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class URH_SubsystemPluginBaseBase class for subsystem plugins.
class URH_LocalPlayerSubsystemPluginLocal Player Subsystem Plugin.
class URH_GameInstanceSubsystemPluginGame Instace Subsystem Plugin.
class URH_SandboxedSubsystemPluginA plugin that can exist on the game instance as a global cache, or optionally on the local player as a sandboxed plugin.

class URH_SubsystemPluginBase

class URH_SubsystemPluginBase
: public UObject

Base class for subsystem plugins.


public FAuthContextPtr GetAuthContextGets the auth context for the plugin to use, override to provide functionality.
public virtual void Initialize()Initialize the subsystem plugin.
public virtual void Deinitialize()Safely tears down the subsystem plugin.


public FAuthContextPtr GetAuthContext

Gets the auth context for the plugin to use, override to provide functionality.

#### `public virtual void `[`Initialize`](#classURH__SubsystemPluginBase_1a4b880c273e8ef942f0c640c7df6e8a79)`()`

Initialize the subsystem plugin.

#### `public virtual void `[`Deinitialize`](#classURH__SubsystemPluginBase_1a0cc2784f9201bcf69a7f12ff9cb8de12)`()`

Safely tears down the subsystem plugin.

## class `URH_LocalPlayerSubsystemPlugin`
class URH_LocalPlayerSubsystemPlugin
: public URH_SubsystemPluginBase

Local Player Subsystem Plugin.


public virtual FAuthContextPtr GetAuthContext() constGets the local players Auth Context.
public virtual URH_LocalPlayerSubsystem*GetLocalPlayerSubsystem() constGets the Local Player Subsystem.
public virtual URH_GameInstanceSubsystem*GetGameInstanceSubsystem() constGet the Game Instance Subsystem.
public inline virtual void OnUserChanged()Base handling when the local user changes, override to provide functionality.
public inline virtual void OnUserChanged(const FGuid & OldPlayerUuid,class URH_PlayerInfo * OldLocalPlayerInfo)Base handling when the local user changes, override to provide functionality.


public virtual FAuthContextPtr GetAuthContext() const

Gets the local players Auth Context.

#### `public virtual `[`URH_LocalPlayerSubsystem`](` * `[`GetLocalPlayerSubsystem`](#classURH__LocalPlayerSubsystemPlugin_1a1563225099f0ccab0dde6b7a0937756d)`() const`

Gets the Local Player Subsystem.

#### `public virtual `[`URH_GameInstanceSubsystem`](` * `[`GetGameInstanceSubsystem`](#classURH__LocalPlayerSubsystemPlugin_1a0467468e4d19b5bd06c558cde90ef7e4)`() const`

Get the Game Instance Subsystem.

#### `public inline virtual void `[`OnUserChanged`](#classURH__LocalPlayerSubsystemPlugin_1a31753089540e2916c9c19925c4804f68)`()`

Base handling when the local user changes, override to provide functionality.

#### `public inline virtual void `[`OnUserChanged`](#classURH__LocalPlayerSubsystemPlugin_1ad7c83133c0053de9a5cd4d58cf2af0bc)`(const FGuid & OldPlayerUuid,class `[`URH_PlayerInfo`](` * OldLocalPlayerInfo)`

Base handling when the local user changes, override to provide functionality.


  • OldPlayerUuid The old player Uuid.

  • OldLocalPlayerInfo The old local player info.

## class `URH_GameInstanceSubsystemPlugin`
class URH_GameInstanceSubsystemPlugin
: public URH_SubsystemPluginBase

Game Instace Subsystem Plugin.


public virtual FAuthContextPtr GetAuthContext() constGets the game instance Auth Context.
public virtual URH_GameInstanceSubsystem*GetGameInstanceSubsystem() constGet the Game Instance Subsystem.


public virtual FAuthContextPtr GetAuthContext() const

Gets the game instance Auth Context.

#### `public virtual `[`URH_GameInstanceSubsystem`](` * `[`GetGameInstanceSubsystem`](#classURH__GameInstanceSubsystemPlugin_1a49c39e1714e1e281ef931a7bd92e32d6)`() const`

Get the Game Instance Subsystem.

## class `URH_SandboxedSubsystemPlugin`
class URH_SandboxedSubsystemPlugin
: public URH_GameInstanceSubsystemPlugin

A plugin that can exist on the game instance as a global cache, or optionally on the local player as a sandboxed plugin.


public virtual FAuthContextPtr GetAuthContext() constGets the game instance Auth Context.
public virtual URH_GameInstanceSubsystem*GetGameInstanceSubsystem() constGet the Game Instance Subsystem.
protected virtual URH_LocalPlayerSubsystem*GetLocalPlayerSubsystem() constGets the Local Player Subsystem.


public virtual FAuthContextPtr GetAuthContext() const

Gets the game instance Auth Context.

#### `public virtual `[`URH_GameInstanceSubsystem`](` * `[`GetGameInstanceSubsystem`](#classURH__SandboxedSubsystemPlugin_1adba25e1be3399c18148730efc0c9c9cb)`() const`

Get the Game Instance Subsystem.

#### `protected virtual `[`URH_LocalPlayerSubsystem`](` * `[`GetLocalPlayerSubsystem`](#classURH__SandboxedSubsystemPlugin_1a5b6ebbd31b25c5224ef36bdde19b9716)`() const`

Gets the Local Player Subsystem.