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class URH_PurgeSubsystemSubsystem to manage purging a players account.

class URH_PurgeSubsystem

class URH_PurgeSubsystem
: public URH_LocalPlayerSubsystemPlugin

Subsystem to manage purging a players account.


public virtual void Initialize()Initialize the subsystem.
public virtual void Deinitialize()Safely tears down the subsystem.
public inline bool EnqueueMeForPurge(const FDateTime & PurgeTime,const FRH_OnPurgeStatusUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)Requests a purge for the local player at a specific time.
public inline bool BLUEPRINT_EnqueueMeForPurgeWithPurgeTime(FDateTime PurgeTime,const FRH_OnPurgeStatusUpdatedDynamicDelegate & Delegate)
public inline bool EnqueueMeForPurge(const FRH_OnPurgeStatusUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)Requests a purge for the local player, uses a configured default amount of time til purge from request.
public inline bool BLUEPRINT_EnqueueMeForPurge(const FRH_OnPurgeStatusUpdatedDynamicDelegate & Delegate)
public inline bool PurgeMeImmediately(const FRH_OnPurgeStatusUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)Requests a purge for the local player that will be resolved immediately.
public inline bool BLUEPRINT_PurgeMeImmediately(const FRH_OnPurgeStatusUpdatedDynamicDelegate & Delegate)
public bool DequeueMeForPurge(const FRH_OnPurgeStatusUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)Requests to clear the purge request for the local play.
public inline bool BLUEPRINT_DequeueMeForPurge(const FRH_OnPurgeStatusUpdatedDynamicDelegate & Delegate)
public bool QueryMyPurgeStatus(const FRH_OnPurgeStatusUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)Requests the status of a purge for the local player.
public inline bool BLUEPRINT_QueryMyPurgeStatus(const FRH_OnPurgeStatusUpdatedDynamicDelegate & Delegate)
public inline FRHAPI_PurgeResponse GetMyPurgeStatus() constGets the local players Purge Status.
protected FRHAPI_PurgeResponse PurgeStatusCurrent Purge Status.
protected virtual void OnUserChanged()Callback that occurs whenever the local player this subsystem is associated with changes.
protected virtual bool EnqueueMeForPurge(const TOptional< FDateTime > & PurgeTime,const FRH_OnPurgeStatusUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)Creates the request to purge the local player.
protected virtual void OnPurgeMe(const RallyHereAPI::FResponse_QueueMeForPurge & Resp,const FRH_OnPurgeStatusUpdatedDelegateBlock Delegate)Handles the response to a Purge Me call.
protected virtual void OnDequeueMe(const RallyHereAPI::FResponse_DequeueMeForPurge & Resp,const FRH_OnPurgeStatusUpdatedDelegateBlock Delegate)Handles the response to a Dequeue Me For Purge call.
protected virtual void OnGetMyPurgeStatus(const RallyHereAPI::FResponse_GetQueuePurgeStatusForMe & Resp,const FRH_OnPurgeStatusUpdatedDelegateBlock Delegate)Handles the response to a Get Purge Status call.


public virtual void Initialize()

Initialize the subsystem.

public virtual void Deinitialize()

Safely tears down the subsystem.

public inline bool EnqueueMeForPurge(const FDateTime & PurgeTime,const FRH_OnPurgeStatusUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)

Requests a purge for the local player at a specific time.


  • PurgeTime The exact time to complete the purge.

  • Delegate Callback with the current status of the purge request.

public inline bool BLUEPRINT_EnqueueMeForPurgeWithPurgeTime(FDateTime PurgeTime,const FRH_OnPurgeStatusUpdatedDynamicDelegate & Delegate)

public inline bool EnqueueMeForPurge(const FRH_OnPurgeStatusUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)

Requests a purge for the local player, uses a configured default amount of time til purge from request.


  • Delegate Callback with the current status of the purge request.

public inline bool BLUEPRINT_EnqueueMeForPurge(const FRH_OnPurgeStatusUpdatedDynamicDelegate & Delegate)

public inline bool PurgeMeImmediately(const FRH_OnPurgeStatusUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)

Requests a purge for the local player that will be resolved immediately.


  • Delegate Callback with the current status of the purge request.

public inline bool BLUEPRINT_PurgeMeImmediately(const FRH_OnPurgeStatusUpdatedDynamicDelegate & Delegate)

public bool DequeueMeForPurge(const FRH_OnPurgeStatusUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)

Requests to clear the purge request for the local play.


  • Delegate Callback with the current status of the purge request.

public inline bool BLUEPRINT_DequeueMeForPurge(const FRH_OnPurgeStatusUpdatedDynamicDelegate & Delegate)

public bool QueryMyPurgeStatus(const FRH_OnPurgeStatusUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)

Requests the status of a purge for the local player.


  • Delegate Callback with the current status of the purge request.

public inline bool BLUEPRINT_QueryMyPurgeStatus(const FRH_OnPurgeStatusUpdatedDynamicDelegate & Delegate)

public inline FRHAPI_PurgeResponse GetMyPurgeStatus() const

Gets the local players Purge Status.

protected FRHAPI_PurgeResponse PurgeStatus

Current Purge Status.

protected virtual void OnUserChanged()

Callback that occurs whenever the local player this subsystem is associated with changes.

protected virtual bool EnqueueMeForPurge(const TOptional< FDateTime > & PurgeTime,const FRH_OnPurgeStatusUpdatedDelegateBlock & Delegate)

Creates the request to purge the local player.


  • PurgeTime The time for the player to be purged

  • Delegate Delegate callback for the request.

protected virtual void OnPurgeMe(const RallyHereAPI::FResponse_QueueMeForPurge & Resp,const FRH_OnPurgeStatusUpdatedDelegateBlock Delegate)

Handles the response to a Purge Me call.


  • Resp Response given for the call

  • Delegate Delegate passed in for original call to respond to when call completes.

protected virtual void OnDequeueMe(const RallyHereAPI::FResponse_DequeueMeForPurge & Resp,const FRH_OnPurgeStatusUpdatedDelegateBlock Delegate)

Handles the response to a Dequeue Me For Purge call.


  • Resp Response given for the call

  • Delegate Delegate passed in for original call to respond to when call completes.

protected virtual void OnGetMyPurgeStatus(const RallyHereAPI::FResponse_GetQueuePurgeStatusForMe & Resp,const FRH_OnPurgeStatusUpdatedDelegateBlock Delegate)

Handles the response to a Get Purge Status call.


  • Resp Response given for the call

  • Delegate Delegate passed in for original call to respond to when call completes.