)`() const`

Gets if the hotfix system is enabled.


Gets if enabled.

#### `protected TMap< FString, FString > `[`KVs`](#classURH__ConfigSubsystem_1a1e87c42ea752046a6f1451ef8b0af7fb)

Map of KVs by Key.

#### `protected TMap< FString, FString > `[`SecretKVs`](#classURH__ConfigSubsystem_1a85df31c77b24ace44b6db77db74bb051)

Map of secret (permissioned) KVs by Key.

#### `protected FString `[`KVsETag`](#classURH__ConfigSubsystem_1ad27491fc5b8ddc1e7479a642579d721f)

ETag of last GetKVs call response.

#### `protected FRH_AutoPollerPtr `[`KVsPoller`](#classURH__ConfigSubsystem_1aa886fb633317ba0538aec00464604ba6)

Poller responsible for KVs.

#### `protected `[`FRH_ServerTimeCache`](` `[`ServerTimeCache`](#classURH__ConfigSubsystem_1a89412dc101f8e23d7715719f46ac079a)

Cache data for storing time information from the API.

#### `protected virtual void `[`InitPropertiesWithDefaultValues`](#classURH__ConfigSubsystem_1ad979b4e471d7be71b35798bd79547e7b)`()`

Initializes the subsystem with defaults for its cached data.

#### `protected virtual void `[`OnFetchKVs`](#classURH__ConfigSubsystem_1ae09c88d61a5e98e23756a2abc6f6ebb3)`(const GetKVsAPIType::Response & Resp)`

Handles the response to a FetchKVs call.


  • Resp Response given for the call

  • Delegate Delegate passed in for original call to respond to when call completes.

#### `typedef `[`GetKVsAPIType`](#classURH__ConfigSubsystem_1abb6be8f99a9217fb5704e5e4ad9de8cb)
## struct `FRH_ServerTimeCache`

An object that caches information about server time and differences.


public FDateTime LastReceivedServerDateTimeThe timestamp received during the most recent update from the server.
public FDateTime LastReceivedServerAtTimeThe time we received the most recent update from the server.
public inline FRH_ServerTimeCache()Constructor.
public inline bool GetServerTime(FDateTime & Time) constGets the approximate server time, if we have received one.
public inline bool GetServerTimeDrift(FTimespan & Timespan) constGets the approximate server time, if we have received one.
public inline void ImportAPITime(const RallyHereAPI::FResponse_GetUtcTime & Time)Imports data from the server response.


public FDateTime LastReceivedServerDateTime

The timestamp received during the most recent update from the server.

#### `public FDateTime `[`LastReceivedServerAtTime`](#structFRH__ServerTimeCache_1af3fc128d16c059cb4420ca5841a91d20)

The time we received the most recent update from the server.

#### `public inline `[`FRH_ServerTimeCache`](#structFRH__ServerTimeCache_1a4b895cff8968b4e82df5e794376b8168)`()`


#### `public inline bool `[`GetServerTime`](#structFRH__ServerTimeCache_1aaa54f6ae4bddd94bc4665ae40f69dae6)`(FDateTime & Time) const`

Gets the approximate server time, if we have received one.


  • Time The approximate server time.


True if we have received a server time, false otherwise.

#### `public inline bool `[`GetServerTimeDrift`](#structFRH__ServerTimeCache_1a777a359d346cb75f394b622844fa6f68)`(FTimespan & Timespan) const`

Gets the approximate server time, if we have received one.


  • Timespan The approximate server time drift


True if we have received a server time, false otherwise.

#### `public inline void `[`ImportAPITime`](#structFRH__ServerTimeCache_1a5b805808b827d56da61fe16ecd38cf20)`(const RallyHereAPI::FResponse_GetUtcTime & Time)`

Imports data from the server response.


  • Time the time data to import