Create Stride Entry
POST /v1/sandbox/{sandbox_id}/match-making-stride/{match_making_stride_id}/match-making-stride-entry
Create a new MatchMakingStrideEntries in a MatchMakingStride
Requires permission sandbox:config:edit.
Path Parameters
Sandbox ID
Sandbox ID
Request Body required
How many partitions are created at this point in the stride
How far into adjacent skill partitions overlap when trying to match players together
The minimum popluation required to use this step of the stride
Successful Response
How many partitions are created at this point in the stride
How far into adjacent skill partitions overlap when trying to match players together
The minimum popluation required to use this step of the stride
ID of the Sandbox
Account ID of the user who last modified the resource
Timestamp of when the resource was last modified
Timestamp of when this resource was created
Which MatchMakingStride this entry belongs to
ID to uniquely identify this MatchMakingStrideEntry
Validation Error