Get All Queue Info
GET /session/v1/queues
Get all the available and active queues that sessions can try to join
Required Permissions:
- For any player (including themselves) any of:
Required Session Permissions: None DEPRECATED - Use the V2 endpoint instead
Query Parameters
Header Parameters
If you provide the ETag that matches the current ETag for this resource, a 304 response will be returned - indicating that the resource has not changed.
If you provide the ETag that matches the current ETag for this resource, a 304 response will be returned - indicating that the resource has not changed.
Successful Response
DEPRECATED - A list of configuration about queues
List of queues
DEPRECATED - V1 Configuration about a specific queue
ID to uniquely identify this queue
Flag for whether or not the queue is active, and can be joined or sessions created from it
Which rank this queue should use MMR from to make matches from, and update at the end of match (1v1 MMR or 2v2 MMR for example)
The number of sides a game in this queue will have (2 in a 1v1 and 3 in a 1v1v1 for example
The maximum number of players that can be on each team
The minimum number of players that can be on each team
The maximum size of a group that can join this queue
ID for which group of matchmaking templates/rules will be used when joining this queue
Used to identify this version of the content. Provide with a get request to avoid downloading the same data multiple times.
Validation Error