Get All Profiles
GET /v1/sandbox/{sandbox_id}/match-making-profile
Get all MatchMakingProfiles in a sandbox
Requires any of permissions: sandbox:config:view, sandbox:config:edit
Path Parameters
Sandbox ID
Sandbox ID
Query Parameters
The maximum number of elements to be returned per call
The maximum number of elements to be returned per call
Cursor to designate where you are in iterating through values. Start with ‘0’, and pass this on subsequent calls to continue iteration
Cursor to designate where you are in iterating through values. Start with '0', and pass this on subsequent calls to continue iteration
Successful Response
Cursor to designate where you are in iterating through values. Start with ‘0’, and pass this on subsequent calls to continue iteration
List of MatchMakingProfiles
This mixin is meant to give a set of common properties to root config models
Name of the resource
Description of the resource
Custom data associated with the resource
Flag determining whether or not this profile will actively be ticked
What mode to set on the MatchMakingProfile (normal, etc)
Which rank this queue should use MMR from to make matches from, and update at the end of match (1v1 MMR or 2v2 MMR for example)
The number of sides a game in this queue will have (2 in a 1v1 and 3 in a 1v1v1 for example
The minimum number of players that can be on each team
The maximum number of players that can be on each team
The minimum number of players that can be on a single linking (a party)
The maximum number of players that can be on a single linking (a party)
The maximum difference in players per side when generating a match from this profile
Which instance request template is used for matches generated from this profile
Which matchmaking strides should be used to divide the queue population
Which set of CrossplayPartitions rules should be used when generating matches in this profile
Which deserter will be checked before a session is allowed to put themselves in matchmaking for this profile
JSON config for decaying minimum team sizes over time
The minimum size this taskforce can decay to
How big the taskforce should be before any decay has occurred
At what rate should the decay occur. 1 is linear, 2 quadratic etc
How many minutes it will take for the taskforce size to fully decay
JSON config about which matchmaking function should be used to try and propose matches for this profile
The name of the matchmaking function that will be used to propose matches
Which port the specified matchmaking function listens on
Which client type the specified matchmaking function uses
Which MatchMakingFunction to use. If specified as CUSTOM_MMF, a Custom MMF ID must be provided.
Old config used by Legacy systems. These values are ignored by the current APIs
Queue type
How many taskforces are in a match
The message id of this Profile
The description message id of this Profile
Whether matches should award xp
Whether matches should award achievements
Whether or not rewards have a level limit
The server tick rate
Tick rate threshold before the instance is considered fubar
How long to wait to allow players to connect
The threshold of acceptable physics
Which performance group instances for this match belong to
The game mode ValidValue
How frequently a match should be surveyed
Whether or not players should be allowed to choose their own taskforce
Whether or not client stats should be recorded
How frequently stats should be written to the DB
Minimum number of players required on each team
Maximum number of players allowed on each team
Whether or not these matches can be spectated without a delay
Queue id
Whether or not leaving these matches should give deserter
Rank id
Game type ValidValue
Whether or not game should be hosted as P2P
Flag determining whether or not backfill objects should be created when generating matches in this profile
What type of session should be created as the result of matchmaking in this profile
Settings to establish the required quality of matches.
The quality threshold that this profile will start trying to match with
The max amount of time we will try to create matches before quality will be disregarded
Method used to decay the required quality of matches over time. Currently only ‘two_term_quadratic’ is supported
Account ID of the user who last modified the resource
Timestamp of when the resource was last modified
Timestamp of when this resource was created
ID to uniquely identify this MatchMakingProfile
Validation Error