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public void RALLYHEREINTEGRATION_API CreateCustomDataAttributes(const TOptional< TMap< FString, FString >> & InCustomData,TArray< FAnalyticsEventAttribute > & Attributes)
public TSharedPtr< class IAnalyticsProvider > RALLYHEREINTEGRATION_API AutoCreateAnalyticsProvider()
public FORCEINLINE FJsonFragment JsonValueToFragment(const TSharedPtr< FJsonValue > & InJsonValue)
struct RHStandardEvents::FCorrelationStartEventEvent that is triggered at the start of the application and when we have generated a correlation_id to track events.
struct RHStandardEvents::FCorrelationEndEventThis event is triggered to mark the end of tracking events. Typically triggered when the client gracefully is closed.
struct RHStandardEvents::FClientDeviceEventRecords the first time a user launches an app and when device information changes.
struct RHStandardEvents::FInstanceJoinStartEventThis event is triggered when the player / game client has an instance to connect to and has started the process to connect to it.
struct RHStandardEvents::FInstanceJoinCompleteEventThis event is triggered when the player / game client has attempted to connect to the instance.This event will capture both the success and the failure to connect to an instance.
struct RHStandardEvents::FInstanceLeftEventThis event is triggered when a player / game client has disconnected from the instance.
struct RHStandardEvents::FInstanceHelloReceivedEventThis event is triggered when the host detects a hello signal from a player / game client attempting to connect to it.
struct RHStandardEvents::FInstanceLoginReceivedEventThis event is triggered when the host receives a login signal from a player / game client attempting to connect to it.
struct RHStandardEvents::FInstanceJoinReceivedEventThis event is triggered when the host receives a join signal from a player / game client attempting to connect to it.
struct RHStandardEvents::FInstanceClientDisconnectEventThis event is triggered when the host detects a client disconnection (either caused by it, or by the client).
struct RHStandardEvents::FLoginStartEventThis event is triggered at the start of the client login process.
struct RHStandardEvents::FLoginCompleteEventThis event is triggered when the login process has completed.This event is meant to capture both successful and failed login attempts.
struct RHStandardEvents::FObjectiveProgressEventThis event is meant to be triggered when a player has earned progress on an objective.The RHIntegration Plugin will not automatically trigger this, but this event is something that RallyHere will process and have an understanding of the data.
struct RHStandardEvents::FPlayerGameResultEventThis event is meant to capture high level information about a completed match.
struct RHStandardEvents::FPlatformPurchaseEventThis event is triggered when processing of a real money purchase has been completed.
struct RHStandardEvents::FCustomEventThis is a wrapper for providing custom event data.


public void RALLYHEREINTEGRATION_API CreateCustomDataAttributes(const TOptional< TMap< FString, FString >> & InCustomData,TArray< FAnalyticsEventAttribute > & Attributes)

public TSharedPtr< class IAnalyticsProvider > RALLYHEREINTEGRATION_API AutoCreateAnalyticsProvider()

public FORCEINLINE FJsonFragment JsonValueToFragment(const TSharedPtr< FJsonValue > & InJsonValue)

struct RHStandardEvents::FCorrelationStartEvent

Event that is triggered at the start of the application and when we have generated a correlation_id to track events.



public FString PlatformNameUsed for tracking platform enumerations.List of possible values.
public FString ClientBuildVersionThe build version of the client.
public FString EngineVersionThe version of the engine.
public FString IntegrationPluginVersionThe version of the integration plugin.
public FString ClientTimestampThe client timestamp when the event was triggered.
public TOptional< FString > ServerTimestampThe client’s estimated server timestamp when the event was triggered.
public TOptional< FString > CommandLineArgThe command line arguments passed to the client.
public TOptional< bool > IsEditorWhether the client is running in editor mode.
public TOptional< FString > ModeThe mode the client is running in.
public TOptional< TMap< FString, FString > > CustomDatacustom data fields (will be auto-prefixed with custom data prefix)
public inline FCorrelationStartEvent()
public inline void EmitTo(TSharedPtr< IAnalyticsProvider > Provider) const


public FString PlatformName

Used for tracking platform enumerations.List of possible values.

public FString ClientBuildVersion

The build version of the client.

public FString EngineVersion

The version of the engine.

public FString IntegrationPluginVersion

The version of the integration plugin.

public FString ClientTimestamp

The client timestamp when the event was triggered.

public TOptional< FString > ServerTimestamp

The client’s estimated server timestamp when the event was triggered.

public TOptional< FString > CommandLineArg

The command line arguments passed to the client.

public TOptional< bool > IsEditor

Whether the client is running in editor mode.

public TOptional< FString > Mode

The mode the client is running in.

public TOptional< TMap< FString, FString > > CustomData

custom data fields (will be auto-prefixed with custom data prefix)

public inline FCorrelationStartEvent()

public inline void EmitTo(TSharedPtr< IAnalyticsProvider > Provider) const

struct RHStandardEvents::FCorrelationEndEvent

This event is triggered to mark the end of tracking events. Typically triggered when the client gracefully is closed.



public TOptional< FString > ReasonThe reason for the correlation to end.
public TOptional< float > DurationSecondsThe duration of the correlation.
public TOptional< TMap< FString, FString > > CustomDatacustom data fields (will be auto-prefixed with custom data prefix)
public inline FCorrelationEndEvent()
public inline void EmitTo(TSharedPtr< IAnalyticsProvider > Provider) const


public TOptional< FString > Reason

The reason for the correlation to end.

public TOptional< float > DurationSeconds

The duration of the correlation.

public TOptional< TMap< FString, FString > > CustomData

custom data fields (will be auto-prefixed with custom data prefix)

public inline FCorrelationEndEvent()

public inline void EmitTo(TSharedPtr< IAnalyticsProvider > Provider) const

struct RHStandardEvents::FClientDeviceEvent

Records the first time a user launches an app and when device information changes.



public TOptional< FString > CpuTypeThe type of CPU.
public TOptional< int32 > CpuCoresThe number of logical CPU cores.
public TOptional< FString > GpuTypeThe reference of the GPU(brand name and model)
public TOptional< int32 > ScreenHeightMaximum known number of height pixels(dpi)
public TOptional< int32 > ScreenWidthMaximum known number of width pixels(dpi)
public TOptional< int32 > RamTotalSize of the RAM on the device in megabytes.
public TOptional< int32 > RamAvailableSize of the available RAM on the device in megabytes.
public TOptional< FString > IpThis is the IP of the game client.
public TOptional< FString > DeviceTypeThis will be then platform the game client is running on.
public TOptional< TMap< FString, FString > > CustomDatacustom data fields (will be auto-prefixed with custom data prefix)
public inline FClientDeviceEvent()
public inline void EmitTo(TSharedPtr< IAnalyticsProvider > Provider) const


public TOptional< FString > CpuType

The type of CPU.

public TOptional< int32 > CpuCores

The number of logical CPU cores.

public TOptional< FString > GpuType

The reference of the GPU(brand name and model)

public TOptional< int32 > ScreenHeight

Maximum known number of height pixels(dpi)

public TOptional< int32 > ScreenWidth

Maximum known number of width pixels(dpi)

public TOptional< int32 > RamTotal

Size of the RAM on the device in megabytes.

public TOptional< int32 > RamAvailable

Size of the available RAM on the device in megabytes.

public TOptional< FString > Ip

This is the IP of the game client.

public TOptional< FString > DeviceType

This will be then platform the game client is running on.

public TOptional< TMap< FString, FString > > CustomData

custom data fields (will be auto-prefixed with custom data prefix)

public inline FClientDeviceEvent()

public inline void EmitTo(TSharedPtr< IAnalyticsProvider > Provider) const

struct RHStandardEvents::FInstanceJoinStartEvent

This event is triggered when the player / game client has an instance to connect to and has started the process to connect to it.



public TOptional< FString > SessionIdThe session_id of the instance the player is attempting to join.
public TOptional< FString > InstanceIdThe instance_id of the instance the player is attempting to join.
public TOptional< FString > ConnectionStringThe connection string of the instance the player is attempting to join.
public TOptional< TMap< FString, FString > > CustomDatacustom data fields (will be auto-prefixed with custom data prefix)
public inline FInstanceJoinStartEvent()
public inline void EmitTo(TSharedPtr< IAnalyticsProvider > Provider) const


public TOptional< FString > SessionId

The session_id of the instance the player is attempting to join.

public TOptional< FString > InstanceId

The instance_id of the instance the player is attempting to join.

public TOptional< FString > ConnectionString

The connection string of the instance the player is attempting to join.

public TOptional< TMap< FString, FString > > CustomData

custom data fields (will be auto-prefixed with custom data prefix)

public inline FInstanceJoinStartEvent()

public inline void EmitTo(TSharedPtr< IAnalyticsProvider > Provider) const

struct RHStandardEvents::FInstanceJoinCompleteEvent

This event is triggered when the player / game client has attempted to connect to the instance.This event will capture both the success and the failure to connect to an instance.



public bool IsSuccessWhether or not the join was an overall success.
public TOptional< FString > SessionIdThe session_id of the instance the player is attempting to join.
public TOptional< FString > InstanceIdThe instance_id of the instance the player is attempting to join.
public TOptional< FString > ReasonThe reason for the failure to join the instance.
public TOptional< TMap< FString, FString > > CustomDatacustom data fields (will be auto-prefixed with custom data prefix)
public inline FInstanceJoinCompleteEvent()
public inline void EmitTo(TSharedPtr< IAnalyticsProvider > Provider) const


public bool IsSuccess

Whether or not the join was an overall success.

public TOptional< FString > SessionId

The session_id of the instance the player is attempting to join.

public TOptional< FString > InstanceId

The instance_id of the instance the player is attempting to join.

public TOptional< FString > Reason

The reason for the failure to join the instance.

public TOptional< TMap< FString, FString > > CustomData

custom data fields (will be auto-prefixed with custom data prefix)

public inline FInstanceJoinCompleteEvent()

public inline void EmitTo(TSharedPtr< IAnalyticsProvider > Provider) const

struct RHStandardEvents::FInstanceLeftEvent

This event is triggered when a player / game client has disconnected from the instance.



public TOptional< FString > SessionIdThe session_id of the instance the player is leaving.
public TOptional< FString > InstanceIdThe instance_id of the instance the player is leaving.
public TOptional< FString > ReasonThe reason for the player leaving the instance.
public TOptional< TMap< FString, FString > > CustomDatacustom data fields (will be auto-prefixed with custom data prefix)
public inline FInstanceLeftEvent()
public inline void EmitTo(TSharedPtr< IAnalyticsProvider > Provider) const


public TOptional< FString > SessionId

The session_id of the instance the player is leaving.

public TOptional< FString > InstanceId

The instance_id of the instance the player is leaving.

public TOptional< FString > Reason

The reason for the player leaving the instance.

public TOptional< TMap< FString, FString > > CustomData

custom data fields (will be auto-prefixed with custom data prefix)

public inline FInstanceLeftEvent()

public inline void EmitTo(TSharedPtr< IAnalyticsProvider > Provider) const

struct RHStandardEvents::FInstanceHelloReceivedEvent

This event is triggered when the host detects a hello signal from a player / game client attempting to connect to it.



public TOptional< FString > SessionIdThe session_id of the instance the player is attempting to join.
public TOptional< FString > InstanceIdThe instance_id of the instance the player is attempting to join.
public TOptional< FGuid > UserIdThe user id of the instance the player is attempting to join.
public TOptional< FString > IpAddressThe incoming IP Address the connection is originating from.
public TOptional< TMap< FString, FString > > CustomDatacustom data fields (will be auto-prefixed with custom data prefix)
public inline FInstanceHelloReceivedEvent()
public inline void EmitTo(TSharedPtr< IAnalyticsProvider > Provider) const


public TOptional< FString > SessionId

The session_id of the instance the player is attempting to join.

public TOptional< FString > InstanceId

The instance_id of the instance the player is attempting to join.

public TOptional< FGuid > UserId

The user id of the instance the player is attempting to join.

public TOptional< FString > IpAddress

The incoming IP Address the connection is originating from.

public TOptional< TMap< FString, FString > > CustomData

custom data fields (will be auto-prefixed with custom data prefix)

public inline FInstanceHelloReceivedEvent()

public inline void EmitTo(TSharedPtr< IAnalyticsProvider > Provider) const

struct RHStandardEvents::FInstanceLoginReceivedEvent

This event is triggered when the host receives a login signal from a player / game client attempting to connect to it.



public bool IsSuccess
public TOptional< FString > SessionIdThe session_id of the instance the player is attempting to join.
public TOptional< FString > InstanceIdThe instance_id of the instance the player is attempting to join.
public TOptional< FGuid > UserIdThe user id of the instance the player is attempting to join.
public TOptional< FString > PlatformUserIdPlatform UserId of the player.
public TOptional< FString > PlatformIdPlatform Id of the player.
public TOptional< FString > ConnectionStringThe connection string the player is attempting to join with.
public TOptional< FSplitJoinInfo>SplitJoinInfothe split join info for this connection
public TOptional< TMap< FString, FString > > CustomDatacustom data fields (will be auto-prefixed with custom data prefix)
public inline FInstanceLoginReceivedEvent()
public inline void EmitTo(TSharedPtr< IAnalyticsProvider > Provider) const


public bool IsSuccess

public TOptional< FString > SessionId

The session_id of the instance the player is attempting to join.

public TOptional< FString > InstanceId

The instance_id of the instance the player is attempting to join.

public TOptional< FGuid > UserId

The user id of the instance the player is attempting to join.

public TOptional< FString > PlatformUserId

Platform UserId of the player.

public TOptional< FString > PlatformId

Platform Id of the player.

public TOptional< FString > ConnectionString

The connection string the player is attempting to join with.

public TOptional< FSplitJoinInfo>SplitJoinInfo

the split join info for this connection

public TOptional< TMap< FString, FString > > CustomData

custom data fields (will be auto-prefixed with custom data prefix)

public inline FInstanceLoginReceivedEvent()

public inline void EmitTo(TSharedPtr< IAnalyticsProvider > Provider) const

struct RHStandardEvents::FInstanceJoinReceivedEvent

This event is triggered when the host receives a join signal from a player / game client attempting to connect to it.



public bool IsSuccess
public TOptional< FString > SessionIdThe session_id of the instance the player is attempting to join.
public TOptional< FString > InstanceIdThe instance_id of the instance the player is attempting to join.
public TOptional< FGuid > UserIdThe user id of the instance the player is attempting to join.
public TOptional< TMap< FString, FString > > CustomDatacustom data fields (will be auto-prefixed with custom data prefix)
public inline FInstanceJoinReceivedEvent()
public inline void EmitTo(TSharedPtr< IAnalyticsProvider > Provider) const


public bool IsSuccess

public TOptional< FString > SessionId

The session_id of the instance the player is attempting to join.

public TOptional< FString > InstanceId

The instance_id of the instance the player is attempting to join.

public TOptional< FGuid > UserId

The user id of the instance the player is attempting to join.

public TOptional< TMap< FString, FString > > CustomData

custom data fields (will be auto-prefixed with custom data prefix)

public inline FInstanceJoinReceivedEvent()

public inline void EmitTo(TSharedPtr< IAnalyticsProvider > Provider) const

struct RHStandardEvents::FInstanceClientDisconnectEvent

This event is triggered when the host detects a client disconnection (either caused by it, or by the client).



public TOptional< FString > SessionIdThe session_id of the session.
public TOptional< FString > InstanceIdThe instance_id of the instance.
public TOptional< FGuid > UserIdThe user id of the instance the player disconnecting.
public TOptional< FString > ReasonThe reason for the disconnect, if known.
public TOptional< TMap< FString, FString > > CustomDatacustom data fields (will be auto-prefixed with custom data prefix)
public inline FInstanceClientDisconnectEvent()
public inline void EmitTo(TSharedPtr< IAnalyticsProvider > Provider) const


public TOptional< FString > SessionId

The session_id of the session.

public TOptional< FString > InstanceId

The instance_id of the instance.

public TOptional< FGuid > UserId

The user id of the instance the player disconnecting.

public TOptional< FString > Reason

The reason for the disconnect, if known.

public TOptional< TMap< FString, FString > > CustomData

custom data fields (will be auto-prefixed with custom data prefix)

public inline FInstanceClientDisconnectEvent()

public inline void EmitTo(TSharedPtr< IAnalyticsProvider > Provider) const

struct RHStandardEvents::FLoginStartEvent

This event is triggered at the start of the client login process.



public TOptional< FString > PlatformDisplayNamePlatform username / gamertag of the player.
public TOptional< TMap< FString, FString > > CustomDatacustom data fields (will be auto-prefixed with custom data prefix)
public inline FLoginStartEvent()
public inline void EmitTo(TSharedPtr< IAnalyticsProvider > Provider) const


public TOptional< FString > PlatformDisplayName

Platform username / gamertag of the player.

public TOptional< TMap< FString, FString > > CustomData

custom data fields (will be auto-prefixed with custom data prefix)

public inline FLoginStartEvent()

public inline void EmitTo(TSharedPtr< IAnalyticsProvider > Provider) const

struct RHStandardEvents::FLoginCompleteEvent

This event is triggered when the login process has completed.This event is meant to capture both successful and failed login attempts.



public FString PlatformUserIdPlatform UserId of the player.
public FString PlatformIdPlatform Id of the player.
public FString StatusThe status of the login attempt.
public TOptional< FString > PlatformDisplayNamePlatform username / gamertag of the player.
public TOptional< FString > PersonIdPersonId of the player.
public TOptional< FString > ReasonThe reason for the failure to login.
public TOptional< float > DurationSecondsThe duration of the login process.
public TOptional< FString > SubmitTimestampThe timestamp when the login process was submitted to the RH API.
public TOptional< FString > PlatformLoginCompleteTimestampThe timestamp when the login process was completed.
public TOptional< TMap< FString, FString > > CustomDatacustom data fields (will be auto-prefixed with custom data prefix)
public inline FLoginCompleteEvent()
public inline void EmitTo(TSharedPtr< IAnalyticsProvider > Provider) const


public FString PlatformUserId

Platform UserId of the player.

public FString PlatformId

Platform Id of the player.

public FString Status

The status of the login attempt.

public TOptional< FString > PlatformDisplayName

Platform username / gamertag of the player.

public TOptional< FString > PersonId

PersonId of the player.

public TOptional< FString > Reason

The reason for the failure to login.

public TOptional< float > DurationSeconds

The duration of the login process.

public TOptional< FString > SubmitTimestamp

The timestamp when the login process was submitted to the RH API.

public TOptional< FString > PlatformLoginCompleteTimestamp

The timestamp when the login process was completed.

public TOptional< TMap< FString, FString > > CustomData

custom data fields (will be auto-prefixed with custom data prefix)

public inline FLoginCompleteEvent()

public inline void EmitTo(TSharedPtr< IAnalyticsProvider > Provider) const

struct RHStandardEvents::FObjectiveProgressEvent

This event is meant to be triggered when a player has earned progress on an objective.The RHIntegration Plugin will not automatically trigger this, but this event is something that RallyHere will process and have an understanding of the data.



public FString CategoryA “bigger.smaller.smallest.tiny” formatted string.For example, in a UI element specification, this could be “hud.minimap.expandButton”.
public FString StatusGeneric status.
public TOptional< FString > ContextGeneric context, possibly escaped JSON.
public TOptional< FString > VendorIdVendor ID for the order.
public TOptional< FString > LootIdLoot ID for the order.
public TOptional< FString > ItemIdSpecific Item ID.
public TOptional< int32 > StartProgressThe quantity value before the progression event.
public TOptional< int32 > EndProgressThe quantity value after the progression event.
public TOptional< FString > ProviderIdIdentifier for the authentication provider.
public TOptional< FString > OrderRefIdOrder reference ID.
public TOptional< FString > OrderIdOrder identifier.
public TOptional< FString > OrderEntryIdOrder entry identifier.
public TOptional< FString > DescriptionGeneric description string.
public TOptional< FString > SessionIdA SessionID to be associated with this event (ex: for gameplay rewards)
public TOptional< FString > InstanceIdA InstanceId to be associated with this event (ex: for gameplay rewards)
public TOptional< TMap< FString, FString > > CustomDatacustom data fields (will be auto-prefixed with custom data prefix)
public inline FObjectiveProgressEvent()
public inline void EmitTo(TSharedPtr< IAnalyticsProvider > Provider) const


public FString Category

A “bigger.smaller.smallest.tiny” formatted string.For example, in a UI element specification, this could be “hud.minimap.expandButton”.

public FString Status

Generic status.

public TOptional< FString > Context

Generic context, possibly escaped JSON.

public TOptional< FString > VendorId

Vendor ID for the order.

public TOptional< FString > LootId

Loot ID for the order.

public TOptional< FString > ItemId

Specific Item ID.

public TOptional< int32 > StartProgress

The quantity value before the progression event.

public TOptional< int32 > EndProgress

The quantity value after the progression event.

public TOptional< FString > ProviderId

Identifier for the authentication provider.

public TOptional< FString > OrderRefId

Order reference ID.

public TOptional< FString > OrderId

Order identifier.

public TOptional< FString > OrderEntryId

Order entry identifier.

public TOptional< FString > Description

Generic description string.

public TOptional< FString > SessionId

A SessionID to be associated with this event (ex: for gameplay rewards)

public TOptional< FString > InstanceId

A InstanceId to be associated with this event (ex: for gameplay rewards)

public TOptional< TMap< FString, FString > > CustomData

custom data fields (will be auto-prefixed with custom data prefix)

public inline FObjectiveProgressEvent()

public inline void EmitTo(TSharedPtr< IAnalyticsProvider > Provider) const

struct RHStandardEvents::FPlayerGameResultEvent

This event is meant to capture high level information about a completed match.



public TOptional< int32 > PlacementThe placement of the player in the game
public TOptional< FString > GameSessionIdThe session_id of the game
public TOptional< FString > InstanceIdThe instance_id of the game within the session
public TOptional< float > DurationSecondsThe duration of the game in seconds
public TOptional< FString > TeamIdThe team_id of the player
public TOptional< FString > RoundThe round of the game
public TOptional< FString > PartySessionIdThe session_id of the party the player is in
public TOptional< bool > IsAfkKickedWhether the player was kicked for being AFK
public TOptional< bool > WasBackfilledWhether the player was backfilled into the game
public TOptional< FString > PrimaryInputTypeThe primary input type of the player
public TOptional< TMap< FString, FString > > CustomDatacustom data fields (will be auto-prefixed with custom data prefix)
public inline FPlayerGameResultEvent()
public inline void EmitTo(TSharedPtr< IAnalyticsProvider > Provider) const


public TOptional< int32 > Placement

The placement of the player in the game

public TOptional< FString > GameSessionId

The session_id of the game

public TOptional< FString > InstanceId

The instance_id of the game within the session

public TOptional< float > DurationSeconds

The duration of the game in seconds

public TOptional< FString > TeamId

The team_id of the player

public TOptional< FString > Round

The round of the game

public TOptional< FString > PartySessionId

The session_id of the party the player is in

public TOptional< bool > IsAfkKicked

Whether the player was kicked for being AFK

public TOptional< bool > WasBackfilled

Whether the player was backfilled into the game

public TOptional< FString > PrimaryInputType

The primary input type of the player

public TOptional< TMap< FString, FString > > CustomData

custom data fields (will be auto-prefixed with custom data prefix)

public inline FPlayerGameResultEvent()

public inline void EmitTo(TSharedPtr< IAnalyticsProvider > Provider) const

struct RHStandardEvents::FPlatformPurchaseEvent

This event is triggered when processing of a real money purchase has been completed.



public FCheckoutData CheckoutThe checkout data for the purchase
public FReceiptData ReceiptThe receipt data for the purchase
public FString StateThe state of the purchase
public TOptional< TMap< FString, FString > > CustomDatacustom data fields (will be auto-prefixed with custom data prefix)
public inline FPlatformPurchaseEvent()
public inline void EmitTo(TSharedPtr< IAnalyticsProvider > Provider) const


public FCheckoutData Checkout

The checkout data for the purchase

public FReceiptData Receipt

The receipt data for the purchase

public FString State

The state of the purchase

public TOptional< TMap< FString, FString > > CustomData

custom data fields (will be auto-prefixed with custom data prefix)

public inline FPlatformPurchaseEvent()

public inline void EmitTo(TSharedPtr< IAnalyticsProvider > Provider) const

struct RHStandardEvents::FCustomEvent

This is a wrapper for providing custom event data.


public FString EventNameName of the event.
public TArray< FAnalyticsEventAttribute > AttributesAttribute list.
public TOptional< TMap< FString, FString > > CustomDatacustom data fields (will be auto-prefixed with custom data prefix)
public inline FCustomEvent()
public inline void EmitTo(TSharedPtr< IAnalyticsProvider > Provider) const


public FString EventName

Name of the event.

public TArray< FAnalyticsEventAttribute > Attributes

Attribute list.

public TOptional< TMap< FString, FString > > CustomData

custom data fields (will be auto-prefixed with custom data prefix)

public inline FCustomEvent()

public inline void EmitTo(TSharedPtr< IAnalyticsProvider > Provider) const