Get Match Making Templates V2
GET /session/v2/match-making-templates/{template_group_id}
Get match making templates, rules, and profiles for a template group. Groups can be found on the queue information
from the queues
config endpoints
Required Permissions:
- For any player (including themselves) any of:
Required Session Permissions: None DEPRECATED Use the V2 endpoint instead
Path Parameters
Header Parameters
If you provide the ETag that matches the current ETag for this resource, a 304 response will be returned - indicating that the resource has not changed.
If you provide the ETag that matches the current ETag for this resource, a 304 response will be returned - indicating that the resource has not changed.
Successful Response
A collection of MatchMakingTemplates that may be used when a session enters a queue. The first template that satisfies the necessary rules will be used
ID for this set of potential matchmaking templates
List of the different matchmaking templates that could be used. The config is chosen based on a set of rules in each MatchMakingTemplate object. If there are no rules, it’s the default template
Configuration about what rules must be satisfied to use this template, and what matchmaking profiles the ticket will be a part of
ID for this unique MatchMakingTemplate
What method should be used to calculate a group’s MMR based on the individual player’s ranks
A set of rules that determine whether or not this matchmaking config should be used.
A list of the rules to be checked for this ruleset
A rule to determine which MatchMakingTemplate should be used on a session entering matchmaking
What type of rule this is
Id of the item we are comparing if this is an inventory rule
Comparison operation to be performed
Value to compare to
Determiner of how many rules must be satisfied in this rulest (all, any, one, none)
Which members of a session must be validated to satisfy this ruleset
A list of which match making profiles are going to be created on the ticket
A profile that describes what pools of players a session will be a part of when matchmaking
ID of the matchmaking profile to join
What mode to set on the matchmaking profile (normal, backfill etc)
Which instance template to use when launching a match in this profile
Which rank this profile should use MMR from to make matches from, and update at the end of match (1v1 MMR or 2v2 MMR for example)
The number of sides a game in this profile will have (2 in a 1v1 and 3 in a 1v1v1 for example
The maximum number of players that can be on each team
The minimum number of players that can be on each team
Legacy config to help migrate clients
Which deserter this profile should check before allowing players to join matchmaking
What type of session should result from matchmaking on this profile
Set of all the item ids that are required to validate every rule contained in this template group
Whether or not the rulesets under this group will require us to query all players inventory, or just the leader’s
Used to identify this version of the content. Provide with a get request to avoid downloading the same data multiple times.
Validation Error