Get Rank
GET /v1/sandbox/{sandbox_id}/rank/{rank_id}
Get specific Rank in a sandbox
Requires any of permissions: sandbox:config:view, sandbox:config:edit
Path Parameters
Sandbox ID
Sandbox ID
Successful Response
This mixin is meant to give a set of common properties to root config models
Name of the resource
Description of the resource
Custom data associated with the resource
The maximum skill value that can be achieved in this Rank
The minimum skill value that can be achieved in this Rank
The minimum sigma value achievable in this Rank when calculating with the ranking calculations.
Default beta value for ranking calculations, which represents the distance in rating to have ~76% chance of winning for the higher rated player. The default is 4.167
Default mu value for ranking calculations, which represents player skill. The default is 25
Default sigma for ranking calculations, which represents the systems uncertainty on the player’s mu (higher values mean more uncertainty). The default is 8.333
Draw probability for ranking calculations. The default is 0.1
Tau represents the additive dynamic factor for ranking calculations. The higher the value, the more dynamic ratings will be (wins grant more, and losses lose more). The default value is 0.083
ID of the Sandbox
Account ID of the user who last modified the resource
Timestamp of when the resource was last modified
Timestamp of when this resource was created
Validation Error