Get Crossplay Pool Tags For Pool
GET /v1/sandbox/{sandbox_id}/crossplay-pool/{crossplay_pool_id}/crossplay-pool-tag
Get all CrossplayPoolTags in a specific CrossplayPool for a sandbox Requires any of permissions: sandbox:config:view, sandbox:config:edit
Path Parameters
Sandbox ID
Sandbox ID
Query Parameters
The maximum number of elements to be returned per call
The maximum number of elements to be returned per call
Cursor to designate where you are in iterating through values. Start with ‘0’, and pass this on subsequent calls to continue iteration
Cursor to designate where you are in iterating through values. Start with '0', and pass this on subsequent calls to continue iteration
Successful Response
Cursor to designate where you are in iterating through values. Start with ‘0’, and pass this on subsequent calls to continue iteration
List of CrossplayPoolTagss
This mixin is meant to give a set of common properties to root config models
Name of the resource
Description of the resource
Custom data associated with the resource
The open-match tag to be added to the specific pool
Which CrossplayPool this CrossplayPoolTag belongs to
ID of the Sandbox
Account ID of the user who last modified the resource
Timestamp of when the resource was last modified
Timestamp of when this resource was created
ID to uniquely identify this CrossplayPoolTag
Validation Error