Get Mm Template
GET /v1/sandbox/{sandbox_id}/match-making-template/{match_making_template_id}
Get a specific MatchMakingTemplates in a sandbox
Requires any of permissions: sandbox:config:view, sandbox:config:edit
Path Parameters
Sandbox ID
Sandbox ID
Successful Response
ID to uniquely identify this MatchMakingTemplate
Which group of MatchMakingTemplates this template belongs to
What method should be used to calculate a group’s MMR based on the individual player’s ranks
Which ruleset needs to be satisfied to use this template
Which list of MatchMakingProfiles should be used with this template
Order in which this template will be used
Old config used by Legacy systems. These values are ignored by the current APIs
ID of the Sandbox
Account ID of the user who last modified the resource
Timestamp of when the resource was last modified
Ruleset to determine whether this template should be used
Name of the resource
Description of the resource
Custom data associated with the resource
Determiner for how many rules must be satisifed in this ruleset (all, any, one, none)
Which subset of players need to satisfy this ruleset for it to be considered valid
ID of the Sandbox
Account ID of the user who last modified the resource
Timestamp of when the resource was last modified
Timestamp of when this resource was created
ID to uniquely identify this MatchMakingRuleset
A list of the rules to be checked for this ruleset
This mixin is meant to give a set of common properties to root config models
Name of the resource
Description of the resource
Custom data associated with the resource
Which ruleset this MatchMakingRule belongs to
Which comparison operator is used when evaluating the rule
What item is being compared if this is an Inventory rule
What type of rule this is (determines what types of values are being compared)
What value is to be compared to
ID of the Sandbox
Account ID of the user who last modified the resource
Timestamp of when the resource was last modified
Timestamp of when this resource was created
ID to uniquely identify this MatchMakingRule
Validation Error